The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 09, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner
Texas Information Free
Wo aro acquainted with all tho land and all land ProP?1H?lVLi
Southorn Tcxi h (tho Irrigated section of tho Lower Rio Grando Valley)
Snd are prepared to furnish, free of chargo, reliable Information as to
Sllniato, soli, prlco and terms. If you aro interested in any of tho
many tWn ib to bo had In Texas lands, wo will act as your agent
ami hco that you buy land worth tho monoy, and land that is adapted
to what you want to uso it for. , A, .. .-
Wo can help, you buy direct from tho owner and thus savo you too
middleman's profit. Wo own and oporjato tho Barber Plantation or
1,000 acres, and havo no land for sale. . ,.-
As locating agents and land appraisers wo can bo of sorvlco ta pro8
pectivo buyors Correspondonco solicited. Call on or address
Box 102, Snn IJcnUo, C;iinerou County, Tcxna
Iloforcncos: Bank of San Benito, San Bonlto, Texas; First National
Bank, Sncoln, Neb!; First National Bank, Iloldrego, Nob.; Bradstroot
or Dunn, at Lincoln, Neb. address.
A statu to Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Stephenson, founder of the Grand
Army of tho Republic, will be un
veiled at Washington, D. G.
Samuel Gompers arrived in Lon
don. He will visit several places in
that these considerations in the
words of President Garfield, 'give to
Greek, as to Latin, a peculiar claim
to consideration as a discipline,
wholly aside from the question of
literary quality and historic value."
We Pay For Names
Send us names and addresses of flvo farmers and ton cents and wo will send
you for six months tho Farmer's Call, weekly, 1,000 pages a year, and having
very promlnont Women's and Children's Departments. In tho Women's De
partment aro illustrated each week tho latest Btylcs, and wo sell tho patterns
for theso to our subscribers for only flvo conts each samo patterns you pay
ton conts for olsowhoro. During tho six months you will thus probably save
several times tho cost of tho Farmer's Call,
ILLINOIS FARMER CO., 24 Jackson Park Sta., Chicago, 111.
Prince Von Buelow has authorized
the announcement that he intends
to retire from the chancellorship of
the German empire.
A Berlin cablegram says: "Prof.
Ernest von Halle, the political econo
mist, died here today of pleurisy. He
was born in 1868. Prof, von Halle
was well known In tho United
Commoner Condensed Volume VII I
As Its titlo indicates, this book Is a condensed copy of Tho Commoner
for one year. It Is published annually and tho different issues aro desig
nated as Volumes Ij II, III, IV, V, VI and VII, corresponding to tho vol
umo numbers of Tho Commoner. Tho last issue is Volume VII, and. con
tains editorials which discuss questions of a permanent nature.
Every important sUb'joct in tho world's politics Is discussed In The
Commonor at tho time that subject is attracting general attention. Bo
causo of this Tho Commonor Condensed is valuable as a roforenco book
and should occupy a placo on tho desk of ovory lawyer, editor, business
man and othor student of affairs.
One Year's Subscription to Tho Commoner... , , ' H
And any one Volume Hntn h 1 SO
The. Commoner Condensed, Cloth Bound -um 41 I . J J
To subscribers who havo already paid tho current year's subscrip
tion oioth llomul, 75cj by. mnll, poNtngro imlil Theso prices aro for
volum0, J moF. tnan ono volume is wanted, add to above prices
IS.1E? . v ir caow additional ono in cloth binding. Volume I is out of
print; Volumes II, III, IV, V, VI and VII are ready for prompt delivery.
Address, THE COMMONER. Lincoln, Nebraska.
Get Our Special
Combination Offer
The Thrice-a-Week New York
World, Regular Price $1.00
The Commoner, Reg. Price, $ 1 .00
Both for
The Columbus, Ind., correspon
dent for the St. Louis Republic sends
to his paper this dispatch: "Rich
ard Conn, a machinist of this cltyy
says he haa not tasted water for
twenty years. His reasons for not
drinking water are that tho liquid
Is not fit to drink, and he gets along
very well without it. He does not
drink any sort of liquid at meals add
says he never perspiros. His health
is excellent."
A New York dispatch carried by
the Associated Press says: "United
States District Attorney Wise sailed
for-Europe declaring he was through
with the prosecution of the Ameri
can Sugar Refining company so far
as its dealings with tho Pennsylva
nia Sugar Refining company were
concerned. Ascribing his attitude to
the statute of limitations Mr. Wise
said: 'There is no use in any decep
tion in tho matter of the prosecution
of tho sugar company on the basis of
the Segal loan. I do not believe in
finding an indictment where there
can bo no conviction. But then I
may be overruled.' "
J. P. Morgan & Co. of New York
have been designated to represent
the American syndicate in the matter
of the Chinese loan of $27,500,000
for the construction of the Nankow-
President Taft addressed tho
alumni of Yale, June 30. Some sig
nificance is attached to the remarks
of the president when, after refer
ing to the differences among demo
crats, he added: "Now, my dear
friends, in suggesting differences
among democrats I am far from ig
noring some difficulties tha,t there
are on our side. I remember in
1 . 04 that Mr, .jCharles Francis Ad
- jis gave what 1 may call a perfect
ly good Adams reasou for the elim
ination of the democratic candidate
Slze-Chuen railroad. They have u "J? repuoucan. candidate.. He
opened negotiations with European aia ina 0Ie or tne essentials of a
"o awoiinueui, wiia an. u,uie, pain
otic and efficient opposition and that
as the democratic party had utterly
failed in reaching that ideal, ho
was in favor of cutting the republi
can party in that place. Now I ven
ture to say that while that may not
be the reason which shall move the
American people, it is true that if
the republican party does not live
up to its promises,, and what tho
people expect of it, it will be rele
gated to a position like that of his
majesty's opposition, and therefore I
may say by way of caveat that we
havo trouble of our own."
A number of persons were in
jured by the explosion of a bomb in
Chicago,. Tho explosion occurred at
11:30 o'clock at night. Several
buildings were Injured.
The troubles of Mrs. Dollle Logan
Tucker, daughter of tho late General
John A. Logan, and her. husband,
Col. William F. Tucker, have been
settled. According to the agreement
Mrs. Tucker receives about $20,000
worth of property. The couple are
divorced and Mrs. Tucker drops her
fight to have the colonel dismissed
from the United States army.
President Taft
census bill.
has signed the
Eight persons were killed and sev
eral others were seriously injured
by a tornado in North Dakota.
Orville Wright made a short flight
through the air with his aeroplane
at Fort Myer.
This unusual pffor includes both papers ono full year for only
$1.25. Tho Thrice-a-Week Edition of the New York World, for all
practical purposes, is as good as a daily paper. You will want a
good live paper from the nation's metropolis. If you already take
The Commonor and want to get the World, you can take advantage
of this offer by sending us $1.25, thus advancing your subscription
to The Commoner ono year from present date of expiration.
Address Orders to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
The report of President Hadley of
Yale university for the current year,
discusses tho diminution in the study
of Greek, and Its effect; the possi
bility of combining modern culfure
studies with the old-fashioned re
quirement of hard work; the con
siderations which should govern the
choice of professors; and the pos
sibility of introducing honor courses
like those of Oxford or Cambridge
into the American college. In his
comment on the present position of
Greek, he starts from the statements
in President Garfield's inaugural that
both the language and the method
of instruction have been standardized
(partly because the language is dead
and partly because it has been
studied long enough for teachers to
agree upon a certain fixed order of
reading the different authors); and
The Holliday state-wide prohibi
tion bill, passed by the Tennessee
legislature went into effect at mid
night, June 30. An Associated Press
dispatch from Memphis says: "The
bill makes it illegal to sell whisky
or other alcoholic beverldges within
four miles of any school house in
the state. The passing of the sa
loon, according to advices received
here tonight, was 'marked bv scenes
of unusual hilarity. All through tho
day and up to the very stroke of
midnight saloons and grog shops
were crowded with revelers. Extra
police precautions were taken here,
a patrolman being on duty in every
city block wherein Is located a sa
loon. This Is done at the request
of the saloon men, who feared that
the crowds of revelers would over
step the bounds of good behavior in
some Instances. In the main tho
crowds were good natured. In strik
ing contrast with the scenes of rev
elry in the heart 6t the city, the
state-wide prohibitionists, who had
waged and won ono of the hottest
anti-saloon campaigns in the history
of the state, held private meetings
of rejoicing. There were prayers of
thanks, and hymns of praise in the
hpmea of leading men of the prohibi
tion forces, although no nufilin mcaf.
(tag of rejoicing was held at any of