The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 25, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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    " -Trfc v"pr-rnritr7P!ir" vy "i"1
The Commoner.
TUNE 2E, 1900
Wage Association' and the Japanese
newspaper Jiji revealed incendiary
letters, reports and other correspon
dence tending to show that a con
spiracy was in prospective formation
among certain Japanese to wrest
control of the island affairs from the
whites. So important did the authori
ties consider the discovery of what
appeared to ho a plot that the
grand jury was summoned hastily
and documentary evidence seized in
the raids was laid before the body.
This resulted in the indictments."
The committee appointed by Gov
ernor Hughes of New York to in
vestigate speculation in securities
and commodities reported that the
stock exchange is a necessary part
of commerce. Keferring to this re
port an Associated Press dispatch
says: "The most drastic finding is
that affecting the mercantile and
metal exohanges, as follows: 'Under
present conditions, we are of the
opinion that the mercantile and met
al exchanges do actual harm to pro
ducers and consumers, and that
their charters should be repealed.'
Concerning speculation in general,
the committee declares that it may
be wholly legitimate, pure gambling,
or something partaking of the quali
ties of both, that in some form it
is a necessary incident of productive
operations; that it tends to steady
prices and that for the merchant or
manufacturer the speculator per
forms a service which has the effect
of insurance. 'In law,' says the re
port, 'speculation becomes gambling
when the trading which it involves
does not lead, and is not intended to
lead, to the actual passing from
hand to hand of the property that
is dealt in. The rules of all the ex
changes forbid gambling as denned
by this opinion; but they make so
easy a technical delivery ' of the
property -contracted for, that the
practical effect of much speculation,
in point of- form legitimate, is not
greatly different from that of gamb
ling.' The committee make3 no pre
sentment against short selling but
declares the tendency of such selling
is to steady prices. It is recommend
ed that the minimum margin should
be 20 per cent and strong disappro
val is expressed of branch broker
age offices which supply liquor and
resort to other improper means to
Induce speculation."
Guy C. Barton, former president
of the Omaha' Smelting company, is
Sanford Robinson, former vice
president of the United Copper com
pany, has been indicted by a federal
grand jury at New York for aiding
in spiriting away the company's
books that were wanted in the
Heinze investigation.
Charles "W. Morse has been re
leased from a New York jail on
bond given by personal friends..
It is announced that Senator
Daniel of Virginia will have no op
ponent within the democratic ranks
in ' his campaign for re-election in
the senate for the term beginning
March 4, 1911.
George H. JBarle, Jr., receiver of
the Pennsylvania Sugar Refining
company, state;d ' to ' a New . York
World correspondent that he plead
ed with the Roosevelt administration
in lVrnneruitA tho SUCar' trust for its
frauds, but that the administration
ignored his command.
The Baptist ministers' - association
at1 Ghicagb mildly '.censured "Prof.
Poster for vhis alleged'-'heresy, ' but
refused" to'' expel" liimr - - - -
-The republican state convention
for Pennsylvania in session at Har-
risburg nominated the following
state ticket: Auditor general, Ar
thur E. Sisson, Erie; state treasurer,
Former State Senator Jeremiah A.
Stober, Lancaster; associate justice
of the supremo court, Judge Robert
Van Moschzlsker, Philadelphia. The
candidates named were slated by the
state organization of which United
States Penrose is the head. The
platform in part says: "We con
gratulate the people of this com
monwealth and of the country that
the cloud of distrust, caused by the
thought of possible democratic suc
cess and of democratic tariff tinker
ing, which overspread and darkened
our business and financial affairs
was dispelled and confidence re
stored by the election of Taft and
Sherman and a republican congress;
that already business is improving;
that capital is ready to embark; la
bor waiting at the car, and delay
incident to the final adjustment of
the tariff is all that stands between
us and an era of substantial and
permanent prosperity, the like of
which the country has not yet seen.
The republicans of Pennsylvania
embrace this first opportunity to give
renewed expression to the confi
dence which they so emphatically
expressed at the polls last Novem
ber in the patriotism, ability, wis
dom and fairness of William How
ard Taft. His administration, so
auspiciously commenced by the se
lection of Pennsylvania's distin
guished son, Philander C. Knox, to
be its premier, will, we are confi
dent, be notable for the permanent
betterment of our domestic and
closer and more amicable under
standings in our foreign relations.
President Taft's profound knowledge
of the science of government, his
deep human sympathy, his conceded
love of justice and appreciation of
the real needs of a prosperous and
progressive people will enable him
to carry forward in his own way the
great policies of the Roosevelt ad
ministration with which he was so
conspicuously identified, and it may
well be expected that under his wise
leadership these policies will be de
veloped and such additional ones
adopted as will make real and effec
tive the American demand for the
equality of right and opportunity at
home that respect and those privi
leges abroad which are accorded to
the most favored nation. We stand
as we have always stood, for the
policy of protection to American la
bor and American industry. The
republican party is fulfilling its
promise to revise the tariff and we
believe that such revision should be
true revision and not an attempt to
merely put rates up or down. Revi
sion should make reductions in rates
when they can be made, advances
when they are absolutely needed to
protect an industry, improvement in
classifications, and finally provisions
for new articles and processes which
have come into use since 1897. The
position taken by the republican sen
ators ana repreBenuuvt: ituiu
Pennsylvania and their intelligent,
energetic and effective work in tne
task of revising the tariff meet our
most cordial approbation." The re
mainder of the platform is devoted
to state issues.
Gonoral Goguin, the president desig
nate, and tho ministry, and that it
is General Reyes' Intention to re
turn for tho mooting of congress on
July 30, if a majority of his country
men so desire, or in case of a dis
turbance of the peace, which is con
sidered a remote possibility.
Secretary Wilson's board of in
quiry appointed to investigate tho
charges of Former Inspector J. F.
Harms that tho government's inspec
tion in the packing houses at East
St. Louis, 111., is faulty, has .com
menced Its sessions.
William E. Chandler, former
United States senator and ox-secretary
of tho navy, issued a signed
public statement in which ho urges,
all progressive republicans to sup
port President Taft in his attitudo
on tho income tax.
Silver producers of the United
States and Mexico are watching with
deep concern tho developing plans
of the Chineso Imperial government
to enter upon a ten-years' program
qt silver mintage, , at a rate which
is expected to boom tho production
and the price of silver all over tho
Senator Stephenson of Wisconsin
celebrated his 80th birthday June
18. Ho is tho oldest member of the
United States senate, being five
years the senior of Senator Cullom.
A British steamer haB been fired
upon by a Russian torpedo boat for
approaching too close to the bay on
the Finnish coast where Emperor
William and Emperor Nicholas held
a meeting.
Nine men were killed and at least
a dozen men and women injured in
a head-on collision between two
heavy cars of the South Shore elec
tric railway at Samuel's Crossing,
An eastern college graduate ap
plied for work in a Michigan lum
ber camp. Ho was told to get busy
on one end of a cross-saw, tho other
ond being In chargo of an old and
experienced lumberman. At first all
went well, but at tho ond of tho
second day tho young man's strength
began to wane. Suddenly tho old
man stopped tho saw and spat.
"Sonny," ho said, not unkindly, "I
don't mind yer ridln' on this saw,
but if It's just tho samo to you I
wish you'd keep yer feet off tho
ground." Everybody's Magazine,
"What books have helped you
most?" asked tho serious young
"I don't remember their names,"
answered Senator Sorghum. "But
they're tho government publications
I am permitted to present to my ad
miring constittents." Washington
"Pnta-ntv No I'co until nllnwort. Frco Book,
Good pay, steady work and promotion. Experience
linncccMnry jib wo will plvo complete Instruction.
Danville Tobacco Co., Box M 80. Danville, Va.
Wntina V., Coleman,
1'Atcnt .Lawyer, Washington,
D.C. Aflvlco and hooka frca.
Itatca reasonable. Jllglicat rcfcrcucca. Beat services.
The trial of President Patrick
Calhoun, of the United Street rail
roads at San Francisco, who was
charged with bribery, ended in a
disagreement of the jury. The final
poll of the jury stood ten for ac
quittal and two for conviction. Fran
cis J. Heney, the graft prosecutor,
announced that he was ready to pro
ceed to another trial upon the same
Mfcill I w ahootplcturoilc,itoreoicopoi96e,
tlotYD 1c. 90 daya crodlf . Famplea & Catalog Free.
CjueU4Ud Portrait U., MO SO W lAut BU, (&!
"I nnOP TDI Kv" should bo redd and kept by
LUUUL IrtLIxO nil lodxo men. A few min
utes spent rcndliiK this book will gain for you the
reputation of n jrood upenker. Prlco 10c n copy nosV
pald, Tho J. M. llarrln Co., l'lttaburtf Va.
A Municipally owned
irrigation system.
Unlimited water na frco m flio district school.
Why not havo nn Ideal homo Jn the heart of Cali
fornia 7 JJow to jret it. Wrlto for froo booklet.
Dept. C, Ilourcl ofXradu, Modesto, Cal.
Everything Is in readiness for
President Taft and family at Bever
ly, Mass., soon to become the sum
mer capital of the nation.
Samuel Gompers has gone to
Europe as an envoy to labor organi
zations there, and as a student of
conditions affecting immigration to
this country. A bon voyage dinner
was tendered by his co-laborers.
The city of Dayton, Ohio, the
home of the famous aviators, Or
ville and Wilbur Wright, .tendered
them a fitting home-coming recep-.
tion. They were given all manner of
honors by their enthusiastic towns
men, and were presented with hand
some medals.
Advices received from Cartagena,
Colombit', -confirm previous reports
that General' Rafael -Reyes, president
'of : Coldiribia, has -abandoned his office
and sailed for Europe. The advices
i-x- 1,., v.o nvonliTpnt.'fl trln to
suite mui. -" .-- -
I Europe is known and approved by
The trial of Broughton Branden
burg, charged with grand larceny in
connection with the sale of an al
leged forged letter of the late Grover
Cleveland, was postponed owing to
the illness of a juror.
An Associated Press dispatch
from Washington says: "At a cau
cus of the democratic senators it
was decided that the minority shall
stand by their previous declaration
in favor of the enactment pf an In
come tax law at the present session.
The caucus was well attended. There
were speeches by Senators Bailey,
Shively, Culberson, Money and Ray
ner, and brief remarks by a number
of others, In which the opinion was
expressed that the administration
movement In favor of placing a tax
on net 'earnings of corporatibns Is"
designed to prevent the income tax
amendment from reaching a direct
- Ira
sod set well and lUona. 1 had been mcV
five yean, lt 40 pound , lodncyi dieaed,
ikln mIIow, no appetite, boweli coetrre,
nervou, weak and cikcourascd. Dodot
Shale made me well and tUonz. .....
7 1 5 Idlewood A.. Carsejpe, Pa.
tion f tee. Send urine for analyiu. Maag
cae for urine tent free. Charge for treat
ment low. DR. J. F. SIJAF ER,
'i4. Penn Ave, PltUburu, Ffc
Wa ship on approval, wlttioat e, ifroteht prepaid. DONI
X'AX A UiSWX If you r net mUj&4
after o.Intr th Meycla 10 dj.
oo hot mflisttsz&sz
at any prio naUl yon rectlra mt JaUft
art catalog lUattullafurw kladef
Mcrcle, and bAva learned oar unheard eg
price and marvclou new offer.
nun fiPUT ' " win cm xw t
Una Vbn B write a po.Ul and trary
tbloc will U at you free poatpald by
return mall. YoaifillcetmachiaTnable-i
iOTBuUtm. Do not wait, write It now.
o-'WhwIi and all fandrUt at halfwtuol dtUxm.
Why Not Economize
When Insuring your life by select
ing a company which Insures at the
lowest cost to tho policyholder of
any comparfy? Yes, there is a differ
ence in life Insurance companies
and a discriminating applicant will
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ford him absolute safety, liberal
fiollcy conditions and low cost. It
s because tho UNION CENTRAL
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est on Its Investments, for over a
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rienced a very low death and ex
pense rate that it can insure at the
lowest cost.
The Union Central Life Insurance Co.,
of Cincinnati.
'EBtabllfibcdlfiCT, Aaueta $.O0O,0