JUNE 18, 1909 The Commoner. 11 0 $Di filif marf. Tho Graduate Now comes the springtime graduate Who has completed college; His name hitched to some high degrees, His head choke full of knowledge. To him. the world is but a ball No larger than a minute, And he is sure he is prepared To pick it up and spin it. In time he'll realize its size And, get the right impression; And then he'll take his proper place In .life's prolonged procession. Don't worry; he will do his part, And help the state grow greater; Depend on him he'll honor cast Upon his Alma Mater. Some Sidelights With fearless mien and greatest grace and the graduate will boldly face the problems of the Tho market place, and solve Graduato each daily riddle. He'll Comes show us fogies how to do each puzzling task that comes to view; and -work with each great problems through, and both ways from the middle. He'll seize upon our -social state to rescue us from threatened fate, .and lead us on to future great, just for a bit of pleasure. Our currency he will reform; he'll shelter labor from life's storm, and keep the fires of freedom -warm, in moments of his leisure. Do tariff schedules vex your mind?. Leave all such prob lems far behind, for comoth now one who 4s kind enough to lift the weary load. The servant problem? Dry your tears for on the scene there now appears the one you've waited for long years, to help you down life's miry road. All problems he will solve with ease; he'll walk right up and bravely seize each dragon : bring it to its knees and save us from each threatened fate. Go, take your ease. Don't worry now! He comes with laurels on his brow to Bave you if you'll but allow the earnest college graduate! chase despoilers of the glad play time of youth and drive them from the temple without any thought of ruth. I'd slay the dreadful dragons that make childish pleasures flee if I were Teddy Roosevelt and Teddy It. were mo. The Glorious Fourth Now soon we boys will rise at four and make tho cannon crackers roar. From early dawn to set of sun wo'll all remem ber Lexington, and Bunker Hill and Bran- dywine, and all the Con tinental line. We'll fill the land with smoke and noise because we're pa triotic boys. And while we boys do thud engage you'll hear a lot of grouches rage, and get off strings of words inane about a Fourth that's "safe and sane." These have for gotten '76, and with bones full of rheumatics, they'd have us boys sit idly by the glorious Fourth Day of July. Avaunt, you men who dare to say that on our nation's natal day we boys can't have our noise and fun and whoop it up for Wash ington. We'll shoot the daylight full of holes, and as each crashing echo rolls we'll light anew sweet Free dom's fire's and honor memory of sires. We'll fill our skins with powder stains and never flinch at stinging pains. We'll skip around and cough and choke with lungs filled full of powder smoke. We'll wage the fogies with our' shouts and burn holes in our roundabouts. It is our day the greatest day and we will celebrate our way! If I were Andy Carnegie, and Car negie were me, there'd be some dif ferent doings in this Things country of the free. I'd Would Bo build no stately build Changed ing that would loom up big for looks, then fill them to the ceiling with huge piles of musty books. Not much! I'd take the children from the mines and from the mills and set them playing, straying, in the woods be side the rills. I'd fill their souls with sunshine and their childish hearts with glee, if I were Andy Carnegie, and Carneeie were me. If I were Rockefeller, and he, 'perchance, were me, some difference in our actions v$ry quickly you would see. I'd spend no anxious moments adding to my hoarded wealth, nor scheme for legislation and procure the same by stealth. Not much! I'd stop the weeping of the helpless girls and boys; I'd give the widows houses and I'd give their children joys jovs to make their little faces shine with gladness good to see if I were Rockefeller and he, perchance, were me. If I were Teddy Roosevelt, and .Teddy "R. were me, I'd not be breath ing slaughter in the jungles o'er the sea. I'd slay no lions or tigers just for joy of shedding gore, and laugh A Dozen Dont's Don't tell your, 1oubles; other people have troubles of their own. Don't e a snitch. A snitch is a man who will accept benefits and refuse to help secure them. Don't think that having a "good time" is all there is to lifo. Don't give advice that you are unwilling to follow. Don't forget that wasted moments mean lost hours. Don't start anything you know you can't finish. Don't forget that the reason you have only one mouth but two ears is that you are supposed to tell only half of what you hear. Don't think your moral yardstick is the sole standard of morality. Don't worry over things that may never happen. Don't boast of being self made un til after you have examined thor oughly the finished product. Don't boast of what you possess. Don't complain because you haven't got what you want. workingnten whoso averago wages are less than $450 a year. Such able financiers are they that thoy are able to givo their children nour ishing food, pay tho rent, buy fuol and educate tho children, clotho them and givo them medical atten tion, and fit them for noble citizen ship and all on a paltry sum that is mere weekly pin money for the wives of the men you named. I claim that the women I mention are the ablest financiers in tho country. If they were not, tho privation that is already too prevalent would bo woefully 'greater than it is." And all the cheering that followed was for tho little woman and her kind, and not for the orator and tho financiers he named. Peculiar "Smlfkins has a queer idea of what constitutes humor." "Why do you say that of Smlf kins?" "Because he actually thinks that all this senatorial discussion of tho tariff is funny. He'd actually laugh at a funeral ceremony." The Cure "I just can't keep my mind off of tho outlandish shape of the hats you women wear these days," growled Billlkens." "Well," sweetly replied Mrs. Bil llkens, "here's the bill for mine. Perhaps that will direct your thoughts to other channels." Uncle Wiseman "My son," remarked Un.clo Wise man, "don't yo' all ever fergit dat de owl gotter reputation f'r wisdom by not a sayin' much at all, an' keepin' a lookin'- solemn all de time." THE CONSUMER'S DILEMMA Tho consumer would not mind tho raising of tho cost of living if ho could raise tho price of living. St. Paul Dispatch. Ha ALADDIN . HOUSE $1261 KfKKkd-Hwn dwelling hfluMi. wmiMf cnilte' Mrni ana iiiiim. w ut you half rrtc I iuuwm lor rnmpUU hou. AH lumbar cut la fiU fftlr-J board, mlllwMk, tooling, Mrtwara. palM, lrxtM1 in prita urtn. tut aura. Utvl lUmix im uukm Worth Airwrlun Corvitruction Co.. bay Cilr, Mkfc. ACT Bill A f'UKK mit by express to you on Ma llimN 1'rco Trim. If itctm-s send tl.tr MiMH tint .Irin't fit. m twii mA ., ., , , ' '. uoni, uivo oxproj omen. National Chemical Co.. 761 Ohio Ave. Bldnoy, O. "PfltorttQ No I'm until allowed. Frro Hooks, rUtilTl lit rULLER A yVI.LI.li, Ha.Bl.cUa, B. CT A Municipally owned -Irrigation systom. nzzzzzi Unlimited water an free m tho illittrlci school. Why not havo nn Ideal homo In tho heart of Cali fornia? How to cot It. Wrlto for fn-o booklet. Dent. C, Hoard of Trade, Mod en to. Cal. HAVMZ YOVAAJW llMAflfa. write for our hooks Why I'atenU 1'ayj What to Invent 100 Mechanical Movements and TrcatlRo on I'crpot ual Motlons-GO lllustratloiiH. All mailed I'roo, F. O, DittTKiiicu .fcCo. Patent lawyers nmlKxperta, Ouray Mock, Washington. J). O. Bend rough Bketch for frco opinion tut to patentability. 3-STROKE SELF-FEED HAY PRESS. MbftttlM r ..... . ... waalttd LMA "1 mi , KM iws mm can run It. ThiAytj-FidinHiyFrHlC. 1533 ff. 121b SI. X.C.Ma. Ask f or Catatocui Ns. 33 CALIFORNIA Tul" county Tho fruit land and of sunshlno. notvenr. wo storms; mora perfect days than any placo In tho worm, 1AW prices ror koou lanu, pioniy or water for Irrigation. Mind produces two crop In n sea son; vegetables In tho winter. Healthy climate, puro water; frosh fruit tho year round. Plenty of employment; good waipir. Wo sell largo and small tracts on easy terms. Coino at once, oven If you havo only a fow hundred dollars, nnd got located before prices go higher. Free booklets and particu lar!. Wrlto lo Goltlon West Koal Ustato Co., VImhIIm, CullforulH, Dept.83. Brain Leaks Shrewd Financiering "These great financiers are de serving of our praise," declared the speaker of the evening. "They have made 'possible giant business enter prises. We may deride them now, but future generations will revere the names of Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie and oth " "Pardon me," interrupted a little woman in the audience. "But you have not named the greatest flnan- I . .0 41.tr. vnnni'lf1nn " "Ah, I would be glad to hear you suggest the names of greater ones," said the speaker. "T will not call the names, for there are too many," replied the lit tle woman, "but I'll tell you who Regeneration works from the heart outward. Only mercenary souls will do their Christmas shopping now. If you are a real Christian you don't havo to tell your neighbor about it. To make a mistake is not a crime it is the tangible evidence of an effort to do something. Some people even call it ill luck when they stumble the second time over the same obstacle. A whole lot of moral dyspepsia gets through the world under the disguise of religious fervor. We know a lot of people who are always exhausting their energies in telling what they are about to do. The man who gives his own busi ness due attention seldom has any time to attend to the business of others. Perhaps it is all for the best that the world does not take the college graduate quite as seriously as the graduate takes the world. What has become of those good old people who spent so much time discussing baptism that they forgot to discuss brotherly love? We dare Wizard Burbank to tackle the job of producing beans, peas and radishes that can outgrow ragweedB an'd sunflowers. "Wisdom is good, with an inher itance," says Solomon. Reminds us of the staunch patriots who are al ways cheering for the old flag and an appropriation. Gold Watch fj i vfn and RING v W L.n FOR SELLING POST CARDS VTo poaUlfalr (Ita both a Yamoui Alloa VTrh Hun Ytlnd, IxaotlluIlT grat4 Hoi 14 (J0I4 Laid tui, iMfrlcauMOTCtctvt, laeury lela, tnaraawco Bte Mi. Irani aiaon homo tloia Laid i Jlliir in wiui a Cncu (Mm . Prlllnir llkr aStO diamond.'" lor icl.lne StOBarliarti of bri tlfol blah arada Artl'otU'ardjat lUfDtmuli.i Order 90 iiacLayf a and wbf n fold tad f 3 and jra ! llxtr lend VBtl Iha urnl,.,. rtmrn-trt Tttmlai AMftuti WATCH CO., 2ejt. I, Chicago vw'a3iL7fjalNpVAfl' 'Ml u u. WE SHIP APPROVAL aithout a ttil atposu, prepay me ucigai and allow lO DAYS TREK Tit Iftb. IT ONLY COSTS one cent to learn oar unheard of fritti asd marvtUut tfftrt on iilchest erode 1509 model tricycles. FACTORY PRICES XcYeS iat of tire from ttrtyent ttttnyrk$ until you write for our urge Art caUlM tnd learn our vmxdtrul frcejUfon oa 6n jample bicycle eolag lo your town. RIDER AGENTS 5S?flr ffl money exhibiting and telllnc our bicycle. We 811 cheaper than any other factory. Tlrea. Coaator-Brakea, tingle wheel. . .nr mwA mttnAtA at half utttai irittM Do Wot Walt J write leday for our jttul efftr. MEAD CYCLE CO., Dept. IS 177, CHICAQ T " KS, n 11' VaA 1 1 An MlHivy mm mm SthiaSSSSSS thTnloudly Uhey-are. 'They are the hundreds ehout -for- anore. -Not much! - -M. of thousands of women, -wives of A BENEFICENT RULE "So you are 94 years old. To what do you attribute your long life?" "A good many things have con tributed to it, the most important, I think, being the care which I have always taken not to get into a fight with a bigger man .than myself." Chicago Record-Herald. DO YOU HEAR WELL? A iroyDMSjuirvx, IXVJEXTXOX FOR l'IZOI'L.12 WHO AUE 11AUU Oh" MSAMXa. HO MORE UNSIGHTLY TRUMPETS, HORNS OK SPEAKING TUBES. THJE A UROFJKONE enables pcoplo with defective hearing to bear and understand perfectly ordinary conversation as well an at church, theater, etc. No trouble to wear small, yet powerful. Recommended and prescribed by tho medical profession. A wonderful inven- lon, of Kreater prac lcal value to hutmanl- ,y than wireless elec tricity, tbo submarine and other modern Miracles. If you over tried the Aurophone you will wonder how you cot on so lone; without It We can convince you that this dovlce means comfort, enjoyment and moro pleasure In life for you; call If you can, or send for frco Illustrated booklet and largo list of sat isfied users. A Thorough. Trial in Your Own Homo lief ore You JPurehaoe. The Wears Ear Phone Co., 48 Dyche Vide., Randolph. Cor. State tit. CHICAGO. IA91 I I I ' ft h mij' HI c n Y- tmtM,AmimirX