The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 11, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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    The Commoner.
Say It Now
Speak tho kind word, do tho kind act,
Kro tho years havo onward sped,
Givo mo r.ll tho lovo and sunshine,
While I'm living, not when dead.
Toll mo I have mado life brighter,
By tho loving words l'vo said,
Toll mo I havo cheered and helped
Whilo I'm living, not when dead.
Oft tho way is rough and lonely,
And my wounded heart has bled;
Choor me when tho way is dreary,
Lovo mo now, not when I'm dead.
In tho gravo there is no heartache,
Wo 11 forgot where sorrows leu,
Speak somo words of hope .and
Whilo I'm living, not when dead.
Toll mo l'vo been true and faithful,
Toll mo now oro life is fled;
In tho gravo I can not hear you,
Say it now, not when I'm dead.
Mrs. M. J, Fultz, in Everywhere.
A Cure for Worry
Ono of our "troubled Marthas," in
Bonding in a request for information,
writes: "Wo come to you for all
manner of helps and advice, and we
got what we ask for. Now, if you
could only give us a sure recipe for
th,o destruction of the 'worry' germs,
wb should riso up and call you
And taking down one of my well
worn reference books, I find the
"curd1" asked -for, time and again,
ropeated between its covers. The
book is not a rare one every family
has, or should have one, and use it.
If our discouraged friend would open
her Bible at St. Matthew 6:25, and
read to tho end of the chapter, or
open at St. Luke, chapter 12:22-31
inclusive, she will find the recine
asked for. There are other recipes
for the same trouble, but these will
cover all the grounds. I can not en
force the following of these direc
tions, and like other recipes, the in
structions must be strictly carried
out if sure results aro wanted. The
cure is not "without price," for
everything worth having must be
paid for In somo coin; but the cure
Is worth tho cost, and only an out
lay of faith, persistence and perse
verance is called for.
Another discouraged one says: "It
is well enough for you to sav. 'Do
not worry,' but worry can not be
stopped for tho mere saying." O,
thou of little faith, how much does
tho worrying "a.dd to your stature?"
In tho long-gono days of my youth,
we sang a song "The sparrows, the
lilies and me," and our untried
hearts know nothing of the lessons
tho words were" intended to convey.
Now, wo know. Can any one send
me the words of the old song?
Try tho worry cure, and learn the
beautiful lesson that wo aro permit
ted to suffer that we may grow
nearer to the heart of humanity. Tho
bitter tonic is often tho best.
and roplace the burner. The lamp
will burn well until tho oil is nearly
all burned off tho water, and in or
der to use every particle of the oil,
tho bowl should be filled each day,
and thus the oil will bo kept close
up until it is all used. Then the
bowl should bo emptied, washed out,
the wick removed from the burner,
and both wick and burner should
bo boiled in strong soda water, pour
ing off and renewing, until the wa
ter looks clean. This will take some
time an hour, altogether, but the
burner and tho wick will be clean.
The wick should then be washed and
rinsed and allowed to get thoroughly
drv. then soak in stroner vinecar. rv
w 9 w .. w- w
again, and after polishing the burner
return the wick, and replace the
burner on tho lamp. When the wa
ter is poured into tho bowl, the oil
will riso to tho top, and remain on
top of the water until tho last film
is burned off.
Even where gas or electricity is
used for illuminating, many prefer
tho soft, mellow light of the coal
oil for reading purposes, as it is not
so hard on the eyes.
color which even good laundering
will not remove. Where the gar
ments of men who aro working in
the dust and heat are to be cared
for, it is better to throw the gar
ment into a tub of clear water, and
at the first leisure moment rinse
thom out and dry before putting
them in the clothes hamper. One
should never sleep in a soiled,
sweaty garment. Underwear that is
too -worn and thin for day wear will
answer for sleeping garments, and
even these should be aired as often
as worn. It is a little more work,
but it saves strength by its sanitary
Oxalic acid removes obdurate
stains, and if kept for use in the
laundry it should be plainly labeled
find kent nut. nf the wnv nf lennrnnf
or careless hands, as it 1s extremely'
poisonous. Buy the acid in crystals,
put in a bottle and cover with. ,cold
water. If it does not all dissolve
in one filling, r.dd water as the so
lution is used.
Iron stains on marble 'may be re
moved by applying a mixture of
oxalic acid and spirits. Leave it on
a short time and they dry with a
soft cloth. Ink, if fresh, may some
times be removed with lemon juice.
Stains may be removed from steel
knives by rubbing with a piece of
freshly cut raw potato dipped in
Oil Lamps in Summer
' Whore lamps aro seldom or but
little used, as they are apt to bo
during the summer time, the oil
should be frequently renewed, or it
will become "gummy" and high col
ored. To remedy this, when the oil
gets down pretty well' in the reser
voir nil tho bowl with clear water
Hot Weather Care of Garments
When wearing garments that can
not be laundered even occasionally,
remember that the next best thing
is to give them plentiful doses of
fresh air and sunshine before hang
ing away. Especially must this be
done with waists and garments worn
on the body, because of the strong
smell most perspiration gives out.
It WOUld be Well. vherevev nrnnH.
Cable tO Snonce the ffnrmoiit wIHi
diluted ammonia, and then let lie
Wrong-side out in a current nf froeh
air. Morning sunshine is a better
sweetener" than later in the day,
as the air is purer, and the lieat not
so strong.
Before hanging a garment away
after wear, bo sure to brush well,
or wipe the dust out of folds with
a soft cloth. Shake nut fh cinfc.
and brush the dust ruffles, and see
that any little repairing is attended
to as soon as possible; it may save
worry at a busier timo.
See that the closets are well aired,
every day. in order to fin nwnv uv,
the "stuffy" smell tbat will bang to
tho clothes if neglected. A dark
seldom-lighted closet is an idea!
place for the incubating of moths
Light and fresh air are two of the
best moth preventives known
Do not throw the soiled clothing
down in "any old place" when re
moved from the body, as being damp
from perspiration, they are apt to
mildew, or at least take on a bad
, Health Notes
It is claimed that painting the
neck with colorless iodine will cure
enlarged throat glands, and will also
give relief to any kind of a swelling.
For the sores and raw feeling in
the nostrils occasioned by catarrh,
applv carbolated vaseline, putting it
as far back in the nostril as pos
sible. This is especially efTica'cious if
done at night.
Wet tobacco applied to the sting
of the red. or horse ant, which sting
is very painful will cure. Or the
juice of i the wet 'tobacco may be
used. '
A reader says to look for the eggs
of the cockroach and when found.
burn. Tbeyare usually very -like -the
surface they aro stuck- to, but with
care can be found. Each eggis said
'to -thatch out two or -three dozen in
sects. For consumptive cough, take a
large handful each of the leaves of
field mullein and horebound and put
on to 'boil in one gallon of water.
Boil down to half a gallon, then
strain, and to the water add one
pound each of pure strained honey
nnd loaf sugar, and boil down to a
thick svrup, not letting it scorch.
Dope, one tablespoonful three times
a day.
For chigger bites, apply liquid
sulnhur; or rub salty grease oh the
bites. When coming in from the
field or errass, wash the body in thick
soap suds and leave on for a little
time, then rinse. This is splendid
for children, who suffer intensely
from the pests.
A "sure cure" for ervsinelas: One
qunrt of good apple vinegar, one
nunrt of sugar and 'one quart of
elderberry blossoms; boil all to
gether for half an hour, then while
still very hot, apply to the diseased
surface. Bottle, and whenever used
havo it as hot as it can be borne.
It should be kept up for four hours
without stopping.
creamy and imt into small jars.
Apply to face after bath.
Anything that will remove freckles
quickly will remove the skin also;
when the new skin follows, it is as
tender as a rose petal, and even a
strong wind will injure it. The more
lotions one uses the more the skin
will bp injured. The only sure way
to prevent freckles is to do as our
grandmothers did cover the face,
neck and hands so that the sun can
ndt touch them. The large, close
sunbonnet, the "half-hander" mits,
with the cover for the back of the
fingers while the palm is bate, were
the constant apparel of the girl in
the olden days. After the freckles
come, they are very hard to fade,
even a little.
Tan is simply sunburn, and a sun
burn is the same as the burn of any
other heat. When the burn is fresh,
use buttermilk plentifully, bathe, and
let it dry on frequently. An old,
old recipe for the removal of tan
is hero copied from an old recipe
book which contains many valuable
formulas that were used by our
grandmothers: This is called "Vir
ginial cream." One-third of an ounce
each of tincture of myrrh, appopo
nax, benzoin and quillaua; four
grams of essence of citron and an.
emulsion mado by adding to these a
pint and a half of rosewater. Put
a few drops in a basin of tepid soft
water and rinse well after the bath.
For tho Toilet
A soap cream for cleansing the
pores of the skin is made as follows:
Mix fifty grams of strained honev,
forty grams of pure white castile
soap (powdered) and thirty grams
of white wax together. Add ten
grams each of tincture of benzoin
and storax. Use instead of soap to
wash- the face before retiring, then
applv the following rdse cream:
Rose Cream Melt two ' and one
half ounces of sweet almond oil and
the same of spermaceti with a quar
ter of ah ounce of white wax, over
hot water. Beat until it begins to
cool, adding by degrees an ounce
and a half of rosewater and a few
drops of perfume, with ten drops of
tincture, of. -benzoin.' Beat until
Take young, tender beets, wash,
cook rapidly in salted water until
done, then drop into cold water and
slip the skin off of them quickly.
Slice in rather thick slices and pour
over them a buttersauce made aa
follows: Place a cupful of hot wa
ter on the stove, add a tablespoonful
of lemon juice, a teaspoonful of salt,
and a teaspoonful of very finely
minced parsley; Let come to a boil
and add the beaten yolks of two
eggs; stir until it thickens, then beat
in two tablespoonfuls of butter. Lay
the beets in slices in the sauce, and
heat all over hot water, but do not
boil; then serve at once.
An old-fashioned cabbage salad Js
made of one head of cabbage and
one bunch of celery. Chop flpe, or
run through a chopper, mixing well
and sprinkle with a tablespoonful of
salt. Into a double boiler put two
tablespoonfuls of butter and one
tablespoonful of flour, blend, and
then -add a generous half cupful of
cider vinegar, a tablespoonful of
sugar, a teaspoonful of mustard, the
beaten yolks of two eggs and lastly
three tablespoonfuls of thick cream.
Cook, stirring constantly until quite
thick and smooth. If liked, add a
dash of cayenne, pour over the
chopped vegetables and stand away
to get cool. Just before serving add
a. little whipped cream.
Butter Beans and New Potatoes
Just before the potatoes are done
remove from the fire and let cool;
take one pint Qf butter beans cooked
until tender, and cut into smaller
pieces. When the potatoes are cold,
chop rather coarsely. Arrange po
tatoes and beans in alternate layers
in a dish, with bits of butter, pepper
and salt; pour over this one qupful
of cream and sprinkle over the top
rolled crackers. Cover and set in the
oven long enough to get thoroughly
hot, then remove cover and brown
slightly and serve.
Contributed Recipes
Salad Dressing This 'will keep a
week, and is generally liked: The
yolks of two eggs well beaten, one.
level teaspoonful each of salt and
tV?NSV?wXSooTn'Na Syiiup for clUfdron
Innth SBhTfultnlWnybousod lor children while,
iJ.JS&.i11 ,8.oft5s '" Rums, allays tho pain,
?w.wlcVc?.nd ,8 th0 bw roincdy for dUp
rhoea, Twonty-uvo cents a bottle.
' -" attMtU