The Commoner gUNE 11, 190 Df the Dingley law. Since the enactment of Itho Dingley law, and until 1904, ho said, the Control of trusts had been extended to 8,064 plants with a capital of more than $20,000, 00,000. Senator Nelson also discussed the tariff bill, cud quoted numerous comparisons between the existing law and the pending measure, with tho Intention of showing that in the cotton schedule tho rates had been raised from 20 to 50 per cent above the Dingley law, by the substitution of specific ad valorem duties. v Senator Gore again quoted dividends and surplus earnings of New England cotton and woolen manufacturing companies to sustain his contention that these corporations made large profits, and Senator Pryo in reply declared that, taking into consideration both successful . and unsuccessful cotton and woolen mills, a profit of not more than six per cent had been realized by New England manufacturers upon their investments in these industries. Senator Elkins spoke at length advocating a duty on coal and " petroleum. The cotton schedule was constructively under consideration all day, but no feature of it was passed on. An Associated Press dispatch of one day's proceedings in the senate follows: Astonishing the senate by the citation of a long list of cotton and woolen manufacturing companies and giving their earnings, capital stock, surplus, etc., Senator Gore today under took the task of showing that corporations' en gaged in the cotton and woolen industries were making very large earnings. The speech was one' that no other senato" would have attempted without constant refer ence to notes, but the blind statesman found no difficulty in giving offhand the greatest va rieties of details without the ability to assist his memory in any way. The senate had prompt ly begun the day's business by resuming con sideration of the cotton schedule of the tariff bill and Mr. Gore was tho first speaker. Referring to the cotton and woolen manufac turers and in a rasping and sinister tone, the Oklahoma senator said ho did not blame them for their large earnings. "I know they aro in telligent citizens," ho said, "judging from their -business success and from their selection of United States senators." He referred to tho statement made by Senator Lodge that some of these large earnings resulted from sales of real estate fortunately acquired many years ago and said that the stock of tho Troy Cotton & Woolen company of Massachu setts had been advertised as earning G7 per cent in 1907 without reference to profits from real estate sales. He suspected, he said, "that the good natured philanthropic manufacturers did not divide their earnings 'on the square' with, their laborers." Senator Nelson followed. "The business in terests of tho country need not be alarmed, as their appeal to us for prompt action on the tariff indicates, because there will be no down ward revision," he declared, after saying the understanding In his state was that the tariff would be lowered. "The only thing they have to wait for," he continued, "is to see how far they can mark up their goods. At least there will be no downward revision that they them selves do not consent to." Sustaining the contention of Senator Dolliver In opposition to the specific duties ih the cotton schedule reported by the committee on finance, Mr. Nelson gave extended examples of specific increases and their equivalent ad valorem rates to show that they had been placed higher than in the Dingley law. "I have demonstrated," said Mr. Nelson, con cluding his analysis of tho cotton schedule, "that this bill increases all of these duties from 20 to more than 50 per cent over the rates of the present Dingley law. ' Senator Beveridge, raising the question of the absence of a quorum when the Minnesota senator began to explain the cumulative duties, which he declared were provided in thp cotton schedule, Mr Nelson interposed to say: "Oh, these high protectionists do not care to hear me. Never mind. It would do no good if they were all mustered in here; they would all retire." Senators were in an angry mood June 3. An Associated Press report says: The day was begun with a speech by Senator Stone of Missouri, in which he asserted that the German officials had taken exception to re marks recently made by Senator Aldrich, rela tive to the wage statement supplied by the Ger man government at tho request of the American secretary of state. Mr. Aldrich has character ized as "impertinent" the effort which he claimed had been made in that statement to influence American tariff legislation, and Mr. Stone under took to show that tia epithet had been applied to tho German government. Mr. Aldrich resented this implication, but ho repeatedly said that tho German manufacturers had undertaken to influence tho course of tho tariff bill, and ho charged that in so doing they had been guilty of importinence. During the course of his remarks, Mr. Aldrich intimated that Mr. Stono was .acting as a repre sentative of Germany, and this remark aroused, tho angor of the Missourian. Declaring his right to speak his mind as an American sonator, ho said tho uso of tho expression was "a gross im pertinence." Tho colloquy consumed almost three hours of time. Ultimately Mr. Aldrich paid a high com pliment to tho German people, and their em peror, and the Incident closed for tho day, with the statement by Mr. Stono that whilo Mr. Aid rich and Mr. Depew, who also had boon Involved in the controversy, had not made a' straight forward retraction, as ho had believed they should, they had so "sugarcoated" the doso as to relieve It of its bitter taste. Following the Aldrich-Stone episode, Senator LaFollotte resumed his speech in opposition to the cotton schedule, which proved to be a gen eral criticism of the methods of the finance com; mittee. Ho asserted that the German wage re port, had, contrary to a statement by Mr. Aid rich, reached the committee before tho tariff bill was reported to tho senate, and he charged the committee with general neglect In withhold ing information from the senate. Ho opposed tho new cotton duties as excessive, and made an argument in favor of a general scaling down. . Near the close of the afternoon session, Mr. LaFollette became quit exhausted, and an ef fort was made to obtain permission for him to suspend and resume again tomorrow. Senator Aldrich took advantage of the inci dent to make an effort to obtain an agreement to vote on the cotton schedule at a fixed hour tomorrow.. In this ho was unsuccessful, and after ten or fifteen minutes recuperation tho "Wisconsin senator proceeded. At 5:30 tho senate recessed until 8 o'clock, , Tart rejoinders between tho senators from Rhode Island and Wisconsin were frequent. An explanation by Mr. Aldrich that compari sons of Mr. LaFolletto were Incorrect because of the changed application of tho law-through court or other decisions brought forth a denial by Mr. LaFollette. "I say to the senator from Rhode Island," he said, "as you have said to many senators here, 'you aro mistaken. " Later Mr. LaFollette refused to yield to Mr. Aldrich for an interruption, adding: "You are going to be accorded the same kind of treatment that I have received from you." Concerning the night session of Juno 3, the Associated Press says: The atmosphere of the senate chamber was surcharged with electricity tonight when the tariff bill was taken up at 8 o'clock In the first night session since congress was convened. Fifty-rfour senators were present. Every repub lican senator who Is in the city, except LaFol ' lette, was In his seat, and his absence was made the subject of criticism that involved the sin cerity of his attitude on the tariff bill, and finally descended to serious attacks upon him by con servative republicans In charge of the bill, and spirited defense from insurgents and democrats. Finally the tense situation, was smoothed .over, but another outbreak is threatened and is al most sure to occur when the Wisconsin senator again gets the floor. Growing out of a recess taken in the senate yesterday In order to give Mr. LaFollette oppor tunity to recover from tho ill effect of the exer tion in his speech and his failure to be on hand tonight to resume his remarks, some senators sought to show that ho had received unusual consideration. Mr. Beveridge, In defending Mr. LaFollette, asserted that no senator would question that Mr. LaFollette was ill and needed tho rest. Mr. Penrose declared that he would be able to prove that Mr. LaFollette was well enough to be abroad in the streets, "consulting with the representatives of yellow journals and uplift magazines." Prompt defense of the Wisconsin senator came from Senators Borah and Dolliver, republicans, and Money, democrat. Mr. Beveridge suggested that tho senate should adjourn for a reasonable time to give Mr. LaFollette an opportunity to recover and 7CflUttv rtni speech. Mr. Virion opposed the suggestion, saying tbat while the senators symapthizo with Mr. LaFolletto, thoro was no reason why Mr. Bcver ldgo should not mako his own speech if ho desired. Mr. Beveridge immediately Interrupted Mr. Aldrich and refused to ylo'ld further to him, saying: "I decline to yield because it Is not a question of sympathy, and in tho second placo, I havo no speech to mako." Ill-feeling was apparent on every side. Mr. Dollivor suggested that Mr. Aldrich might take tho opportunity to mako certain statement which ho said had been promised to tho senate for four weeks. Mr. Aldrich replied ho would select his own time to make any speech that ho desired. Declaring that Mr. LaFollotte had been offen sive and insulting to him when ho had asked permission to interrupt tho sonator from Wis consin, Mr. Gallingor of Now Hampshire), said that an unusual courtesy had been shown Mr. LaFolletto yesterday, when tho senate took a recess in tho middlo of tho day to glvo Mr. La Folletto time to recuperate his strength. "It has been a part of the customary tactics of tho senator from Wisconsin," said Mr. Pon roso, "to plead illness in tho middlo of tho speech and under tho ploa to absent himself from the chamber, whilo in fact it is generally known that ho was consulting with tho repror sentatives of yellow journals and tho editors of uplift magazines." Jumping into tho breach Mr. Borah criticised tho propriety of making charges against a son ator in his absence. Mr. Dolliver follQwed with a declaration that he had sat near Mr. LaFol letto when ho was speaking yesterday, and that it did not require tho services of a physician to prove that he was suffering severely from tho strain of his efforts and tho boat. Mr. Money, defending tho Wisconsin senator, declared that ho could hear him breathing heavily, anC that ho had been told by Sonator Hale that this was audible across the chamber. To end tho discussion Mr. Aldrich suggested that the senate pass over tho cotton schedule temporarily and proceed to tho consideration of tho flax and hemp schedule. This mot with general approval, but was followed by further discussion on tho question of courtesies extend ed to senators taken 111 whilo In possession of tho floor, in which Senators Beveridge, Dollivor, Money, Lodge and Gallingor took part. Mr. Beveridge became irritated when Mr. Scott of West Virginia, Buggoatod that ha should obtain permission from the senator holding the floor beforo addressing tho senate. He said that senators were equally intelligent and one did not need to be Instructed in tho methods of procedure by another. Mr. Scott said something about "bore," to which Mr. Beveridge replied that he did not propose to havo the senator from West Virginia instruct him. Practical Tariff Talks One of the heaviest burdens carried in the tariff bill is that of sugar, and the persons who carry it aro the consumers. Sugar is a univer sal article of diet In this country. Tho poor man uses as much of it as does the rich man, and, there being more poor men than there are rich men, it Is easy to figure out which class Is most affected by the tariff on It. As some one has put it, it taxes poverty in proportion to its needs and the more tax poverty pays the more wealth gains in unjust exemption. It Is easy of demonstration that the only real benefi ciary of the tariff Is the sugar trust. Tho growers are deluded into the belief that if It were not for tho tariff, the trust would pay them less for their cane and beets. Yet it would be difficult for anyone to conceive why the trust, which, dominates the market and fixes all prices, would pay more under any circumstances than it was compelled to do. No balder, bolder bit of brigandage than the sugar schedule reveals can be found in tho whole tariff bill. The American people consume annually a per capita of eiglfty-onc pounds of sugar. Every pound of this passes through the hands of the sugar trust and theother refineries that accept its price dictation and, never war ring with it, may well be assumed as a part of it. The tariff on refined sugar of standard quality is $1.90 a hundred pounds, which Is just a little less than it costs to manufacture a hundred pounds of cane sugar. This is de liberately placed that high in order to shut out refined sugar. That it is effective is shown by the fact that In 1907 but 219 tons were im- I Y-i i - PiftfcG-rfvi i. tij- .??, .. IrJtoviK -'-'