1"IWP( l.T'5tfr'-i Wl Xi JUNE 11, 1909 The Commoner. 13 i i Mississippi recognized the propriety of , the likeness of Missfssippi's worthy son being upon the silver service. 'We shall not deny the memory of 'your departed chieftain, the homage that is due him,' said the young lieutenant commander, 'for we believe that there should be ren dered unto Davis a tribute that is due Davis.' The address of the young naval officer was greeted with a storm of applause from Mississip-pians." The Panama Canal libel case, on trial before Federal Judge Anderson at Indianapolis, was complicated by the court's ruling that it vould be necessary for the government to prove express malice. Louis How land, who wrote the editorials and handed them to Mr. Williams, told the court that hewrote them because he thought -the subject was "the big gest thing in the campaign," and he should not have discharged his duty if he had not discussed it. He had made no public investigation into the records of the senate inquiry, and he did not know personally that C. P. Taft was interested in the Pan ama canal transfer. A newspaper did not have the time to enter upon such investigations, he said. "I was suspicious, and I am yet suspi cious," he said. "I think I had good reasons for everything I wrote." At the request of the United States attorney the case was contin ued to October 11 to permit the prosecution to call Frank H. Hitch cock, chairman of the republican na tional committee; Norman E. Mack, chairman of the democratic national committee, and other witnesses. A.Honolulu cablegram carried by the Associated Press says: "After some of them had pont twenty years of their life in the leper settlement on the island of Molokai, ten of eleven supposed lepers who were re turned here at the instance of the territorial legislative committee, for re-examination, have been declared free of the disease. Of these, two were boys of six and seven years, but the others vary in age from twenty-seven to seventy-nine. A pa thetic feature of the re-examination is the probability that some of the older patients will petition to be re turned to the island, as they have been shut off from the world and their friends so long that they have no place else to go. A few of the patients were sent to the settlement before the bacterological test for leprosy was discovered, and it is be lieved that in some -cases a natural cure has been effected. Nineteen other supposed lepers will be brought from the settlement for re-examination in a short time." Leo F. McCullough, president of the Boston common council last year, was sentenced to serve two years at hard labor in the state prison and James T. Cassady to serve one year at hard labor, both having been convicted of conspiracy to de fraud the city of Boston, and of stealing $200 by making out a false order for a set of law books. At the same session former Alderman George H. Battis was sentenced to serve three years at hard labor for the laTceny of money in connection with the purchase of prizes, for a Fourth of July athletic contest, held under the auspices of the city. THE COMMONER With W. J. Bryan's Lincoln, Neb., Commoner, a weekly, and Norman E. Mack's Buffalo, N. Y., National Monthly, the democrats of the na tion will be well .supplied with liter ature both hot and cold, with the dally and weekly press as fillers. Both of these publications are ably edited by men of national reputation, and it is to be hoped that they will not only bring out the 6,400,000 men who voted the straight ticket at the last election, but in addition con vince enough of the wayward politi cal sinners to get in the right road, to win both congress and the next" presidency. Maury (Tenn.) Democrat. BRITAIN'S RAILWAY PROBLEM Aside from tho periodical scaro over the progress of other nations in building navies and tho proposed re form of the poor laws, no measure in Great Britain is attracting more pub lic attention than tho bill before tho house of commons, ordered to its sec ond reading recently, which author izes the consolidation of three British railway systems into one. The roads in question, tho Great Northern, Great Central and Great Eastern, have a capitalization of $815,000,000 about one-eighth of the entire capi talization of railroads in the United kingdom. The combined mileage of the three roads is 2,670 miles, about 11.6 per cent of the 23,108 miles in the United Kingdom. Private ownership of railways has awakened little opposition in Great Britain for many years. But the tendency of the times is toward con solidation of lines, some of which are parallel and competing. For such consolidations an act of parliament Is necessary. When it is recalled that 145 companies are nominally now operating railways in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, repre senting about 250 owning companies, the significance of the proposed con solidation of the Great Northern, Great Central and Great Eastern lines becomes apparent. Although the government is sup porting the bill, much opposition has been expressed in parliament to its passage. Winston Spencer Churchill, president of tho board of trado, dc- lenuod it warmly, his chief argument being that every union of tho pro posed kind paved the way for a union of all tho railways of tho kingdom. umcers of tho organized railway em ployes supported tho bill also on tho ground that should the nronosod con solidation not bo authorized by par liament the companies would make secret agreements which would bo to tho disadvantage of the employes. Tho theory of British legislators concerning railways has been that tnoy snoum Do sufficiently competi tive to keep down rates and to nro- vldo good service for the nation. But with consolidation favored by states men and advocated by tho officers of the -railways tho question arises whether governmental control of na tionalization of the roads is de sirable for tho future. A society to promote tho national ization of railways has boon formnrf and a bttl has been introduced In par liament by W. Thorno, one of tho labor members, to confer unon tho local government board powers to ac quire the ownership of canals and railways and to use, or lease for operation only, such property. Last October the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants passed a resolution by an almost unanimous vote favor ing tho nationalization of railways. "The combination of tho companies. " said tho resolution, "is a' further menace to British trado and a stop which may lead to low wages and long hours. In tho interest of all concerned it is essential that the railways, like tho postofllco, should be run for tho nation's welfare, and not for dividends and profits." In their crusado the advocates of nationalization have received support from one of tho foremost railway manngcrs of tho nation, Sir George Oibb, who has said that ho would pvofor "a system of well regulated monopoly, even in tho guiso of stato ownership of railways, rather than tho half-hearted and imperfect rail way competition which exists in Eng land." Botli Winston Spencer Churchill and David Lloyd-George, tho chancellor of tho exchequer, havo expressed favor for tho nationaliza tion of railways. During tho protracted dobato over tho consolidation bill one member of parliament argued that tho proposed combination was intended merely to bolster up i fresh issue of. capital. 4Do not," said ho, "lot us bring upon this country tho tremendous evils against which President Roosevelt struggled for years' Tho fear of overcapitalization in constantly ox-4 pressed by tho British, advocates of nationalization. It is claimed by them that tho capitalization of $6,434, 000,000 for tho 23,000 miles of British lines Is largely fictitious, rep resenting only water. Thoy point to tho state-owned railways of Prussia, which for 21,500 miles have a capi talization of only $2,188,000,000, as an example of what ought to bo. Va rious features of tho Prussian system are held to show tho superiority of national over privato ownership. Commenting on tho existing situa tion in Groat Britain, tho Nation of London says in its last issuo: "It is common knowledge that no govcrnmontary control over tho rato facilities and other public interests has been obtained. Tho powers with which tho interstate commission of tho United States was recently in vested, enabling it to determino and impose a reasonable rato for tho va-' rious sorts of carriage, aro not In. fact, possessed by any government authority in this country. Tho crudo Well-Here we are again! 'X&U VXU "VVJ U.UJ.JUL I.UUVV us uvxa. (Just as happy, just as snappy, 1 just as gingery, just as enticing v GINGER SNAPS Ajjl J Package) I r U NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 1 J Cf ink Sp ' " Zu Zu t - ,1 'A 4 -- ' ft'"tfitf!umt - " HI t , I (1 ; : M ffl ki I L 1 i I " i iirften .-.fcfc. A A&-. ,