r -' 't' - V The Commoner. 12 .VOLUME 9, NUMBER 19 Onions s" J-. Always Pay Well at San Benito, Texas (No. 8) In former announcements wo have incidentally montloned the splendid onion crop now being harvested at San Benito. Wo havo published a letter or two from some of our onion ralsors. At this time wo wish to go more Into detail concerning the onion industry in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and tell you how our farmers are doing with this product. The Lower Rio Grando Valley Is acknowledged by all to be tho best adapted in every possible way to tho growing of onions on a large scale of any section in tho United Statos and this for many reasons. First Onions rcqulro a soil that Is especially rich and mellow. This wo havo In tho Delta of tho Rio Grande." Prof. Welborn of tho Stato Agricultural Collogo of Texas, while addressing tho farmers of San Benito a few weeks ago was asked this question: "Can you toll us something of tho depth and richness of tho San Benito soil?" His answer was: "Your soil 1b so deep and so rich in this Delta country that it is not necessary to discuss its depth or richness." Socond Onions for their proper growth must havo water in proper quantities Just when thoy need it and they must not havo too much. At San Benito tho water supply from our great Gravity Canal System is ab solutely under tho control of tho farmer. He can tako water in any quan tity desired and stop taking it when ho has enough. Onions cannot bo successfully raised in a rainy country for thoy not only may bo ruined by too much water while growing "but continued rains at harvest time may utterly destroy tho ontlro crop. San Benito is in a semi-arid country and tho dangor of excessive rains at harvest timo Is reduced to a minimum. Third Onions must bo.Bhlnnod nromntlv when thev are readv for tho 'market. San Benito Is located on tho main lino of the St. Louis, Browns ville ana Mexico Railway, which gives us a direct outlet for our products to Houston, San Antonio, Galveston andall points north. This road is pre pared to handle arid does handle tho truck products ojE tho Lower Rio Grando Valley in a most satisfactory manner and without tho least'delay. Fourth At San Bohlto tho TWO BEST VARIETIES of onions in tho world aro grown. These aro tho BERMUDA and tho CRYSTAL 'WAX. Onion growors dlttor somewhat as to which of these two varletios Is tho bettor. Those shown In the plcturo of Mr. Burress' onion field aro BER MUDA OMIO?W. Soveral of our farmers, however, aro now harvesting splgnUWcrops of tho CRYSTAL WAX variety and these aro fully equal in ovory way to tho BERMUDA. Both varieties aro noted for tholr sizo and 'splendid llavor. Fifth Tho growing of onions requires a great deal of labor. Espe cially is this true of tho resetting and harvesting. Hero again our farmers have a great advantage for in and around San Benito thero aro thousands of Mexicans, good, faithful, hard-working people, who aro always anxious to work at wages ranging from 50 cents to 75 cents a day, thoy boarding themselves. Tho work of resottlng and orating tho onions is largoly done by Mexican women, boys and girls. Slnco these all work much cheaper than tho men tho cost of planting and harvesting the crop Is very small. Tho cheapnoss and plontlfulnossof labor is ono of the greatest advantages to bo found in tho Lower Rio Grando Valley. Sixth Blt tho croatest advantage found at Sn.n Bnnlfn Vv fhi on Inn raiser Is this: HIS ONIONS ARE READY FOR MARKET AHEAD OP ANY OTHER SECTION IN THE UNITED STATES, THUS INSURING THE HIGHEST PRICE. It would not pay tho farmers of tho Lower Rlo Grande Valley to raise onions If thoy had to harvest them during July, August or September ns thoy would then como In competition with all tho northern onion growors. Theroforb tho socd IS planted at San Benito just at tho Mr. Lake Grow reports a yield of about 13,750 pounds to the acre on his farm at San Benito. He is raising the CRYSTAL WAX ONION. Warn MmSmmmBS&SSo K&&PralKiraBflBHIHSH Wlt-iiT-T jD?1irrlHi jTfiSffifMM-wfirij r:" -ittri' n'nf.i-iraifiTnWfl-lTlffWnr fiirrTrTflWMHrMnBmBMiWBW jrrsrA'ssa vassa .&,"&.'&. arsa.- -' Mexicans crating Onlonn on Farm of Burress Brothers, San Benito, Texas. These Mexicans pick and place the onions In crates at 5 cents per crate. right time to bring tho harvest when there exists tho greatest scarcity In tho north. At San Benito there aro twelve months of growing season. Those who raise onions or cabbage can, if they choose, also raiso a crop of cotton and ono oi corn on mo samo ground ana ail within tho same year. Burress Brothers now havo a splendid crop of cotton almost knee high growing -between their rows of cabbage which they are still harvesting. In addition to this thoy havo a fino crop of cucumbers growing in tho cab bage rows. In this way thoy have threo full crops growing on tho samo ground at tho same timo. This is such a remarkable statement tq make , to you farmers of tho north that wo havo decided to have a photograph mado of these three crops which wo will publish in a future announcement. Not only will Burress Brothers harvest these three crops all within tho year but thoy will havo plenty of time after tho cabbage, cucumbers and cotton aro out of tho way to raise a crop of lato corn on tho samo ground. Burress Brothers are harvesting about 15,000 pounds of BERMUDA ONIONS to the acre. Onions aro now worth about two cents per pound freo on board tho cars at San Benito. Slnco tho yield is from ten to twonty thousand pounds per acre, the profits aro very large. Wo do not want tho reader to think that tho farmer at San Benito must depend for his profits on onions and cabbage. Tho variety of products horo is greater than perhaps in any other section of the United States. If you havo read our former announcements you havo somo Idea as to tho possibili ties hero in the raising of alfalfa, sugar cane, cotton, corn, sorghum, fruits, berries, melons and other products. Wo will close by tolling you how Mr. Powell Is coming on with his eight and one-half acres of cabbage. In our last announcement wo showed a picture of his cabbage field after ho had taken off $2,000 worth of cabbage. Sinoo that photograph was made Mr. Powell has sold another $500 worth,1 thus making $2,500 as tho total up to date from Ms eight and ono-half acres of cabbage. Mr. Powell estimates that a little more than half has been sold. You may think this is an exception but wo assure you that if you como to San Benito wo will Introduce you to a number of cabbage growors who are doing equally well. Mu.b For further Information write for our illustrated booklet. Address: San Benito Land & Water Co. P. 0. Box B, San Benito, Texas. c Alba Heywood, President and General Manager. reJaTioHa?"" " "" ' BurrC" . Sau Benito, Tc-., VVSmFmvvmEmvswmTt y-sjm te lg"?g?;,,M! "i"" in .l.Ullll ';iiijiii mimo. u BBWBH