siy -,? yvv-r t r $" p 10 The Commoner. VOLUME 9, NUMBER-IS uamM . I ilUUUlUlUUW- CATALOGUE FREE. DO S HIGH GRADE OW WIRE & IRON WKS. LOUISVILLE.Klt jftJKKKA Jmlontrtiotiblo .FICNOK I'OSXS iiucnp its co llar. M a d o whcro used. agents, For terms, otc., W. A. I liu" flHJB9IEvOTuJZjK5iv firpjit liuliicoinontn to nddroAi with flUinp. Manchoatur, Ind. -" LAWN FENCE Mny designs. Cheap an (! of wooO 32 DftKO Catnloguo froo. Special rrieoa Ghurcnos and UonioUirioo. Oollod Bprlngr Fcnco Go. Box r Winchester Ind. n,t PATCNTO THAT PROTECT ylul.lmir client enoniiotiii prolix. u for I'llOOK. Inveiiloi n lu wWon t'lf""" worthUu iUiil. It. 8. & A. B. LAOEY, Dopt. 07, WMJtinBton, D. 0. httab.itt). OUUlr f.cut by express to you on Froo Trim, Ji u cures nonu 91, n .mi iinti'L nivn express olllco. Nnllomil Cliciiilcnl Co..7C Ohio Ave. Sidney. O. Raise Thorn Without Milk , nOOlCI.IW I'lUCK. '. J.W.Uorwoll, WaukoRan, 111. ASTHMA Calves THE DIXIE IOc 3 year Ikmpraalno, larRcst.brlKhtost and finest iti..uirntiii Mnirnzliin In tho world for M"fc M K 10f a year, to Introdnco It ONLY. It tlVlVlE fa urlKhtaiid up-to-date Tells allabout Southorh Ilomo J.iro. Ib full of lino otiBrftVinw or crand scanory, bulldlntw and ihmous people. Bond at once, 10c a year postpaid any where In ho U.S. orOannda or Moxlco. 0 years COe Or clubs of 0 names COc, 13 for 81.00. Bond us a club. Monoy back Ifnotdollthtod. Stamps taken. Out this out, Bond tday. 'J'lio Dlxlo Homo, O, Birmingham. Ala. W'kjh LmVlV'mWKtwfmmmK G0EWatch 6, VEW and RING FOR SELLING POST CARDS We potUUely sir botb a Faaion Alton Wateh Blent Wind, beautifully enprived Solid (lold Laid tut, American ilio.iut, alio Holtd Oold Laid iIIiik il with a Cuneo Gem j far. j factory UtUd,KUrnUefl ito MlJ., o a i.aia Qh KU liarlllnit like a $60 dlumond.q lor tl Ine UOnntkaccioI bran. tlfal litph Rradn Art Vot Cardial IOnerpaek.) Order 80 pneltgri nd.wlien old m ni $'J and V9 7111 their kend )ou (h watch, rlnpt ruJ cbaln. ALTON VATC11 CQ., Dopt. aoij TIio Dispatcher TIigv sing the sounding praises the daring engineer With hand upon the throttle, keenly gazing straight ahead. They always hail him hero; say he's Ignorant of fear; But he's only minding orders, and his signals, white or red. But tho man who hears the burden is the man you never see Seated in a stuffy office far above the noisy street; Busy brain with figures buzzing, nimble fingers on the key. And his eyes are never lifted from his long train-order sheet. And it's Nos. Four and Seven That must meet at Perkins' have dispapeared" his memory has been jogged many times by. readers of tho department. Now comes J. W. Williams of Neale, Kansas, with a few cheerful reminders, and his letter will start the "memory works" to going again. Mr. Williams. writes: "In your cogitations over the joys of past years in matters of dress, you doubtless forgot the elegantly stitched morocco tops of those box- toed boots, which showed in such bold splendor above the 'French vamps,' in utter disregard of the genteel reminder that it was not good form to wear them on the put side of your pants. Then, again, the rapturous joy over that paper collar caused you to forget the puffy AlofnnpA nf flint nnlnnnnTr fimrf. Switch; ., bosom that was only partly con- the engneers plunge safely - - . .. . nffnv nrHnprl apnvf the A Municipally owned -irrigation system. Unlimited water as free as the district school. Why not havo an ideal homo in the heart of Cali fornia ? How to cct it. Wrlto for froo booklet. Iopb C, Board of Trade, Modesto, CaL PATENTS SECURED OR FEE KETURNED Frco report as to Patentability. Illustrated Outdo Book, and List of Inventions Wanted, sent froo. EVAJSS, WXL,1ENS & CO., Washington, D. O. PATENTS Bates reasonable Watson E. Coleman Patent Lawyer.WaBhlngton, D.C. Advico and books free. Highest references, BcstBervlces. JPaUnts gL35 until Air,owED. Fiuse Searches and Books. FULLER Se FULLER, Kellogc Bid?., Waihlaeton, D. C. HEAD THIS BOOK. Tho causo of our Finan cial Panics and. h6w thoy may bo nvortod. By S. FounTNEn. Prico 25 Cts. Address: Peoples Pro tective Association, P. O. Box 877, Seattle, Wash. Af3f?HT PORTRAITS 8Ge, FRAMES lSe, mabn I Bhootplctnroalc,gtorooscopo8 25o, views le. 30 days credit. Sample Se Catalog Free. -trait Ceniolldatod fort C., 8W 00 n44Jt Bt,,CMc. L.ji Votl I Chieaso i& rtM rLy A.ftt"-- 2poQ RUPTURE cairiiDC ? . fl v W I 1 Ml NTWS l!urr Plastof Pad aro different from tbo thAhniit thomptnrelnp1acawtUt ntrayi, baek I tea or aprtagaeaaaai allp, io eaaaot cnaiorcoropretiagalBiHhlTlcboH8. Tamikok(tlaateatear4 lathe pr Tc' . itoma. Tboaaaada hat a aaa vrlUietlthlBiraroa frastwarlr tawtally treated thm.w. "1 "3 IV.V.V.ff iW?r"'.. q-arwtaad la ' ratBit,"wthlnUiaattBBbaoktflllliaiaatlfUKK, - . Addrt.ii 8IUAKTriiJU3TXK.rAl)COBUs5l, gULoaU.Ka. TRY MY DOCTOR nnd set well ami ttrons. I had been a'ck five yean, lost 40 pounds, kidneys diseased, ilrin tallow, no appetite, bawels costive, nervous, weak and discourased. Doctor Shafer made me well and strono. ,ie f B MRS. MARY HAUSMAN, 715 IcDewood Ave., Camegie, Pa. You con be cured at liome. Consulta tion free. Send urine for analysis. Mailing case for urine tent free. Charge for treat ment low. DR. J. F. SHAFER, 31 Perm Avo., Pittsburg. Pa. And Through the darkness "black as pitc.h. Nos. Two and Twenty-seven, Rushing onward like the wind, ' But the crows will mind their orders Safe the passengers behind. They praise financial captains who have organized the lines Into mighty railroad systems over which, vast treasure rolls; Reaching factory towns and forests, climbing up to distant mines; Stretching over plain and moun tain, bringing in the golden tolls. i But the men who keep trains running never pose for public gaze. Theirs to do amid the clatter1 that to them is music sweet Of the noisy sounders clearing all the long steel-girdled ways, As they bend to mark the figures qn the long .train-order sheet. Nos. Thirteen and Eleven Meet and. pass at Billkens Bend, No. Two wait for the "flyer" Take the switch at New Ros tend. Just a flimsy bit'of paper, "Words by the dispatcher sent; And the tourists in the coacL jS Rest in safety and content. The peeping so shyly from under lapel of your low-cut vest. And again, that 'shoo-fly' necktie fastened to your collar button by that vex ingly elusive rubber cord, and those laTge, green wax cuff buttons bear ing the image of the horse's head, the skull and crossbones or -the mu sical bullfrog. And say! Have you forgotten the torturous bands of elastic ribbon you used to wear just above your elbows? "Yes, you are right; we may haye better things today, but they do not' fit into our mental wrinkles witti the same degree of, comfort that we ex- perience when, we lapse into that lar-away lequng produced, oy a mem ory visit into the past. Is it because we have less to enjoy? Or is it be cause our capacity for enjoyment grows less with advancing years? "I have for several years greatly enjoyed your articles on the past, and hope to have the pleasure of reading many more in the years to come." ITtt'NN.lUt- TKMIICTUI lt.w tifJM22JfiX?H rail 1T A uCTlin-'lIIATl n Dairymen run your cream sepa rators right with n StriteGovornorPulley. It starts slow and stea dy with any kind of power. For further information address: Strlto Governor Pulloy Co., 306 So. 3rd St., Mlnnoapolls, Minn. i s JBeatttifiil "T A Post Cards rree Xianguage, of JPlowcrs Tito very latest and nowest thing out. Ltth- oRrnphod lit many boautlfitl colors; each card Klves a dlfloront scone. dllTront llower and a different quotation about llowcrs. Send 4 'cents in stamps to pay postaso and packing and tho sot will bo sent you by return mall. Address ! C. F. ACDRICH, Mgr., 92 East Ath Street, St. Paul. ADEIUGE OF POST CAMS 1? D 171? uaro ana valuablo post cards from fl. L1.1JIJ people all ovor tho U.S. and In Olkn COUntrlOB. OvOrEO.UOumnmhnrn. 'l'nlnnnmcn to iuu,wwiu, 30 days wo will mako you a raombor for lOo and Bond you tho Kxohango showing yotjk NAMkinpiunt and 16 finest post cards yon over sow. Tho only condition we maka 1b that you ahowthom to your friendsand tollthoaa abouttho KKonanco. Cards soil for 7(ta in stores, fluinn. teed to please or monoy back. 8hni lOoTODA-rvon aupoi.ui.jumu.-, 10 UAUDH AND A U1U BMUKUlBlS. rpaaAzv.juiXHANtib, Ucpt, U muiuufinu, 1R. papers sing the praises of the managers who glide O'er the road in privat'e coaches, ldoking worried, looking wise; Giving interviews in plenty, filling local men with pride As they wave them recognition while the special onward flies. But tne man who makes for safety of the magnate and his crew Is the man that the reporters sel dom have a chance to meet. He's cooped up within his office, far removed- from public view, Growing stooped, and gray, and wrinkled, over his train-order LAMENESS from a Bone Spavin, Rlnjr Bone, Splint, Curb, Side Bone or aimi. lar troublo stopped with Fall directions In pamphlet with each bottlo. 32.00a bottlo at doalors or delivered. Horse Book 9 D free. AUSOKBIN1C, JR., for mankind, a bottle, removoa Painful Swellings, En larcod Qlaada. Goitre. Weas, Braises Vari Ooso Veins, Varicosities, Old Sores, Allay Pain. W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 261 Temple St., Springfield, Hast And Just Ionging The sun of May Shines bright today, I would like to haste From pen and book. And with a hook bob for bullheads In a brook. away sheet. You must haisset; slow down at Co- . The budding trees And balmy breeze Are making me feel ill at. ease. I'd like to get Away from fret And once more get my fishline wet. My office work I'd like to shirk And haste to where the fishes lurk O'er moor and fen I'd walk again, Far from the haunts of busy men. Would that I could Through field and wood Walk once again you bet I would. ,M link Ml Ufntrts WESHIPoPPROVlL tkithiut a ctttt dtpotit, prepay tho freight and auow ie bays rue triai.. IT ONLY CSTS oae cent to learn our unhtmrd of fricts aad tnarvtlcut efftra on highest grade 3909 model bicycle. -ACT9RY PRICES fisffls la pair of tires from anyent at (my prut I until you vrritefor our larce Art Catalog land learn our toondtrful proposition oa fixM j sample bicycle going to your town. RI1ER AGENTS nlVlZ f money-exhibiting and selling- our bicycle. 'Wo sell cneaper man any oiner factory. ' Tires. CeaaUr-BrakM.slnrlewheck, repairs and sundries at half usual pricu. via nota8ii;inci)i7uruiHqiHH vjir. MEAD CYCLE CO., Deet. M 177, CHICAQ 13, i-r Weakened bridge reduce your speed. Keep control until you pass it And the engineers give heed. Just one man you never see him Bears alone tho mighty load; And his orders carry safely Millions o'er the busy road. AJ . ' Things' JThat Hnvo ptennpenred 1 ill. ' V i . . . . .. ine -more you tlimiC' nhnnt. if rTA more there are pf them. Since first tho architect of this department And Alas, grim fate Says I must wait, toll for coin to pay the freight. Political does Bilkins wear, such a "Why worried look?" "O, he heard that the office should seek the man and he's worried be cause he can't understand why he's not been tagged.'' Mention ate.V Reference, tp the housecleaningf day. Taboo 1 of,the "sweet girl gradu- dinnert we get on, I WANT YOU to grot my now, handsome win-M VsV. &iw 8hrowVn? Fashlm Book, " HUNDREDS OF LATEST STYLES with illustratod lessons on Oattintr and Dress- makinff, FREE, and I will soil you all thopafc- in i-rina v ttj ni. 1 w iitii nra an n r ' .Biiaa Thoy are tbo same pattorns you navo always paid 100 & 15o for at tho stores, made by tho same people, and oorrect la evory aetaU. I pubUsk the FARMER'S CALL a weekly paper for evory member of the family. ouuapouukuy iatoroai,iiiKiea ture oaoh week are tho cbil- j area's lottora; ana the Woman's Dopartmont la unaisnaiiyacrontr aaa in structive Amener tho apooial features for womon folks is Its fashions Inwhloa I show tho So patterns Lot mo holp you to pave monoy. MY SPECIAL OFFER Bond me 25a anil T will mnrt vmi y?rJa,rn3or'9 Call evenr week foron yest uiuuub iuw yiiKoaj ana wm sona my Die xrasmon Bpok to you froo. I also afrroo to soil you any pat tern you want thereafter for So. I oa&sell thorn for G -cts. because I buy thorn by tho thousand and don't make any profit. I don't want aay profit, I; want your aubsoriptlon to tho FARMER'S CALL. You wUl 8avo many times the oout-of my oter lu a year. WB1TB TO-DAY. , You ean uso this coupon-oat it out nowand mail to mo with ace lo and 20 stamps taken, but a quarter almost always goes safe : John M. Stahl Enclosed 25c for Fanner's Call for oae year, your book of patterns, postpaid, aad privilege of buy Ins patterns at 5c each. .BBHBBTO alBBIntfl r 7iTlslMrOtot . a .flHsMiBicW . vLJj KmLy iff. Mr Kama. p;o. State.. .! 4f Very Special Offer Bond me Wo and I will send you tho Farmer'a wait I ur fi.nflft-nr.t - rA A..k-TT.k f" r-. 1'nv.u.u. ebb uu uhuh. ij.h aui. DUt enalORn BOn ami tn9faf fit ha nbtynnf put out the ooupon rlibt now, U out, sad aend e OOHN M. STAHL, f).,r. Sta., Cloaso, III., (Prop. lTaxmer'a Oall for paafc.M years.) , ! I I .vi.2 SS'-qErJHBKa