The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 07, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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Tja'w ? ps' -r gyirp-i
MAY 7, 1909
The Commoner.
. . .
He Bits beside the fireplace and
dreams of days long dead,
The ruddy gleams of daricing flames
a" halo o'er his head.
He lives again the days of youth
when life was young and gay,
And Love twined roses in a wreath
to beautify his way.
He hears the rolling of the drums,
the shrill fife piping free;
He dreams of comrades on the march
and hears the reveille.
Through battle-smoke he sees the
flag! Ah, stirring days of yore
And grandpa, sitting by the fire,
lives through the days once more.
He hears the tumult die away, the
cannon's roar is stilled,
And with the strains of "Home,
Sweet Home" the circling camp is
He sees his mother at the gate the
welcome home lights burn
He hears the neighbors shout with
glee to welcome his return.
Across the fields he takes his way
to till the fertile soil;
From war's alarms to ways of peace,
from camp to earnest toil.
He sees the changing seasons come,
the peaceful harvest's store
And grandpa, sitting by the fire,
lives through the days once more.
Once more adown the shady lane he
walks Dan Cupid's way,
A maiden's hand clasped in his own
as dies the light of day.
He sees beyond the ruddy glow of
fire-place so wide
A rocking chair swing to and fro
his young and bonny bride.
He hears the songs of childish glee,
the tread of childish feet;
He feels the dainty, soft caTess of
childish lips so sweet.
Through memory's haze he sees the
toys of childhood on. the floor
And grandpa, sitting by the fire,
lives through the days once more.
Ho sits beside the fireplace and
dreams of days long dead,
The ruddy gleams of dancing flames
a' halo o'er his head.
His kindly face is wreathed in smiles,
his heart is young and gay,
And children gather 'round his knee
as daylight fades away.
He sings them songs of long ago
when he was but a boy;
"When life was only sunshine, and
love without alloy.
And seeing with their youthful eyes
thoBe long gone days of yore,
He sits beside the fireplace and liveg
the 'years once more.
Brain Jjeaks
Easy won is little reckoned.
The trouble with most soft snaps
Is (the "snap."
True love never keeps a record of
its sacrifices.
If you are .right, be radical; if
wrong, be conservative.
Selecting a text is the smallest
part of preparing a sermon.
"When we build our church it will
not have any locks, on the doors..
Are fat men good natured because
they are fat, or fat because they are
good natured?
It is a waste of time to argue with
a man who draw's his statistics from
his own imagination.
It is quite natural- for a -man to
blamo providence for the results of
his own foolishness. -
This is the season of the year when
the city man loves to talk about what
a lot of work he would do if he
could only bo a farmer.
When a man wants to do wrong
he usually has little trouble in man
ufacturing an excuse that will satisfy
The first realization wo have that
the child is growing up is when the
conductor insists on collecting half
fare. Ever see a man who had a repu
tation for being a big man merely
because he was successful in imitat
ing some big man's ways?
It would seem that the average
American man's idea of a good time
is either to fill up at a banquet or
go out and kill something.
"Yeth, Indeed," lisped Willie
Wlshlngton, "I gave him a pieth of
my mind."
"Gracious, Mr. Wishington; how
did you ever manage to subdivide so
infinitesimal a thing?" queried Miss
Meant Kindly
"Sir," remarked the applicant for
a position, "I served my country In
the legislature."
"That's all right, friend. But if
you do your work well no one will
hold that against you."
"I hear Jinks has a long war
"You bet he-has; he jumped the
bounty nine times and deserted
Nursemaid "I'm going to leave,
Mistress "Why, what's the mat
ter? Don't you like the baby?"
Nursemaid "Yes'm, but he is that
afraid of a policeman that I can't
get near one." London Tatler.
(Continued from Pago 11)
lands in question aro not susceptible
of irrigation from any known source
of water supply."
E. II. Harriman Is now planning
a billion dollar corporation with the
view of consolidating the vast rail
road mileage represented by tho Now
xork Central lines.
Secretary Nagol of the department
of commerce and labor is engaged in
a controversy with Director of tho
Census North.
John G. Carlisle,, formerly senator
from Kentucky and secrotary of tho
treasury under Grover Cleveland, has
filed a brief with tho senato commit
tee on finance asking that a duty of
four cents per pound be placed on
coffee. He contends that the tax
will produce $39,000,000 annually.
Abdul Hamid, the deposed sultan
of Turkey, left the capital at Con
stantinople for Salonlki. He was ac
companied by twelve of his "wives."
President Taft has appointed
George W. Woodruff of Pennsylva
nia to be United States district judge
for tho territory of Hawaii. As asso
ciate judge of tho supreme court of
Hawaii he has appointed Antonio
Perry of Hawaii and as Bocond Judge
of tho circuit court of Hawaii, Wil
liam L. Whitney of Hawaii.
Federal Judge McPherson, who
rendered a decision against Mis
souri's two-cent railroad fare law,
has given a supplementary decision.
Ho orders that tho railway compa
nies and tho stato of Missouri shall
each pay one-half of tho coat, which
aggregates $18,000. Ho also de
clined to specifically state what pas
songer rates should bo charged, hold
ing that that is tho duty of tho legislature.
Stomach Troubles
Like Magic
WoQia .yn like to mi all yen want to. and wtiat
you irant to. -when yo wan to, without a c&a&aa
for trouble la your atomaeh?
Would you like to say farewell fer thereat of
your life to Dyspepsia. iBctlgestlQii, SonrStoaaaak.
Distress after eatlae. NerreuiDWi, Catarrh atf
tks Stamach, Heart Flattering filck UeaOaeke
and CecutlpatioB?
Then send rae lOeenU to corer cost of pacWnjf
and I will nail yoa absolately free ene of these
wonderful Stemaca Drafts. Tbey rtvulate the
Dowels, reiiere soreness, etreazthen every serve
and muMle of your atoaaaeb, relieve yea at ansa
and make you eel like a new man or woman. M
write teday enclosing lOcenta for the postage, eta.,
and get one of ttaeae woaierfal Btenaeh Drafts
that are celebrated because they cure where nodi
elnes fall. Wrlto Dr. G. a Yowur, 4ifl national
Bank Dldg., Jaekson Mica.
Mr ft If Wsn IS I la
SfA Vbv fsK S0LrA.H
ISM V 1 Jaw bw I
Model "Kangor" bicycle, furnished by us. Our agents everywhere ai
aad district to r&a
and exhibit a icea
by us. Our aeents everywhere are makisc raoarr
fast. Write for full particulars and special offer at onct.
NO MONEY ItKQUHUED until you receive and approve o! yoar bicycle. Wesht
to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. vtthout a cent depoiU In advance, prepay frpcM
put it to any test you wish. If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keep
the bicycle you may ship it back to us at our expense and you vtill not be cut one cent.
CTAPTflBV DQIPCC We furnish the highest crude bicycle It ft possible to make at oa
rAUlUni rfllbCw real! profit above actual factory cost. You save fto to Ja wl&llemen'a
profits by buylntr direct of us and bare the rsaufscturer's snjaraatee behind your bicycle. DO
NOT liU Y Tricycle or a pair of tires from nn at anyprUt uafll you receive our catalogue as
learn our unheard otfcutaryprlcti and rtmaritaflt jfiecial tJTtrt to rider apntr.
Vfili Will DC ACTfiUlCU&'l1) '"'' T recelre our beautiful catalogue and sfseJy
TUU VflLLi UlI AOlUNIdlcXU our superb models at tho vondtr fully lv frit m
can make for xooo. "We sell tho highest grade Meycles for less money than any other factory. 7e an
satisfied with uoo profit above factory cost. BICYCLE DHAIJSRS, you can tell tm Ucytlm
under your own name plate at double our prices. Orders filled the day received.
wVWTr TT A-NTYk ItltTVflr.KH. We do not resrularlr handle second hand Ucyctet, tst
usually have a number on hand taken In trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out protapUy
it prices ransrlng from St to SB or fie. Descriptive bargain lists nulled free. ...
iCTEO RftlftfEQ amnio vrnems, imponeti roiicr cnains "P,TJ5
jnulkll UiinnhU) pans, repairs ana cnuip
I0 NOT TV AIT. but write today and wo will send you free Jy i
.. it., .it ti..j...ui.ini.. mmi fimri nr infrMnrr matter ana ut
IUIIT UlUtU.ICU KUU MJMM4UIUK Kv -.- - .-.-.. ., - '! . .
the first sample bicycle roteg to your town. It only costs a Pai to ijer, evwyHiwg, Vriio is iLZrik ,-
p ft
Aladdin knocked down houses are built In the mill. Every piece of
lumber In the whole house Is cut In our mill, to its proper length, breadth
and thickness, and comes to you ready to nail in place. We cut our own
lumber from the log to the .finished house, and ship direct to you. You
" save all middle men's profits over one-half usual cost. Each 'house is
complete In all details, nothing more to buy. Save architects, contractors'
and carpenters' high charges. Any ordinary -man can do tho work, with
our complete instructions and illustrations.
Dwelling Houses,Summer Coitages, Barns, Garages
2-room house, $126. 12-room, two-story
house, $1,800. - Price includes all lumber of
selected Huron pine, cut to fit; roofing, doors,
windows, sash, glass, Aladdin plaster board,
(takes place of both lath and plaster) ; hard
ware, locks, hinges, nails, paint of any colors,
porch columns, railing, Interior trim and fln
jah A COMPLETE HOUSE -at a. stated
prico. Can be erected and finished in from
two to six days. Scna stamps today for illus
trated catalog 'and full information.
North American Construction Co.S
w'Sfa 11 I' nMiAfcU&aVt ".
jp. iU'W.AH'- '. ,.-V.KAf t
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