The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 30, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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    1 'P'lapviifitd'Hi
'APRIL 30, 190S
The Commoner.
fflMBraBl I w shoot plciuroslc, stereoscopes 25o,
vlovrs lc. 30 days orodlf. Samples A Catalog Free.
CoatU4atd PtrtraU Co., MS 88 W44aM St.,CUafo,
innoiKwi.otnon atmmne houe. mmrrwr cotu.
I turns and (it . VV uvi you MX. Prlcr. tlUOuv
JfOf UfflA tU houM. All Iumh.r IaAi In...-!:
1 2Pb f1LCTCTIIamnUUlJfrlA4. I JOB J
Does your razor pull ? Guaranteed not to if you
use "ilnzor-Edgo." Ycnr'g supply with full direc
tions 25c, Culms Co., Box 252, La Fayotte, Ind.
Many designs. Cheap as
wood 82 pago C&tatoguo
free. Special Prices to
Churches and Cemeteries.
Coiled Spring Fence Co.
Bos r Winchester Ind.
th iB!fe3f
Cfl) JM m .afT "t"!
willroduco inflamed, swollen Joints,
Braises, Soft Bunches. Cure lolls, Fit
tula er any unhealthy sore quickly:
pleasant to naos does not blister
under banuage or remove no natr,
and you can work tho horeo. $2 por
bottle at doalera or dellverod.
Horse Book 7 D free.
ABSORBINB, JR , for mankind,
91.00 per bottle. Rodaces Varicose
veins, varicocele, .Hydrocele,
Goitre. "Wens, Strains, Bruises,
stona Fain ana inflammation,
W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 261 Temple St., Springfield, Mm
and set well and strong. I had been tick
five yean, lost 40 pound, kidney diseased,
don tallow, no appetite, bowels costive,
nervous, weak and discouraged. Doctor
ShafeT made me well and strong.
7 1 5 Idlewood Ave., Cameaie, Pa.
You can bo cured at home. Consulta
tion free. Send urine for analyst. Mailing
case for urine sent free. Charges for treat
raent low. DR. J. F. SHAFER,
v 1 4k Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
Ginseng at Reduced
OTJR GARDEN is full and wo nro unnblo
to obtain moro land. In order to closo
out our surplus stock tho following
prico will hold good until stock is exhausted:
Ono-Year-Old Roots,.., $20.00 por 1,000
1907 3eods 2.50 per 1,000
1908 Seeds 1.75 per 1,000
This is flrst-class stock. Every root budded
and ovcry Becd tested. Orders filled In order
received nnd no moro when this is gono. Order
at once; it won't last long at theso prices.
Don't Wear
A -Truss
After Thirty Years Experience I Have
Made a New Discovery Por Men,
" Women or Children That
CureM Rupture
Costa You Nothing; to Try It
If you have tried most everything
else, come to mo. Whero others fail Is
whoro I have my greatest success. Send
attached coupon today and I will send
you free my book on Rupture and its
cure, showing my new discovery and
giving you prices and names of many
people who have tried it and were
cured. It' is Instant relief when all
others fail. Remember I use no salves.
no harness, no lies.
I send on trial to prove what I say
is true. You are tho judge and once
having seen my book and read it you
will be as enthusiastic as my hundreds
of patients whose letters you can also
read. Fill out free coupon below and
mall today. It's woll worth your time
whether you try my discovery or not.
O. E. Brooka, 978G Brooks Bldg.,
Marshall, Mich.
Please send me my mail in plain
wrapper full information of your new
discovery lor tho euro or rupture.
City State
mps z -jtt Z7 Tarn uilT lliVJp v w tmill 'p
VL . v L- rm m 1 m S r ' ' "a hiim m w
'at ti 7$. M tftfl MJajajFF
Tho Striking Difference
He struck for decent wages and was
promptly thrown in jail
When he gently smoto a "scab"
up the head.
And his union was berated and its
principles assailed;
It was called a place where an
archy is bred.
Jam the fellow into prison! Keep
him there until he rots!
He disturbs the even tenor of our
He would form a trust in labor! Per
ish all such horrid thoughts
Keep such anarchists in prison all
their days!
Call the troops and call the sheriff;
Call the judge and get a writ!
Show the common working devil
Ho must keep his proper level
That's it!
Ho cornered wheat and doubled up
the price of flour and bread,
And saw starvation spread on
ev'ry side.
Hungry children cried for supper,
want and misery were spread
While he quickly garnered in the
golden tide.
Hail the great financial captain! Hail
the King f Golden Wlieat!
Bow in honor to this wonder
worker's mind.
He has piled up added millions and
his corner is complete;
As a plunger he's the king pin of
his kind.
Bring the royal robes of purple;
Let the dancing girls be brought.
On him royal roses shower
As a tribute to his power
That's what!
If in sheerest desperation he protects
his little flock
By the theft of but a single loaf
of bread,
Clasp the handcuffs tight upon him,
thrust him in the prison dock;
Fling the curses of the righteous
at his head!
But if by manipulation he depletes
the widow's store,
If by cunning ' he cati mint her
tears of gold;
If he profits by the burdens he im
poses on the poor
We must hail him as a man of
business bold.
Thrust the small thief into prison!
For the big thief praises sing!
Workers, keep your proper station,
Board of Trade men rule the
Sure thing!
something for the kiddies to eat.
So, your honor, I think thoro are
miti "
"That will do, sir!" sternly com
manded the judge. "On your own
admission you are guilty and you
are sentenced to jail for sixty days.
People of your class must be taught
that property rights must bo pro
tected." "But I was protecting my child
ren, and they are more to rae than
this man's "
"Thirty days more for contempt
of court."
A moment later court adjourned,
and while the prisoner was being es
corted to jail and his hungry child
ren were crying for bread, the judge
was being escorted to a fashionable
cafe by the man who had doubled
the price of bread.
After all human lifo is the cheap
est thing on tho market.
A Song of Wheat
Tho farmer gladly sows his wheat,
Sows his wheat,
Sows his wheat.
Tho farmer gladly sows his wheat,
His heart filled with elation.
And in good time he threshes it,
Threshes It,
Threshes it.
And in good time he threshes it
And hauls it to the station.
It. sells for what it cost to 'raise,.
vJosi to raise,
Cost to raise.
It sells for what it cost, to raise,
He doesn't feel so funny. " -"
The bulls and bears' they play with it,
xiay witn it,
Play with it.
Tho bulls and bears they play with it
And gather in the money.
Honestly, Now v
Did your wife ever use your razor
to pare her corns?
Did she ever go through your pock
ets while you were asleep?-
Did she ever threaten to go home
to her mother?
Did she ever neglect the children
for her club?
Honestly, now
Did she?
Aboard. mllltror fc. roof In, btniwtrt. Mint, IrwImJotj
In Dflt ilvtn Hi nUm. Band lUmol for cauin
Hot ih AmHcJn CoAttntcUon Co- Bty City, MklT
and timber lands. Improved and unimproved, 16.00
P.-i!cro ,1ml . ,,p- . ,,k'ftvy crops, Rood marfcot,
ii 'p,ltir,,ili1ll,a ami 1'nPP.v farmers: nitnlnKUo free,
; V wiitkluH, Uox , ooo is. MhIu 8t
Jtlohmoiul, Viu
nri Patents that PROTECT
ylfHtiur rlirulii enormous proflli. Wrltnni
!r I'UOOP. IiiTiitori!oim(Uontlironih
icmtA UtiU. R. B. & A. B. LACET,
Dpt. 07, Washington, P. C. liititb, Ubg.
Hood pay, steady work and promotion. Experience
u ii nun who on wo win srivu complete instructions.
Danville Tobacce Co., Bex K 16, Danville, Va.
FOR A 1909
Ji r aHsV
Just Iiiko a Man
"John, bring me home a cake of
"You don't need it."
"But I can't make bread without
"Don't see why; don't have to
have yeast to make bread raise these
Improper Defense
"Prisoner at the bar, you are
charged with having entered the
kitchen of tho complaining witness
and stealing therefrom three loaves
of bread, said act constituting a burg
lary. Guilty or not guilty?"
"Your honor, I admit having en
tered this man's kitchen and taking
a couple of loaves of bread, but "
"Then you plead guilty?"
"Not yet, your honor. You see the
man who complains against me cor
nered wheat and forced up the price
of bread. I did not have enough
money to allay the pangs of hunger
suffered by my children, and I
thought it only just that the man
who caused their suffering should
help dispel it. So I broke Into his
house and took two loaves of his
bread. I could have taken many
valuable things, but all I wanted was
Sure Sign
"Jones is a very extravagant
"What makes you think so?"
"Why, the last time he ordered
coal he ordered enough to run his
furnace two of three weeks next
Brain IJeaks
Some men need a guardian oth
ers need a club.
Individual rights end where so
ciety's rights begin.
It is just as easy to throw roses
as stone and a lot more satisfactory.
Seventeen sees a lot of fogyism in
forty-five, and forty-five sees a lot
of foolishness in seventeen.
Don't it just beat all what a lot
of vacant rooms is left in the house
when the biggest boy takes his few
belongings and hikes out?
Oomploto outfit inoludlnff cylinder
x uuzonj or ju men uouuicmihoU
eeloctiona) rocordit uont right to
your homo for
Free Trial
Boturn outfit lit Our I2xdoiiko
after onjoylnc; tho finest ontortaln
montfl it you do not caro to koop its or
Tnnlfn Ik vnni nun tiw nnvlnr. 4i
1H tllO n:MIfVlfc tnnntlllv rtfivmnnla Ml- maVIiaIIum .a1
Srlco. No ombarrassInK explanations to mako if outfit
ooH not profn satisfactory. 4 hoautlful booklol sent
JP"JfclF!li!3 to all who answer this ad. Addrcoa
Control Distributing; IIoubo, Dopt.i20A Clilcneo
Get My Book Before
Too Late For
Chicken Time
Johnson sayst Don't delay too latebet'
ter hurry up and send your name. It's
tnost May time. My Hie Poultry Hook li
better than ever etcry page of 200 and every
pl'otoeraph out of over 1200 a poultry Imaa.
just nnd outaoout
Old Trusty Incubator
Over 100,000 in use. 40, 60 cr 90 Days Trial,
iura j i. iiuics.
D-Year Guar
an tee. 75 per
cent better
hatches cuaran
Iteed. Don't pay two
prices my price l
I under JiO complete
; ready to jiatcli, sent
promptly, freight
I prepaid cast ol the
Jtockirt. Get my
lillf. tree Uook.
M. M. Johnson
Incubator Man. Clay Center, Neb.
to Kot my new, handsome wia-H VftaW LisM
ancS Fashion Book, m " "
withiilufltrntod lessons on Onttinir and Dress
making, FREE, and I will sell you all thy pat-,
Miruu j uu wuui lor uvo cm. onou.
vrnoy aro ino earno paitornu
you liavo always paid lea & J5o
lor iii uiu nioru.-j, nrnuo vy we
same pooplo, and correct in
every detail.
I publish tho FARMER'S
CALL, a weekly paper for
evorymemiior or tho family.
An especially lmercHiinKiua-
ture eaeu wook aro cuo onu-
dren's letters; and tho
Woman's Department is
unusual ly strong anu in
structive. Among the
spoolal features for
nnmon ihikh ih ilh
fashions in which I show J
the so patterns Let
mo help yon to aavo
Send me 2Co nnd T will send von
tho Farmer's Call every week fo
(about ISM pages) and will send mj big
hook co tod i roe. i aiao asrrca to boh von any not-
torn you want thereafter for So. I can sell them
for S cts. becauno I bay them by tho thousand
12 MM
u"wyrjstitf ii
BjaaGSsaSHHSKssrsASB7jf' m, m n
I I Jeaason I I
I P Pays I I
I the Freight
r"v i iio. v te..
ill A K$$mXmi
' fcMl 1Q.
z i WJ in
V S l wLlLJ Jr
ron year
and don't mako any profit. I don't wantanyproflt.
X want your subscription to the FARMER'S
C ALL Yoa will save many times tho cost of my
offer In a year. WEITB TO-DAY. ,
Yo can xxae this coupon cut It out now and mail
to mo with. 36c-Io and so stamps taken, but a
quarter almost always goes safe: . ,
JOHN M. STAHtr-Enclosed 25c for Farmer's Call for osm
year, your book ot patterns, postpaid, oaa privilege oi i
lag paUera at 5c each.
Very Speofal Offer
Bend me 50o and I will aend yoa thoFarmer'a
Oall for one year, the Illinois yarmer for two
years, the Fashion Book prepaid, with privilege
of baying patterns at5o each. Uae above conpoa,
bit eaclose 8flo and write I. F. in the corner.
Oat out the coupon right now, fill oat, aad send te
JOHH M. STAHL, J. P. Sta.( Chicago, IIL
(Prop. Farmer's Oall for past 25 years.)
v. ...uiaVWBu
tilir,!iA(, a.i.rfMj
WMtna'jKt iA.,dtA.iOi;(
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