The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 30, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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    BWWui y r T-wy
The Commoner.
APRIL 30, 1009;'
" ' I ' JliPIWpPPHpf IWHJ'JW'H..J I yT-iw- JUg'IMfWWWI'JLP"-"1 1 "-1 '-y;;,y'ir
LICAN? The World's Events of Chicago
prints an interesting article from the
pen of Governor Gilchrist of Florida
and entitled "Will the South Turn
Republican?" By way of introduc
tion the editor of World's Events
The interest' aroused in the pub
lication of the discussion on the
southern problem last month leads
us to publish another letter this
month along the same line. The sub
ject is rendered the more interesting
Typewriter for 17
Cents a Day!
Tlcasc reail the headline over ncain. Then its tremendous
significance will dawn upon you. -
An Ollxcr Typewriter the standard lslblc writer tic
$100 machlnethc most highly perfected typewriter on the
market yours for 17 cents a day I
The typewriter whose conquest of the commercial world
Js a matter of business history y o u r s for 17 cents a
The typewriter that is equipped with scores ol such con
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"The Double Release" "The Locomotive llase" The
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Disappearing Indica
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... "The sctenimc
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board" all
Yours for
1 7 Cents
a Day!
We announced
this new sales plan
recently, lust to feci
the nulse of the
people. Simply a
small cash payment then 17 cents a day. That is the plan
in a nutshell.
The result has been such a deluge of applications for
machines that we are simply astounded.
The demand comes from people of alt classes, all ages, all
The majority of Inquiries has come from people of known
financial standing who where attracted by the novelty of the
proposition. An impressive demonstration of the immense
popularity of the OIKcr Typewriter.
A startling confirmation of our belief that the Hra of Uni
versal Typewriting i at hand.
A Quarter of a Million
People are Making'
Money with
The Standard Visible Writer.
The Oliver Typewriter Is a money-maker, right from
th c vt o i d "e o 1" So easy to run that beginners soon get in
the "expert" class. Earn as you learn. I-et the machine
pay the 17 cents a day and all above that is yours.
Wherever you are, there's work to be done and money to
be made by using the Oliver. The business world is calling
lor Oliver operators. There are not enough to supply the
demand. Their salaries are considerably above those of
many classes of workers.
"An Oliver Typewriter
In Every Home!"
That Is our battle cry to-day. "We have made the Oliver
supreme In usefulness and absolutely indispens
able In business. Now comes the conquest of the home.
The simplicity and strength of the Oliver hi It for family
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"our'new selling plan puts the Oliver on the threshold of every
home in America. Will you close the door ol your home or
office on this remarkable Oliver opportunity f
Write for further details of our easy oiler and a free copy
ci the new Oliver catalog. Address
The Oliver Typewriter Company
116 South 15th Str.,'- Omaha.-Nebraska,
wheja it is learned that at the begin
ning of 1909 the democrats had
twenty-two of the governors of the
forty-six states and the republicans
twenty-four, as stated by Leslie's
Weekly. This is a smaller number
of republican governors than we
have had in the last thirteen years.
The writer of the following com
munication, Governor A. W. Gil
christ, of Florida, has had a most
interesting history. His father, Gen
eral William B. Gilchrist went to
Florida from South Carolina during
the forties, settling at Quincy, Fla.
He was one of the largest slave
owners and landed proprietors in that
state. The same could also be said
of his father, John Gilchrist, of South
Carolina. The fortunes of war swept
away the estate of Governor Gil
christ's father. He died about the
commencement of the war. The gov
ernor therefore commenced life with
nothing. He began on a modest in
come, became a civil engineer, and
afterwards engaged with profit in the
real estate business.
In the Spanish-American war he
entered the service as a private, went
to Santiago, Cuba, and was mustered
out as captain, having served as act
ing major.
One of Governor Gilchrist's grand
fathers was Colonel Joseph Ball, a
grandfather of George Washington.
Another of his grandfathers was
Colonel Edwin Conway, the grand
father of James Madison. Still an
other of his long-ago grandfathers
was also the grandfather of one who
was appointed governor of Florida by
President Jackson in the territorial
days. It was natural for him, there
fore to want the governorship.
Governor Gilchrist has traveled in
all the states, except about five or
six, and has made one trip to Europe.
He has served four terms in the
Florida legislature, being speaker in
1905. World's Event3.
Governor Gilchrist's letter follows:
Editor World's Events: In reply
to your letter, in reference to the re
ception tendered President-elect Taft,
in which you ask if could infer that
the south was turning republican, I
take this means of replying to the
Mr. Taft is the president-elect of
the United States, and as such he is
entitled to all the respect due to such
an exalted position. He was a visitor
to the southland. Although not a
stranger, yet entitled to all the cour
tesies due a stranger within our
gates. In addition to being the president-elect,
Mr. Taft ha3 a pleasant
personality. This, in itself, appeals
to our people. He has been giving us
taffy. Everybody likes taffy, espe
cially if given in broken doses. I
would preier tniniung or mm as
"Taffy Taft," than as "Acid Taft."
' As to the south "leaning to new
party affiliations," I can only answer
for. myself. As you know, we have a
racial question, which permeates the
political affiliations of the southland.
Instead of discussing the race Ques
tion, as seen here, I would invite J people,
your attention to it as It now exists
in neutral territory the far western
states. As you know, there are few
Japanese and Chinese on the Pacific
coast. It is needless for me to in
vite your attention to the various
bills, which have been introduced in
the state leg'slature of. say Califor
nia. Consider the indication of the
feeling as judged from these pro
posed acts. Suppose tnat tnere was
enough of this element in the state
to represent one-third to fully one
half of the voting strength of the
state of California. Suppose then,
that with the combination of a1 few
white men, styling themselves repub
licans, this element could control the
election of practically every office
within the gift of the people of Cali
fornia. Suppose this election would,
as the negroes in the south, vote
practically as a unit. Don'.t you think
that the whito people of California
would combine, so as to preserve
their very civilization?
I would state that in the town In
which I live and vote, Punta Gorda,
In the democratic primary election,
every white man votes, except the
two republican federal office-holders.
The men who are nominated for
office are nominated by a majority
of the white voters of every possible
political element. The nominees of
such primary aro called democrats,
although nominated by republicans,
populists, socialists, prohibitionists,
democrats and by members of every
known or conceivable party.
suppose that sucn a condition ex
isted in California, and that the white
people had such a primary system, do
you suppose that the visits of a presidential-elect,
even though banquet
ed on 'possum, would change the po
litical conditions?
Hero, recently, I have read of dis
turbances in Pittsburg, Pa., due
largely to the unruly action of cer
tain negroes. Suppose that the pop
ulation of Pennsylvania was one
third to one-half colored, do you
think that a" few thousand, or even
Banking By Mail Made
Safe in Oklahoma.
TTundrcdsof Hanks failed In 100.8 thousand
of DlcrORITOIlS lind thoir savings Jeopar
dlzcd If notloit,
void being among tlio losors In 1000, by
keeping your Account In nn Oklahoma Stnto
reposltors from 31 sfntcn testify to our null
It) to handle your business Fat sfnetorlly.
llooklct containing law free on application.
Guaranty State Bank,
Muskogee, - Oklahoma.
J. D.BENEDICT, President. M.G HASKELL, Caihlor.
t MAtM? eno ek
vTrr:-V .V?- day
Helling ThM 7l'leeeKltJicn HcV't-n
i rartmmi e . r. uv.ininiiUAfi.
AlRTRITQ coining
-o m m m monny.
felling from 10 lo WW nU rr k.
Youcftlltfolt. H4 feror Mrttl.
day ll u PROVE IT lipttUne
nnDKiirr. Wibw ! Utk
MVarkeri. HUM qukl lll 14 J.
lflt.MHarHfy llll., lltytnit, Ohio
... &tf
There is
citizens of
toward the
the south.
Bates reasonable.
a few hundred white men, with the
colored contingent, would rule Penn
sylvania? Much has heen said in reference
to the solidity of certain states of
the south. Recently, I read an art
icle in some paper, I think the Balti
more Sun, in which it was stated
that the population of North Caro
lina, South Carolina, Georgia, Ala
bama, Mississippi and Louisiana was
less than the population of Penn
sylvania, and that the combined vote
of these seven states was about sev
enty per cent democratic. This pa
per also stated that the vote of Penn
sylvania was fully seventy per cent
republican. Pennsylvania has now M flTFElfiT
no racial question. Why not let "ft CN 1 V
the south alone, and try to change
the solidity of Pennsylvania? The
same question might also be asked
of. Vermont Ntfw Hampshire and
other states.
Taking the question home to your
self in Chicago. If the conditions
were changed, make your own deduc
tions. In making your deductions,
consider, judging from the riots,
would the white people of Spring
field, 111., provided the negroes were
nearlv half the population, be willing
for them to dominate its affairs?
no section of the union,
which feel more kindly
negroes than they do in
I know of no law which
has ever been passed, such as was
introduced in the legislature of sev
eral of the western states, in refer
ence to the Japanese and Chinese.
Right here in Tallahassee, on the
main street and in the best portion
of the city, there are stores owned
and managed by negroes. The Japa
nese and Chinese are industrious,
law-abiding citizens. If the people of
California and other western states
feel that they are justified in taking
such steps against a handful of such
it may probably result in
their having a more kindly feeling
toward their white brethren in the
South. I have read that "A fellow
feeling makes us wondrous kind."
Tallahassee, Florida.
A Munlc pally owned
Irrigation system.
Unlimited water as froo as the dls'rlct school.
Why not have nn Ideal homo In tlio henrt of Cali
fornia? How to net It. Write for tree booklet.
Dept. C, HuHrit of Trade, Modesto, Citl.
'ttHtttttltt vUlMnicilJimH 'GRADE '
cn-tlffht 8olrl to thoiiMr t WtolttaJ
I'rler. Vf py KrtlxbL. CUIO(;uo free.
Box sui Winchester, Inilmmn.
l-ree report rw to Patentability. Illustrated Quid
11 coir, and Lint of Invention Wanted, sent froo.
JbVANH, WILKKMi & CO,, Waihlngton.D. O.
YVatMen 1!, Coleman,
I'utent iJiwyer.WanlilnKlon,
D.C. Advice and hoolcn free.
Highest xefere noes, llest services.
A royalist divine, during the pro
tectorate, was in the habit of deliv
ering the following quibbling prayer:
"O. Lord, who hast put a sword into
the hand of thy servant Oliver, put
it into his heart also, to do according
to thy word." He would drop his
voice at the world "also," and, after
a significant pause, repeat the con
cluding sentence in an -undertone.
Christian Register,
r r a cri i
i m : i
enable people with
dcfcctlvo hearing to
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perfectly ordinary
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ax at church, theater,
No trouble to wear
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A wonderful Inven
tion, of kTcatcr prac
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Jf you ever tried the
Aurophonc you will wonder how you otoii so
long without 1L Wo can convince you that this
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plea-sure In life for you; call Jf you can, or tend
for frco Illustrated booklet and large Ust ofsat
Isflcd users.
A 'riiorotiyn Trial in Yottr Oivn Home
Jtv.forc, "You 1'iit'e.hune.
The Wears Ear Phone Co;,
18 Dyche Uldfir., B"!o,l,' Car stat"
Z0J cnoic'K farms for snlo located In the very best
portions or Ka'tcrn Oklahoma: low prices and
easy terms. Vommonteeatth TrttHt iJo.t
Muskogee OUla. -$ -
Fits nny planter, Is adjustable up or down or
rldcwnys. Plants deep or shallow; cultivate! the
ground whllo plantlnr. Makes a loose mellow cced
bed. Covers every hill the same dep'h. Produces
better con, Increases the yield ten bushels per
acre. Write for circulars and price to
WALKER MFG, CO. Council Bluffs, Iowa.
? 3
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