rv-r-.aHMm ' i r ' icrrprw 0,'Hrt 1 fFn "TW'"'W MARCH 5, 1909 3 banking: board in the manner hereinafter, provided, which charter shall issue only to corporations duly organized for the transaction of such business. Sec. 12. A majority of the members of the board of directors of any banking: corporation transacting business under the provisions of this act must bo residents of the county wherein such bank is located, or of the counties immediately adjacent thereto, and every director of a bank hav ing a capital of less than, fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) must be the owner and holder of at least one-twentieth of the paid-up capital stock in his o.wn name and right, and in a bank with a capital of more than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) every director must own and hold in his own namo and right not, less than three thousand dollars ($3,000) of the paid-up capital stock. Sec. 13. The paid-up capital stock required, to. entitle a corporation to a charter under the pro visions of this act, shall be as follows: In no case less than ten thousand dollars; whore the bank is located in a village or town of more than one hundred, and less than five hundred in habitants, not less than fifteen thousand dollars; in towns or villages of five hundred or more, and. loss than ono thousand Inhabitants, not less than twenty thousand dollars; in towns or villages of ono thousand or more, and less than two thousand inhabitants, not less than twenty-five thousand dollars; in cities or villages of two thousand or more, and less than five thousand inhabitants, not less than thirty-five thousand dollars; In cities of five thousand or more, and less than twenty five thousand Inhabitants, not less than fifty thou sand dollars; in cities of twenty-five thousand or more, and less than one hundred thousand inhabi tants, not less than ono hundred thousand dollars; in cities of ono hundred thousand or more in habitants, not less than two hundred thousand dollars. The entire capital stock shall bo subscribed, and at least fifty per cent thereof paid- in, before such .charter shall be issued to any corporation authoriz ing it to. transact a banking business In this state; and such paid in capital, including the Initial and subsefluent payments, shall consist, at the time, of lawful money, credit with depository banks, to bo approved by the state banking board, na tional, state, county or municipal bonds, bank furniture and the necessary bank building, and the lot or lots upon which such building is situated, which said lot or lots shall bo free from Incum brance; but national, state, county and municipal bonds shall not constitute, in the aggregate, moro than one-half, nor the bank building and the lot or lots upon, which it Is situated, together with the bank furniture and fixtures moro than one third of the paid in capital, nor shall such furnl turo and fixtures constitute moro than one-tenth thereof. Provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to banking corpora tions organized and engaged in the business of banking at and prior to the taking effect of this act. Sec. 14. Every corporation transacting a bank- . ing business under the laws of this state; shall, within sixty days after the taking effect of this " act, file with the stato banking board a copy of its articles of incorporation and a full, complete and detailed report of its condition. Section 15. Evpry corporation, organized for and desiring to transact a banking business, shall before commending such business, make under oath, and transmit to the state banking board, a full, complete, and detailed statement of: First, the name of the proposed bank; second, a certified copy of the articles of incorporation; third, the names of the stockholders; fourth, the county, city, town or village in which the said proposed bank is located; fifth, the nature of proposed banking business, whether commercial or savings; sixth, the amount of paid-up capital stock, and the items of money and property included in said amount. Sec. 1C "Whenever, after the examination and approval by the state banking board, of the state ment provided for in section 15 of this act, the corporation shall file with the stato banking board the oath of the president, or cashier, that tho capital stock has been paid in as provided for, and-in compliance with section 13 of this act, then the state banking board, if, upon Investigation, it shall be satisfied that tho parties requesting said charters are parties of Integrity and responsibility, and that each stockholder has property subject to execution and forced sale of the value of at least double the amount of stock in said bank owned by him, shall, upon the payment of certain fees as hereinafter provided, Issue to said corporation a charter for tno same purpose and In the same manner as In section 14 hereof. The fees for such charters to engage In the business of banking shall be as follows: For banks having a capital of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) or less, the fee shall be twenty-five dollars ($25); for banks having a capital of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) up to and including fifty thousand dol lars ($50,000) the fee shall be fifty cents ($.50) for each additional thousand above twenty-five thou sand dollars ($25,000); for banks having a capital in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) the fee shall be twenty-five cents ($.25) for each addi tional thousand above fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). Tho abovo fees shall be paid to tho state banking board and by them paid to the state .treasurer who shall place tho same in tho general fund of tho state. On payment of tho required fees and tho receipt of tho charter tho Sroposed bank may begin to transact a banking uslness. . ., . Sec. 17. Every corporation transacting a bank ing business hereunder shall make to tho stato banking board not less than four (4) reports dur ing each year according to tho form which may be prescribed by said board, which reports shall bo verified by the oath or affirmation of tho presi dent, vice president or cashier, and in addition two of the board of directors. But tho officer administering tho oath or affirmation to tho per son verifying such report shall be in no way in terested in such bank as an officer, director or stockholder. Sec. 18. Tho reports provided for in section 17 of this act shall stato tho amount loaned upon bonds and mortgages; the amount loaned upon notes, bills of exchange, overdrafts, and other personal securities, with the actual market valuo of such securities; the amount of rediscounts and of commercial paper past duo; the amount In vested in real estate, giving tho cost of tho same; tho amount of cash on hand and on deppsit in tanks or trust companies with their names and The Commoner.' S,?mouxlt dcPBltcd in each: the amount of all ?.J?,rj"Kets nt enumerated above, and such other umaton ?? ,th0. stttto banking board may re quire. Provided, that commercial paper not In process of collection, six months past due, with interest unpaid, shall not bo Included in tho report 2 i, assets of such corporation. Each report shall stato such resources and liabilities at tho ?!.05i0i business o? any past day by tho stato WnA board specified and shall bo transmitted to said board within- llvo days after tho receipt of a request or requisition thorefor. And a summary of such report In tho form prescribed by tho stato banking board shall bo published In tho plnco v hero such banking business is transacted, or if ,w?.,iiin? nwsnaPer tho place, theu in ono ?,Vi. i lcdi ln Hia Eame cunty. at. the expense of SUcc,Jiank;, and P.roof ot 8Ucn Publication shall bo nffS!toni fc? tho.. atat0 , banking board within twenty (20) days from tho dato fixed for such iS0? 1i9, Any corporation transacting a bank JiY,81"08? undc,r this net, shall bo required to i 8Uch 8pelal. ,rcPorts as may bo required ES.,hS Btate banking board, or the chairman thereof, to enable such board or chairman to ob tain full and complete knowledge of tho condition of such corporation. Sec. 20. Any corporation, that shall fail, neglect orJ?fU8 tcL mako or furnish any report, or any "Hh8!10810?10, re,aulred by the provisions of this act, or that shall transact a banking busi ness without having first obtained a charter therc i r'ii "- accordance with tho provisions of this act. shall bo subject to a fine or penalty of fifty dollars ($50) ner day for each day after tho timo named for said report or statement to bo made, that it delays to make and transmit such report or state ment to tho state banking board; and for each day on which any such corporation, shall bo en gaged in transacting a banking business in viola tion of the provisions of this act. The fine or penalty herein provided for shall bo recovored by. the state, in a civil action in any court of com petent jurisdiction, and it is hereby made the duty of the attorney general to enforce tho flno or penalty herein provided. Sec. 21. Any person who shall wilfully and knowingly subscribe to, or make, or cause to be made, any false statement or false entry in tho books of any corporation transacting a banking business under this act, or shall knowingly sub scribe to or exhibit false papers, with tho intent to deceive any person or persons authorized to cxamlno Into the affairs of any such corporation, or shall make, stato or publish any false state ment of the amount of the assets or liabilities of any such corporation shall be deemed guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be im prisoned in tho state penitentiary not less than ono (1) year nor more than ten (10) years. Sec. 22. Every bank shall at all times have on hand as a reserve in available funds an amount equal to at least twenty (20) per cent of tho aggregate amount of Its deposits. Three-tenths of said twenty (20) por cent shall be cash in tho vaults of the bank; provided, that in cities having arPOP,RIatItm, of moro than twenty-five thousand (25,000) said reserves, shall be twenty-five (25) per cent of the aggregato amount of tho deposits; three-tenths of said twenty-five (25) per cent shali bo cash in vaults of the bank; provided, further, that savings banks shall have on mma t uj tim4 as a reserve in available funds an amount equal to at least six per cent of their aggregate de- Rpslts. So much of said reserve fund as is not erein required to be kept in cash In tho vaults of tho bank shall bo kept in such depositories as may be designated and approved by tho stato banking board. Sec. 23. Tho available funds shall consist of cash on hand and balances' due from other solvent banks. Cash shall include lawful money of the United States, and exchange for any clearing house association. Whenever the available funds of any bank shall fall below tho reserve herein required, such bank shall not make any new loans or dis counts otherwise than by discounting or purchas ing bills of exchange payable at sight; nor shall such bank make any dividends of its profits until it has on hand the available funds required by this act. Tho stato banking board may notify any bank, in case Its reserve shall fall below the amount re quired, or its capital is impaired, to mako good such reserve, or capital within such time as tho state banking board may direct, and any failure of such bank to mako good any deficiency in tho amount of its reserve, or its capital, within tho time directed, shall be cause for tho appointment of a receiver as hereinafter provided. Sec. 24. The aggregate amount of the redis counts and bills payable of any corporation trans acting a banking business In this state, shall at no timo exceed two-thirds (2-3) of its paid-up capital, nor shall any bank at any time permit its loans and investments, exclusive of its reserve and banking house and fixtures, to exceed in tho aggregate, eight times the amount of Its capital. Provided that the loans and Investments of any savings bank, exclusive of its reserve and banking houso fixtures, shall not exceed at any timo ton times the amount of its capital and surplus. .Sec, 25. No corporation transacting a banking business shall make any loan or discount on tho security of tho shares of its own capital stock, nor bo the purchaser or holder of any such shares, unless such security or purchase shall bo neces sary to prevent loss upon a debt previously con tracted in good faith; and stock so purchased or acquired shall within six (6) months from tho timo of its purchase be sold or disposed of at public or private sale; or in default thereof, a receiver may be appointed to close up the busi ness of tho bank. Provided, that In no case shall tho amount of stock so held, exceed ten (10) per cent of the paid-up capital of such bank. Sec. 26. No corporation transacting a banking business in this stato shall bo permitted to ad vertise the guaranty of deposit feature herein provided except as follows: Any such corporation may display in its place of business a notice furnished by the state bank ing board which shall bo uniform In all banks, and In addition thereto may print on its stationery tho following words: "This bank has compiled with "the provisions of tho Nebraska law for the guaranty of deposits." Sec. 27. No banking corporation transacting a banking business under this act shall pay interest on timo deposits directly or indirectly at a greater rate than four per cent per annum. Any officer, director or employe of a bank violating the pro- visions ot this soctloh directly or indirectly, shall hnJSPJS0 tR,lty ota Many and on conviction nn i?L8 la,l b?nunhcd, by n flno of not lcHn than ?n. inu,ndf.d. (flOO.00) dollars or moro than five iiVdI?d doIlar ($500.00), or by imprisonment ln tho stato penitentiary not exceeding thrco (3) years, or both in tho discretion of tho court. i..uVS,a2.8,..-Any corporation transacting a banking business under this act, may semi-annually dcclaro ,u.2w!di?f 1m"ch of tho net profits as It may thnoHMVi01' Vut ?uc.", corporation shall, boforo Sqif.ccLalflUonn.f a dlvidond, carry one-tenth part iJ!fBineh nronta to its surplus fund, until tho samo shall amount to twenty (20) per centum of its paid up capital stock. Sec. 20. Any corporation transacting a banking business under thin act may purchase hold and convoy real estate for tho following purposes only: Such as Is necessary for convenient transaction of Its business, not exceeding ln valuo one-third of tho paid up capital: such as shall bo convoyed to It for debts duo tho bank, and such as it shall purchaso at salo under Judgments or decrees upon its securities, but tho bank at such salo shall not bid a larger amount thnn to satisfy its debt. No real estate so acquired In satisfaction of dobts ?S 'i1 .a. 8,a,e unoi ,tH Jndsrmcnis or decrees shall ti?iJ1,(U.-n?ior tlVJn ,,vo V ypnrH ttnd within thirty days thereafter must bo sold at prlvato or public sale, and at no timo shall tho total amount of real estate held by any bank for any purpose exceed fifty (50) nor cent of tho paid up capital of such bank. Savings banks shall not be sub ject to tho provisions of this section. Sec. 30. No corporation, transacting a banking business under this act shall accept or receive on deposit for nny purpose any monoy, bank bills. United States treasury notos or currency, or other notes, bills, checks, drafts, credits or currency, when such corporation is Insolvent, and if any corporation transacting a banking business undor this act shall rccelvo or accept on deposit any such deposits whon said corporation la Insolvent, tho officer, agent or . mployo knowingly receiving or accepting, or being accessory to, or permitting or conniving at the receiving or accepting on deposit therein or thoreby any such doposlt as aforesaid, shall bo guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof shall bo punished by imprison ment in tho penitentiary not less than ono year nor moro than ten years. Sec. 31. It shall bo unlawful for two or moro banks, transacting a banking business in tho sarno city, town or village In this stato to have or uao tho same name, or names so nearly alike as to causo confusion In transacting business, and In all cases whore such similarity of names now ox ists, or may hereafter exist, complaint may bo made to tho state banking board, and If, In tho judgment of said board, such a similarity does exist, and does create confusion ln conducting the business of cither or both of said banks, then said board may require tho junior bank in time of organization to so change or modify Its name as to prevent such confusion, and tho change, of name so mado shall bo ap'provcd by said banking board. Sec. 32. No officer othor than a director, who is not an officer and no employo of any corporation transacting a banking business undor this act shall, bo permitted to borrow any of tho funds of the bank uoon his own note or obligation or upon any.notc or nuiijrn.t of a bank shall bo permitted to borrow any of tho funds of tho bank without first having secured tho approval of the board of directors at a meeting thereof, the record of which shall be made and kept as part of tho records of riald bank. And any officer, director or employe ot a corporation transacting a banking business under this act, who shall vlolato the provisions of this section or who shall aid, abet or assist In a violation thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, nnd on conviction thereof shall bo punished by a flno not exceeding ono thousand dollars ($1,000) or Imprisonment in tho penitentiary not to exceed five (S) years, or both In tho discretion of tho court. Sec. 33. No corporation transacting a banking business In this stato shall directly or Indirectly, loan to any single corporation, firm or individual, including in such loan all loans made to tho sev eral members or share-holders of such firm or corporation, for the ubo and benefit of such firm, corporation or Individual, moro than twenty per cent (20 per cent) of tho paid up capital and surplus of such bank, but the discounting of bills of exchange, drawn in good faith, against actually existing values, and the discount of commercial paper actually owned by the persons negotiating tho same, shall not be considered as monoy bor rowed, and in no case shall the total liabilities pf tho several stockholders of any bank, to such bank exceed fifty per cent of the paid ln capital and surplus of such bank. Any officer, director, or employe of any corporation transacting a bank ing business under the laws of this state, who shall violate, or knowingly permit a violation of tho provisions of this section, upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred ($500) dollars. Sec. 34. No corporation transacting a banking business under this act shall withdraw, or permit to bo withdrawn either in tho form of dividends or otherwise, any part of Its capital. If losses have at any time been sustained, equal to or ex ceeding undivided profits on hand, no dividend shall be made; and no dividend shall be mado by any bank transacting a banking business undor the laws of this state, to an amount greater than the net profits on hand less tho losses and bad debts; Provided, however, that tho capital stock may bo increased or decreased, In the manner following: First, tho stockholders at any regular meeting shall by a vote of those owning two-thirds of the capital stock, authorize the president or cashier, to notify tho stato banking board of tho prop'osed reduction or Increase of capital and a notice containing a statement of the amount of such proposed reduction or Increase of capital shall be published for four (4) weeks in soma newspaper published and of general circulation In the county whero such bank is located. But no reduction shall be to any amount less than tho capital required by this act, and there shall bo no reduction of capital or cancellation of stock, until said reduction or cancellation shall first be approved by the state banking board. Provided, that no reduction of capital or cancellation of stock shall bq made that will Jmnair the security of tho depositors, and no increase shall be authorized A Tfl?tH6w.A.'fttf)- MJIJsjfr T I ' wAm-mLa imJLJAiLj&yf'ij. . r44i. riT- V -