' ,TTT"H '"' 'M,,CT,'.m,'i3pUn IWH The Commoner. MARCH 6, 1909 15 imwupwtir MWWE"wnMMW"w'J'Siw 'ft' mp'i'ign.1"1 '"W'aiwp)ii'iif fmimmr In the hall, and In a short time a ill, dignified woman appeared. o , vonf tn see the boss?" ronootod tho woman. Well, just ICf infn t.hfl kitchen. This way, please. Bridget, this gentleman de- ; Sires to bcw jwu. i "Mb. th' boss!" exclaimed Bridget, when the insurance agent asked her ,tho nuestion. "Indade urm noti ?Sure, here comes th' boss now." Shfi nointed to a small boy of ten years who was coming toward the house. "Tell me," pleaded the insurance agent, when the lad came Into the kitchen, "are you the boss of the house?" "Want to see the boss?" asked the boy. "Well, you just come with me." Wearily the insurance agent climbed up the stairs. He was ush ered into a room on the second floor and guided to the crib of a sleeping baby. "There!" exclaimed .the boy; Is This Fair Certain Proof Will be Made That Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Curo Stomach Trouble THIS EXPERIMENT FREE Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are made to give to the system, Hhrough the digestive tract and the stomach, the necessary chemical not only to digeBt food, but to enrich the fluids of the body so that it may no longer suffer from dyspepsia or other stom ach trouble. We will send you a quahtitr 'of these tablets free, so that their pow er to cure may be proven toyou:' Thousands upon thousands of peo ple are using "these tablets for the aid and cure of every kriWn stom ach disease. Know what you put into your stomach, and use discre tion in doing so. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets con tain fruit and vegetable essences, the pure concentrated tincture of Hy drastis, Golden Seal, which tone up and strengthen th mucous lining of the Btomach, and increase the flow of gastric and other digestive juices; Lactose (extracted from milk) ; Nux, t- strengthen the nerves, controlling the action of the stomach nd to cure nervous dyspepsia; pure Ascetic Pepsin of the highest digestive .pow er and approved by the United States Phamacopoeia. One of the ablest professorn of the University of Michiga recently stat ed that this pepsin was the only aceptic pepsin he had found that was absolutely pure free from 411 ani mal impurities; Bismuth, to absorb gases and prevent fermentation. They are deliciously flavored with concentrated Jamaica Ginger in it self a well known tonic. Liquid medicines lose their strength the longer they are leapt, through evaporation, fermentation and chemical changes, hence Stuart's Tablets are recognized as the only true and logical manner of preserv ing the ingredients given above in their fullest strength. If you really doubt the power of these tablets, take this advertisement to a druggist and ask his opinion of the formula. It is due your stomach to give it the ingredients necessary to stop its trouble. It costs nothing to try. You know what you are taking, and the fame of these tablets prove their value. All druggists sell them. Price 50 cents. Send us your- name and address and we will send you a trial package by mail free. Address . F. A. Stuart Co, 160 Stuart Building, Marshall, Mich. i it- -i- "that's the real boss of this house." Herald and Presbyter. THE BOY I USED TO BE I'm going home to see the folks, Just one week from today. I know just how the place will look And know just what they'll say. I'll sleep in my old wooden bed, And I'll wake up, at light, To find me the boy I used to bo Has come back overnight. I'll lie till mother calls, "Will, boy," And "Billy!" father'll yell, "Say! Breakfast's ready hustle now! "What ails ye can't ye smell?" That will be Sunday morning, so We'll go to church, we three, Dad marching on a bit ahead And ma behind, with me. There'll be a straight-out sermon preached No paltering with the Book ' And dad will drink it in, and wear His stern old "Sunday" look, But mother, if I catch her eye, She'll half smile back at me, And slide along a gumdrop to The boy I used to be. I reckon if It comes to pass That Judgment they foretell I'll plead three things I was her- boy, And that she loved me well; And that I kept my lifetime clean, (So far as lay in me) That, yearly, I might chum with him, The" boy I used to be. Inez G. Thompson. GOOD MORNING Good morning, Brother Sunshine; Good morning, Sister Song, I beg "your humble pardon j If you've waited very long. I thought I heard you rapping; ' To shut you out were sin, My heart is standing open; Won't you walk right In? Good morning, Brother Gladness; Good morning, Sister Smile, They told me you were coming, So I waited on a while. I'm lonesome here without you; A weary while it's been. My heart is standing open; Won't you walk right in? . Good morning, Brother Kindness; Good morning, Sister Cheer, I. heard you were out calling, So I waited for you hero. Some way I keep forgetting I have' to toil and spin When you are my companions; Won't you walk right ' in? . W. Foley. IS, OR WAS? "Hear me now," exclaimed the nervous, , flurried gentleman bent on holiday making, "what did the brake man say was the next station?" "Excuse me," said his fellow pas senger, "you mean what Is the next station. It's still a station, you know." "You're wrong, sir. What is was, Wasn't it?" "Is is was?" asked -the second sneaker. ' " ' "Don't be. ridiculous!" snapped the pervous one, '-vgejjtihgf flustered. "Wns mav he.JB. -butfs - is certainly not was. Is was .was, hut. if was was is, then is isn't is, or was wasn't nrno Ho paused, then desperately went on again: "If was Is, was Is was, Isn't it? But If is is was, then " "Listen," said the other, vaguely wondering how this interesting dis cussion was going to end. "Is is, was was, and was was was, and Is Is was." "O, for goodness' sake, stop it!" cried the nervous man, almost in tears. "I've gone by my station al ready." "Which was it? Was it the one that was " Ho broke off and fled. Milwaukee Sentinel. senger. 'Knocked off, eh? Well, it wau't bo knocked off by anybody the size of you, you bandy-legged shrimp!' " When worthy men fall out, only one of them may bo faulty at first; but if strifo continue long, common ly both become guilty. Fuller. BEVERIDGE ON ELOCUTION "The simplest propositions," said Senator Beveridge, in a recent ad dress, "must bo sot out with the utmost care in tho wording, or mis understanding, dissent, even anger may result. "Thus, as a train , was moving forth from a Cincinnati station, a man stuck his head far out of the window. " 'Keep your head In there,' a station-attendant shouted, in warning, 'or It will be knocked off.' " 'Knocked off!' shouted the pas- The common people believe with out proof. Tacitus. Johnson Says: I j&Jfcfi Toll my old and new frionds Uit my I ?m5 lSvtZ newlWl'oultry UooUlsready. Orer BOOK KKADT too nn, and 1399 picture and to send mo tholr namca and addresses for It. My New 1M OM Tratty IacaUter It Metal Eacue4 Barer and urcr tlien crcr 76JJ bet tor hatches Ritamnteed 40, W or M Days' Trial. SVrltornothlsyoar. M.M.JOHNSON fneubator Man, Olay Cantor. Nsh. Johnson Pays lha Froioht World's Record far hatching, and 018 first prizes won by tho Re!!ab! Incubator J'orfocUvontUntlnR. doublo hont naBystom.lruldo hontor.nnd mi to. a . . . . rnntlproKUlator-BKrontfuol saver ptmu iBB.y ior xiir.r, ronitry hook vnltinhJo Information, on poultry raising and incubators. KfkftUelacBBator & Brs4er Ce.,Bex D 47, Qoiacy.IlL Tff jasa it B iiet Our Book and We'll Make Right Price To Interest You To Trade Got oar lnUsrcstlnjr "Stack Mater Muui" Book Fr ana nnu out about me only motor bujules nf4) and surreys that aro cood country road ''mud dors" 5-f ,- and "hill climbers" and bulltfor practical use. No Jarrlncr No blowups on tires Speed ato25ml!eflftn, hqur llunSOmllcs on 1 gallon of gasoline tiafo fl KeuatMe, women can easily run 5R w BUCK MOTOR BUfieiESANDSURRmi Ttnnrrv la 10 linraA ttnwMwStarrtnK. IS liOMB TMTWOT. Both "lt ther" and 'backammln" every trln.'and aare tlraerorry andwxpane. nV?tlaat and wo -wm laaite you runt prices. ivrorry annmepeane. nyruaia ana wnu for Catalogue No. A. 71. BLACK MFG. CO., 124 E. Ohio Street, Chicago, Jlllae I Irrigated Semi - Tropica! Lands La Lomita Tract 27,000 Acre These lands, now selling at from $50 to $100 per acre, are producing crops of Alfalfa, Sugar Cane and Cotton during the summer months, and crops of vegetables during the winter, netting more money per crop, than the land now costs, per acre. In addition to the foregoing, there are wonderful possi bilities for the production' of Oranges, Lemons, Grape-Fruit, Nuts and Vines, which promise to rival the immense pro duction of California. A climate tempered by the Gulf Trade Winds, making a delightful spot for an all-the-year-around residence, or ah ideal location for a winter home, free from snow and ice--fully equal' to the most favored portions of this or foreign countries. We have here, the unusual combination of: The most fertile soil. . - . . , Abundance of water for irrigation, A climate unsurpassed. The cheapest labor in the country. These four conditions exist only in the two counties at the southern extremity of Texas, further south than any other part of the United States. Lands under less favorable conditions are readily selling at $500 to $1,000 per acre in Washington and California. We therefore confidently believe that, in the near future, this property will command a higher price than any lands in the Union. We cordially invite your correspondence and investigation. CONWAY & HOIT Mission, Hidaldo County, Texas fl W.