The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 05, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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    WJ5( -Ttr
The Commoner,
poems. (Pamphlet.) By William
Sharpo, M. D. Tho Two Worlds
Publishing Co., Manchester.
A Study of Civil Government, with
special roforonco to Oklahoma.
(Pamphlet.) By Charlea Evans, B.
S., and Clinton 0. Bunn. Bunn
Brothers, Publishers, Ardmore,
Oklahoma1. . .
Labor and Neighbor. An appeal
Uneeda Biscuit
What makes them the best
soda crackers ever baked?
What makes them the only
choice pf millions ?
What makes them famous
as the National Biscuit?
Of Course !
Sold only in
Moisture Proof
to first principles. (Pamphlet.) By
Ernest Crosby, author of "Captain
Jinks, Hero' "Tolstoy and His Mes
sage," etc. Louis F. Post, 357 Dear
born Street, Chicago.
Oiircle Time and Others. By W.
M. Fogarty. Harrington & Folger,
Legend of the Big Elm Tree, and
other poems. By Granville Mellen
Ballard, A. M. Tho Hollenbeck.
Press, Indianapolis,, Ind.
Macedonia and the Reforms. By
Draganof. Preface by M. Victor
Berard. Translated from the French.
With map. Hazell, Watson and
Viney, Ltd., London and Aylesbury.
Miss Washington of Virginia. By
Mrs. F. Berger Moran. Illustrated.
H. M. Suter Publishing Company,
Washington, D. C.
Right and Riches. By Charles O.
McCasland. The Wilbur Publishing
Company, Pasadena, Cal.
Heart Throbs. In prose and verse.
Contributed by 50,000 people in the
prize contest initiated by the Na
tional Magazine. The Chappie Pub
lishing Company, Ltd., Boston, Mass.
All About Panics. Hard times.
The cause and the cure. By James
Pollock Kohler, Esq.. (Pamphlet.)
Price 10 cents.
The Making of a Millennium. By
Frank Rosewater. Century Publish
ing Company, Omaha, Neb. Cloth,
postpaid, $1.00; paper, 30 cents.
American Charities. By Amos G-.
Warner, Ph. D. 12 mo., cloth, $2.
Postage 20 cents. . Thomas Y.
Crowell & Co., New York.
Sixty Years in Texas. By George
The Cause of our Financial Panics.
(Pamphlet.) By S. Fourtner. The
Sargent Printing Co., 312 Denny
Bldg., Seattle, Wash..
That Boy o' Mine. By Nina Hill
Rotiinson. Publishing House M. E.
Church, South, Smith and Lamar,
Agents, Nashville, Tenn., Dallas,
From Pioneer Home to the White
House. Life of Abraham Lincoln,
boyhood, youth, manhood, assassina
tion, death. By William M. Thayer,
with eulogy by Hon. George Ban
croft. Illustrated. Hurst & Co.,
Publishers, New York.
perchance, . whose, conditions in HfQ
are very different from our own
whose companionship and counsel
are well worth seeking. "1" ia tho
person in whom we are naturally
most interested, but it isn't a good
idea to associate too exclusively with
"I;" a hermit is not a man. of parts.
So do what lies in your power, ia
your own interests, to get away from
yourself at times, and seek other as
sociates, a change of scene, a differ
ent environment and new influences.
All these have a developing ten
dency; they lift you out of your well
beaten rut, and give you new
thoughts and inspirations. They
are likely to prove the impetus that
will carry you on to success. A
change of scene sometimes changes
our ambitions and quickens our en
ergies,, and that often turns the tide
of our affairs into better channels.
The world has much in store for
you, if you do your part; if you aro
willing to go in search of the "goods
the gods provide."
You remember the story of the
old darky who found a great differ
ence in results when ,he prayed the
Lord to send him a turkey and when
he prayed the Lord to send him after
a turkey.
The best things of this world
come to us as the reward of effort
on our part. Four-Track News.
yzfa-nrz&sezz ?z$&z -xzszz -52&kr-n je?
as u&f r &r jSAaag
Every self-respecting person has a
fairly good opinion of himself. That
is as it should be! Yet we should
not lose sight of the facts that a
man learns but little from himself,
and that there are a1 great many oth
er self-respecting people people,
Tumim 7 v?ili4ar 52 m mT.z -TZL zL ijrm whwhw nun
SmSS: Hundreds Getting Rich the "New Way." SJ18"8
bow this Invortkn hnrnad7. U f making thousands of Kllnra tor rthen: '' VaM1DB 0DW1UfllMm- Baoers' U8ten Bee rea
R?S wJLMnthly 'My BtUcB $1281-00 ono month'sim 00 another. Best thine SWORN STATEMENT BY
INTEREST YOU? ever Bold. Not ono complaint from 2000 cuBtomnrn." M. G. STONEM AN MONT
rnf ?.LD 52212.00 IN 2 WEEKS. Not one dlssatlsllcd user," mttu Koratad & Mercer Minn "My Balea siMoonm ii
wSSnm HK ffin!"Sffl V5KV0Utft -EV6r7bpdTthffi
- - . '.' z . - - vvasvwKi aauu lm w : diiuiiuiun. ivbiw.. & iiiiiuruiir BTrnit nAn r a m rm
popular, easiest, quickest. chSSinlclflV1 and other ce,brated authorities. Host
Let us give you an appointment worth $40.00 to $60.00 weeklv
mAAUHK9, enner Bex, at home or traveling ail rnr Rn.rn t'i-, BJ " WBU? ?UI unn i a, salesmen,
nuntinAi tMn iVm! nvDDSVoM?.V?I.,?J;i,5.,I.5 8Pr.. mo to fill orders. appoint. buddIv. control imh.Mtita'
ll. Evory customer anxloua ( io boost onrtaMR No A52JX S&V100? domnJ already made-that'a
buslness-blir proflts-poptilar cooda SlrSmnliSJtV0 mako money. Exciting
He's a lovable man with a heart like
a child,
There ia love in his speech and his
manners are mild;
As gentle and tender and simple and
true --
As ever your sweetheart appeared
unto you;
Yet he.'s forty, I'll swear
There "is gray in his hair;
His face has been wrinkled
By worry and care; . ,
Yet his. heart is. as, young and, as
light as a boy's, ' '
He's a man who today can get fun
out of toys.
He laughs with his friends and he
shares in their woes,
With the pure joy of living his coun
tenance glows; .
He romps with the children and
chats with the men,
As though he was living his boyhood
Yet sorrow he's known,"
He has grieved all alone,
And tills by his clothing
Of black is well shown;
Yet his heart has rebuffed 'all tho
"cudgels of care
And the world is still good, there is
joy in the air.
Time hasn't dulled his - en joyment of
fun, '
And trouble and grief haven't cloud
ed his sun;
He's suffered the blows that the
world has to give,
And bravely has borne them, just
happy to live;
As gentle and kind
And as simple of mind
As any young light
hearted boy you can find,
He shares in your pleasures and
soothes when he can
The heart that is aching this lov
able man.
Detroit Free Press.
Bco. vlaw Corah. Portable natnroom uutttfc.
peuHonjcioBive territory-cooperation and astiRta
t w nEiki cvkim. : - -,:"r",'
. '- '- r w bi"var.rii
i:wJ.r?iW yow ntnit tna .laawii on u oostrt card
ibWMnilflal succms
The insurance agent climbed the
steps and rang the bell.
"Whom do you wish to Bee?"
asked the careworn person who came
to the door.
"I want to see the boss of tho
house," replied the insurance agent.
"Are you the boss?"
"No," meekly returned the man
who came to the doer; "I'm only
the husband of the boss. Step in;
I'll call the boss."
The insurance agent took a seat
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