The Commoner. UARCH G, 190 13 DAYEHTQ ,n countries obtained, gold: rUi kll lu established ?S years: unexcelled vfi- a vh..nMt. IvitfnntAvel llAl 4Vab IVVUUHJUUi UirUUWiB UW&UQO! Amkrtcak Paxkht Makkkt, St. Paul, Mzkk. Bar 3 bu nSr IwhWh walCi raw , straps I K.l.a A. I.UCEY,WgMitaw,D,t, EtUi. IHt tHWfi jrC AyY IlnI7 en-tlght Bold to the user at TTfcolesalt Friers. we ray Freight. Cataloguo free. COILED SPRING PENCE CO., Box 234 VVliteHMter, 1MIm. TVaIsTED COO young: mon to learn telegraphy. Earn from. f53 to S125 per month. Wo havo main lino wires. School owned and operated by A. T. fc 8. F. By. Writo for Illustrated Catalogue. Sanla Fe Railway and Telegraph School, 609 Kanoai Avon no, Topoku, KniiHAH. CURED OF RHEUMATISM "I am pleased to 6ay that after suffering for years from rheumatlhm, I havo been cured by 3)r. Shafer's treatment. All my pain, soreness and stiffness disappeared as soon as tho uric acid was taKon out ox my blood. It is wonderful how much ho can tell you after an examination of your urino. I can recommend him as an honest arid skillful specialist." GEO. N. WRIGHT, Burgcttstown,Pa. Malline casofor urino and book describing xay system of treatment scut free. Consultation and opinion free. Fcc3 reasonable. JOHN F. SHAFER, M. D., 214 Penn Ave., Pitlsourg. Pa. Tmr .5u jo i ft ItlTfTFr,! RUPTURE CURE. Stuart's re differest .from the painful trait and being atU-A&kbtlia lhavliaM I tho motors In nlicewltiioat trn. faaik. las or sprlnga caasot allp, to eaanot chafe r compress agatasttnepolyle bono. I The moit obstinate caaee esrra la tho prl- Vaev of th homn. Thononili liu. an. Hiafally treated thamselros without fclndrarce fromwork. Bolt as yeWis ts apply taexBeatlre. Guaranteed in ccord-wlth Jfetloaal Drag- Laws; rTrlUtB-say and "Trial TraabMnV'wIth Interesting bookwill bo sent KJUCK. Address BXVXXTVU&TXZ.XADVO.,MaI4, 8 L Leal, ale. MEDICINE REE If your Earn ring or1 roar, or your hearlne-is affected, if Eyes ache, w&uirornnrn. nr menr. !......" .. ,... " . .--. '. -"5T id Ltuuuir.ii.vuii .nnouit. HDiE.oantrn arn imn broath, scabs In Nose, Irritation In Bronchial Tubes, Lungs orStomach, your namoandaddross ""i uniiK wijuu eoBoiuteiyiree a rcaays course of medlcino prescribed to meet your Individual requirements and complications. Wo havo cured many whohavetrJed various so called Catarrh cures with little or no benefit, and we make you this liberal offer to Introduce our splendid treatment iny our section. DL?lfll?UD!CDson(l on,T your symptoms, nKnlbMDllllnaraeandaddresB.NO MONEY and without cost you will rcceivo a 3s days co ursoormpdiclnopro scribed esTteclallrforyoOt . UfiIUAA'AMlUU&n inhTlTUTK. .776 HEDGE BLDG. KANSAS OITS.MOk, Suiwriters' J.awrt.$.ti8 Dcpt. This department is for the oxcluaiv nso of Commoner subscribers, and special rate of six cents a word per In sertion tho lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communi cations to Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Neb KODAK SUPPLIES DEVELOPING, printing1, enlarging1. Twenty years experience. Reasonable. Davis Photo frtock Co., Denver, Colo. 17 OR SALE 12 HEAD REGISTERED 1 Aberdeen .Angus cattle, $7.00 per hundred; 4 Jacks, 2 to 4 years old. Mammoth breeding. Stewart Bros., Willow Hill, 111. NDEPENDENT WEEKLY, COO TO 700 inches advertising per issuo; mying Job plant; banner section Ar cansas. Will sell on reasonable terms. Addres3 C. A., caro Commoner. URNING BRANDS AND STEEL Stamps for marking farm imple ments. Cataloguo free. Reese & Co., 44 Vesey St., New York. THE BEST CHICKENS JS lrfuigshang; Tho bast for egg laying1, for market and for homo use. years of experlmontiutr to do tcrmlno tho fact will cost you nothiKA'. AVo will send to any address in the United States, Canada or Mexico a setting of llfteon eggs from healthy, selected and puro blooded pullets, of that breed for s1.25. ii. n. s. ives, oa1.15sbukg, XjLlinois. ttblo to adopt tho eleven-pound weight limit until next month, and Prance, Hong Kong and Denmark aro expected to conform In a short time. Most countries have no limit to tho value of paTcels exchangeable by parcel post, but to the countries in Europe and Australia, Japan and Hong Kong the limit until now has been ?50, when the first price will bo raised to $80 except with Sweden, Denmark and France whoBe action is being awaited." Tho First Methodist Episcopal church in Russia was dedicated at Wirvallen on the German frontier. Bishop Burt of Zurich, Switzerland, who is the Methodist Episcopal bishop for Europe officiated. Senator Tillman introduced a reso lution to bar President Roosevelt's message relating to the farm com mission from the mails. Tillman bases his resolution on the ground that the president's message is obscene. The Missouri legislature has passed the county, unit option bill. A Jefferson City dispatch says: "The county unit bill is regarded as a con ciliatory measure and has the back ing of the anti-saloon league. The measure provides for the voting of each county upon the liquor ques tion and by it the cities and towns are not excluded and permitted to vote separately as is now the case. The district option bill applying to larger cities has not yet been re ported out." A cablegram to the New York World from Panama says: "Presi dent Obaldia of the republic of Pan ama cabled to William Nelson Crom well today as follows: 'I am sure those slandered hy Raihey (con gressman from Illinois) will vindi cate themselves. A reputation at tacked does not suffer by the im postures of a rabid representative. Panama has only words of praise for you and the others insulted. I have reformed my belief regarding the respectability of members of tho American congress. Among them are liars, indecent and ignorant in a superlative degree.' " A Springfield, 111., dispatch says: "Young men who frequent saloons will not be permitted to enter into matrimonial relations in Illinois if a bill introduced in the house today be enacted into law, and it probably will pass. The bill was introduced by Representative Groves and amends the marriage laws of the state by declaring an habitual drunk ard incapable of contracting mar riage and defining an 'habitual drunkard' to be a person who be comes intoxicated twice in a year. The bill provides also that applicants for marriage licenses shall make affi davit that they have not been intoxi cated twice in the preceding year." A young woman, Dr. Mary Merrit Crawford, will become head sergeant and chief of staff at the Williams burg hospital in Brooklyn. Dr. Crawford is the first woman to hold such a post. BOOKS RECEIVED Warren on a Journey to the Throne Heaven, saw Father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. How ho whipped tho devil, chased him, and visited his habitation. By Warren D. Caldwell. WaTren D. Caldwell & Son, Publishers, Onancock, Ya. Price $1.00. Christianity and the Social Crisis. By Walter Rauschenbusch, Professor of Church History in Rochester The ological Seminary. The Macmillan Company, New York. Macmillan & Co., Ltd., London. The Conqueror's Dream, and other 100 per cent a Year for Twenty Years to Cow Owners That's the marvolously good investment that more than ONE MILLION satisfied users are finding tho t De Laval Cream Separator With three or more cows a DE LAVAL separator saves its cost the first year, in moro and better product, and it may bo depended upon to go on doing so for twenty years, as there aro already thousands of instances to prove. There's half this much saving in tho use of a DE LAVAL over inferior separators, while other separators last but from six months to five years Instead of twenty years. They lose half that might be saved while they do last. That's the whole separator story in a "nut shell" and the reason for the. now nearly universal sale of DE LAVAL separators. A DE LAVAL cataloguo may bo had for tho asking. Likewise tho trial of a DE LAVAL machine. The De Laval Separator Co. 42 E. Macison Street CHICAGO 1213 & 1216 Filbert 8t, PHILADELPHIA Dbumm & Sacrauehto Sts. SAN FRANCISCO General Offices: 165-167 Broadway, NEW YORK, 173-177 Wiluam Street MONTREAL 14 6 10 Princess Stmct WINNIPEG 107 FimTsStbeeT PORTLAND, OrlEQ. Pulls Stumps or Standing Trees Clears a tiro acre circle with one sJttlne pulls onythlntr the wire rope will reach; stumps, trees, grubs, rocks, hedges, etc. A man and a boy wjth one or two horses can run the COMBINATION STUMP PULLER. CIllIMM AmaLamS! .MehS. SsCaIS AMAllAMdaM ' Stumn Anchored or Self Anohor!nrj. A minute and a half Is nil I Hakes for theordinary stump. No heavy chains of rod, die strons wire rope with patent coupler grips die rope at any point. Does not cnaie rope; tar aneau of old-style 'take-ups." Smallest rope wefurami stands 10,000 lbs. Strain. It trenerates Immense nnw-r unrHl'n made to stand the strain. Wnalto moke the Iron Giant Grub and Stump machine, the I. X. L. Grubber 2nd I lawlceye uruuanu stump Macinne. write tor tree uiustraieu catalogue. Largea! manufacturers el Stump Pullers In the World. Established 1HH4. Note CM" MILNE MFG. CO., 1030 8th St.. Monmouth, III. Ton need tho World's Beat Hatcher. You also need to be sure you ere t a machine that Bears tho Insurance Label, or you will bo liable to loss by Are. CYPHERS FIRE-PROOFED, INSURABLE INCUBATORS AND BROODERS BribIiacjOMUbl, TbtrhTttcaIiKpcU4aii4Puil by lk Fit UatovrlWrs. HfoM rrtry buUm vltbout lh UUU Oar 21M'sc CuW II laitnlM Antrim's HfM t Fraltiy Ftrai MdMBUtaUMMwlJiiaruu rules. JtliiV., A&iitiiNtuHtVttnch. CYPHERS INCUBATOR COMPANY, Buffalo, N. Y.I Beaten, Mass.t New York CHjri Chlesge, III.! Kansas City, Ms. Oakland, Cal. Sri sVstsrsi PsataJ II BJ 1 isssratle f I mi UfVi If tl bsvA iBsfflfMsflVl lJLV assssT tfVKMItfll WANTED-A RIDER AGENT IK EACH TOWfl and district to rids and exhibit a looe. Model "Baneer" bicycle furnished by us. Our agents everywhere are making money fast. IVriteforjHU particulars ana fpecuu tm era once. w.t.f NO MONEY BKQUJU15D until you receive and approve of your Wcycle. We imp to anyone, anywnere in me l. o. wnoin in rv I'l'iir cz ' i X and allow TJG2C JJAXB' JTJlEJE XAULAJU aurins wnicn uraepu uwy uc ""'"; -"-putjt to any test you wish. If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keep tne Dicycie you may snip it oacit io ns ai our upciue vm w ni- - . ClnTnttV QBIOCC We furnish tho hrBhest crade Bcycles It is possible to mike at oss rAulUHT rlflwCd small profit abore actual factory cost. You save Jio to J middlemen nmfita hv huvtn direct of us and tare the manufacturer's euaraatee behind your bicycle. DO cycle or a pair of tires (mm anyone at anypric tm til , you receive our catalogues ana learn our unbesrd otf actor? firitts and rtmarkabU ttetal offirs to rider agents. VAID Will I BR ACTslBllCUlEn when you recelre our beautiful catalogue tad study eaa make for isoo. We sell the Mehest crade bicycles for less money than any other factory. We are SfoultdwryT'DXCyClJ!: DEAliEBB. youcaasdl orUcycl under vour own aameplate atdoubUs our prices. Orders filled the day reeeired. w.,.. t jpirtn njivfi ntiTVnr.RS. We do not rcffularlr handle second hand bicycles, bt ,aii.ia number on hand taken la trade by our Chlcaeo retail stores. These we clear out promptly it prices ranpinr from Ss to f S or W. Descriptive bargalo lists mailed free. srsr As?TCO BDl sCft single -wheels, imported roUer chains sad pedals. TIRESf G0A$TEH"BnAKfc$ partoreWasdeaJupmentofallUadsatAflArr5a srEm a rs l rairrsr l tt -wwv- w . . w.vr m a rw .... ia A.A.dhM iii mn trtt stspsbiss rr s'rritia mill rmr KXHJtAV?LMe7ldl of LiTerestiSzmatteVMd useful toforaaUon., slso a widtrX frcfoxitUn, ro..j .....-. . .... m m. - .... - nnil m trmt 0 jvthlg 9. Vrltt IE BOyf Dpt. N 177 CHICAGO, ILU s (be firs sample Meycle gtAag to your town. It only costs a potl to get, crerru1' MEAD CYCLE COMPANY WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS MENTION THE COMMONER I ft', h.KiW&rifj! jaW, Cja.JtetuM'JaijAycjy6 - . -. fcj .. tebA-j (win - Jr