The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 05, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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VJ-W 2 yi -T
The Commoner.
MARCH 5, 1009
Many designs. Cheap as
wood- 32 pa (jo Cataloguo
frco. Special Prices to
Churches and Cemeteries.
Coiled Bprintf Fence Co.
Box t "Winchester. InL
'" "' ij""
Beit toficJi most tucceiifot
erettcit retonanee. Sold
direct. Na arinlt. Stnt
on trial frefeiit paid; tint,
last and all the time by mi
to iliow our faith In our
work. If you want a good
piano, you cava 75 $200.
i'Jtytermt. Slightly uted
2 Ilradbum. tc. I7S
Good ray, steady work and promotion. Kxpcrlcnco
unnecessary as wo win kjvo compictn inntructlons.
Danville Tobacco Co., Box H 58, Danville, Va.
Free report as to Patentability. Illustrated Outdo
Book, and List of Inventions Wanted, sentfroo.
1A ANS, "V1LK12NS & CO., Waalilnffton, D. 0.
Vg '"SH5&
Gold Watch
and RING
We put tlrclr gite both a Pamom Allan
Watch Slrm Wind, brantllullr enrrmfd
Solid (fold Lull taut, Atttrhnnmitytiut'iL,
factory (tiled, cniruntr ed tho v,
O yrnr; alto Solid (.'old Inld jv
itliiR trl nlth a C. ngo Oe n s28a
iparUInc like aS50 dlxmondr?5?jE'2
lor if LlDir UU tiatLneri oflirau.
iiiui uigu grsue Arii'Okiiaratnt lueperjinek.)
Ordf r SO packages and when told ienn us $l! and ire will pod-
ilvrly tend jou Hie watrh, ring nnd thalc
ALTON WATCH CO., Dopt. 80!, Chicngo
F15LT nAT lu
kli.d onr Texan tow.
to, ncirt Qua iunlltjr
frit, light tmi e Inr,
with richly Mexican
artcd It other land
verr nltlorctqne: a re
uiar me, ooiinr iiai v EXPREbS FKhKA U
..... .. .. .... .. -. ... . .- --.
uiuuc niiu puiu ij "
i nt exelnthrly. dlrret
lo the ennsum r. Jnaue lu two aimcnuon.
3x4 l-'i mid 3 t-UxR. S celnl Jirler !j:i.(l(),
. rxirtfn unpaid. Older to'Ur. Male tlir.
tialUfailluu guaranteed or jour muurjr back.
Mept. 1, lUntlon, Texat
T?n 4f mnnst TIT irliiTfifu Cn1n linn rti1 fn.
tarrh, Croup, Colds, Cuts, Sores, Piles, etc. Sells j
Oil H1HI1L lib UH. OU11U 91, OJ lU'UUJ lor 1- Jllll Bl.W
Jars and M0UBLT3 your money, besides cholco
nfr.7 .nlnnliln nrnirtlinna Ti'IJir.Ti! I If nut rpnil V
I to order now write for now, bijrcatnlosr.
KjuuiKr s numcuius iu, i wj oiun ou , iuitui',
EASTER POSTCARDS, your name or Town
In Gold and Velvet, 10a
SoUHonlr Art Co., Cintonvillo, Conn.
Handsoma Colored
I- V Tho greatest bargain
9 A evor heard of. Consists
of a splendid assortment of
colored and embossed cards,
hlrthttav preednes. flowers, battleshlos. views, etc.
etc. No comics, all sont postpaid. 50 for
15c. Jfou cannot afford to miss this ereat otter
which we are making t6 introduce our bargain
post card catalogue which we also send
fro with the post cards. Address,
DAVIS BROS. Post Card Dent.B-TP, Chlcneo.
KBpUDBfivyy, TBftjM3)&AWkViJlaWBBlastCyjKaBBr
Let Me Send Yon These
6 and 9 Other FRIEND
Each card contalas In vcr60 the BOntimontof tho
Iflowor. Brilliant natural colors; gold back ground.
'PlmrA hlM luinn M,n Qiv TW WT.".III RlCTR (if nthCT
f LanRuago of Flower Post Cards sold, whlcb. speaks
TOiumosfor tholr popularity. Pernaps you navo
somo of thom. But thia is a NEW sot tbat eclipses
tbom all. It ont-shlncs any of tbo others as much as
tbo 8nn out-shincs tbo moon. Pooplo wbobavo soon
tnemroinarkedtbat "all they soom to lack to bo
tho rcallloworsis tho perfurao."
Will You Allow ns to Send Yon
the Set of 15 Free?
, Then send 16 cents lor a trial subscription to onr
napor (eight issues) and wo will at onco send you
puise and the paporUp-TO-DATB Farming. It Is
tho most holpfnl form paper printed for ovory
department of farm life.
If you love Bkautipux, ploweiis Rnd-BEAUTi-I'rji,
post Cauds send us 15 cents and be surprised.
Doitrlifhtnow. Wo want to soil six million sets
of thoso cards. Wo want every reader of this paper
to nave a set. bATiSFACTTON guaranteed or
money returned without a quostion.
UP-TO-DATE FARMING. Dent. H 34. Indianapolis, Ind.
1 ariPPlfll tMMt.nirw mil. jo m ttunut .lib, iu-wi,iii
pfii. C.rJ r.iV..j. .4,palllfrt eirdt frtta prl..ll o.r IU U. B.U4
r Hr-M.wji.viHM ... rBi3'lfl"1li70v b.u. iwii4(aiw
Homeward Bound
The fleet is sailing homo again; It's
crossed the Seven Seas;
Old Glory from each battleship
swings out upon tho breeze.
The stars have shone in ev'ry port,
it's stripes of white and red
Have lighted many a foreign port
as' round tho world it sped.
The nations of the earth have seen
the flag we love the best
The fleet has borne it round the
world from out the Golden West.
And now the ships that carried it
are on the homeward tack;
So three times three! And once
again the fleet is coming back.
Our bands played "Dixie" in Japan,
and "Hail Columbia'," too.
On China's shores they've played the
strains of old "Red, White and
"Hot Time" they played on India's
shores, and on Egyptian sands
"Star Spangled Banner's" glorious
strains came ringing from the
'Twas "Yankee Doodle" for John
Bull he'd heard the strains be
fore As shrilled from fife and rolled from
drums above the cannon's roar.
But now the fleet is come back across
Atlantic's foam,
And all the men sing while the bands
are playing "Home, Sweet Home."
The fleet is homeward bound again;
the flag is coming back.
The ships. -have circled round the.
earth; they're on the homeward
From Occident to Orient, wherever
shins may ride.
They've borne aloft Old Glory's folds,
they've been our boast and pride.
Brave Lawrence looks down from
aloft and watches ev'ry day;
And Foote, and Jones, and Farragut
they guard the homeward way.
The old sea heroes watch the course
across the raging main
So three times three! And then
once more the fleet is homo
and fresh, but will save $1.28 in
lettuce bills. Ho will also save 86
cents on radishes, 58 cents on
onions and $1.3V in peas and beans.
In addition to which ho will havo
them nice and fresh from his own
garden, instead of wilted and pithy
from the grocer's.
Ho may bo able to raiso tomatoes
to tho amount of G3 cents.
And they will bo fresh from his
own garden, too.
And a few heads of cabbage.
Fresh, crisp cabbage right from
his own garden.
All this is figured out to a gnat's
eyebrow at this time of the year.
A little later tho city man will
figure it all out, something like this:
There's $2.50 for a garden fork
and a hoe. And 75 cents for a rake.
And $1.80 for seeds and plants. And
there was a four-dollar pair of shoes
ruined by mud and dust. And also
a $7 pair of trousers. It also cost
75 cents for court plaster and cream
lotions for blistered hands and a
peeled nose.
Returns: A few measley vege
tables that escaped the voracious
And next year the city man will
do it all over again with like results.
Often Happens
-"Who is the ragged old tramp go
ing across the street?"
"That's Wimperly, the man who
invented the doubleplex perfecting
"And who is that richly dressed
gentleman who has just dropped a
quarter in the tramp's hand?"
"That's Gougerly, the man who in
vented an ingenious little attachment
to Wimperley's press."
Bobby Knew
Teacher "There Is a certain ani
mal that' progresses very slowly, and
even then it travels backwards. Can
any pupil tell me Its name?"
Bobby "I don't know it's name,
Teacher, but I know what it is."
Teacher "Ah, Bobby; you may
tell the other pupils."
Ttnhhv "It's a republican con
gressman tacklin' th tariff revision
As Usual
This is the season of the year
when the city man figures out what
a lot of fresh vegetables he is going
to raise on tiiat little 7x11 patch of
ground in bis back' yard.
By raising 'sorae' lettuce in the
patch he will not only have it nice
The Shock
"I hear that Blumerly Is very ill.
What's the matter with him?"
"He got a terrible shock the other
"Why, how did it happen?"
"He asked his wife tos go' to a re
ception with him and she didn't say
she did not have a thing fit to wear."
"Does your carriage run by elec
tric power or by gasoline power?"
"By hand power. The baby is the
only passenger."
Brain !LeaIcs
The hand's clasp tells the truth
of tener .than the tongue.
Worry & Fret is a firm that makes
quick delivery to its customers.
Tomorrow's wages spent today
means double work and less of play.
It never hurts a minister to oc
casionally take the pewpolnt of
The average man never becomes
so old that he entirely loses faith
in the old saying that "there 13 a
up taken In exchange for f
linprorecl wtnu piano
tlioroly rrfinbhf d. Send for
bargain lltt. You thculit
have anyway' Hook of
Complete Information
alxuit VlancK." 1S2 pacei.
AM'. Vrfay: AbooV
of educational Interest
everyone should hare."
l'rco fot tlio nnUm
Ina from the old hmite of
WING & SON, 3C&-3W)
W. Utli St. New York
n tin
vny not move to Virginia, where
vnn r.-in luiv cnni Irvrl land with
rw ' ' -"- "
timber, iruit, water, etc, at 98.00
5Jmmi? per acre? Fertile soil, healthy
S climate, short mild winters, lone
fllif-1itfnt tnmm.n.
r II markets. Our interesting Kcal
Estate Herald with valuable map
sent you upon request. Write for it.
PYLE & CO., Ino.
Dept. F.B.Petersburg, Va.
TJ ytUVCft
views le, 30 days crodii. Hawplra Jk oulr Fre.
CaUUUa Portrait Co., MO-OS H 'Mnm UU, Cklf
concerning ticorgo 1
mi.w till ..r. v. r.. ttt..i. ti I
Could never tell a lie;
In which, respect George Washington
Was unlike you and I,
But If 'tis true he couldn't lie
And lots of folks- have said it
Why should he for his truthful ways
Be given so much credit?
Now, here are we, and unlike George
We can tell awful whoppers;
We can spin fairy tales galore
Unto our moms and poppers.
But we do not and so wo claim
George simply isn't in it.
With modern boys and modern girls,
Not for a single minute.
He couldn't tell a single lie -r
With accent on the "couldn't."
Now wo could always tell a lie,
But, then, we simply wouldn't.
Now, honest Injun, don't you think
Our praise you should be singing
Instead of always boosting George
And that old chestnut ringing?
Banking By Mail Made
Safe in Oklahoma.
IIundrodH of HonkH failed in 1005 thousands -
of DICPCSITOHS hail their savlnKa Jeopar
dized If not lost. t
Avoid bclnj; among tho losers In 1009, by
keeping your account in an Oklahoma Btato '
Depositors from 31 slates testify to our abil
ity to handlo your business satisfactorily.
Booklet containing law frco on application. ,
Guaranty State Bank, .
Muskogee, - Oklahoma.
J. D. BENFDICT, President. M. G. HASKELL, Cashier.
$600 From One
Acre of Cucumbers
W. Q. Hooks, near Run, Texas, in tho
Gulf Coast Country, gathered 400
crates of cucumbers from a single
acre, for which ho received $000. It
cost him only $4.75 to plant, water and
grow the crop, and 5 cents a bushel
to gather and haul It to tho railroad
Over $500 clear profit for a little light
work that many a city man would bo
glad to do just for exercise. ' -.
If this can be done on one acre, think
of the possibilities from 5 or 10 acres.
Have you such possibilities in your
nrottont work? Why shouldn't you cm-
brace the chance to gain fortune, free
dom and health? Raising fruits and
vegetables in the Gulf Coast Cquntry io
not difficult any one can do it. You
can buy. a few acres on easy terms and
the llrst crop, if properly cared for,
should more than pay for the land.
Life in the Gulf Coast Country Is pleas
ant the winters aro mild the sum
mers are pleasantly cooled by guix
breezes. Investigate this proposition
while tho land is within your reach-r-next
year It will cost more.
Let me send you some further informa
tion about the big profits growers aro
making in the Gulf Cbast Country. Wo
tffm affrSrolfceWiatefVeietaife
Htftor'af rZ GareWcTAiKfica
copy today.
Pass. Traffic Mgr.
Rock Island-Frisco-C.
and E. I. Lines.
1077 LaSnlle Stn., Chicago
1077 Frisco Did., St. JjOuIh
aa. fcltfthe 1. oil ret Democratic paper Jn U.S.
3 UG-one year. ?lte lloraot, Bizby.N. C.
1 I
.,j. -iii74i' irf
in ". Jirfl -r"''