gwgwn" u''ing'trgTiirr ; tM jl r X .v The Commoner. VOLUME 8, NUMBER 5 12 w "V u Irrigated Semi -Tropical Lands M,M,MMB,MaaWaaaaaaaaWaWaaaaaaaWamna The La Lomita Tract, 27,000 Acres, Mission, Texas A Money Producer Summer and Winter These lands now selling at from $50 to .$100 per acre, are producing crops of Alfalfa, Sugar Cane and Cotton during the summer months, and crops of vegetables during the winter, netting more money PER CROP, than the land now, costs PER ACRE. In addition to the fore going, there are wonderful possibilities for the pro duction of Oranges, Lem ons, Grape-Fruit, Nuts and Vines, which promise to rival the immense pro duction of California. A climate tempered by the Gulf Trade Winds, making a delightful spot for an all-the-year-round residence, or an ideal loca tion for a winter home, free from snow and ice, fully equal to the most favored portions of this or foreign countries. We have here, the un usual combination of: The most fertile soil; Abundance of water for irrigation; A climate un surpassed; The cheapest labor in the country. These four conditions exist only in the two coun ties at the southern extre mity of Texas further south than any other port nf t.h a TTnit.Arl fft.n.t.fn. Lands under less favorable conditions are readily selling at $500 to $1,000 per acre in Washington and California. We therefore con fidently believe that, in the near future, this property will command a higher price than any lands in the Union. Tho LaLomita lands at Mission are in the delta of the- Rio Grande, and arc riqh sediment lands, with an abundance of river water for irri gation ; in climate, fertility and products these lands are the equal of tho Nile delta in Egypt. In truck growing this land produces earlier ."vegetables and fruits than any other part of the United States. Even tls early as tho first of Junuary the Mission truck growers ship to northern markets carloads of cauliflower, cabbage, string beans and peas. Onions grown at Mission net from $200 to $500 per acre Table grapes ripen two months earlier than in California are shipped to northern markets early in Juno, and are also 1,000 miles nearer these markets than the California raised grapes. In sugar cants,, espe cially, tho LaLomita lands aro superior to any part of the world pro ducing more cane to the acre and richer juice than any other country Sugar cane raised in Hidalgo county won the gold medal at St Louis' mmm (if mmi kfm c ,,:v '. . tKtp4mmes!missimm,mimiBfz itXi J4 BBiH!HBtEniMHAI'HmWRMWV tmsaBKmmmmmi immmmmmfflm&Mmz "" ...,.. v..v..- .fvv;,;:-..,- .r - w r-, . yy, , wmwMt3M t . yi .wti iH JTM St FV,f John J. Conway ami Col. Sam Fordyoc Under Fine Sugar Cano liaised Near Allusion. W u,e , p- riaat w-Tato rXw , ? ' : r&j&XS: .' ?.,.. K. .-!v.BB4iBBB 4?-BMaBLBBBBBBV BlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV? iABBBBBBBBaBVBBBBBBaBBBBaBBBBBV2r 1 1 ! vm IlK Tfr rM jv 9 jjffrQayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 'C.ryBiKSqF y"w nflVMYwaaBSVJYBaCbKBBBBBaBaBBHBBBBBBCW .Ljjf. la'Aa - IPaaaa BBBBBBNBBnff&3!BBF9R9fc$ lffljSS & tt!Sc9 rt"f$X " iflaiWaaaff ffaaSfcJ:-jMTwEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!aaaagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaafaaaraaaaaaaW'r'ffSi rfrawirBTT' Sf P' AfiBBBananf 5hfc AVmhJHBctLA11 eD -JWlAJRDawvwfMOVQBllHII BBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBffiIw9lfiH & 5WV JJmKiKanBBSilUBwEHBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBB J. W. Holt Under Date Palm Tree at MIbmIoh DaaaaBBaBaBBBBaBaaBBnBBnBaaHBaaBaaBBaaaBBBB Two Men Make $10,000 Net in One Year From Onions Two men came to Mission a year ago "with two teams and a few hundred dollars in money, rented 43 acres of irrigated land, paying therefor $20 per acre rent, and planted Bermuda onions. Notwithstanding it was a year when the markets were unfav orable, these two men received net from each acre of onions the sum of $358.01. The men are W. P. Stites and W. E. Nicholson, whose address is Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, and they will gladly verify these statements. Their 43 acres produced 34 car loads of onions, containing 17,061 crates, net ting the growers $15,394.64, the commission men $1,320.00, the crate men $2,900.37 and the railroads $8,291.79. Off of these 43 acres of onions, Messrs. Stites and Nicholson paid their total living expenses, labor bills, rent, cost of crates, freight f otlier incidental expenses, amounting to a little over $5,000 and for their one year's work, they pnt in. bank some thing over $10,000. These men have now made enough to pur chase their own lands on the LaLomita ranch at Mission and are enthusiastic over the conditions and outlook for progres sive farming at Mission. We cordially invite your correspondence and investigation. CONWAY & HOIT Mission, Hidaldo County, Texas taBBBaBBaKlBBBBBBBffililKfflBBBBaB! aaaaaaaaafaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarSr'cffi' BBBBBBBB9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrVBf VBW "aBBBWacaBBMKBBWatfHttifcgj """""' ' h,H """ E.b..,Uea 180!, ll0MH BaBCIi; M,il(m. T'!",,il "i;' tiw " '5ujjti