The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 05, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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"5 .-, -f
The Commoner;
promo Court MoodyT iTudgb A.- G.
Dayton mid U10 following named' rear,
ndmirulu: A. 13. Luce, A. T. May
Imn, WlUIum II. Folger, Robley D.
Evans and William S. CtfWles.
The Joint, railroad committee of
tlio Nebraska logiBlaturo has agreed
upon a bill providing for the physi
cal valuation of railroads, telegraph,
tolephono and express companies.
The duty of making the valuation is
placed In the hands of the state rail
way commission, tho valuation to be
that of tho corporations which come
under the law on July 1, 1909. Tho
bill ' provides that the valuation of
railroads shall Include: Tho value
of all real estate. Tho value of all
grading. Tho value of bridges, cul
verts, wator stations and liko struc
tures on tho right-of-way. The
value of all track material and ac
cessories. The value of all telegraph.
and- telephone lines and apparatus.
The value of all stores and supplies.
The value of that part of the rolling
stock chargeable to the state. The
valuo of shops, machinery and tools.
Everything else not jncluded in the
above. The commission is empow
ered to call upon the corporation to
be valued for any information, which,
they may desire and it is made the
duty of the ofllcers of such corpora
tions to make sworn statements of
tho information asked for. The
commission is allowed to employ the
necessary expert anticlerical help by
and with the consent of the governor.
A fine of between $100 and $10,000
is fixed for failure to comply with
tho law. Provision is made for re
vising the valuation each year by
reason of new work done and old
material worn out or destroyed. The
corporations affected are to bo notl
ilod of tho valuation after It Is made
and summoned to show "cause'" why?
the valuation should be-either raised
or lowered.
In a special message- to congress
President Roosevelt endorses Gov
ernor Magoon's recommendation
that an appropriation he-made1 for
the raising of the battleship Maine,
from the Havana harbor.
The speech delivered by Represent
ative Willett of New York in which
he applied a number of epithets to
President Roosevelt has been ex
punged from the records of the
house of representatives. A com
mittee reported to that effect and
tho house unanimously adopted the
5, .LELSS-Z" W-
'! r ,, c
Af ter-Holidav ciarksonV
Bankrupt Book Bargains
T luivn n. fw hundrntl. sntH and il few thousand odd volumes left over
'from tho moat magnificent aggregation of' book bargains ever 'gathered
tnirtttlior for a JfoUdav bariraln Hat. Got It buv oulck or you'll miss
your Jlfo'a clinnco for a library at tho price of papor and printing binding free.
Tho panic forced many book publishers to tho wall. Others had to have money
to avoid failure. Ileault: I bought tremendous quantities of new Mtiindnril books
and library nc(h at my own price, and am now closing them out quick at 1Q
to CO cents on tho dollar. Hook Shipped tin Approval subject to cxaminatlon'ln
your homo beforo paying for them, and returnable at my expense if not satis
factory. Tho following sample prices glvo but a faint Idea of the thousands of
bargains offored In my big freo bargain list, which I will mall you on receipt
of coupon or postal card request.
Sample l'rluert New Hooks Theso bargain prices will prevail only while this
stock lasts. Inito Copyright Fiction, wore $1.50; my price, 38c. List includes
"Fighting Chance," "Half a Rogue,'' "Satan Sanderson," "Nedra," "Black Bag,"
"The Yoke," "Tho Spoilers," and hundreds of others at from 8e to 45c.
Itfff. I'rlre Jly 1'rlce
International Encyclopedia
of Roferonce, Half More? IS. 00 ? 9.75
Encyclopedia Brltannlea,
Half Morocco 3G.00 9.75
Danlo's Inferno, Doro Illus. 0.00 90
.Dumas' Works, 7 vols 5.25 1.78
Hugo's Works, 7 vols 5.25 1.78
Shakespeare. 39 vols 13.50 0.75
Twentieth Century Atlas. . 7.50 1.75
Booklovers' Science Sot,
5 vols.. 10.00 3.10
Barnes' Bible Encyclopedia
3 vols... 24.00 5.75
Famous Plcturos 12.00 1.50
Eugono Flold's Poetical
Works. 4 vols G.00 1.30
Law of Psychic Phenomena
-Hudson i.go
Js. iumrou olllor Now Thought Books)
uiru jMuiguunrs a. 00
Tho Christy Girl 3.00
Little Women, reproduction
of $5.00 edition
Dictionary of Am. Politics. 2.00
Stevenson's Wits.. 10 vols, vnnn
DoMaupassant's Wks. 17 v. 51.00
Ittff.I'rlco Ujrl'rlee
Voltalro's Works, St. Hu
bert's Guild Ed. 43 vols.. $124.70 $39.65
International Science Li
brary, 10 vols 24.50
Memoirs of Mad'm DuBarry 4.25
Muhlbach's Wks., 18 vols.. 27.00
Koran of Mohammed, Half
Leather 2.50
Napoleon's Notes on Ilist'y 4.70
Longfellow, complete 2.00
Ilakers of History, 32 vols.,
Harper & Bros., Half
Leathor Ed 48.00
Robinson Crusoe, Art Ed.. 2.50
Palno's Ago of Reason
Tariff and Trusts
Homo Law School, 12 vols. 40.00
.Tno. Sherman's Recollect's 4.00
Our Islands and Their Peo-
pie, 2 vols 15.00
Cyclopedia of Building
Trades, C vols 24.00
St. Louis Fair, Official Vws.
largo vol 4.25
Frank Wright's Sunerblv
xuusiraieu Homo liluie
Representative Burke of Pennsyl
vania has introduced into the house
of representatives a bill requiring
the installation of wireless teleg
raphy on all seagoing ships using the
ports of the United States.
licifcy upon affairs -inn thercanai -zone
in- a. startling- speech 'in' support of
his resolution providing for an in
vestigation by congress o the Panama-
canal purchase..- -
"In their efforts; in this direction,"
he continued, "they have had so far
the complete 'co-opeEatidnandV active
assistance- ot the present administrar
tion and of the president."
Mr. Rainey traced the history of
the proposed canal four hundred
years back and warned the house
that "we have already started in the
direction of the rocks upon which
the first cruisers were wrecked."
Referring to the government's
libel suits against the New York
The senate has confirmed the nom
ination of Samuel B. Donnelly of
New York to be public printer.
Benoit-Constant Coquelin, the
great French actor, who was on the
stage for fifty years; died at Paris.
10.00 1.20
And so on through a list of thmianmia nf unnra nn ,inonn..i i '.. .,,x , ,
Bargain List of this stock. T14" "' my "4U"oa
Tho sots In tho following list aro made In rich half moroprn WmE
2&ralll,RJl.mL?.0i? lops. Rich and rare lllustmtloS' TheyveroS J IS
i"."S ",Hii l V"" "V "e"""? nnu u unreel clnsscH wlio wnnt lln nri.
.uiintm 111. liiy iiiuuN iLiiv unu I'll 11 n nvi antvm -.r ii,.
lltg. rrlt. Jljr Vrlee ne iyee, jjt Trie it
Dickons, IB vols, $15.00 Sll.70 Dumas 10 vols . sinnn n srl r i . B' ' Mr VrUr
Scott, 12 vols...'. .30.00 70 llURSvoU.. '.. 2?m 'li CT XW' 3,VOli? C- 2-85
Irvlnn, 10 vols 30.00 0.P0 K 1 t. 7 vo Is ... Sim rsn urnvrllson. 2 vols. .. .. 0.00 2.85
Thackeray, 15 vols. . . . MM U 70 a ft 10 vols 4sm ir?? ftfoil1en Eloquence, 10
Unlzno, 1H voIh m.00 17.01 nbmloj 12 Vols M n m wV? l"ml 7C'
ltuskln. 15 vols tcoD 1 70 KoLy tton lJl'voia M vAi WTirIIRB of Jhomaa
Tolstoi, 12 vols 30.00 11.70 Coo or? 2 I vols! ! T. 88 iim Tnxn180",'.10 v?,,,V C000 "-00
Cnrlylo.lOvols 30.00 0.60 Ilronto 0 veH. M 1HH2LlrblP.sL. YLi 10.00 4.25
roo. ii vo s at.oo io.m
Universal Olnsslcs, 20
vols 120.00
npoklovor's Slmko-
si)rro,20vols 80.00
UftwUiorno, 8 vols... 21.00
Oulzot. 8 vobt. 21.00
Aincauiny, c vol 15.00
Gibbon, 5volj 15.00
Prcscolt. 12 vols 30.00
Amton, 0 vols 12.00
uroou, 4vils 8.00
The Cause of our Financial Panics
and How They May be Averted. By
S. Fourtner. (Pamphlet.) The
Sargent Printing Co., 312 Denny
Bldg., Seattle. S. Fourtner, P. O.
Box 877, Seattle, Wash.
The Passing of Gold, or What is
Lawful Money? By Hon. Albert
Talmon Morgan. The Myers-Kuhn
Printing Co., Denver. (Pamphlet.)
The Railroad a Public Servant. By
Carr White Taylor. Pamphlet. The
Times Company, Hutchinson, Kan.
The Troubles of Adam. Bv Her
bert George, Denver, Colo. (Pamph
let.) The Voice of Truth. By Reinhold
Lincke. Published by Tomorrow
Press, Chicago. (Pamphlet.)
How to Get Rid of the Devil. By
H. W. Kemper, Louisville, Ky.
(Pamphlet.) The F. A. Crump
Printing Co., Louisville.
Tho Race Problemk By Charles
Wesley Waddell. (Pamphlet.) The
Burd & Fletcher Ptg. Co., Kansas
City. Price 25c.
7.81 torv. 0 vols...
4.00 History of UnltoilStii.
4.90 tos. Gvoln ....-.-. oj rvi
11 In i '...... ... ' ""
" uuHwnirsLiiiaai.mnn.
0.10 son. 4 vols 'Qfm
3.80 Pony's Dlnrv. 4 vols. 19 no
- " m f - . . .,vv
31.00 15.50
j ' Orlentnl Tnlcn, IHhI Uterat lire. Sue ilcrSw K ' WMtmttt Warner Library
J Dnrwln, Spencer, Hncdcel, K I11ub ? VnJk??n wttJF"1'!0' Moey Plutarch
h " binding and similar prices. ff' arkman, Tnlno and nany others In rich
' , toZyjS&ZfiZ Carle-
wuurb iur VairiN, CIC.
StIVk IiilllMtMl. Tlllcjn tmrinln
I limited to tho stock I now have. I do
not know that I will over sccuro such
bargains again, and cannot undortako
?Jm "ril0I"a longor than this stock
?S?it8,iiG,t.mbff' fro illustrated bar
gain list before ordering any of tho
SbJXstabl00todayS,Sn th C0Up(m 0r Sond
DAVID B. CLARKS0N, The Book Broker,
811 lloseli Uldg., Clilcnso.
Laiv., etc. IllK iinrBniUH in thou:
fur yoiiugf "ndld, liookw for Boy,
David B. Clarkson,
nr2!1,1 Bosch Building, Chicago '
Mail mo, without obligation to tno.
your freo illustrated Bargain Lilt
of your bankrupt book bargains '
Street No.
Twn state.
Following is an Associated Press
Washington, . January 26. A bit
ter attack on William Nelson Crom
well, President Obaldia of Panama
and others by Mr. Rainey of Illinois
was made in the house today. The
postofflce appropriation bill was un
der consideration but Mr. Rainey
spoke under license -of general de-
uate ana was unsparing -in his
charges of corruption and fraud
against the persons named. At the
conclusion of his speech Messrs.
Stevens of Minnesota and Kuster
man of Wisconsin expressed their
disapproval of his remarks and en
tered a aerense of the accused
During the morning hour'" the
house passed a joint resolution mak
ing February .12, 1909, which marks
the one hundredth anniversary of i the
birth of Abraham Lincoln, & legal
holiday. When the house, at 6 p
m., adjourned the postofflce bill- was
still pending.
Charging that William 'Nelson
Cromwell, Roger L. Farhliam
Charles P. Taf t and others are' -parties
to the ''most infamous 'railroad
proposition dver. submitted f to" anv
government' and that they 'We be
ing permitted not only to 'rob the
republic of Panama, but indirectly
the treasury of the United States
Representative Ralnov nf Tiut IL
day directed the searchlight of pub-
in cachtown to nde and exhibit sample
iqoc) model. Write for Special Offer.
1909 models vpiU Q?4?S
witn (.oaster-uraxes ana runcturc-i'roor tires.
1007 1008 Models 5T 4IO
nil of boBt makoB P m to jp Bat
SOO Second -Hand Wheals
All makes and models, d O tf O
good as new JJ ffO C
Great Factory Clearing Sale.
We Ship On Approval without a
cent deposit, pay (he freight .and allow
Tires constov-bralcos, parts, re
pairs and sundries, half usual prices. Do not
buy till you est ouc catalogs and. offer. Write now.
MEAD CXCJLB CO.,optNl77 Chicago
S f I J. .11 CI I
. snaruoiiiiiif uuii uiubiwi.
? Spoolal Prices to Oujr Agonts
boxed with a stropper-fer i
1 00
nigKeatwlnrnryoaoTorsawj'. OnecfBtold-2fith
? first afternoon ont. Dcst grado of steel, highly nick-
oled, with solid handle. Absolutely guaranteed.
a Sares throwing away old blades. Wrlta for our agents
& FflKB OUTFIT OKiEIt. Wo ttowyx7U.howkrBik
M io iu a nay vritnout experience, wriw toaay.
THOMAS MFC. CO., G32 Biraty BIck, Dayton, O.
If VOlir Earn rlntr or
roar, or your hearing is
oubcmju, il tayoo acue,
tlfdrnMniiltiiiiH . .ILl
i. iTttt Trr.,. u".iui " u.uu,i.ur ubm?
breath, scabs In Noso, Irrltatldn In Bronchial
tvn k'i run83 orStomch,yournamoandaddroB8
I. v.r w J'"u"DoiuieiyiroeajsjaayBCOurae
of medicine prescribed to meet your Individual
roquiremonts and complications. """u
Wo have cured many who have tried various bo
called Catarrh cures with littld or no benoat.
v. .. wit.o juu mm nuurut oner io lniroauco
our splondld treatment in your section.
PFMFMRFBsond only your symptoms,
llUITlfcluDlunnarnoand addroBB.NO MONEY
and 'WltflOIlt nORt Vnil will nuul.. n OO rla
v . w w r va mil rfWAVW SAW U4l gj
T7B t? ffiftfrefft? XWJVS!, PAxA1U&i. 1
,--- .. xj.u aiuuu. aailDADUlTli JILlft .
' -
Subscribm' fluueriisina Dpt.
Thia department Is for tho exclusive
use of Commoner subscribers, and
special rate of six cents a word per in
sertion tho lowest rate has boeu
made for them. Addrqss all communl
catlons to The Commoner, Lincoln, Nob.
-close in: GO rich bottom, Sll.200 G
Wertman, owner, Washington, Kansas!
A Dent seed cprn, won world's nhnm
Plonship for largest and beat oar t
Sidfana. StaInbro, FraSfuin!
4 show you each quarter section so
you can pick out your own home wS
publish maps and township phU?' Give
accurate soil descriptions. Thero ArA
over 2,000,000 acres in Routt Countv
Colorado, pen. 900,000 acres batted
n January number. Cover one countv
papeearChpJbifstll1G1f? ISfS"' osTvaTuablo
Wes $Srid n7?0 y!$ftY.
Bldg.?rDQnyeyIdCoio7,10 CommQnwealth
HelTTwGoImbroiSr;8 SS? afc ad
SJSb Ssbf tSam6p2s StBSf osas
.LSSJs!nM3o?er' WlndSor r Bfc
Washington. ' Smaly Gaesaw.
. ' hA.ft iir.ri.vj; . xi- ...ji .. jr-.