"wnHHP HW "in?r- -r 7-n- JANUARY 1, 1909 The Commoner. 9 fw&fos?K- hi.im ''I'-Tyy-rjt fg, CQURR81SIT ATOPICS 'f'---r' . ", wTifMtjjiMlgat, - iiBhwMli I i I'm' 1 1' 1 i A PITTSBURG millionaire recently paid a New York "art dealer" $9,500 for a paint ing upon which had been forged the name of the Dutch master, Israels. Ordinarily the man who poses as an art connoisseur is loath to ad mit that he has been duped, hence the dealer in bogus paintings is usually safe from punish ment. But in this caso the victim had no such compunctions and the dealer was forced to dis gorge. The transaction, however, served to bring again to public notice the vast extent of this form of fraud. In this particular case tho "art dealer" paid a struggling painter $30 to paint the picture, then sold it to the Pittsburg man for nearly $10,000. This is a profit that is apt to tempt men who have no compunctions of conscience. A well known art critic in New York declares that the industry is a thriving one, and that it is greater in America than else where. But he says many bogus "masterpieces" are imported from Europe every year and palmed off on unsuspecting victims. --- ' 'Mfcirz, " " J BZi A1 o N ASSOCIATED Press dispatch from Phila delphia, December 23, follows: "W. J. Bryan -was asked today concerning his attitude toward another nomination for tho presidency. He replied: "All I can say about 1912 is that I hope it will never be necessary for me to run for office again. I prefer to do my work as a private citizen. "When asked whether I would refuse: in advance ever being a candidate again I have said that I would not promise anybody not to be a candidate for any office. I will add one other thing, and that is that I am still in politics and expect to be for about twenty years, and .1 shall make it convenient to be present , whenever a' man or group of men attempt to , rep.ubjicanize the democratic party. Six million -.- ; five hundred thousand -voters of thd democracy endorsed the platform adopted at Denver. I am satisfied that a great majority of those who voted the ticket honestly believed in the platform and I shall co-operate ,with them rather than with those who would attempt to conciliate the spe cial interests that, have defeated the democratic .party and how dominate the country through ,.tno republican party. I have -no regrets over v, , jtho: r.ecent campaign; everything was done that r ,', we could seq.,at the time should .be done. Of -course, some things have appeared in a new light since, but we did all that appeared to us right to do at the time. I have no regrets about my course in regard to Colonel Guffey. He con- spired to defeat the will of tho democratic party in Pennsylvania, after it had been expressed at the primaries and I believe in the right of the people to rule. Any man who deliberately vio lates that proposition can not be a leader in any party that deserves to be called the demo cratic party. We polled 114, 0Q0 more votes in this state this year than we did four years ago, when Colonel Guffey represented the Pennsyl vania democracy on the national ticket and I think we can get along withput him." OJ. BONSALL of Rochester, Pa., writing to the Chicago Public, reveals some fig ures concerning the banking industry that are well worthy of careful study. Mr. Bonsall starts out by making the flat declaration that no daily newspaper in the land would dare in form its readers of the statistical facts he sets forth and which he takes from tho official treas ury reports. He says: "Take an abridged copy of the Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency, 1907, and turn, first to pages 42 and 43. Here you find official record of the statisti cal fact that the ledgers of the 23,937 banks of the United States show 'individual deposits' to the amount 6f $13,654,535,348. Next turn to page 49. There we find the total amount of all kinds of money held by the 19,746 reporting banks to be: $1,113,742,316. Add to this the probable amount of money held by the 4,191 non-reporting banks, based upon comparison ' as to 'deposits;1 'viz: $45,000,000, and we have ' $1,158, 742, 31'6 of money in the. vaults of the Baid 23,937 banks. But there "is included in 1 this table, -$48-,225,00G of 'gold -treasury certifi cates to order' find 'clearing liouse certificates' to the amount of $79,318;000, none of- which . ZUn, beI1V0', bQ available for the payment of ordinary checks on individual deposits. Dc- 9?Cog ,thcse items' thore would remain in tho rf, 937 banks, tho sum of $1,031,199,316 of available cash with which to meet and satisfy deposits to the amount of $13,654,535,348, prac tically all subject to sight check. So, if all depositors were to check in full, and tho money divided pro rata, they would each get about 7 V. cents on the dollar. Next, wo turn to page 31 and find that the loans of the 19,746 reporting im ln -i907 aSSregated $10,763,900,000, while the indicated amount of loans of the 4,191 S"reportIng banks would bo, say $560,100, 000; making the aggregate loans of the 23,937 banks of tho country tho enormous sum of $11, 324,000,000. Next, wo turn to page 31 and find that tho paid up capital or investment of tho 19,746 banks is $1,690,800,000. Adding the indicated capital of tho 4,191 non-reporting banks, say $55,000,000, we have, as the aggre gate capital of tho 23,937 banks tho sum of $1,745,800,000. Now, under tho extraordinary privileges granted the banking fraternity by congress and the various legislatures, whereby tho banks are permitted to loan, reloan and re-re-loan the same money over and over again, as it is deposited, redeposited and re-redeposited, over and over again, they are actually drawing interest at an average rate of at least 6 per cent per annum on $9,578,200,000 more than, their total capital; or in other words, their total Investment. This would equal 38 per cent per annum on their actual investment." npHE NEW YORK Evening Post is inclined to X' sarcasm in discussing President Roose velt's last annual message to congress. Turn ing to Milton' it finds and prints this quotation 'as its comment on the mesage: "For who would lose, Though full of pain, this Intellectual being, Those thoughts that wander through eternity t Then," ho ting a British comment or two, it says: "The difference between American and British journalists was never mdrB ' clearly illustrated than by the" London Daily Graphic's characteriz ation of President Roosevelt's message as a 'beautiful dream To the fraternity on this side of tho water its length alone makes it a terrible nightmare, to say nothing of its contents. Since the British have admittedly no sense of humor, we can see in the Graphic's comment only an Idealism purer than our own. We must, however, still claim superiority fpr our American editors along cer tain lines. There is the Standard, for instance, which has only just discovered that Mr, Roose velt makes use of copybook maxims with lavish prodigality, and the Daily Mail, which is but now aware, seven years after the fact, that Mr. Roosevelt's greatest achievement is the discov ery of the Depalogue. The Chronicle,, too, is far behind the times, for it has just perceived that Mr. Roosevelt 'balances and qualifies.' Its edi tor thus confesses that this is the first Roose veltian utterance he has read. For there exists not one which does not reek with 'on the one hand' and 'on the other;' 'from one point of view' but 'there is another side.' Whereas 'there are bad trusts, there are also good trusts,' good and bad laboring men, and practi cal men who are good when they contrib ute to the republican treasury, and bad when they do not." M AJk - A Jfc n I S KMpOi -. J &&&$& kXwi - SfcSPfc Ssofe r'n ,mu;ortaIIty of tho soul, and a futuro nHn.: r,8tntGmontB bc,n Btistuinod by cortalu iotteis and documents found among hist impore. a S ,CJlUrclV 1ron,i!Il"S I" that connection ?nlii w8, Jo,,n Qu,ncy Ad:un8 Wfls a Unl with nl r most of h,H 1,f0 wa connected with the same congregation which boro on its rolls tho name of hl father. For tho greater Smif i hl8 ",f0V 0norftl Jack80 hft(1 no r&uu affiliation whatever, but In tho ovoning of his days, and mainly through the infiuonco of Mrs. Jackaon, ho attended tho ProHhyterian church, and after her death becamo in fact as well a form n member. On his eatatc ho built a Pres byterian church and spent much money in con tributing to its support." A CCORDING TO this same writer: "Martin i , , Buren WftH not a member of any church, but was a regular attendant on.tio ser vices of tho Dutch Reformed church near his homo in Klnderhook, N. Y. William Henry Har rison was a communicant and for a tlmo a ves tryman in the Episcopal church. For a' 'long time after his death his pew in Chrlat church, Cleveland, Ohio, boro tho ullvcr pnto Indicating its ownership. In hla inaugural address, ho made what he called 'a confession of faith,' testifying to his religious boiler. Tyler, like Harrson, was an Episcopalian, and personally a very devout man. Polk was not a; member of any religious denomination, though In defer ence to Mrs. Polk, ho generally attended the services of tho Presbyterian church. During his last illness he was baptized by a Methndist clergyman, a friend and neighbor, and formally received as a member of tho Methodist church. President Taylor was a regular attendant on the services of the Episcopal church, and although tho testimony is somewhat conflicting, it seems probable that ho was a member. Millard Fill more was a Unitarian, born and raised in a fam ily belonging to that denomination. President Pierce was a Trinitarian Congrcgatlonallst, and his religion Is described as 'more of tho head than of the heart.' Buchanan was a very accept able member of tho Presbyterian church. Presi dent Lincoln, although described by his biog raphers as a man of deep religious convictions, was not a member of any denomination, al though he often attended tho Presbyterian church. Andrew Johnson was not tc church member, although during his residence In Ton nesseo he generally attended tho Methodist church. General Grant never connected himself with any church; though when ho attended ser vices at all, it was generally those of the Meth odists. It is said that shortly boforo his death he becamo a member. Hayes was for many years a member of tho Methodist church. 'Gar field was the only president who ever officiated as a preacher and pastor. After leaving the pulpit for the platform ho remained a member of the Disciples of Christ. President Arthur was prominently connected with one of the leading Episcopal churches of New York City, Presi dent Cleveland was a regular attendant and, in his later years, it Is said, a member, of tho Presbyterian church. President Harrison was a Presbyterian and for many years an elder of a church in Indianapolis. President McKinley was a Methodist. President Roosevelt is a mem ber of the Dutch Reformed church. President' elect Taft Is a Unitarian." THE CREEDS of the presidents seem just now to be of public Interest. On this point a writer in the Christian Advocate (St. Louis) says: "Washington was an Episcopalian, and one of his biographers says he was a communi cant, while another declares that although ho was a regular attendant on the services of that church, he was no more than an adherent and sympathizer. John Adams was a Unitarian, having been "brought up in that faith and adher ing to it all his life. Thomas Jefferson was kre nPfifpdlv charged with being a t red-thinker; some even said an atheist of thef. French school,' but ,,'v after his death his friends and family assented ., ,, that he was a believer in God and divine revela- LO VE Love Is jealous of command, Richly clothed and fine. Love Is just a little hand Tightly clasped in mine. Love's an ache, a stab, a smart, Or a balm divine. Love's a little tender heart, And that heart is mine. 'mi ' i t y Tv. Love w,alks wondrously' complete,. . With jewels all oshine. '.Love's -aCJ'tttle pair of feet,- . - u . Keeping ,pace with mine, i V . London Chronicle. I i IJ