The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 01, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner.
1 ' wjhjp1 iiiB3J5ip5wS3r5tf''(53
had boon given? Tho fact that ho
was a Catholic. What stood In tho
way of Senator Kornan whon he
wanted t6 bocomo governor of Now
York? Tho fact that ho was a Cath
olic Now, Mr. President, do you
want to repoat that tho Catholic Co
lumbian foully slanders its follow
countrymen and is guilty of narrow
blg&try by asking these questions and
answering thorn? If not it, why mo?
Do you want to brand Mr. Thurman
(for urging this reason as an objec
tion to thp cdndidacy of Hon. Rich
urd Bland) as foully1 slandering his
fellow countrymen and of narrow
bigotry? If not him why mo?
"Now, Mr. President, just one
more question and I am done. What
effect do you think it will have upon
tho missionary work of tho churches
of this country whon it is known that
the president-elect denies the truth
of tho doctrines they have been and
are today teaching. v In my judg
ment nothing any president has over
said or done can entirely counteract
the offect save the ovidence given
by William McKinloy In his dying
moments. His last words were,
Nearer, nearer, my God, to Thee,'
which did more to fix in the minds
of all truo Christians, as well as the
rest of tho world, tho grand reality
of tho genulnonesa of Christianity
' ysnoh no was believed, taught, lived
nndffoxempliflod in the death of Wil
liam .McKinloy. ;
"This ropublio'inay or may not ex
ist for centuries, but so long, as it
dqos exist it should bo a God-fearjn'g,
n God-loving Jiation, with a president
in' the chair Who is an humblo Chris
tian and not- ashamed-of Jesus.
'Lastly, tho conclusion reached,
taking ycrtfr letters as a whole; is that
your advice before voting is to ascer
tain boyond a, doubt that the candi
date belongs to tho right party; that
he endorses tho platform of that
party and promises to seo that the
various provisions set forth in said
platform are faithfully carried out to
tho very best of his ability; that it is
immaterial to which church tho can
didate belongs; what' tho doctrines
and tho religious belief of that
church are; that is a matter between
tho candidate and. hisMaJtoiva mat-
Iqi. Prv litci nittn nnrfd'nfdnAA. .,.$.,5ll1 l?
own private ebneern. Therefore
be a good, trustworthy American cit
izen it is only necessary to IttibW the
candidate for whom .you voto4bolieveB
in tho principles . of it vthe party to
which you are allied and pledges
their enforcement; but to take into
- wjSnaldoration his religion or even in-
kTVuiro about it, is narrow bigotry and
foul slander.
"Now, Mr. President, in closing T
have this to say: I believe my fel
low countrymen will join me in ex
pressing to you my sincere regret
that in your letter to mo of Novem
ber G, 1908, you, the president of the
Unitod States, took the stand which
justifies the inference, duty to party,
: and its principles stand paramount to
allegiance to God and His teachings.
': "Very truly,
piled by Wallace Rico. A. 0. Mc
Clurg & Co., Chicago.
Hor Caveman's Letters and Her's
in Reply. By Lane Swift and Carol
Stoolo. Gillam's Sons Co., Philadel
phia, Pa.
Money and Profit-Sharing, or tho
double standard money system. By
James C. Smith. Kegan Paul,
Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd., Dry
den House, 43 Gerrard Street, Soho,
London, W.
Blblo Studies. By Rey. John F.
Mullany LL. D. Tho Mason-Henry
Press, Syracuse, N. Y.
Lincoln Anthology. An anthology
of the epigrams and sayings of Abra
ham Lincoln, collected from his
writings and speeches. Edited by
Francis D. Tandy. Francis D. Tandy
Co., New York. Cloth, 75 cents.
A Knight Templar's Pilgrimage to
tho Holy Land. By Thomas W.
Wilson, Eureka, Calif. Printed by
H. S. Crockor Co., San Francisco,
Man, Woman Know Thyself. By
Dr. Elmer Jefferson Bartholomew.
Grant's Printery, Chicago.
Oklahoma Civil Government. By
Charles Evans and Clinton' Orrin
Bunn. Bunn Bros., Ardmore, Okla.
Just Plain Folks. A story of lost
opportunities. By E. Stillman
Doubleday. Arena Publishing Co.,
Copley Square, Boston, Moss.
Healthology. Illustrated. By Irv
ing J. Eales. Published and for
sale by the author, Irving J. Eales,
M. D., D. ,0., Hygenic Institute,
Belleville, 111.
" A 'Puritan Captain. By Emanuel
C. Charlton. Christian, Publishing
Association, Dayton, Ohio?-- , -
What Shall We Eat? "By Alfrod'
Andrews. The Health Culture" C3i,
Passaic, N. J. ' , ' '
Nancy Maclntyre. A, tale of the
prairies. By Les.ter Shepard Parker.
Illustrated by Sears Gallagher.
Richard G. Badger, the Gorham
Press, Boston, Mass.
Moore's Millennium. Being the
Utopia of Sir Thomas Moore rendered
into modern English - byv yaleifian
Paget. The John McBride CdT Pub
lishers, New York.
jpy-ithe Christmas Fire. wBySamT
f-Jto Mifflin Co.. Boston anlPriew York.
''."Theosophy or Christianity. Which?
A Contrast, by Rev. I. M; Haldoman,
pastor First Baptist church, New
"York dlty. Charles C. Cook, 150
Tasau St., Now York. Price jiO
cjmts. '
x,' .The, People and Theii" Property..
By Edwin B. Jennings, Broadway
Publishing Co., 835 Broadway, New
Our Country's .Father. An ode to
the memory of our country's father,
by Charles Rozell Alloway, ' Milwau
kee, Wis.
The Hall of Fame. Proceedings of
tho second unveiling of memorial
tablets in tho Hall of Fame at Uni
versity Heights, New York City, by
George Frederick Kunz, Pin D.
Catch Words of Patriotism. Com-
Prico $1.25, net.
The Evolution of Religions. By
Edward Bierer. G. ' P. Putnam's
Sons, New York and London. The
Knickerbocker Press.
Daily Bread. By Eleve. Purdy
Publishing Company, 80 Dearborn
street, Chicago, 111. Pamphlet.
Life of Benson Bldwell. With
authentic story of the trolley car's
invention. The Henneberry Press.
Chicago. Pamphlet.
National Evolution. By J. An
thony Starke. Advance Publishing
Co., New York City.
My Yesterdays, By Louise Wood
McKinney. Mageo Bros., Printers,
Piqua, Ohio.
Sin and Society. By Edward A.
Ross. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 4
Park St., Boston, Mass. Price $1.00
The Traveler and the By
John C. Baird. Broadway Pub. Co.,
835 Broadway, New York. Price
$1.50. . . , .
Tho Magnetic, North. By Eliza
beth Robins. Frederick A; Stokes
Co,, Publishers, New York.
Anarchism. By Dr. Paul Eltz
bacher. Benj. R. Tucker, Publisher,
New York.
The Sanity of Art. By Bernard
Shaw. Bon'j; R. Tucker, Publisher,
New York.
Dr. Paul' McKim. By Thomas
Sawyer Splvoy. Tho Neale Publish
ing Co., New York and Washington.
The Automatic System Treating of
the Doctrine of tho Triple Tax. By
I. Crane Clark. D. S. Clark, Pub
lisher, Denver, Colo. Cloth bound,
$1.00. Paper bound. 50 cents.
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