The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 01, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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    " "Wj
1 Myfllfcy
V - T
election; then, go further to show
where such propositions as made in
my letter would lead.
"Careful reading of my letter to
you, your secretary's reply and the
commencement of your letter of No
vember 6, clearly shows the reason
assigned was not tho only reason you
had for postponing answering my let
ter until after the election.
'.'You say you selected my letter
because it contained both objections,
namely, that Talc is a Unitarian, and
in sympathy with the Catholics. By
referring to my letter you will find
that the word Unitarian does not ap
pear in it. I have no objections to
your singling it out and using it a3 a
sort of clearing house for all letters
on that subject, but 1 do object to
your misquoting it, which may be
the result of having received so many
letters on the same subject.
As to Unitarinnisni
"History shows us that if Unltari
anism disqualified one from render
ing service to his country, then Ho
race Mann, one of the foremost edu
cators of America, would have been
shut out; David Starr Jordan, presi
dent of Leland Stanford university;
Carl D. Wright, president of Clark
college, and many other professors
and the last Beven presidents of Har
vard university, including President
Eliot, who has just resigned after
forty years of service, during which
ho won for himself the foremost pos
ition in the field of American educa
tion. Then again, think how much
our national congress is indebted to
Edward . Everett, Charles Sumner,
Taste is Sure
Stomach Guide
A Barometer Which Never Falls,
Though Seldom Believed
"Taste, is the ,direct guide to -the
8tomachf;.and. the taste buds -are connected-
by tb.e nerves with the stom
ach itself, .so, thafc they represent its
health or disorder. If tho stomach
or. its juices are out of tone, the
blood is fermented by a change in
the' .alkaline or acid condition, and
these reach the mouth both directly
and indirectly.
"The taste buds are in tho tongue,
and are mounted by hairlike projec
tions called papillae; they cover the
surface o'f the tongue."
"When you taste these buds rise
up and absorb the liquid; inform the
nerves; the nerves tell tho stomach,
and the food is acceptable or not,
just as the stomach feels."
The above remarks on taste comes
from an eminent authority and sim
ply explains why when one smells
cooking or sees food one thinks he
can eat, but when he tastes he learns
the stomach is out of business.
To the person who cannot taste
aright, who relishes no food and
simply forces himself to eat, Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets hold the secret of
enjoyable eating, perfect digestion
and renewed general health.
Most men wait until their stom
achs are completely sickened before
they think seriously of assisting na
ture. When your taste for food Is lost it
is a certain sign the stomach needs
attention. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets cure such stomachs. They re
store sweetness of breath, renew gas
tric juices, enrich tho blood and give
the stomach the strength and rest
necessary to general duty.
Forty thousand physicians use Stu
art's Dyspepsia Tablets and every
druggist carries them in stock; price
50c per box Send us your name
and address and we will send you a
trial package'free by mail. Address,
F. A. v Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg.,
The Commoner.
n. J"' John c- Calhoun and
?iCe F Hoar' m Unitarians, and
Jw ?f h0 femora of Massa
chusetts including John A. Andrew,
tho great war governor, belonged to
tho same denomination; seven of tho
supreme justices of tho supremo
court, many associate justices have
ESS atmere,s of the Unitarian
faith; many illustrious names which
nave alike graced the history of our
nation. I do not wish to deny or rob
the Unitarian church of any good or
benefit it has been to the world or
done for tho world; but after admit
ting all the claims of the Unitarian
church, then I ask all Evangelical
Protestant churches, Methodist, Bap
tist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Disci
ples, Episcopal, etc. (as well as Ro
man Catholics) since the very vital
questions which I have heretofore
named, are foundations upon which
these churches rest, if they can con
sistently cast aside all the fundamen
tal doctrines of their church and sup
port a man who denies what they
acknowledge to be their duty to their
God? That Is 'a question for tho
churches to answer. And, In tho
event that these churches or members
of these churches should decide that
their duty to God stands paramount
to all things else and declare they
would not support a man for the
chief executive of tho United States
who does not believe in their relicrlan
and in their God, denying the doct
rine of the Trinity, or three persons
in one God, and all tho fundamental
doctrines of their church, I say, Mr.
President, will you dare go on record
as branding them as foul slanderers
of their countrymen and of narrow
bigotry? If not them, why me?
"Now, Mr. President, you say X
foully slander my fellow countrymen
and that I am guilty of narrow big
otry when I say the mass of the
voters who are not Catholics, will
not support a man for any office, es
pecially for president of the United
States, who is a Roman Catholic. I
repeat; I believe nine-tenths of the
voters of the United States, including
all religious beliefs, will say I state
a fact, and in your own heart after
due thought you will agree with me.
"So far, Mr. President, I have only
cited part of the mass of the non
Catholic evidence to support the
truth of the statement I made, that
the mass Xt non-Catholics would not
support a Roman Catholic for any
office, especially for president of tho
United States', and for this assertion
you choose to brand me as foully
slandering my fellow countrymen
and of narrow bigotry. I now de
sire to Call VOUr attention to n Kmnll
part of the evidence offered by the
uatnoncs. i quote from the Catholic
Columbian of Novembor 13, 1908,
published at Columbus. Ohio: 'Whnn
however, the president characterizes
as ioui sianaer tne assertion that the
mass of non-Catholic voters will not
support a Catholic for any office, es
pecially for president, he goes too
far.' Now, Mr. President do you
want to go on record as branding the
Catholic Columbian as foully slander
ing Its fellow countrymen and of
narrow bigotry? If not, why me?
"The following questions and an
swers are taken from the Catholic
Columbian and of the same date
named above: 'What prevented the
nomination to the presidency of Wil
liam Tecumseh Sherman? The fact
that he had a Catholic wife and a
Jesuit son. What side-tracked Gen-v
eral Philip Sheridan from political
honors? The fact that ne was a
Catholic. What defeated the presi
dential ambition of Hon. Richard
Bland 'Silver Dick?" The fact that
he had a Catholic family. And urg
ing this fact as an objection to his
candidacy, a son of the great Allen
G. Thurman of Ohio was conspicuous.
What prevented the nomination of
Justice McKenna as secretary of the
interior after a pledge to that effect
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