The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 01, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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    VWTF5W P"ffW fj " fljjrrJp " ,"'l'4 " c ' " w t
The Commoner.
ik. tVT" iy L. All lBLlf9fIEAi jTr'muMf K 4tjfer
JtoaMMS5Sa-!r..rr...r!..L,'. V-.iwiiiiij Ml niim nfTl r HMn nirw- itw
Tho mayor and other city officials
of Chicago have returned all Christ
mas gifts mado to them uy others
than relatives.
Washington dispatches say that
tho federal authorities will ask in
dictment of the members of tho beef
Walter Wellman says that under
the Taft administration there will bo
a new buroau of corporations which
will handle all corporation matters.
Claus Spreckles, California's sugar
king, is dead.
Governor Hughes' committee to
prolio Wall Streot will begin on the
produce and cotton exchanges.
Two revolutionists intrenched near
Moscow twice ropulBod a combined
fnrnn nt onlillora rinl nnltnn lrllUnw
Ji. czar's chief of police, and are!
rwvaomjjmiy after a twonty-hour
Tho Pennsylvania r railroad and
other big enterprises are said to be
back of the Pittsburg graft expose,
they finding it cheaper to oust tho
boodlers than to pay their price.
H, W. ,Poor & .Co., New York
stock brokerage firm, and publish
ers of Poor's Manual of railroads
have assigned with liabilities of more
than $5,000,000.
The new Cuban congress f ill meet
early In January, 1909. . y.v '
In the Ohio contest for United
States senator to succeed Foraker,
Charles P. Taft favors submitting the
question to the republican .caucus.
Congressman Burton proposes that
11 senatorial candidates appear be
fdre the entire legislature and tell
their attitude on public questions.
The Castro government in Vene
zuela has been overthrown- and"-Gomez,
long the leader of the rovolu-
.Mrmlara. hnn Vopti rrmrln nrnnlflonf
Th'sUnlocl States ?'has recognized the
fnm&Hgovernment ana nas sent W.
fr TBuchanan as a special commission
er to represent this government.
Castro is in Berlin in the care of
"Declaring that the Standard Oil
company of Ohio and the Waters
Piorco Oil company of Missouri had
conspired and combined to monopo
lize the oil business in this state, tho
supreme court of Missouri issued a
decree ousting all three from the
commonwealth, and fining them $50,
000 each. The decree against the
Waters-Pierce company is tempered
by the proviso that it may continue
business If by January 15, 1909, it
can show to tho court that it has
taken steps to operate as an inde
pendent concern and has satisfied the
judgment against it. The other com
panies are given until March 1, 1909,
to wind up their affairs in the state.
The decision which was unanimous
on the part of the seven judges is so
sweeping that Attorney General Had
ley and Governor Folk hail it as the
ond of the illegal oil combinations in
Missouri and the former asserts that,
in conjunction with the decision of
the supreme court" of the United
States in the tobacco trust case, it
will affect similar suits In other
In tho prosecution against the
night riders at Union City, Tenn.,
tho state secured confession from sev
eral persons and the testimony dis
closes that a reign of terror has long
been maintained by a well organized
The city of Pittsburg is filled with
scandals relating to municipal gov
ernment. It is claimed that thri"e
Score councilmen are "easy to reach"
,nd that in the passage of one ordi
nance alone sixty councilmen divided
$40,000. A grand jury will be em
paneled January 4, and many arrests
will be made.
A Jefferson City, Mo.,' dispatch
carried by the Associated Press says:
If you have had bad bowels and
liver last year you don't have
this. CASCARBTS will make
your bowels and liver act right,
and keep them so. Many a sick,
tired head and body comes from
bad bowels. s - l' ., , ' B97
CASCAKETS-ioc bos-weck's treats :'
inept, nil (Jriiscists. lUggcst seller iru
the world-Mfilion boxes n mouth.
The Rochester, N. Y. Democrat and
Chronicle says: "Election figures
compiled by the New York Times,
which It states will approximate very
cioseiy the oilicial canvass, show that
the total vote cast this fall was 14,
799,898, without including the vote
of the independence party, tho popu
list party and the smaller of the two
socialist partios. Allowing 100,000
votes for these three minor parties,
which is a liberal estimate, the total
vote this year exceeded that of 1904
by 'about 1,380,000. The gain was
almost wholly democratic, due very
largely to Bryan's cain over Parker
in the middle west. The socialist
vote proves to have been slightly
smaller than It was in 1904, being
401,506 as against 402,288 four
years ago. The prohibitionists also
mot with reverses. Their candidates
received 238,014 votes last fall, while
four years ago they polled 258,536
votes. It was a bad year for the
minor partlos all around, and two of
them at least are not likely to figure
in tho next presidential campaign."
New Marion, End. C. J. Holman
writes: "The highest malorltv In
this county was 798. About 100 is
the normal majority. Your plurality
over the Parker vote is approximately
1,000. With this showing we have
somo claim on the mule."
Brown County, Neb. R. E. Osborn
of Ainsworth, Neb., writes: "I want
to put in a claim for Brown county
for the Bryan mule. Parker got 157
votes in this county four years ago.
Bryan got 526 November 3, a net
gain of 369 votes, or a percentage
of 335 15-157."
Alleghany County, Md. Frank A.
Perdow of Cumberland reports that
Allogany's average vote for electors
in tho throe former campaigns was
3,921 2-3. The democratic vote in
1908 was 4,791, making the
in 1908 over the average yote 869.
The percentage of Increase was 22.15
College, View, NebN -F, O. Nolson
writes: Grant precinct No'.. 2, 'Lan
caster county, Neb., also claims
Major Mlnnamascot. In 1904 Lan
caster county gave Roosevelt 8,163
votes and Parker 1,975, while In
1908 Bryan polled 8,532 votes and
Taft 7,419. Bryan therefore made a
gain of 332 per cent over Parker's
vote of 1904. In 1904 Grant pre
cinct No. 2 gave Roosevolt 129 votes
and Parker 10, while in 1908 Bryan
received 210 votes and Taft 115, giv
ing Bryan a majority of 95 and a
gain over Parker's vote of 2,000 per
cent. This precinct joins Mr. Bry
an's on the south. Tho "Major"
has mado us several visits (in charge
of Mr. Lyons) but we are all anxious
to know if he Is not coming to make
his home permanently with us."
Williams County, N. D. Ernest
Francis Williston of North Dakota
writes: "The vote for democratic
electors in Williams county in 1904
was 316, in 1908 it was 1,035. This
shows an increase of 328 per cent.
Does the mule belong to us?"
Wlnfleld, Kan. Joseph O'Hara
writes: "The Fifth ward of Winfield
claims the mule. Four years ago
this ward gave Roosevelt 207 votes,
Parker 48; Roosevelt's majority 159.
This year the ward gave Taft 143,
Bryan 105; Taft's majority 38."
Hardin County, Ohio. William V.
Neville of Round Head, Ohio, writes:
contest for the mule you are going
to give away to the precinct making
the largest democratic gain in the
last campaign. Mine was as follows:
Poll shows 69 republican majority
and cut it down to 14 in the last
campaign of 1908 69 minus 14
equals 55 gain in 1908. Township
went 88 in last campaign in said
township in fall of 1907.
New Concord, Ohio. Harry E.
Miller of New Concord writes: "This,
precinct showed a gain of, 53 per
cent. I would like very much if you
would look this matter up and com
pare the same."
Bourbon County, Kan. Geprge
W. Marble of Fort Scott, Kan.,
writes: "Please enter Bourbon coun
ty, Kansas, in that mule' contest. In
1896 Bryan carried this county by
395; in 1900 h.e; lost it by 215; in
1904 Roosevelt carried Ijt by 1,378,
and in 1908 Taft carried It by only
Furnas County, Neb. I. S. Meyers
of Hendley, Neb., writes: "Wishing
to compete for the mule, Major Mln
namascot, Furnas county, Neb.,
ought to be represented as we made
a great gain in the democratic ranks,
and Lynden precinct in this county
should be in line for this mule. In
1904 the republicans cast 1,568 votes
for Roosevelt, and 393 for Parker in
Furnas county, and cast in Lynden
precinct 68 votes for Roosevelt and
26 votes for Parker. In 1908 Fur
nas county cast 1,400 votes for Taft,
and cast 1,615 votes for Bryan, and
Lynden precinct cast 38 votes for
Taft and 103 votes for Bryan, mak
ing a gain in Furnas county of
400 1-9 per cent, and In Lynden pre
cinct 396 1-6 per cent. I believe
Furnas county ought to compete for
this mule."
Bates County, Mo. I. D. Smith of
Butler, Mo., writes: "Bates county
elected every officer on the demo
cratic ticket by majorities of from
100 to 600. Mr. Bryan majority
was 460, Mr. Cowherd's about the
same. I have, read all of the politi
cal platforms of the two parties from
Washington down to the present and
I think tho democratic platform is
the best that I ever read; there are
three planks in it that are of more
importance to the people that are bit
terly opposed by Mr. Taft, namely,
the guarantee of deposits, electing
United States senators by direct vote
and publicity of campaign funds be
fore the election, the latter the most
important because without it the elec
tion can be bought by the party hav
ing the most money. In view of the
(Continued on Page 14)
n sivymaivr trial CXCeiS flfl
Separator In ths World.
SX"?? te h,gh: wo Sw
antcc It. It runs easier, skims
closer, has a simpler bowl
with fewer parta than any
other cream separator. Judge
for yourself. Our offer en
ables you to do thla at our
BAiicnsD. wnw usandrc-
life11? mal1' Postpaid, our
1909 catalogue. It la hand
somely lllustratcd.andtully
explains all about tho Low
nteo describes tho sur-
TIME TRIAL proposition
wo can mako you. Our
generous terms of purchnso
will astonish you. Remem
ber, wo arc tho oldest exclu
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the first to sell direct to
tho user. Notoneslngio
uruut u-paiu anyone dc
tween ourselves and our
customer. Our own (tho
manufacturer's) guaran
tee protects you on every
t" : - iul;kiwui (separator.
Wo can ship Immediately. Western orders filled
from Western points. Write for our great offer and
nnnHonmn frnn rotalrunin r xr t ..... t
AMERICAN SopamtSirAddrM "" "W"
Box 1130 Balnbrldge, New York.
lake Your Own Ftrlillzer
at Small Coat with
FromltotOH.P. AlaoBono
Jutterfl, nana ana powor
for tho poultrymon: irrlt
anrlsholl mills, farm feed
mills, family prist mills,
oorap cako mills. Bond for
catalog. Box 160.
Wilson Inc., Soft Mm., ustofij Pa.
vvAidi ,.n'
MJsassMaKCExTE. B? &u TaM M-Vm
2Z KaV' ';ttf reSin
s feyagumittsa
w Ifiiliiliitl
VaT llronr
AGENTS ISAItN $75 to $250 a month soiling
Novolty Knives with photos BRYAN 3c KKRN.
Buy ono and show your loyalty. No. 118, 3-bL $1,00.
Catalog shows many styles. We decornto trnnspa?
ront handles with any photos, name, address, lodge,
emblems, otc. Razor Stocl blades, gnarantocL
Groatsollors.Blgcommlsslon.Wrltofor agent's terms
Novelty Cutlery Co., 66 Bar St., Canton, O.
We'll make a Fireman or Brakeman outol
you in short time by mall. Instruction
Is practical and fits you for cood
salary, orauuatesin dig: oe
maud. Only school conducted.
by railroad men and en
dorsed bv railway managers.
Write today for our free catalog.
The wentho lumwayuor.
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f 46,712 Appointments OT$ffitSffiSl&
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or nnr
Civil Service Announcement, containing full information
abont all government examinations and questions re
cently used by the Civil Service Commission.
Trappers Fur Traders
Ship your Furs direct to tho world's largest Fur
market, whoro prices arc always highest Wrlto for
our -latest prlco list, giving highest prices for Furs
and Polta of all kinds from nil sections. It's FREE.
Myers-Boyd Commission Co., St, Louis, Mo.
COur 3,000V. for ITntori ailt.d .n r53pt of 6 rtZiutH
R.3. & A. B.lACEY. Washlnrton.P.C. Estab. 18B9.
Banking By Mail
Made Safe
Through tho Guarantee law Oklahoma makes
tho depositors In tho stato banks safe. Why Jeopar
dise your savings 7
Why Not Place Them
In Secured Banks?
Wo will mall Jaw and other Information to parties
M. O. HASKELL, Cash.