The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 25, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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    DECEMBER 25, 1908
The Commoner,
Albert C. Holloway. Akron. Ohio Wo im,i
a large democratic gain in my precinct, city and
county. Consequently we have no "mystery of
1908" to solve. We were very well organized
during this campaign, having an organization
extending to every precinct in the county. Wo
propose to maintain our organization during the
coming winter. It is our intention to open up
permanent headquarters which will be the home
of. the Bryan club as well as the various party
I. M. Adams, Ravenwood, W. Va. Our
losses were due to the fact of the failure of the
Cleveland administration arid to the fact that re
publican speakers urged strongly that the same"
result would follow democratic victory this time
"Can the democratic party hope ever to gain
control of the federal government?" Yes by re
organizing on a' progressive and liberal plan with
equal civil rights to all citizens and protective
tariff on all competitive goods.
O. H. Reed, Chairman Ingham County Dem
ocratic Committee, Lansing, Mich. You ask,
"Can the democratic party hope ever to gain
control of the federal government?" Important
question, that. Too much guess work for me.
I hope, I trust, for the triumph of all measures
which will equalize the burdens more justly,
and distribute the enjoyments more equitably,
that rewards of all will be commensurate with
willingness to do and ability to execute, and
that these will be unhampered by any of man
made creations. I "never dream though right
is worsted, wrong will triumph." As long as
democracy believes in the creatures that God
made, does it not believe in God himself? Some
times I think that the salvation .from "known
abuses" lies Jn a spiritual or religious movement
and not in a political or man-made movement.
Jesus Christ did not go after office, but declined
all temporal power, but taught the correction of
all governmental as well as physical ills by
inculcating spiritual knowledge.
W, S. Byram, Harrisonville, Mo.. The dem
ocratic party should in the future advocate more
Strenuously than ever, those policies which will
inure to, the benefit of the whole people, which
are beneficial to the. masses and not the classes.
One thing which defeats the democratic party
is that a large vote which the republican party
receives is cast in its favor from ignorance and
prejudice, and is, not determined really from the
policies advocated by either party, but from
other canses.. The negro vote, which is almost
cast entirely for the republican party is drawn
to it through ignorance, and prejudice and not
on account of the policies, which divide the
parties There is no doubt but a large number
voted wth the republicans on account of their
fear that the "captains of industry and finance"
would cause hard times if the democratic party
should win. They give credit to the republican
party for the high price of corn, cattle, hogs, etc.,
and made tQ. believe that if the democrats should
win, there would be such a slump in the market
as wo.uld cause losses to thousands of people
all over the country. While this would not have
been true, a large number were taught to be
lieve it, and the effect was just the same. I
believe the democratic party will eventually win
by being aggressive, persistent and contending
for those things which are for the best Interest
of the people as a whole. The republican paTty
is so thoroughly intrenched in power, with a
large army of officeholders, backed by the trusts,
who have grown rich from special legislation
granted to them, makes it a hard fight to win,
but by thorough organization, united efforts, the
democratic paTty will win because it is right and
ought to "win. It may be years, but the demo
cratic party should never give up. The demo
cratic party is more united today than it has
been for years, and has no good reason for re
tracting any policy advocated before the elec
tion, nor ever give up the struggle for better
government, hut should form a solid phalanx
and move forward as one man for those prin
ciple's for which it has been so long contending.
"We should not become weary in well doing
for in due time; we shall reap our reward if we
faint not "
W. L. Marley, Bentonville, Ark. I think
the loss entirely due to the Influence of the
almost universal belief that the moneyed and
government favored interests of the country
cduld and -iroiild 'bring about 'a money stringency
and panic if 'Bryan -were elected and seemingly
4-v. t. iii-w- nt im nprmiA to make the
In its issue of November 13, The Commoner
invited contributions to a symposium, having
for its purpose an inquiry into the causes of
tho results of the 1908 election. The Commoner
asked tho co-operation of its readers in every
section of tho country, submitting theao
Did the democratic party make losses in
your county and precinct?
If so, to what influence were such losses
"What course shall reformers adopt for
tho future?
Can the democratic party hope over to gain
control of the federal government?
The fourth installment of this symposium Is
printed in this issue. It should bo understood
that tho publication of any particular opinion
does not mean that Tho Commoner endorses
that opinion. In order that tho Inquiry shall
be thorough it will bo necessary that wide scope
be given tho contributors to this symposium,
and these opinions are to bo printed with the
names of the writers.
For the preparation of this symposium Tho
Commoner must lay down certain unalterable
First, replies must be brief and to the point.
Second, the writing' must bo plain,
Third, the tone must be respectful, the lan
guage non-libelous and free from epithet al
though the widest possible latitude will be
given for the description of the conditions that
contributed to tho result and tho expression of
opinion as to the future course of reformers.
The name of tho contributor will be used.
Tho Commoner will continue this sympo
sium from week to week, covering sufficient
time and space In whlch-'to clear. up "Tho Mys
tery of 1908."
sacrifice at the -present. All 'democrats and
many republicans with whom I am acquainted
freely admit that reforms of government are
necessary and their execution absolutely impera
tive to the future well being of tho peoplo; all
seem to realize It involves a certain personal
sacrifice and many shrink from It. I think
the democratic party has heretofore made the
mistake of Incorporating in the platform too
many reforms at once notwithstanding many are
needed. I believe it more feasible to settle one
great question at a time. Tho greatest question
before the people and the one most easily ex
plained is tariff reform. In my judgment the
cause democrats should adopt for the future and
make their battle cry is "tariff reform." The
democratic party will yet gain control of the
government if God intends this to remain tho
land of the free and tho home of the bravo,
which I 'hlnk He does.
Eva M. Johnson, Fayette City, Pa. I hope
I am not taking too great a liberty in thus writ
ing to you to express my deep regret at your
defeat in tho recent election. I wished so ar
dently for your election, indeed your own family
could .not have desired it more earnestly than
I, and the disappointment was heart breaking.
But although'you were not elected, you havo
thousands of admirers and supporters all over
the country and, In my opinion, more really
close friends whom you have never seen than
any man in the United States. Last night I
read in the paper your article, "A Battle Lost,
a War but Begun," In which you call the re
sult of tho election "the mystery of 1908." Tho
paper stated that you had started an inquiry
among your readers as to the cause of that
result. As I am among the number of your
readers and a member of that class from whom
you expected the greatest support the labor
ing class I venture to send you my opinion
in the matter. With tho finest platform ever
drafted by any party; with a reputation for hon
esty integrity, and high moral character that
has successfully run the gauntlet of three presi-
dontlal campaigns; and backed by tho sunnort at
organized labor leaders its well a of your nJrty
the outlook for you was Indeed a bright one a id
at work ?n m!i thcnr( wo ovcral influences
party ,8 lww iho party of rpf
Uv ? bTh?f i?nn!,Ub,,Cnn imrty n coh
uve. i no socialists, our most radical party
and advocating complete reform in govornS'
havo made amazing gains In (ho past four ynars
and these gains havo, of course, booi made at
the sacrifice of the older parties Which imrty
Ism; tho democratic, made up of thoso secklnr
oft hlddon,12r rn,OVOd from " wSffl
or tno hide-bound, conservat vo republicans
S?t!reirirft,3r,c?ntfnt w,lh "ndltlSE a thoy
exist? it Is tho laboring classes, those who suf
fer most from present day oppression an from
whom you expected your strongest support that
have swelled the ranks of the soemffi ' And
al u ! know for a Poaltlvo tact that many
?hne MSmrf.vPI;0rtC(1 th0 do'no'rntIc ticket this
nine simply because you were tho canrfirtntn
(my own father and brother among U nim.
,S:,2 f d(i l,nk their number wasVoarTy
sufficient to offset the exodus from domocracy to
socialism. Secondly, tho protective tariff Is a
Humbug that continues to fool more peoplo than
any other humbug over concelvod. Peopo with
nioro patriotism than intelligence nro emmht by
the phrase "protection of American industries."
Few people roally understand the tariff, and
hence follow the lino of least resistance In ad
vocating soniothlng already established. But
the most potent Influence In directing tho vote
of the masses of tho American people was fear.
Thoy well reallzo that tho republican party is
controlled by tho corporations and moneyed In
terests. They also reallzo that tholr dally bread
13 dependent on the will of thoso Interests, and
they feared to antagonize thoso who control tho
source of their meagre incomes. Moro than ono
corporation threatened to shut down the. works
upon which wo are dependont for a living if
Mr. Toft was not elected, while threats of "Vote
for Bryan and you lose your Jobs," turned more
votes to tho republican party than those peoplo
who boast of our freedom and Independence
would care to admit. For too many worklnr
men failed to reallzo that companies run their
works, not to give men employment, but for
their own profit, and that they would keep them
open only as long as it was to tholr own in
terest to do so, regardless of who was or was
not elected. This fact Is demonstrated by the
fact that, In spite of the republican victory, three
mines in the vicinity of my homo town havo
shut down for an Indefinite period for no other
reason apparently than to break the spirits of
their already destitute employes. I know of
ono case where a ballot was sent to a mine boss
marked to show him how ho was to vote and
how he was to direct tho workmen under his
supervision to vote. Needless to Bay, thte ballot
was sent by the company that employed film nd
was marked for a straight republican votc.r
have stated facts that have come under my per
sonal observation. They are not speculative,
they are positive truths, and I hopo may prove
of some value to you In clearing up tho "mystery
of 1908." And now may I conclude my lengthy
epistle by again expressing my admiration of
your policies and my sorrow at your defeat. I
was but a child of seven years of age vhen you
first led the democratic party in Its fight for '
the presidency, but I remember distinctly the ex
citement .of that time and my father's warm
partisanship of your cause. Ho has cast his
vote for you each time you have been a candi
date, and my brother gave you this time tho
first presidential vote ho ever cast. I am proud
to say that our own little town, In republican
Pennsylvania, went strongly democratic. Your
picture holds an honored place in our home,
while our whole-family, father, mother, broth
ers and sisters, continue to say, in spite of the
republican victory, with undiminished loyalty
to your great cause: "Hurrah for Bryan!"
J. A. McFarland, Itensselaer, Ind. Here Is
my explanation: I have it from those who aro
in a position to know. It is chargeable to the
Catholic vote. I think as a proof that this is
true we have only to analyze the rote in New
York and In the states in which democratic gov
ernors were elected while Taft got the electoral
vote. This was given mo by a Catholic in La
fayette, who claimed to have inside Information.
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