'i9m-m-iimfHwm, nut ij" II PECHMBBR 26, .19(8 The Commoner. 5 The Single Standard or the Prince eace By Rev. J. F. Nugent, Pes Moineg. Iowa n or J. Rev. J. P. Nugent, pastor Church of Visita tion, Des Mtiines, Iowa, has Written for Mr. Bryan's address, "The Prince of Peace," an in troduction entitled "The Single Standard." Father Nugeht's introduction is as follows: THE SINGLE STANDARD Tor the first time since the formation of this republic a speech of a purely religious char acter is thrown before the American voter as the latest and best form of a campaign docu ment. During the past one hundred and thirty years the American citizen has been taught to study the political machinery of his government. In the present campaign he is respectfully in vited to seriously study the principles which un derlie the machinery itself. At a" time, when nothing is heard above the roar of the political tempest, but the party cries of good times, bank guarantees and injunctions, it ia somewhat un usual to ask the voter to stop for a moment and calmly study the issues from a moral standpoint. Issues are short-lived. Like the leaves of the forest, they sometimes bud and fall in a single season, but the leaves have never fallen without having written the history of their life in the rings that make the sturdy trees of the forest. The leaves have endured only for a season, but the trees live on through tho cen turies. History is as full of dead issues as the woods are full of dead leaves, but tho causes that gave them birth, and tho way they have been settled, Is the stuff from which is spun the thread that makes the web of living history. It is in the light of these facts that history must be written and that history must be read. The great underlying principles of truth and justice are never changed by issues, but issues must be changed and modified by them. So. far as God Is concerned, these truths ore eternal; so far as man is concerned, they are as old as the worl'd. As political cries and shibboleths, the issues of past campaigns have long since passed away, but the way in which they. have been adjusted is recorded in the living history of the world and forms tho fiber of our complicated and com plex civilization. Our especial reason for offering the Prince of Peace to the American public at this time Is because the republican party has adopted the "square deal" as a kind of national shibboleth. The square deal is the only important issue in the present campaign, because it involves all the others. It is a moral question, and from its very nature dictates the principles by which all other issues shall be decided. It must not be thought for a moment that Mr. Roosevelt is the author of the "square deal." Christ taught that, doctrine to St. Paul, and St. Paul taught it to the Thessalonians, when he said "that no man overreach his brother, or deceive him in business." If Christ is the author of the "square deal it would seem quite in keeping with the spirit and genius of our country that we give Him a place as a vital factor in the great political struggles which involve the welfare of the na tion. We opened both conventions with a prayer addressed to the Throne of Grace, and rested our hopes on the efficacy of tho atonement. The legislatures of every state in the union open each session with prayer addressed to God in the name of Christ. As a great Christian peo ple we recognize the moral code which we brought to us 2,000 years ago, as the basis 01 our present civilization and the hope of the higher and tho better civilization which we ex pect to come with the ages. This Is a Christian country, and no matter how we may differ as to special creed and re ligious forms, we practically all agree reckon ing longitude in the moral world from this un changed and unchangeable meridian. The Prince of Peace is a beautiful poem, and Christ, the author of tho "square deal is its hero, and W. J. Bryan, the democratic can didate for President of the United States, is its author. Thousands of American people have listened with deep admiration to Mr. Bryan while delivering it on the lecture Platform, and to tho vast audiences which thronged our sum mer chautauquas. rof.rpnPp This lecture was not written with reference to any political ends or aims. It y8" forth in times of peace and Intellectual repose. It Is tho calm reflection of a naturally sincoro and religious mind. This circumstance gives it peculiar value as a' campaign document, bocauso it shows to the American peoplo just what they want to know at this particular time. It is a survey whch gives us tho moral lovol of tho man's naturo taken at a point equally removed from tho high peaks of literary and oratorical success, and tho depression which, in ordinary minds, usually follows political defeat. In reading the Princo of Peace one can readily see and account for that peculiar char acteristic which marks all tho speeches and writings of Mr. Bryan. In developing his po litical doctrine, theology naturally slips in under politics as its logical foundation, and politics just as naturally laps over on theology as its necessary complement. In Bryan's philosophy, theology and politics are twin systems, and are closely related in the plan of human govern ment as the soul and body in the physical man. For this reason we have never regarded Mr. Bryan as a politician in tho sense that that word is generally used. He has never attempted to build any system or advocate any political theory that had not tho "square deal" as a basis. He has always held and still holds that tho only way to realize the "square deal" is by dealing squarely. Ho holds, with good reason, that It Is not square dealing with tho American people to advocate tho "square deal" on the public forum while standing on a platform that makes the "square deal" impossible. It Is noticeable that when tho Princo of Peace was hero Himself He never took sides for or against any form of government not even tho system of silavory. Ho said, "Love one another," "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," and "Let no man circumvent his brother in business." With these Injunctions forming tho basis and spirit of society, any form of government would be good enough. Even the system of slavery itsolfk would be a blessing, because it would guarantee to the weak and incompetent what ho could never attain perhaps through his liberty. In 1896 Mr. Bryan ran for president of tho United States on the Issue of a double standard in tho realm of money. The republican party then advocated the single standard. Bryan was de feated. It developed after the election that six teen millions of a campaign fund was tho orator who did the talking in the doubtful states. After the election wo were told that it was the voice of the people. The single standard carried the day. In tho present campaign Mr. Bryan is run ning for president of the United States on the Issue of a single standard in the world of morals. The republican party now advocates the double standard, one for measuring tho rights and wrongs of the plain people and tho other mado for the builders of predatory wealth. The peo plo have been crying out against the abuses of corporations and combined wealth, and every court decision that favors tho railroads, the Standard Oil, the paper, tho tobacco trusts and the beef robbery, and every form of predatory wealth has called forth loud and indignant pro tests from tho common people. Is it possible, or can it be believed, that the people who have objected to tho court deci sions will now endorse the decisions of tho courts and perpetuate tho reign of monopoly by elect ing to the highest office in the land a man whom the corporations have named as their friend and favorite. The Prince of Peace when here on earth said no man can serve two masters. The republican party has asked Mr. Taft to try It, and this party, so conservative in all things else, and so opposed to Mr. Bryan for "flighty theories," is willing to invest money in the ex periment. To the more intelligent, Mr Taft is not going to try it. He is going to do what most men in his position and age would do he is eoing to worship those who made him, or, in the words of scripture, he will remember his Creator In the days of his youth. Before the days come when he shall say, "They please me n0t,'The intelligent, or ,even half-intelligent, voter if he were to see a game like this played under a tent at a state fair, would quickly re Sard it as a shell game or three-card m0nte Salr and carefully avoid the gambler's lure ran it be that men of ordinary minds will fall ? all through the plot in a similar case, be cause "it U J pfayed imder the dome of the White House and by tho first mon of tho nation? Amidst theao troublesome problems, nnd In tlieso times of high finance and high living, In an ago of greed, grasping and graft, and when the passion for money-getting had taken tho form of a positive and wfdoiprond dolorltim. It Is a hopeful sign to hoar above tho hattlo cry tho voice of tho Princo of Pcnco. Many thought ful peoplo aro beginning to reallzo that from that voice, and that voico alone, must como tho only pormnnent relief for tho nation. So long ax tho teaching of Christ remains only a theory, or a moral sentiment, It can nover ho a saving cle ment in tho structure of tho groat social fabric. It must bo a vital, active principle planted In tho hearts of Individuals and through tho Indi vidual It must And Its way Into tho world of politics. Its effect and its influence In society and government must bo similar to- that of oxy gen In tho physical world. H oxygon were only a mere theory, or a sentimont, or a question for professors to discuss, in tho classroom, tho flowers would have no color and tho fruits & essence and tho flro no flame and tho anlmaf world no life. All tho stormy dobates of senate and tho valor of armies have failed to keep govommontu and states together after thoy havo ropudltUGtV or lost the singlo standard In nwrnllty, During tho public Ilfo of Mr. Bryan ho has stood head and shoulders abovo tho common herd of politicians In the unceasing advocacy of those principles vital to national life First, ho advocates tho rights of every citizen under tho flag without distinction of creed or color. Sec ondly, that these rights can be secured only by strict adherence to the single standard In morals. Thirdly, that the single standard in morals can bo guaranteed only through tho teachings and principles laid down by tho Princo of Peace. It would seem as if the honest voter Is tak ing no chances when ho entrusts tho govern ment to tho hands of one whose rulo of action rests on a foundation so deeply seated in the eternal principles of justice. Mr. Bryan has taught this doctrine all through his public ca reer, and nowhere more forcibly than In IiIh own public and private life. For fifteen years he has stood on tho, firing lino under the guns of merciless critics and bit?: tor enemies, who have lookod with a searchlight for openings In his armor through which to send the fatal shaft, and yet ho stands today before the American people, even by the con fession of his enemies, graftless, great and still growing. To tho. ypung men of the nation who stand at tho entrance of public life the example of Mr. Bryan is an inspiration. Ho has given in his speeches and writings tho highest ideals of true manhood and in his own life the highest tyne of American citizenship. He has clearly demonstrated to fhepcl that practical Christianity is not a handlcapffi the arena of politics. Ho has never compro mised his religion, nor trimmed his politics. True to his conscience and unswerving In his convictions, he ha3 looked tho inhabitants of a convex world In the face, and told them in matchless oratory a political story which exactly accords with tho principles laid down In that other story which tho Prince of Peace told them 2,000 years ago. Mr. Bryan's principles are as wide as tho world and Include tho human race. No theology can be true and include any less, and no true politics can be limited to the territory of a cer tain flag. It-Is true certain countries may call for special forms of laws and legislation, but no form that excludes the "square deal." This is where Mr. Bryan has won a world-wide fame. America is his land as a citizen, but In a wider senso the world is his. He is a man and a citi zen of the wide and rounded earth, and this is the secret of Mr. Bryan's growth and triumph. Many people wonder how he rose after each defeat stronger than when he went down. His story Is the story of Anteus, the mythological giant. Anteus was a giant of Lybya, a powerful wrestler, son of Terra, the earth, and Jupiter. Hercules attacked him and dashed him to the ground, but every time he struck his mother, tho earth, he gained new strength. Hercule& then seized and held him' high about the earth, and squeezed him to death in mid-air. Bryan belongs to the earth ito the com- v n i J i 'i I If ' II, : ; ft .A, '. jitWUMM 8K rfjrfj