The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 25, 1908, Page 15, Image 15

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    DECEMBER 25, 1908
The Commoner.
No sliadovrof-proof has .been or an
be produced in behalf of any of them.
They consist only of a string of in
famous, libels. In form they are in
part libels . upon individuals, upon
Mr. Taft and upon Mr. Robinson, for
instance; But they are in fact
wholly, and in form partly, a libel
upon the United States government.
I do not' believe we should concern
ourselves with the particular lndivid-
ous ' editorials, articles from corre
spondedts or articles in the- news col
umns. The real offender is Mr.
Joseph Pulitizer, editor and proprie
tor of the World. While the crimi
nal offense of Mr. Pulitzer is, in
form, a libel upon individuals, the
grand injury done is the blackmail
ing the good name of. the American
people. It should not be left to a
private citizen to sue Mr. Pulitizer
lor libel..' He should be prosecuted
for libel' by the governmental au
thorities. In point of encourage-
Boils, Pimples
and Blackheads
Are Caused by Blood Impurity
Which May be Removed in a
Few Buys by Stuartfs Cal
cium Wafers
Trial Package Sent Free
Whv suffer boils, pimples, btack
heads, tetter, eczema', rash, scabby
skin and eruptions of. air, sorts, wnen
you may by the simple act of Tetter
writing bring to you proof that
blood may be purified in a lew days
or weeks at the latest?
Stuart's Calcium Wafers .contain
the most powerful blood purifier
known., to .science Calcium Sulphide.
They contain other nknown purifiers,
each having "a distinct and peculiar
office to perform. '
Instead of a face full of pimples,
or a body which is assailed with
boils or eruptions, you. may enjoy,
if you will, a skin normally . clean
and clear by the simple use of Stu
art's Calcium Wafers.
They act almost like magic, so
rapid is their work of purity done.
You know the ' blood is pumped
through the lungs every breath. The
air purifies it.
Stuart's Calcium Wafers help the
lungs do their work by segregating
the impurities so. that the lungs may
enrich the blood,
Then they carry off the waste poi
sons and decay through the bowels.
There is no need for months and
years of treatment. Calcium Sul
phide is so powerful, yet so harm
less, that the blood feels its benefi
cial influence immediately.
Printed words are cold praise, es
pecially when you praise your own
product and offer it for sale, but
here is an opportunity of proving
this praise by your own judgment
without cost. Send us your name
and address, no matter how serious
your skin trouble, may be, and we
will send 'you a; trial package, of
Stuart's Calcium .Wafers by mail
free. It is wholly a. matter for your
approval. Thousands of people
have used these', little wafers with
success, and their praise is our testi
monial. Every druggist carries
them In stock., .'Every physician
knows what Calcium Sulphide will
do. He will prescribe: it as a blood
purifier and charge1, tor the prescrip
tion. Here is the : best method ofi
using Calcium Sulphide, and you
may test it .free., , Go. to yo.ur drug
gist today and,.. buy a, package of
Stuart's Calcium' Wafers, price 50c,
or write us ,and::ve'will send you, a.
trial package ifreei ,. Address E.; .A..
Stuart Co., i75 'Stuart Bldg., Mar
Bliall, Mich. .
ment of iniquity, in point of infamy,
or wrong doing, there is nothing to
choose between a public sorvant who
betrays his trust,, a public servant
who is guilty of blackmail .or theft,
or final dishonesty of any kind, and
a man guilty as Mr. Joseph Pulitzer
has been guilty in this Instance. It
is, therefore, a high national duty to
bring to justice this villifler of the
American people; this man who wan
tonly anu wickedly, and without
shadow of justification. nonks in
blacken the character of reputable
private citizens, and convict the gov
ernment of his country, in the eyes
of the civilized World, of wrongdo
ing of the basest and foulest kind,
when he has not one shadow of jus
tification of any sort, or description
for the charge he hds made. The at
torney general has under considera
tion the form in which the proceed
ings against Mr. Pulitzer shall be
After referring to thn various rinn-
uments accompanying the message,
including statements by former At
torney General Knox, who was the
government's representative in the
negotiations, and by William Nelson
Cromwell, counsel for the new Pan
ama Canal company, the president
gives a complete history of the ac
tions of the government in connec
tion with the purchase of the canal
property, and continues:
"Payment of the purchase price
was thereupon made to the new Pan
ama Canal company in accordance
with the act of congress, and the
property was conveyed by the com
pany to the United States. It was
no concern of the president, or of
any officer of the executive depart
ment, to inouire as to what the new
Panama Canal company did with the
money which it received. As a mat
ter of fact the new Panama Canal
company did distribute the money
between its shareholders and the
shareholders of the preceding Pan
ama Canal company, in accordance
with the decree of a1 French court
and the records of the French court
show who were the shareholders who
received the money, but that is no
concern of ours.
"I call your attention to the ac
companying statement as to the at
tempt to form an American company
in 1890, for the purpose of taking
over the property of the French com
pany. This attempt proved abortive.
There was no concealment in its ef
forts to put through this plan; its
complete failure and abandonment
being known to everyone.
"The Panama canal transaction
was actually carried through, not by
either the then secretary of state,
Mr. John Hay, or the then secretary
of war Mr. Elihu Root, both of
whom, ' however, were cognizant of
all the essential features, but by the
then attorney general, Mr. P. C.
Knox, at present senator from Penn
sylvania. I directed or approved
every action and am responsible for
all that was done in carrying out the
will of congress, and the provisions
of the law, enacted by congress, after
exhaustive examination and discus
sion were scrupulously complied
with by the executive.
"The title to the Panama canal
property was vested in the new Pan
ama Canal company of France, which
ws the legal owner thereof, and the
S? or so-called De Lesseps company
'SSllSJ " AmeHcan com-
rnent was of course, .ho,
uninfluenced by ana n stIon
whatever to do jrftt any q
eyToIders of SJ
PA"e c mKa.i mn nrHm
perlo,!lcU they dtnlrl hViZmUv E2-5f.Tt" " w,,,er?bp T ih oMnla
CotumoHtr. The fo!IowrHrli,LI?MCr Wr." caaarcllow with Thi.
t kIvch below faralaaed ffil ? mnmult2 7fY' llnte? tor """
ether Commoner reader win f- 7"c!"n"' ,Jo,B ih hoMBrf f
An!0cruSnr HxJl'nih"".'', T "."!.. W...J .50
iSE m cherd' ChlcaKO, 111., Agr. Ilvo
Aontuh?y yii"pyiyfc
com Yzrla BiFn' .T.u- Juvenile, wk: ::::::: :to
com. Appeal, Memphis, Tenn.. Aier W Kn
pSrJS sffiTW81' LiiV8' Mo' Afe Bem.Mo. .1,
Fftr Scmf-mor: . 'Sprin W7 ' 'On.oV Ar,
News-Scimitar, Memphis',' Tenii.,' ArtI ' Wk'. '.'.'.' fib'
Tho Industrious Hen, Knoxvlllc. Tenn., Poul-
MlB MoMy"f!r! 1'rm"'' TopiicnV Knns.7 ARr.,
Mdn. Farmer & Busy 'rice',' Hldo'n',' Mo.', Apr! Mo. .Ik
Monthly ' BoBton' MnBB- ncyVork;
Nat,A?rrnlf i & SYocii Grower.' St'.' Lo'uiV.' Mo.'. 'C
atJIomJ Jowrnal, St. Louis, Mo., Housohold,
Montljiy r,o
S2iry S"cco"s' Sprlnirflolcl, OliloV Poultry, Mo. itO
People's PODUlar AlO.. Dm Mnlnnn Tn Tfn.. up
hold. Monthly '2G
Prairie Farmer, Chicago, 111.. Farming, Som'i- ' :
Reliable Poultry Journal, Quincy, 111., Poultry
Monthly t go
Southern Affrlculturist, Nashville, Tenn., Apr.',
Semi-monthly j. ........ . J,0
Southern Fruit Grower, Chattanooga, Tonn.,
Asr, and Ilorti., Monthly , .60
Up-to-Dato Farming', Tndianapolls, Ind., Art.,
Sclmi-monthly CO
Vlck's Magazine, Chicago, 111., Floriculture,
Monthly DO
"-' i H
CLASH .11. Pub. Price.
Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ca., Democratic,
Trl-wcekly- f 1.00
The American Iioy, Detroit, Mich., Literary.
Monthly 1.00
Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky Dem Wk.. 1.00
Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio, Dcm., "Wk 1.00
The Fruit Grower, St. Joe, Mo., Farm. Mo 1.00
Farmers Advocate, Topeka, Kan., Farm and
Stock, "Weekly 1.00
The Housekeeper, Minneapolis, Minn,, House
hold, Monthly 75
Irrigation Age, Chicago, 111., Apr., Mo 1.00
Kansas Farmer, Topeka, Kan.. Agr., Wk 1.00
Michigan Farmer, Detroit, Mich.,. Agr., Wk. .75
Nebraska Farmer, Lincoln, Neb., Agr., Wk.... 1.00
Ohio Farmer, Cleveland, Ohio. Agr., Wk 75
Southern Cultivator, Atlanta, Ga., Agr., Semi
monthly 1.00
Thrlce-aWeek World, New York, News, Tri
weekly 1.00
Wlndles Gatling Gun, Chicago. 111., Reform,
Aioniniy i.uu
Word & Works, St. Louis, Mo., Scientific and
Domestic, Monthly 1.00
THE COMMONER and any Ono in Clnm A with (fo-f flf
any ono in Class B v. .. . . qp X O U
THE COMMONER and any Ono in dam A with
any Two in Class B
THE COMMONER and any Two in Class A with 4 Q4f
.... W--Ut
any Ono in Class B,
Our Prlc
PublUhers with The
Prlc; Commoner.
Nat Stockman & Farmer, Pittsborr, Ps-, Agr. Wk.. 1M 1JB
News-Times, Denver, Colorado. ... L08 l.e
Oranffe Judd Farmer, Chicago, An. Wk. I.0JJ 16
Tho Outlook, New York City, Literary, Wk.. S.00 3.M
Piclllc Monthly. Portland. Ore.. Literary. Mo........ L50 1JX
Pathfinder, Washington, D. C., News ReTlew.Wk LOJ 1.CJ
Practical Farmer, Philadelphia, Pa-. Agr. Wk... 1.0t lM
The Post. Kansas City. Mo., Dem., Daily except Sum... a.09 ZM
Th I PubllcrChicaKOi 111.. Jeff crsonian Dera., Wk. ...... 1.00 1A
eLtinn New York City, Sports, Mo 8.08 .
S";rTTiotwood M.KS.e. Nahvlll. Tn. Ut M.. . XM IM
Wiilacoa' Farmer, DeB Moines, lowiLAer., WK. ..... t A
WorFd EvenU? r&ton. OhloV Literary. Mo ! IM
- rk cue where the ear before name et a yabltcaflea we
only permlttea to aecet sew nuhneripttonm. Foreljca yontagre trxirn.
mXt n-JL,iiofil mar be aent to dlffcreat aaaree If AenlrtA. Yosr
.. Pmnyni.fc" Jola wltk yo la .eadlair for a e.bfaaIoa. All
SrSpSS are f? oBe year, .ad If .err, beKI with the earreat -E
nileia. othenvUe directed.