"WIM w'VIWMJli'WWV'WJ i The Commoner. 14 VOLUME 8, NUMBER 59 t ,tj'j ''Wwy " I 1 . yg FOR THIS NEW LOW DOWN AHIfcKlUAN CREAWI. SEPARATOR A Separator that Excels Any Separator In tho World. DON'T HESITATE DE CAUSE OUR PRICE IS LOW. 'Die quality Is high; wo Guar antee it. It runs easier, skims doner, him a elmnlcr bowl with fewer parts than any other cream separator. Judge for yourself. Our offer en ables you to do tlila at our expense. Write 113 and re ceive by mall, postpaid, our 1909 catalogue. It to hand somely Illustrated, and fully explains all about tho Low uownAMUKiwtn. it also describes tho Bur- prlslimiy liberal lonu TIME TRIAL proposition we can make you. Our generous terms of purchase wlllastonlflliyou. Itemcm tter, weftro Uiex)lde3t exchi slve manufacturer!) of hand separators In America, and tnc urat to ocii uircct 10 tbo.usav Nat one single nronrM daiu. anyone. 00- WWtaBW8tCS.iBdOUt' dUBtomcrt OarowRdho .laawrtftcturcrW fcHaran tec nrotretavou on everv AMERICAN Senaratnn We aw utilp' InunedhUfiJy." Western ordcrt filled' from Western- pobt. Write for our prcafcpfrcr niul handMrrur freo catalogue on; our Nowa Loire Down AMERICAN Separator.. Address AMERICAN SEPARATOR CO. Box 1130 Bainbrldge, Now York. $'! h WtFfP WAIST cmwtfh iiiQH AKM&'f) l MSXtmm&a 02 MfKil 11111 HfoVSHHFTjffi V 1 EBBBHBB9LTj3H QTEREOSCOPE B' HHVj V VI K Bs Mtfc DU B.UV Ix71 .--Wl lBB4'xtt 4m&im imiEWS NEWS OP TIIE WEEK (Continued from Pago 12) tonight that an offer of a cabinet position to Congressman Theodore Burton of Cleveland had been with drawn by Mr. Taft and would not be renewed. Mr. Burton had been mentionod as the probable secretary of the treasury and it is said that the portfolio had been definitely offered to him. The statement fol lowed a conference of Mr. Taft with several republican leaders from Ohio. Mr. Burton, it is believed, will now make an active contest in the Ohio senatorial campaign." The United States supreme court has allowed the widow of the late Robert G. Ingersoll ?138,000 for Colonel Ingersoll's services in the famous- Andrew Davis cwill case. President Roosevelt Would Prosecute for Sedition Special Message to Congress to Which Members Generally Refer as "Hottest One Yet," and at Which Solemn Senators Boldly Laugh On December 15' President Roose-IThe inventor of the story about Mr. With 18 Colored TMn fs tlin vnrv latest Invention. Tho entlro outfit la mado In Germany and Is Imported to this country. Tho frames aro solid oxidized gun-metal finish. Tho lenses aro of superior make and finish, guaran teed flrst-claaa In every particular. This la tho most marvelous offer oYor mado. Sond us your namo and address, no- mouoy, and wo will send 0 copjoa of Tho Homo Friend to distribute? with a three-months' nubscrlptlon on a ba-galn of for at 5 conts. No work! No- trouble! When sold sond us tho 30 cents collected nnd wo will sond you by return mall, all pontage paid, ono of our latoBt GERMAN STEROSCOPES ANnmnirFEiiKNT rni.oTfEn vikws. 1 Address THE HOME FRIEND PUB. CO., I 1 E, Friend Bldg., Knnsna City. Mo. r OVERNMI2NT FARMS FREE. Our 112-pago - book" "Vacnnt Government Land" describes ovory aero in qvcry county In U. S. How secured frco. 1009 dlnRrams nnd tables. All about freo lrrl Bnctcd farms, PrIco25c, postpaid. WEBB PUB. CO. Sta. T, St. Paul, Minn. SALESMEN FACTORY WANTS Gopd pay. steady work and promotion. Exporlonco unnecessary as wcwm give comuui """i"-""'". Danville Tobacco Co., Box F 56, Danville, Va. Writing in the Chicago Record Herald, Waiter- Wellmah.- says:: "In addition to all. his dther quarrels, President Roosevelt now has dn his hands something like a row with the people of Washington. The presi dent's recommendations to congress, made in a. special message: today that the government of the national capital be changed from a board o I three commissioners to 'one-man I power.' intrusted to a governor, is anything out. popular witn me citir ens; For. many -.-years the commis.- I sipn systems of -government' has work ed very well. The people are-satisfied with it. In many respects Washington has been known as .hav ing a model municipal government and has been rated as such by many students of municipal affairs. Pres ident Roosevelt's penchant for re form has in this case, the citizens believe, led him too far, and they are more discontented because they think there is a gas monopoly scheme behind the whole matter. No one believes Congress will make the changes which the president recom mends. In fact, the most cbmmon topic of conversation at the national capital is the strained relations which exist between President Roosevelt and the national legislature and the apparent determination of the latter to do none of the things which the president asks them to do. This unfortunate ending of a brilliant ad ministration is generally deplored, though great differences of opinion are found as to where the fault lies." ecial Campaign Offer p3 The Kansas City Post (Daily) and THE COMMONER (each ono year) Sent to any address by mail The Kansas City Post is an up-to-date, metropolitan, Democratic newspaper. Its market reports are clean, accurate and concise, while tho general news is crisp, best and the latest, you should take advan tage of this wonderful newspaper bargain. Think of it a daily news paper and THE COMMONER for only 3.25. SUBSCRIBE TODAY t Address The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. ? The Omaha World-Herald ABIY EDITED t-t NEWSY - DEMOCRATIC Our Special Offer Publishers' Our Price Price. With Tho S. ,, ,, Commoner. ally World-Herald $4.00 $4.00 ally World-Herald, Except Sunday 3,00 3.U5 Semi-Weekly World-Herald , .50 1,25 SEND SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW TO THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska "" it in velt sent to congress a special- mes sage to which members refer as "the hottest one yet." Referring to tho reception of this message in congress the Associated Press said: The president's Panama canal mes sage was read-in the senate today and its reading was received with loud laughter by some of the senators. As the secretary read the state ment that the charges, were "false in every particular1' Senator Bailey laughed" outright as ho was passing along the rear of the chamber to his seat. Other senators on both sides of the" chamber joined, with'liirh, and. when the reader reached the "state ment that a statement in a newspaper which, he mentioned would, not be believed there was general merri ment from both sides of the cham ber. The message elicited tha greatest interest in the house. The members gave close attention during the read ing of the document and there was a' ripple of- laughter over tho- presi dent's characterization', of. Joseph Pulltizer, publisherrbf ithe New York 'World. The message in part runs as fol lows: "In view of the constant reitera tion of the assertion that there was some corrupt action by, or on behalf of the United States government, in connection with the acquisition of the title of the French company to the Panama canal, and of the repeti tion of the story that a syndicate of American citizens owned either one or both of the Panama companies. I deem it wise to submit to congress all the information I have on the subject. "These stories were first brought to my attention as published in a paper in Indianapolis, called the News, edited by Mr. Delavan Smith. The stories were scurrilous and libel ous In character and false in every essential particular. Mr. Smith shel ters himself behind the excuse that he merely accepted the statements which had appeared in a paper pub lished In New York, the World, owned by Mr. Joseph Pulitzer, "It is idle to say that the known character of Pulitzer and his news paper are such that the statements in that paper will be believed by nobody; unfortunately, thousands of persons are ill-informed in this re spect, and believe the statements they see in print, even thouKh they appear in a newspaper published by Mr. Pulitzer. A member of con gress has actually introduced a reso lution in reference to these charges. I therefore lay all the facts before you." Here the president recites the va rious charges, including those against Charles P. Taft, brother of William H. Taft, and Douglas Rob inson, the president's brother-in-law, of participation in the $40,000,000 purchase fund and proceeds, saying: "These statements sometimes ap peared in the editorials; sometimes in the shape of contributions from individuals, either unknown or known to bo of bad character. They are false in every particular from be ginning to end. The wickedness of tho slanders is only surpassed by their fatuity. So utterly baseless are the stories that apparently they rep resent in part merely material col lected for campaign purposes, and in part stories originally concocted with a view of possible blackmail. Charles P. Taft, for instance, ovi. dently supposed that at some period of the Panama canal purchase, Mr. W. H. Taft was secretary of war', whereas, in reality, Mr. Taft never became secretary of war until long after the whole transaction in ques tion had be6n closed. Mr. Robinson had not the slightest connection, di rectly or indirectly, of any kind or sort, with any phase of the Panama .transaction, from beginning to end. "Now these-stories; .as- a matter ot fact; need- no Investigation whatever. PER' DAY SeUinjjThls 7-Picce Kitchen Set" iVtffH iteom ttatrmtnt- XT, 8. CUSNIKGUAU. AGENTS 3HJKAD VTi!a-lTLTTwirw!Tiiwr an coining monejr aalllnir from 60 to- BOO 'st3 rer- wetk. You car: aa it. Send your aadrcis today and let u rilOVE IT. Cxprl. enco unnecen&ry. We show yotr how to malt fTttf5I0d day. OUT 1TJIKEC tS irorken. THOMAS MFGi CO. ' 471 Hakim Hlrln. baylos, Ohio FilEE TEST TREATMENT IIrvo you lost faith In doctors and medlclno? Hbo, lot mo CONVINCE you that my system of Troatinont will euro. Sond mo a a raplo of niomlnc ui Ino for examination nnd J will send you a diagnosis of your case and ono wook'a trontmont JTrce. Mailing ca-yj for urine sont on receipt of four cenU J. F. SHAFER, M. D.,Urinojki1 214 Pcnn Ave., Plttsbtirc, Pa. on-tight Bold to tho user at Wholeol rricn. TTe Pay Krtlgbt. Catalogue frco. COILED SPRING FENCE CO., Box 23i Wlnchootor, Indian. Fron report as to Patentability. Illustrated Oulds Bootf, and List of Inventions Wanted, sentireo. EVANS, AV1X.ICI5NS & CO., Washington, D. C. tibscribm' fldwrtisitifl Bettf. This department Is for the exclusive use of Commoner subscribers, anu special rate of six conts a word per n certlon the lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communi cations to The Commoner, Lincoln, nod. KODAK SUPPLIES DEVELOPING, printing, enlarging. Twenty years experience. Reasonable. Davis Photo Stock Co,, Denver, Colo. OKLAHOMA FARM LANDS 40 IM- proved farms In .from 50-to C40 acre tracts; near Checotah, in Mcin tosh county on' main lino of M. K. T. Ry in tho best agricultural dis trict of Oklahoma. For sale at 825.00 to $40.00 per aero. Address Hutchin son Mor'c. Co.,Checotah, Okla. WANTED: COPIES OF THE CpM moner of March 13, 1903 (Vo . 3, No. 8) and November 27, 1903 (Vol. 3, No. 45). A very liberal price will .bo paid. Address Joseph S. Myers, Stato Librarian, Austin, Texas. C ELF ADJUSTING PARACHUTE J Arrow (patent ponding). Greatest, amusement making toy of modern times. Price 11. Sond P. O. order. Parachute Arrow Co., Box 908, Spokane, Wash. RUBBER CULTURE IN, TKF& Mexico, a well established and j saw industry yielding extraordinary pro'" Consult reports U. S. Dept. Agricultu e. Investigate our proposition, its rua and character of management. aj ablo for small and largo Investor Freo booklet. Box 442, Oakland, WANTED: A GOOD UVB f W paper man to corao to this cuy, and establish a democratic PO-RfJ'icht llovo this Is a good field for the rg'g man. Write nTe. C. A. nuienncbratS Jr., Chairman Riley County Democrat Central Committee "V . :! A &, w?. gygjggLMu -im,,u'-vr-