The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 18, 1908, Page 14, Image 14

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    . .iiH,wm mjinwm ipinmii Hill HI p
Tiie Commoner
TOLG35S S. Xi3fB& i
4te "9
- -Ji . rr -r af oara. WIA I ifee d teds frwt the zoeete jdeat goteg to Africa at ? ?,..
ly aay nri ("ff C Metis. - JJ j gieai ker dfcwsm- bete faralsha- the eaKry red. j c. erpeditioa aas beea aador. -;
Ta Ifette arsaa wraa iao itsfcsJ tigssm - j, Lg atrias - O. it was' Tsry -aat saa ao f.d kaxe baea alktfl i-
ia artrfaitaAauncli-aarflTlj a-ia -tree -hat erar mMft j W pujroeu asm aew?
IfafiV. Paaeir wa ewt iaso loag 2Sr aw - r. I -'"" -- - -. uu
aerer -"argot the 33ac
9T -" . I
oaJy Soar or are ts oM, aad -
. n4J ! LSiiaw liTr- OWT 3lfc
MMin 1 , U aCK WP "- Kn - . "i t " ' '
" h .. . . -.a a a . ., ,.
-JiaJpS Ot U JCIOT aBOe Wi - "- -
Of coarse was a Saata Class, i
Ttrs a wsaa growa aal ;b
33BJ -- rwiia-t. Jafli 4 aaaaa.
Waal's ? O, ber aae was HoBy
JiS- sad If say awsaosy rea aw
rfcrii ate was; ibt araUSeat iwaai ia
i wrM. Bri- sfee -was Site
avar ia 3macSHSu Co tea feasxlag; Bet tiere cosaes lie ce feoj witi
wae arsjs ) ri,MfcsiT-e Jos d&caa la i la? d?saae lor
tfett? j&. Bai sxwj-ca-eet'el assies, -w-fc-rre tt galx,.
'cofy"" aad tais is
t!i-i-ST'r T3-533 lafafi ir IKa j&k 3T Vn
sLrf rM. flksx. rar MroL lfeCLC AT 1 0TP I? MlWF.Al '1" PYPPJQIlissiStksaiaa lastltatSoa- Oax fKifi
. .. H-.JI , wTM-Vi Sift. VV i V-T W irfAViAllJ-lA A i-Ua.XJJ.1kU
Taotkesr atl3(aT5 aad o sfo rigkt as-
side aaai orcaa 9 I ooM i acori
iaj sTsr.&siaaBrt. I &aTat aa2i
raeoIlecJ39a of -Rihai aaasi psxticaiax
ChrSsstatas r ir-e for ate. bat a
pair of tak sailias. a rad xwalea
aSfaaeiL a fair of crdeia -sTrist-
Isiiw cwa ?ia5erairsad alaaafei, a-
Ta aesrs(23ers of SaaET D-" Fr5i-i States. Miitso,
eeariasr tT, wraatai aa afcorat-e pro-1 aca aaa iota Aawiea.
Ja 1S3S
sraa for tie jftooeTt party's txap ie made a collecting' trap of elevea
to Africa-
. . . - ... .r . . .r -
ti&xesmsstiL taat tie oaraeT is skh io.iss iroa &aa i-xaaosco- lie is a
to discass tie fatene o? -sraast m:E.i
ispa, 3et joe caa fee sare iiat ti
oard is not goiag to per aajWS i
iaa?ia,g eBses-"
Director TValcott said:
Tie goreraat is aot goiag Vj
pay tie expenses of tie BoTr.i
scieaiiSc expedltioa. Tie ezpeafe r '
are not expeaded at tie direction :f
I iJ.-,-. T.. 3--,.- hn4 CTAkA '
Central Aner-: "s- lf rZIl:. ,.
ru llUT flTTTJ 4Tll 4J -. - 9l iw t Tit wti ' y
ura. -aa. w, TH
i scaeatafic purposes. We get ajjc
'V M -" -- -.-,& Maa, Vi .t,' - ,-.. -,5xi-anai -asacl fAr --,.
It roaM seea fixa tiis aooalis to Galiopagcs Jslaads, start- tf - vTTl 1ZUT1 "I
X-. C tt s vr - 1 rrLaXX-t-Uii) iXliUUtJi .U ioa VI
ra;- .f i .t- irjiar'Tcrii :c tict 3i .
2e eatirteij a personal affaSr.
Was&iastoa. Ieceafeer 5. Fresi-
I5-T-S fSSJ, isss s"ra SSS
jicja osiv. -rr, ,a !hm J prepared ay Secretary Waksott of aie
aatwre were doaaUeasj aawag lieaa. i"-' - jw, . fij
Aad a caady fceaztz laat was iroa
ifiisoaJaa lasaitatioa ade iis
3a33t Scial aasoeaceoaeat regarding
tie inaiing trip to Africa on waaea
ie will start -sritila two weeks after
1 K H?3 THIS KEW LfW OOBTC ie rehires firoa tie presideacy.
K aK 1 TT I if m t 1 Aiigv vs33iuo uwtrKzxi, u&vmo.
JflrV TtlTl
c.S xlK
a -"f: vJLim 1 lc2
2 lffIi i
for sereial oilier
T7Wl-iw1vi- v 9
-, i 2,-s ti j. iiauuww au
, .j, ITrr !: ii-ff i braacies of oor work ia coaaemon
as a well eaHiw&ed aalaralist- "- w
HeisaisoiieaaJiofofsdeatiScpa-1"1 l aaG e
SS.fa 3K3-?5r 5 rSte Represeatatare Batodl as
T " r "TSpositiTe taat lie iasdtaiioa is not
cara&r of tiie aauseaaa of Tertebrate ! fTfl" 4 v. . .
xoology of
7,r,. t a, t ;- -., tioas are priTately endowed aad pr
AMea Ioriag is a field
la Marci, !S$ 3r. TieoiSore 1 service ia tie iiologicai surrey of tie
sHoosert will iead a scientific ex-
departaaeat of agricaitcire and ia tie
Tately fiaaaeed. He said tiat tiis
snei aa arraageaieat.
Tie affairs of the Smitisoaiaa la-
DrnVSiTrto peditfoa io Africa, oatfiiDted iy tie J Bronx Zoologicaa Park, Xew TorkJ-irjr T JniXZA hx
SEPARATOR .Sa5tisaiaa iastitatSoa and starjiaslcitr. as 31 m Mra- mia. Ia?toooa ? P3?
x- aii m. m j .. ,, - T ----. -.
-c;17'awi5J from Xtr- Tork fSrr. This rTftl-l
r2imr m)iManc j
ovr m??3txt!p p- la&a will aier at s?rrr a-
fi--TSI-:: " iriais for tie goTerameat coliee-
SftoSj1502?5' dad 23T tie Saaati--'
i-wx jasntB aaaoi xjsoaian TasJitaooa ia lie new United
Ji Stages Xaiioaai Mseaa at Wasiiag-
0b yim o to IU jrr aa- i ton,
. W-(ia:m-ii . - ..
rrf ityancu -.e?:? 3ae presKJeat and is son.
XIIIIM tf!ILlfiril Jt ll.llMlfl. TT 2 TT n j. ,
i.iuiLvi;flai t JX'wajL ituJ.eT-, ae persoaaei on
3iitii j i--gut ac liinr , ik party oa ieaxiag New Tor wilii
-A.I-S234X Snc-tajr.
Xs ? WdAtr 7.r rT JIBefl
W sHi-xts, Wirte Jar ,ntr $r- r id
uae 2t .ticnr cat our 7c lav J'i
AJEIK &tsj.tro -.
ing trips tirongi Britisi Aneric,
Mexaeo and tie Uarted Stales. He is
aoit tiirty-eigit years old, of ar-
-i jriuc q jnienseiy -
rgetc In Aagmst, Septeaiber and
October, ISSS, ie made tie Makes
j record for a traTeiing coIHector, iar-
iag sent into tie United States Xa-l
laonaa anaseasa suv we31 prepared
specimeas of small laaxoaials ia tie!
tiree nsontis" joaraey from Loadoa;
tiroagi Swedea, Oermany, Switxer-i
laad aad 5eigia
"Ma5or Sdgar A Mearns. retired!
o;acer of tie medical corps of tie:
army, aicrat fifty-tiree years of age,.
will oe tie paysicaaa of tie trip and
j iare ciarge of tie Smltisoaian por-
W1 Ui iS H&7TV. HO ttTAMT-1 - -... -T- - .-? Tl
ciarge of a jamnber of natire port- Sre years experience as an army doc- i Mu$CriDCr$ jVtvtrRSlIg ilvju
"nrn-n iWirW T
a-iHnriB sbfTOrr- ; txiae oi aree represeaaiatares ot:
I!ffli,aSa!rt Saiitisoaiaa Insofcation, Major,
we om y our Edgar learas,, medical corps. U-1
jaio-3HnL Si-2- Army retired); Edmand Peter j
S ana j. jcea loriag. Oa arriving ia
B-aa an ATiM-n-c. a i Airica. lae parry will oe eaiarged oy
ffffffg. w?5g5Stf? additSoa of R. J. Caaniagiam,
lSrS?; P410.15 ww ia Africa preparing tie
cuRomK. o-niai rse ,! presadeat s oat-it. He will iave
atu,ircr ar-i-
jc.-ertsyyu n: cTiT
Director WalcotL He is ia ciarge
of tie nameroas departmeats aad is
answerable xo aa eiecative commit
tee of tie board of regeats, wiSti
t-ransacts ail rai aad fiTraTvrfol imsi
aess of lie institato
Tiis comaiittee ias beard notiing
of tie Boosevelt banting party osn
clally, and tie regents iave aot been
advised of it either. Tie board of
regents insists of promiaeat ociIs
aad citixeas, aad m'ee&s twice a year
Tie execallve committee is called
togelier freqeently, aad at nose of
tiese meetings ias tie Roosevelt
iaat been broached. Tiis coaiaut
tee is composed of Joia B. Header-
ers. who, wata aecessafy animals will . tor. aad is also Tv!!l-lrrrc7 aa m-at-l
be formed into a small caravan. ' aralist and collector of att-a hii "This departeit is lor e3"
"Mr. Boosevelt aad iis soa will.tory specimeas. j ?fJ5 JSetT"iSS T-
till !. hi'Z. sai. ffae cVIti: srnifl ' 'Vi -T-&?it t.w k -nrj j,. r.H - itt: th fcs "beea
- - - -- --' ---' - r .. 4-VWU Ar' .t.rJ 1J -! J 1RJT1 ..44Wi- -- W . ------. .
- " ' f . n V . mi p " I V
AJDureSs 22-11 oj-l --
.-.. -. . n iri.Tpii- tr - m- -- a a - -m.m.-v a -. . a j . . .. -n -r-r -rTi--Ti
ox u jo MmoncM, mw toou f'"3 "" ! j saiety irom tae at- rfVT-. !. Xei.
. ---. . I .- T . ? l ff-J T . t a a . -H 1 UJI.1 !. II -...,J.--.--. ---
Eil.fc- 4
afB o r if har
j- t-TW CluniE a
snows tk:e ecu.
(OliurxTi' Ljs'nt)uult xv Mrs. JL L KcDzaiel,
7Z !.. StJet-TrJers, MYr.
Trappers Fur Traders
5B10 jHiitT o6 &-(. 1 Hie woriiTs larzta Tr
mmriJi!tATUfeaBw3ri-i-r- 1jss WrtW-5r
tiur JU-iprit'i! KT:r iuta jcint- SurFsrs
And Ta&U ul UU rwt ttK ir FStEXC
aJj'orsJlpj'iJ Co-as isB Co., St, Letsix, Mo.
and shipped to tie raited States by tacks of man or beast, as every mem-i
other members of tie party. Kermit ber of tie party is aa excellent Tie
ooseveit is to oe tiie official pnoto
grapier of tie expedition.
Tie a1ona collections are Tery?
- 1 Cr
ilU-S IrlT. SIO.OO.
1 B. I3tor. S 75C.
3J4ic Ondo(STErcor.
.. XCic- Indoor
-er, . Wfay iy
-.& Uvece price for
-at tt ere o better?
Oett ccar Frea Book Ieura
can. cell at roth low
Se. Book is fall of pictoros;
tit J-w to r-Lw roaitrr.
KsMEl9r Co- Bca: 523, Freeport. IE
defieient in naitaral iistory material J
from tie 33r continent and "an
effort will be made by tie expedition
io gather general collections in Zool
ogy and botany to supply some of!
tie deficiencies; bat tie main efforts
will be to collect the large and ran-
ang animais.
jmx. it. j. anningcam, -wao isj
now engaged in assembling tie ma
terials for Mr. Roosevelt's use, hasi
been employed to 2ct as guide and
manager of tie caravan. Mr. Cun
ningham is also an experienced col
lector of natural history specimens.
having made collections for the Brit
ish museum in Xorway and Africa
He is an English fieldman, who has
guided numerous hunting parties in
Africa and who was chief hunter for.!
the Field Columbian exposition.
"Mr. Edmund Heller, a graduate
of Stanford University, class of 1901,
.. V . fc,.. .
r- -IT- A -XT- STT-rI VT 1 V. ' I Jl -Jfl J 'J .
Shot. j !. -,TSTit?Tir lrrii. preV5'-'--rs
Tie party will reach Mombasa in! epri.ce. 2saae. avis p-to
ivri- 11 1M V-. VJ-.-.i-.- : -.IOCK CO-. iVT. iO-
J .---. .-v ti iUCldi Jt
has been decided npon, bnt tie gen
eral route will be np tie Uganda;
railway to .airoi and Tic-'
j toria Xyaaza. a distance of abni.-
650 miles by rail, thence crossing
into Uganda, aad, finally, passing I
down the le io Cairo. Much of
tie hunting will be done in British
East Africa, where the Uganda rail-
r can oe use as a lyase of sun-1
plies and means of ready transporta
tion. At least one great mountain,
possibly Mount Kenia. will be visited.
"Khartoum will be reached, if all
goes well, about April. 1910. Tie
expedition may be expected to spend f
aoout one year on African soiL
1 7 inches advertising jer i5.,
rav5r mo ipiani; nr sc -
A dress
TTill sell oil sel ten
C A, care Oo-er.
D Staps for rl; farm .xup.--satnts.
Catalogue fr. R-e-ese c -.
Vesev S New Tork.
There has been some criticism of
the formal statement given out con
cerning Mr. Roosevelt's African trip.
The New York World of December 7,
- tiro mndre and Mry-si- itr'
front lor sale. If iatrt- wrii
Josjjjja Draper, Oxford, Ala.
. .
JO53--1201 FJ-S3T L-NDS-ll1 w
acre tracts; near econ, a -
tos ounty on main line .-
T. Ry in the bast asrricultaral
trict of Oklaborna. . For saie al f
to Jt-.tfi xer acre. Adtrs Hutc
son Mer'c Oa ChecotaK Okia.
AGXTS EAltN $75 to ?.50 n month solUnjr
Kovclty Knives xrllh photos IJUYAN A KKItX.
Bur ono and .how your lo nl t'. No. 1 IS, 2-bi. 81,00.
Catalojr shows many tyhs. Wo ilocornto tntnv
rent handles with any photos, name, luliiivss, UhI o,
emblems, etc. Kuzor Steol blailos, Kunranto.
Great sellers. niBcommls-lon.WrUofbrnKonl's terms
Novelty Cutlery Co., S Bar St., Canton, 0.
is a thoroughly trained naturalist, has from its Wcrnn2- r.T-r-
whose special work will be the prep- spondent, the following:
aTation and preservation of speci- Washington. December 6. Theo
mens of large animals. Mr. Heller is Sore Roosevelt, presiding officer ex
about thirty years of age. His form- officio, of the Smithsonian Institution
er experience, when associated with land Charles D. Walcott, its-director
Mr. D. G. Eliot and 3Ir. Ackley of the i have dPidfi that . -.,,
Field Columbian museum in collect- shall pay the major portion of Presi-
lni hlf from inimott- ; -V f.--..J . .. i- .. . .. .--
...,.. -" -vo x . mc cent Jtooseveits snooting trip to
lii.iii .iii nui.u ir. ioose-
velt will -ait, will be a valuable as
set to the exiKidition. Mr. Heller has
had large experiences in animal col
lecting in Alaska, British Columbia,
Africa. Representative John Dalzell.
a member of the executive commit-1
tee of the Institution, said to the
World tonight:
"That is all wrong about the presi-
1 X. E. corner of Borden
Texas. IS miles X. E. of GU;
in cultivation. S 0 acres .god !!.
land, balance- jjood-grass land; p
of living water, : and soft: 3 r
house; well, windmill, orchard. rr
ary, lots, corrals, lots of mes-itr-
ber; twelve miles easr of iL'J,
plains, school house 3 mil-S ea
mii-s to postotSce, S iHeis o f J .
miles to town of Fluvana. R. K- t',
ins from Snyder to Fluvana-
healthy country, mild winters. -ood
people as you will naf
1 r Tf .. . .. n.4 AM I'
All lands in this country are - ?
increasing in value. Reason for.Tf
ing:. 1 owe money and r ay p' -price
on this property that will i iu
Price $5 per acre, ona-third o-?
time on balance. See or write o
T. T. Smith, Snyder, Texas.
--.. A a nal