The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 11, 1908, Page 2, Image 2
30 2 The Commoner. I: A -private Hfo to shift for a living for himself and family as best he can." It may shock the norves of a-few, but to the vast majority it Is conclu sive proof that the citizen is the sovereign and that the offlcial is moroly tho temporary agent through which tho sovereign speaks and acts a lesson too often forgotten by those wno have enjoyed distinction at the hands of their coun trymen. The World says: "It is not seemly that a Grant should lend his namo to a firm of Wall Street gamblers, or that a Cleveland should be compelled to accept a Ryan sinecure, or that a Harrison should have to appear before the United States supreme court to argue that a street railway company's franchises are per petual." It Is not necessary to discuss the incidents to which the World refers. It was not necessary for Gonoral Grant to "lend his name to a firm of Wall Street gamblers;" Mr. Cleveland was not "compelled to accept a Ryan sinecure," and Mr. Harrison was not obliged to argue 'that a street railway 'company's franchises are per petual;" neither is it necessary to discuss whether President Roosevelt is wise in allowing "so virtuous a periodical ais the Outlook to cap italize a president's prestige and popularity, and use him to advertise Its business four months in advance of his retirement from the White House." Men may differ as to what It Is proper for a president to do after he leaves the White House, just as men differ as to what a presi dent ought to do before he goes to the White House, but there is no reason why a president should be made a senator for life at a salary of fe. $25,v0.00 a year just to keep the dignity of the The World says, that after a president's term has explre.d. "his Influence and experience should be retained by the people in, the interest of the general welfare."' If a president retires from office with the confidence of the peoplqj his influence and experience will-be retained by the people in the interest of the. general wel fare. Ho has the ear of the public and can speak, upon any question that he deems impor tant; he will always have a hearing. There are foreign commissions that give him an op portunity to serve his country In international courts and on international boards where his prestige and his influence can be of advantage to his nation. All these things are possible if he JiaB so .commended himself to his, country as to compel recognition of hfs high purpose and -his breadth of statesmanship! - It, on the contrary, a president is a disap pointment; if his conduct is not .satisfactory .a Ufa position and a $25,000 a year pension .would' not save him from censure or, compel respect Rather, his forced continuation in,. p(ublij .llifo would be a constant reminder of, his, failure and ho would rattle around in a permiipeht' senator ship like an unworthy son, in ,a great ancestral estate, . , ;. There is no reason why a presidents should not bo sent to the- senate if the people of the state want him to go, but if he is sent, It ought to be for th,e same reason that other men are sent and not because it is disgraceful for one' to become a" private citizen after he has been a president. If we adopt the theory that the executive chair is so far above the people that 0- man can not step down from it to the people, we will soon be considering the chair bo high that one can not step up to it from the people. And what about the sons of presidents? Will it "shockingly lower" the dignity of the office to have them thrust into private life and com pelled to make a living? And what about ex governors and ex-mayors? Should the ex-governors be pensioned and made life members of tho state senate, and Bhould the mayors be pen sioned and made life members of tho city coun cil, or. is it only the dignity of the president that we have to guard? . &rt i2r & O INVESTIGATE PANAMA CANAL ""' Many people may be entertained for a time by the exchange of. epithets, between Mr, Roose velt and the editor of tho New York Sun. But to the great American republic there is a se rious side to this affair. The Commoner does nqt refer to the humiliating spectacle of the Chief magistrate of the "United States hurling epithets from his high position in the American White House and engaging in bitter personal controversy, although that Is, indeed, a serious matter to thoughtful citizens'. But tho more important fact is that for several months there h'fcye been whispers concerning Panama canal iff airs. $Thetee accusations bave taken on .such definite form that they can not be dismissed with a sneer; they can not be disposed of with tho charge that they come from men actuated by malice. They must bo met. Congress should immediately- provide for a thorough investigation of Panama1 canal affairs and particularly the canal purchase. The friends of Mr. Roosevelt owe it to the president to see" to It 'that the committee making this in vestigation Is composed of men who have no intimate relations with the administration. The Commoner hopes that this investiga tion will be provided for and that it Will be so thorough and complete that its verdict tif acquittal will command such complete respect among the. American people that the charges will never, be revived. tV v t w , A VICTORY, INDEED! Writing in the Chicago Record-Herald Wal ter Wellman says: "President-elect Taft has won Tils contest for honest and thorough revision of the tariff. Speaker Cannon and the standpatters have made full surrender." This sounds something like the story of the ruler who, when approached by a number of his subjects, with "we demand our rights," replied with a wave of the hand, "I grant them to you." Mr. Wellman adds: "Peace again prevails peace on the Taft terms." Then it's "dollars to doughnuts" that they are. "Uncle Joe's" terms, too. . , V t5 , "NOT SAFELY" - John p. Archbold, of the Standard Oil trust, on the witness stand at New York was. asked why the trust agreement, respecting the various properties of the Standard Oil,, was made. ,He replied: "Our counsel had advised us that a. single corporation could not successfully hold all these pronerties which had, been, acquired that is. not safely and It' seemed a simple and effective form of overcoming the difficulty. Tho proper ties were located in many states, the laws of some of which were restrictive against corpora tions. More than this, it would give'. a market value to the: holdings and permit, of administra tive overslgbjt." , . -,.. - ...: v? - . : "Not safely" means that the plan was ,unn lawful, a conspiracy. in restraint of;trade.rM ., , BUT .THE CHIEF HELPED I ., The Omaha ( Nob ,1 Bee1 frerj.V .saslJ.J'Sen- ntbf Foraker has a letter of SeoomrneridnHon "from the officials of the Standard' '011. '."That should fret him a job with any concern needing his kind of a' corporation lawyer." Well, a letter of recommendation written by John D; Rockefeller helped one di'fl'tlnirn'Rhed republican to the Presidency of the TJn'ted Stntos. A similar letter mlerht influence the dis position of a mere senatorship. w Cv v iffi "CLOSE TOGETHER" The Lederer. published by Mr. Thomas T3. Oulnn, New York, takes exception to the pub lication by The Commoner of an editorial print ed in tho Tammany "Times and attacking Mr. Bryan. The Ledger savs that it was not fair to print Mr. Murphv's interview and the Tam manv Times editorial "close together without explanation." The Ledger adds: "Mr. Murphv and the present control of the great Tammany organization have had no more abusive opponent in print In the past two yWnrs than this same Tammany Times." Also "Scarcely one Issue of the Tammany Times has 'comfl out in the past two years without assail ment of Mr. Murnhv more bitter than even Its attacks upon Mr. Brvan either before his nomin ation or since the election." The Ledger complains that the renders of The Commoner "could draw no other inference from Mr. Murphy's frank and friendly state ment placed side bv s!rfe with the fierce assault on Mr. Bryan by the Tammany-titled supposed .mouth-niece no other Inference, we repeat thPn that Tammany Hall and its leader were both disingenuous and disloyal." It is not necessary for Th Pr,,- tell 1,b readers thjt It hMtrtSTZg. leading them in the nnhntt i " ' ttcular articles "close together"" Inasmuch as" it was not The Commoner's intention that mI SSEJftm I1? "W" Sr the ammJny Timeseditorial any more than that the Tammany .VOLUME 8, NUMBER 48 Times' editor bo hold responsible for Mr Murphy's interview it did not occur to the asso ciate editor to make the explanation which tho Ledger has given so completely. The Commoner has printed many opinions with which The Commoner does not agree; but it intends to keep its readers accurately informed upon the" subjects with which it deals. Inas much as the Ledger publisher thinks that tho hostility existing between Mr. Murphy and tho Tammany Times is an important matter of fact, The Commoner gives the Ledger's explanation on this point. - t fi IT HAS COME! We knew it was coming but it arrived some what earlier than we expected. The Philadel phia North American has discovered, now that the election is over, that there is to be no tariff revision in the interests of the general public. In an editorial entitled "The Tariff Farce" tho North American says: "The tariff hearings by the ways and means committee at Washington have progressed far enough to justify the North American's view that jthey are a dishonest pretension. Cannon, Payne, Dalzell, Fordney and the others of tho inner circle of the reactionaries are deceiving no one in their effort to make a farce and a falsity of the pledge for scientific and equitable tariff revision upon which Taft stood and tho national ticket was elected. Cannon proclaims himself a tariff revisionist. He does so in these words: 'If I live, I am going, so far as my vote is concerned, to see to it that the policy of the republican party on this question is writ ten in the national laws as promptly as possible. The laws, should be written promptly, so that business can adjust itself to changed conditions, for the change will of necessity bring distur bance.' Which means that an evasive and de ceptive hodge-podge is to be rushed through to passage, without regard to the needs of the con suming public or the legitimate business inter ests if Cannon preserves his old-time power to 'see 'to it' in behalf of the trusts. It is to bo called' the Payne bill, we hear. And the god fatHership of Sereno C. Payne is sufficient surety that the product will 'be a freak and a change ling." - ' - ' v' Is. the Philadelphia North American really so simple as it pretends? It mjght hive known that tiie fathership of the; republican "party, so far as a tariff "t revision measure, is concerned, would be "sufficient surety that the' product will be a- freak and a changejipg." .tr;;.'' w & V tv7 y "PATRIOTISMS ' s ,i , -Mr; . Elihu Root was asked by an Associated Press correspondent whether ho had anything to say regarding the announcement of Timothy L. Woodruff that he would not be a candidate for the New York senatorship and that Mr. Root ought to be elected. Mr. Root told the corre spondent that he had seen the Woodruff state ment and was much pleased with it, declaring that it was "a patriotic u'tterance." It will be difficult for some old-fashioned people to understand the relationship between patriotism and anything that tends to the elec tion to the United States senate of the ablest trust lawyer in all the land a gentleman whose candidacy has, unquestionably, the support of every one of the special interests. & S & & '' EASY Theodore E. Burton, member of congresg from Ohio, announced his candidacy for senator to succeed Mr. Foraker. Charles P. Taft, broth er of the president-elect, is also a candidate for the place. Hot Spring, Va dispatches say that Mr. Burton has been told that he may have a cabinet position. With several cabinet offices in addition to all other federal positions in Ohio at his disposal, Charles P. Taffs path way to the senate ought to be clear. SAMUEL GOMPERS' GOOD FIGHT The Louisville Post says Mr. Bryan is not satisfied with Mr. Gompers' effort to deliver the labor vote. With two exceptions the Post's statement may be considered correct. , First, Mr. Bryan is well satisfied with tho work per formed by Mr. Gompers. Secondly, Mr. Gom pers made no effort to "deliver the labor vote." He merely sought to show workingmen that it was to their interests to vote the democratic national ticket at the recent election. m I " ,v