rtr-i. -r-ttfaFrtpt!fr ' t"" 16 The Commoner, VOLUME 8, NTJMBEB 4 t y".;W tfrtjVnf"3 L I 1 i IRE YOU IIP TO DATE? Are you up to date? Wdlict u see TVhn.f. tim have vou? How many of our readers will liavo toj ositatel ,rI have no watch,"-ior-i-winyj Tvatch lias stopped." Or, perhaps your, -watch is running fast or slow. Nino, chances in ten yoa cannoo icu wm w nnf. f.iTTir You know, I believe thero ia nothing that indicates more in any man or an lady an air of being somebody, of being up to date, of onjoying prosperity than to oarry a really iirst-oloss, fine-looking "watcJi. You can afford to seto on many or dinary luxuries in order to possess such a time-piece. That is why wo are particularly glad to call your at tention to the great watch offer on this' page an offer that is enthusi astically recommended. Vou fVlay Buy on Tim for although it costs more than the brdinary "clicap" watches, it is sold on ft direct offer at the positive rock-bottom price, and in addition those who prefer to buy on time can get easy payments at $2.00 a month ana yet ax too raoc bottom mice. Such is the offer made direct to the publio by (ho large and fearless concornJ tlio iiurixngtuu vvuluu uiujuuj And this has been made necessary on account of tho way manufacturers and; dealers in this watch trade hang to-1 gotlior in boosting other goods. If yoiiaro posted on watches youTiave uri.do.ubtodJy heard heretofore of tho fac tory producing Burlington watches-, and now you have tho opportunity to own this absolutely superior time-piece, thanks to the special direct oner. What af tho watch does cost a. little mb)to than tho "cheap," inferior; watcheB vou can eet it for S2.50 a month at the very rock-bottom price, and with the Buriincfton direct guarantee. It is the most economical watch in the long run. Beautiful Watch Pleases Ail Yes, I am enthusiastic about this Bur lington' Special no-trust watch, for I IlQaiU OI TIllH 1ULCHU HUptUU piUUUUl Ui the Burlington Company a short time ago, even before it was ready for sale. As soon as the watches were put on sale I bought one and showed it to my iriends. You ought to have heard now they were pleased and surprised. Pleased when I showed them the case, tho double sunk dial, tho dolicatoly fine movements and other features of the veryj very Surprised when I told tliom the price a direct to the, consumer no-trust price on this superb Burlington Special watcn. Well, after I had bought my watch, a lady neighbor of ours bought one also J tho ladies' Burlington watch and surely if you had seen it well. I know you would not tliink of buying any other kind of watch for your wifq, daughter or lauy mend. Rsites Not IMIss This Chance Wnw. 1n Yinf. rniRR n.-n nrmnrfciimfcv like this. Just consider what a fine tiling it is for a man a young man or an older man to own the superb and latest .nrnrlunf-. nf tho hnneat. reliable Burlinff- ton factory the greatest factory the nf iSrnrlnp.f. lmfc ill nualitv. !No matter whether you aro employed on a salary nr arc in business for yourself, or are running a farm,, you ouglit to have this tvfrf.nli. The Burlington -watch book, 'which, you can get free, quotes surprising rook bot- om nripon nn nil ' Biirlinrrton Rnnranl batches one-half and less than one-half tlie price ordinarily cnargea tor nrst class watencs. , And if you do not want to pay cash in full vou can nav $2.50 tier month $2.D(Ta month for only part of a year and then the payments cease, but your m RnrKnf?ton Snecial watch sroes on. wai nftnr vear. faithfully tickinc off tho seconds and accurately recording the time from decaue to aeoaua. "X aa are adviaed once. more, not to t overlook this offer. Sign the coupon now and get a free boolc o watcu toots and prices on the superb Bur lington Special wptch. Better attend )t) this at once., .tsunmgton. yyuwu uu 1 BjL 1 J. 1 i iii i: 'i i ' i win ' l btifclitf GTOR DIRECT GUARANTEE TO BOTH MOVEMENT AMD CASE ASJCWCLS Urstftarco fln7ta'7c n anniH immr rmmmEFs v n mw mt -m . hk " irmiFt n -, iws ii rm.' as v. tjvm ul. " iiHDk y y ii rm wrw ft rW-ar.:HRBl s Bm s iPf m S HR!B4 il z ml tfc&3L. s. jmvzm .sr v hjr. IS IHBWUlio yV mAFJ ISKImM ',l EBS!5?cQJ.r,s Pi w hi "ar. m jBmtMma rt- mizmvmM 'vj HRHSF 7fw. TMIN A 9 IZmTB mpamMM0 OiASS OUST CM . OUBU: SUNK DIAlI RETCSTEO MOVCHEMT' MmqtEowor uuvuwuvi - vnov IND ucvtm SKT- TRENCH nurcnNBAn tOtCTtCTEH REGULATOR Yfmi rcCtML AVJU5T0R tiAHMcnco mrorc& MAIN JPHtNO twigstotij arzoJ PINIONS usreo to w WNAR POXtTSAM c OV 'Im o,. C' a Month "boys iihe Burlington Special (acknowledged the niieBt and best made watch in the world)-r-and at iihe Rock-Bottom, NO TRUST, direct pricet Send coupon beljw and get full explanation (free) of the most reranrkable offer ever madd on any waiclu NO flfOIi&y $OWBt2 "e sMP 7tmr choico of Tvateli on ap- 111 " urn it proval, prepaid (your choice of lady's or pentleman'B open faco or hunting case). You risk absolutely nothing you pay nothing-mot onp centr-unless you waust tho great afEw after awsing and thoxooghry inspecting the wateh. Sign the coupon and get th FREE Burlington, catalog. V; GhariBsBiTaer,- .oQfhefj Woman's World, has ie of the Bnrlinton, Special Watches, ancl he wants to assxure you that it is an absolutely magnificent time-piece. Indeed, this is a rare opportunity to get the superbly beaniafnl Burlington at a rock Dottoin direct offer.. He :says, in his paper, that he shonld like to see his read ers, posted on-the inside facts of the watch business and asks them to write for the free Burlington Watch Book. CUT OH TEAR OUT AVONG DOTTED LINE Get the Benefit Of the most remarkable offer ever made on a high-grade watch. Writo At Qsme for Our ITree Book on Watches. This free book will tell you not only about the trust, but especially about the remarkable offer on -the Burlington. Get Posted on watches on the fine points of superior quality In watches (on the secret trust price and the No-trust prices) get posted before you buy a watch. Get our booklet and copy of our $ 1, 0005 Challenge to the Waltai and the Elgin Sffow th Cha!Ieng& Start eefl The Waltluvm Watch Com. pany published a challenge to all foreign factories to put 60 for eign watches asrainst 50 Waltham watches in a competitive test of time keeping, tho whole 100 vatche3 to become the property of the winner. For copy of this challeugo get our free booklet. Why S3M tb Waftkmn &mrxo& carefully confine its challenge to foreiencompetitors? Of course tho Waltham can afford to challenge Swiss watches, for American-made' watches aro certainly better bnt would tho Waltham dgr6 to faco a test with the Burlington 2 Or would the ISlgiu stsuro 7 WoGhaiBengB tho Waltham (also Elgin) We Tiave deposited in the Colonial T. & 8. Bank 0 Chicago $1,Q00JX) in cash tobe forfeited, to the xtrinner. Wc absolutely and positively bacliunv Burlington againstany Waltham for JZlpinJ oftliexame size and grade: and we make this challenge irrespective of price, NO MATTER W1JAT PRICE the Waltham or Elgin charge. The loser in this contest is to for feit his $1400.00. The bank now holds the $1,000JX).Wiw do not the Waltham or Elgin accept this cliallenge f Why not f WE CALL TJIE BIG FACTORIES A TRUST BECAUSE (ivfft the prices a ever twenty similar movements EXACTLY IDENTICAL) T1IEY HAVE A MUTUAL ARRANGEMENT OF NOTICE ON CHANGE OF PRICES Bo Not Mfes this opportunity to get the best watch made anywhere in the world not the big gest seller, but acknowledged among experts as ' the best the genuine BURLINGTON watch sold by our no-trust plan on a rock-boitom offer at no-trust price one price, direct to the public (and, if desired, oniterms of $2.50 a month). FOR THE fREE WATGH BOOK BE SURE to wpiio for thia booklet telling all about this challenge, and pointing out the super ior quality of the Burlington (at its one direct price), and giving you other facts of Importance about watches, especially trust watches. And n PACTS la ihU booklet wilfc reports from tlio Congressional Recordfl epeecliei hi Conrross. aud briefs now beforo tho Department of Justice in Waihlncton, will qukUj contlnco you that the American pooplo aro pajlnc tw0 price lor txxaa of the best known makes oJt watches. THIS BOOKLET will quickly convince yon, too, that you do want n no-trust watch niudo In a suinllor but bettor factory tlio Independent factory tbnt Is fighting tbo trust aa best it enn Wy elvlns bottor quality and superior workmanship throughout; tho boolc will conylnctt you that tho Durilucton watch, on which thero isonly ono roek-botwm price (tlio sam wck-lxrtiom price everywhere) Is THE watch for tlio dlscriml UAUncouyor; tliatms TUB wwcu ior ma u" - trAinnn wtirt vm4 nftf tTiA lftrvpct Belllnff DrAHtt which everybody has, but the best wawn, w watcn boiiBbt by experts, jiib wicu iu nbeolnlcly perfect )n Its many P' " superiority mo BuriiiiEwn wawm. " leiter or postal or sign coupon today ju your naroo and address fld the free Bur lington book will bo sent at ones. BURLIMQTON WATCH GO. Oept 4108 Millard Station, CHICAGO SO WRITE MWBBmii$? JmTfmmmmmmmmwWfSm I I I I I I BURUNGTON WATCH CO, Dept 4108 HillanJ Station, CHICAGO Please Bona me without obligation and prepaid your free oot on watches and copy of your $1,000.00 challenge to the Waltham or Elgin with f ull explanations of your cash or $2.50 a month olfei on the Bnrlington Watch. Here is the coupon ,'!' :' Jfone"''JTv U,j;.....v;..vf;.,... Address... ' NO lETTEt NECESSARY. GOUrON WILt DO. I I I m good for our von I dcrf ul FREE book Ion watches. Sig1 H and serd ? I I m