The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 06, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner.
r ''."WOrT'.JS
A Eerainn pliysioian who lias a
bent Cur statistics is responsible far
the statement that the human frame
is liable to 1,100 diseases, tf ho
ia correct ono can but marvel at
how few of these ailments the av
erage person manages to contract
during a lifetime.
The eya-alono is subject to no less
than CbrfcsHjlght different and distinct
affections. Considering ite apparent
vulnerability to contagion it escapes
with- great good luolc,. but in reality
it Is not as exposed, as at first
thought would seem. The eyelids
are automatic in their protection of
the eyeball, aud the first instinct is
to snap shut when a blow is directed
toward them. Incidentally they "oil"
the eye and keep its surface free
from dust, etc.
ft is for the good' of the human
race that tlie practice of medicine
has changed during- the last twenty
flvo years. Formerly there was a
specific remedy for each disense, and
the poor patient was almost drugged
to death. Nowadays physicians
recognise normal conditions, and
more attention is given to favorable
influences of mind and' surroundings
and less to modirino.
The German doctor's figures are
xafciiei; appalling, but the dnily pro-
guess. o uio- science of health and
heallhgr fa? rapidly reducing- the num
ber at d'angerotiff diseases, and' ulti
mately may eliminate' them. .Study
and experiment have marched! far:
tuberculosis, the white plajrueT will
be fought to ai standstill witliim a
few years;, the average standard) of
health, and' .strength will bo- raised!
and! the average:' duration! of? life will
be prolonged'.,
Thus medicine, w.ins greater, vic
tories.,. in science' of prevention! than
it ever, won in. the science oC heal
ing; Chicago Journal".
modestly. "Probably the closest
shave 1 have had was when a band
of South American outlaws hanged
me, and went away without noticing
that they had strung- me up to a
rubber tree."
Italia Garibaldi, granddaughter of
the great Italian liberator, has just
been appointed head of the Metho
dist Girls' Home School In. Rome.
The school stands In the street named
for General Garibaldi and almost in
the shadow of his statue. The young
woman Is deeply interested in all
that pertains to the advancement of
women. She is one of the few women
suffragists in Italy, and has made
known her sympathy for the hard
fighting suffragettes in England. She
has prepared herself for a life of
teaching- by mastering a half dozen
languages. She is tall and pretty
and possessed of determination to
Garry out her plan unless well,
matrimony has a way of ending such
ambitions. New York- Press.
fry '''- - -
I Must Sell 3
Ererjr One ot These Boola in
MGbXa iJAjVZ34tss;A Wk lnMHfm" .w
MBmmUBSas0Gm -i
JjHBflEi? SS1
rw v i
'?t T TT- TTT;T TV- TWtUUiBa. nf
uu vajs races TfuttMyaiiafmtSi D
wo such, asrsreffatloa a Boole Baxsaina waa ever onered !n s
the world. Read every word! of thia advertisement ffet my bar- ?
tram Ilsfe buy eruicK: air you'll miss: vaur life's cnanca far a, llbrarv
ac tne price or paper antr printing; uxnoung; rxeej I
XlltX UtLlllU. LUJ.L1CIL llliLil V LJ IJ LJJV. IJUUllUIlUi.1 &U LtlXU. ITVUia. UJ 1.J11Z1.! II.LI1
. to hove money to avoid failure. Result: I! boujrht tremendous, a uan titles
1 of new ntnnilacil banka and library seta at my own pribe, and am now cloa- H
' lrf- t-Vtnm riif rtiitie- nf TO nnnfo Frt ml nnnt'tt. nr Hlft HnllfiT- l
BOOKS SHIPPED ON APPItOVJLn subiect to examination in your homo
. before paying" far them, and returnable at my expense If not satisfactory,
xne roiiowtnjr sample prices sive but a. ramt laea oc tne tuousanus or oar
ffalna offered in my biff free Bargain List; which I will mail you on receipt
of coupon or postal card request.
Sample Prices New Books. SiTwhffiSi SSS i& I,r!Va"
DATE. COPYRIGHT PIGTION nrcro- 31.50. Mr Prices Mc. List includes
Flffhtinjr Chance," "Half a Roeue," "Fair God," "Brass Bow.l," "Mayor'3
'The Yoke," "The Spoilers" and hundreds of otherjracfrom.TSc to 4.1c.
"t was standing out in front one
night," said a theatrical manager,
"when a ragged little urchin came
along- with a dojr under hiff arm. The
dog was a yellow cur of the mangiest
variej$ I had ever seen.
" wrG you the manager of the
show?" asked the boy.
"I told him f was.
$!!' remarked! the fad',. 'U want
e show, but T hain'b got no
uiru ten you. wnat 111: do-,. L'li
u. this- dbg if youIL let me
One of the dependents of at well
knawn Tonal business man, recently;
did a trilling' service for him and! in
reward was told to go down town
and buy himself a new hat, charg
ing' it to his patron. The fellaw did!
so and purchased a $fr lid. Whero
the business man got the- bill he was
very wrothr and. told the beneficiary
of his1 bounty that hej, thebeneflcinny,
had! neverr had ahat hefoie that cost
oveir 3a dollar and! Because he had:
one given' lilin he was tiTing to over-
da; fche- thing;
"Shr, Golonel' remarked the
wearer of the lid a few weeks later,
"give mo GU cents."
'What for?" was the inquiry;
"Oh, r just had that ?U hat yon
gave me cleaned, was the cooC reply.
After giving- up tha 6&"- cents tlie
business man decided that he would
take what was coming to him there
after without a whimper.- Buffalo.
(Nv Y.) Times.
ta s
"I looked at the hoy and. then at
tlie dbg-, and my Heart melted. 'You
can go in,! I said, 'but never mind
giving- me the dog;. Take the dog:
along- with you.'
"Tle lad went in with the yellow
cur under his arm. After the per
formance I was-standing: out in front
and! happened to see the urchin come
" 'Well; sonnj?,'. H remarked1,, 'how
didi you) like the show?"
t 'an, pretry wail,; lie, said',, nnt
ilin a-wnit gladl E didn't give you: the
(dog."" Philadelphia! Eedger.
Rug; Price;. My Prhre. J
Tnternational Encyclopedia of Reference, Halft JVEbrocco-. . . . .?48;00
Encyclopedia Brit&nnlca, Half MTorrocco 8ff.00
King-a of Platform and' Pulpit.... ... .,.. -..... 2.75
Dante's Inferno, Dare illustrations....?............-....... 6100
Dumas Works, 7 vjla ...-.. ... -. 5T.2.T
titiso 3 w orics, I vols. . - - '- O
ahaltespearo, 35 vols v jr ..:... -..i I3:f5"0
People's Popular Atlaa 41001
Bnoklover3' Science Set,. 5 vol's-. ..-....... u.. ....r.... U0100
Barnes' Bible Ehcyclopedlav 3- vols- ., ::....... 2ftt00s
Famous Pictures - , IKIOO
Eugene Field's Poetical "Works. 4 vol'Sv 0100
Law- of Psychic Phenomena! Hudson 1?.5D'
(A hundred other New Thought Books
Bird Neighbors r 210,0;
Little Woman, RepradUctinn of SIT.00. Edifeibni ..;...'. ':.
Dictionary of American Politics- ,...:.. 200
Stevenson's: Works, Iff. vols ..-.. ... ...-.. 2Q10JJ1'
DeMaupassant's- Works.- 1-Tr vols;. .t. : . ..'.....'............ 500)
Voltaire's WTorics, St Hubert's Guild! Effi,. 43: volsr.. .....;....:Ei:4i7JD
rnternational Science Lihrary, IS volsv - .r....i- 2JHSD
ATomolra of Madame DuBarryr .....,....w412fr-
Library of Modern Cooking; 5 vols ...:U ..Z... SiffO
Muhlbach's Works. 18 vols - ,.i : :...:.... 27100"
Corelll's Works; 5 vols. Half Leather. .: ......... :.'. ;.: :U Z.5W 2.90
Hume's Histony,. Ki vols, Half Leather....., .. v .. .75Q.' 2.90
History of the World, 2. vol's. HiU'fEeatffieir. ... . 8?00 2.90
Teachers' Cyclopedia, vols. Half! Eeafehexr...-.-,..,..;;..-....'. -,. 2H10O- (J.50
Koran of Mbhammed; Half" Leather. ....ta.. .'... 2150' -5(T
Napoleon.'S Notes on History ...... .. ....... 4170; 1.20
Lon-rfellow. comnletc . . .... 2100,1 3E
Makers of History. 32: vols... Harper & Bros;.. Halff Leather EH! 48100- 14.00
' Pepy'ff Diary, 4-' voiSv U2100 4.S0
Robinson. CrusQe.. Art Jiuiuaon) z:m)
And so on through a list of thousand's of books, alL described! in. my illus
trated Earsain Lists of this stock-.
Eho setia In the followinir list are made In rich-half" morocco bindings, gold
stamninir and sold tops. Rich and- rare illustrations: They -were lcNl?a.tfU: M
tn ewlli at: hfjclix prices to tlie -nrealtli'sr aniL enltiiriMli cIhhmch. vho -irnuc liiie
private- libraries. At my pricea- anyone can afford! some of? theso rich seta.
HIH 9HBR12T(5HT2l ITT A. TirrillLR
Exaggeration, artistically used
sometimes, approaches a. fine art. A.
wrifcr In- Brooklyn Eire- relates the
following' conversations
"TCbu: must have had! some verx
narrovr escapes fronu death' in-, yourr
eventful career," said an admirexr to
the- great detective.
" have Had a: few, he admitted.
The charm of Mrs. Ruth. McEnery
Stuart's negro dialect stories, was
greatly enhanced when she read them
herself, as she used frequently to db
in the early dnys of her fame, for
ofinritv and clnirch entertainments.
Her imitation of the negro dialect
was excellent and her small son,, who
was very proud of her accomplish
ment in this line, frequently boasted
of it among, the other children. Qnce
when some of his schoolmates were
vaunting the accomplishments of
their mothers, he was overheard to
"Well, my mother Is smarter than
any of yours. She' can speak: two
"what are they?" demanded his
"White and colored!.."- St- Eauiir
Dickens, KJ! vols- $"ii.Q0
Scott. 12: vols. :,(i.Q0'
rrvinpr. 10' volst. 20:00'
Thackeray; 15 vol 4IT.0O
BaiKac, IS vols- 5iOO'
Ruskin. 15 vols. ........ 4ii.fl0-
Tolstoi, 1 vols....
Carlyle. 10 vols....
Poe. 11 vols
: Fielding; 12 vols...
Smollett, 12. vols...
; Hawthorne. 8 vols.
Dumas, 10 vols
Hugo, 8 vols . . .
. 30.00
. 30.00
. 33:00
... 30.00
. 30.00
. 2ih00
. 30;00
. 2.4. 00
$m. 70
7.S4i I
El lot. T vols-. $&L0O
De Eoe,. 1T voisi....... . 48-.00
Rfade,. U2! vollr. 3ir:00
Bulwor-Lyttnni 16". vols; 37"..T0
Cooper;. 12. vols 3G:00'
Bronte, 0: vol's? 18.00
Gliizofc 8 vols, - W.0IT
Macaulay. 5". vols-. ..... IF. 00
Gibbon, 5 v.olU KT.00
Bresoort, 12: v.ols 3G100-
Austen, 6 vols...... 12.00
Green. 4"- vol's ........ 8i00
Jbseplnis, 3. vols . ... ... O'.OO
.... o.uu
15.R8 H
H.7G a
11.." t
4.90 J
11.76 t
(T." l
2.S.1 I
2.S5 3
Al SEWWEESRSS- exphriknce:
Gl R. Eluger, The Jeweler, UOffO;
"Vlrgihiat Ave;, Indianapolis, Ind.v
'writesc 'T was so weak from, kid
ney trouble that I could hardly walk
a hundred feet. Four bottles of
Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my
complexion, cured my backache and!
the- irregularities disappeared, and II
can now attend to business every day
and recommend Foley's Kidney
Remedy to all sufferers, as it cured!
"nier after the doctors; and! other rem
edies had! failed. jvectisement.
Aibnut the urstrthingthat tha aver
age man. will, doi ur featihg: .a new
.pent la to- write; That is
anj common asrthe habit off Writing
'Now is the time for all! good men
to" come to the aid oC" thebr party"
'.on tlie typewriter. The man who
Isella. fountain pens knows, thQ custom.
One dealer said the other day that
he couldn't account for it on the
bnsis of egotism, but explained it
simply because a. name was ou. thing:
most folks expected to t write
a great many trme& with a. Deu, ajxd
therefore wanted to try U QUt on,
"IC only I had a btotttjr- tw Qov
of the many
writtea and
8.25 r
-5 5
RiLWlinanm. 2. wnla
T... nl'..... r-T" ITll. i
Modern Elonwennn. 1.0 xtnls. .SfHr.OO $
Library of Ancient anrr atberem- Litucatiunej. 20- voliJ.. . . 68.00 IS. S I
"Writing- of Thomas JoftTerson, 10- vol'Sw . 60:00- 22.00
Los M"isnrrfhlr ff vnr 110.00 4.15 I
Library of Natural HlUtory. G vols 3L00
Historv of rjhlted States, 6 vols 24i00
Boswell's Life of Johnson, I vols 8.00
Goothe. 10 vols. Half Calf , 3S.Q0
Ainu, the troctlM Ruimevcltv Eiuenln HL CIayv Frsnlcllm. Hziinlltnn. De-'t., Cnmb., IcrrltnecK Fnrtbie Riumncuii,. IlluhurlMm,. VKltltmnn. Warner
Tiibrary,. OrieutaL1 Tale. Irlwh liiteraturtn. Sue. MeGuEthy,. SmtasHin,. Mutley. 5
Flutareli,, Duxrwin,. Spencer,. HaeuIceU. IOoiinK",, FitrkmuB, Tainc- and mtin:' "
otliers In rich binding" and similar prices.
R T-mvovrka to tne boolts- Of MjirltTtvain..TameH.-w:bIfetirabvrUler; Will
Ellu. AVfeeitlee- Wllctwc: and, hundreds of otliers. - " 5
BICr BARGAINS, In. hundreds ot boolta on. Sciri53vBhIltreHliEconumr nd t
Bid BARGAIXS. in, hundxeda of books on Scifeaeew law,. IKjieltanlCM, D- t
mtlc Sec, Ac Mutilcv aieUIeLae etc;
BIG: BARGAINS. In thousand OC Quti tlbrxiirK Bouk2fMGlffcBunk2iuirTon
anu. uahk wm .wjc- jwyrf, ouoks, xuc
Gist etrk
STOCK L1MLTE1V. Those banrriln
acvr Ituxlted, to. the stock, r now have,
l- do not ls.uo'wc that 1 will ever secure
such, bargains. ajKeAu, aud! cojjnot under-
taice; w ixu oraeirtj louije than, this
StoclR. lJjts. 0;tit my biff, few Illustrate
ed ba.u.wsjt www QrdeclDt? any of
th. a.boQ IjoqKv Sign the couoqu. qc
soivd. JJS. V01- todays
DAVU B. CURON, THq Book Brokair
David B eiarltoom H
till Bosch Blilir.. Ghicuffo.
Mill mr itMinuf? ohliirafcion to I
j mo, your firee- HlustaaUaidl Barsam :
uiaii ill. xUULL uuim.mii ww - t
iins. !
; viiitu .. .,.....ft.,.i...i
Straeb Nbj .........
Town Statu'
SJS iitreV XU,KSLl W m SQ9(L m WUI hAVQ been written: i
if I had Qrtwxtafcl iiV tovw V.m aQwfr names ke saidi Chicago Inter
in. my place.