ihimmmih 'iwivnwtiim. -i OCTOBER 30, 1908 will reduce your wages and make your compen sation smaller than it is, wo tell the laboring men that if we win wo will amend the anti trust law so aB to take the labor organizations out from under the operation of that law, and now come these heads of railroads to tell their employes that if they dare 'to ask for relief from this anti-trust law, they will be punished by a reduction of wages. We say in our plat form that if wo win wo will limit tho writ of injunction so that a labor dispute will not In itself be a sufficient ground for the issuance of that writ that there nrst bo something, done; there must be conditions that would justify that writ, even If there were no labor dispute, before it shall bo used in such a dispute, and now come the heads of these great corporations and notify these men that if they dare to ask for relief from this writ of injunction under those circumstances they will bo punished by a re duction of wages. Wo say in our platform that we are in fa vor of trial by jury in cases of indirect con tempt, and now come these heads of corpora tions and tell these laboring men that this trial by jury which is guaranteed tc a convicted crim inal shall not bo given to tho laboring man and if he dares raiso his voice in protest ho shall be lashed into submission by a reduction of his wages. , In this case there is no shadow of an excuse for the threat because our platform specifically declares that no rate reductions shall be mado which will compel a reduction of wages. Wo give a guarantee to the laboring man that Is not found in the republican platform, a- guaran tee that has not been given by the present ad ministration. That is what this all means, my friends. They tell you that if I am elected business will bo bad. Let them give bond that business will be good if I am defeated. They have no way of securing you against the failure of their predic tions. Let them show that they have been an notated prophets and have a right to tear away the veil and tell you what lies before you! Who is this man whoso election is to be a balm In Gilead and remove all financial distress? He is tho member of the president's cabinet whom the president appointed to be his successor. If he could not, last fall, prevent a panic when he was in the cabinet, how can he prevent one next fall, merely by raising him a little higher. If he and the president together could not protect you from the panic last fall, how can he hope to do it all alone if the president deserts him and hides In tho jungles of South Africa, hunting tigers? Observing among the crowd a number of students, Mr. Bryan said to them that he had discussed the labor question as he had because "of this new menace to their independence." Addressing himself specifically to tho stu dents, Mr. Bryan said that they build their lives upon ideals. The young man, he said, who Is preparing for a career is learning or he ought to learn that there is but one thing that is in vincible and that Is truth. He ought to learn that truth will triumph- in time over every obstacle. With his Ideals he is interested in pure politics. All he wants is a chance and he is willing to take his chance under fair condi tions and under equitable laws. T want these young men to understand the contest which lies before ub. I have been nominated without the aid of a president. No man with an army of officeholders was behind me to coerce men Into my support. T had no great corporation to threaten Its employes if they did not favor my nomination. I had no rich relatives to put jip money for the circulation of eulogies of me. I have had to fight my way from the time I was a schoolboy and I have had nothing to build upon except the.confldence of those who believed with me that I believed what I said and would be faithful if entrusted with power. And now that I have been made the candidate of my party just as one of these schoolboys may be mado the candidate of his party in the years to come, I ask these schoolboys if they aro not interested In purifying politics so that a man can have a chance to make a fight for the people and not have an election bought away from hira by the secret contributions of preda tory wealth which are not to be known until the people have voted. We are making an honest fight. We are giving you the names of our con tributors. We are putting in our plqtforra what we think ought to be done. We are appealing to the intelligence and to the judgment of the American people and all we ask is that every citizen shall be allowed to think as he pleases and then allowed to vote as he thinks. That is our platform, our plan. Wo leave our case with you. The Commoner. MR. BRYAtf AT MANSFIELD, OHIO, OOTO- BE It 21 From what wo havo learned from the re ports sent to us and from reports that como directly from tho republican organization you are already prepared to vote, and you havo given such strong intimation of how you oxpoct to vote that tho republican national committee finds it necessary at the last moment to turn all its guns on Ohio to savo the candidate's own state to him. it Is worth something for ub to know that tho platform of tho republican party has already been repudiated by the republicans of Ohio, that the republican candidate has al ready been repudiated by tho republicans of his own state and if within two weeks of tho elec tion they become so frightened that they havo to dovote their energies to tbo rescue of this Btato from tho opposition, if in his own state, whore ho has lived, If in Ohio which has been tho cltidel of republicanism, they have to mako this desperate fight In his behalf what chanco ha3 bo in other states whero tho conditions havo not been so favorable to him and his party? If, my friends, these gigantic efforts are necessary in Ohio what hope havo they in Indiana? If these efforts aro necessary in Ohio, how despor ate must bo their chance in Now York and in Illinois. After again speaking of tho notice given by the New York Central to tho employes of a cut of ten per cent In case of his election Mr. Brynn concluded with tho following appeal to tho la boring men: "Laboring men, the ballot was given to you, not to tho railroad superintendents, and it was given to you because you havo a right to pro tect yourselves and your children, and if they can threaten you with a reduction of wages. If these men at the head of great Industries hold their employes as their body servants and tholr retainers and vote them In a bunch, how can the American people secure redress against any grievance, however great. Tho World is In a position to state positively that George R. Sheldon, treas urer of the republican national commit tee, was associated with Charles W. Morse in at least one of his Ico pools, and, moreover, got out of it with largo profits. Tho World is also In a position to state positively that the documents which show Mr. Sheldon to have been a member of Morse's ico pool and which also show his profits, are In possession of the United States officials who aro prosecuting Morse and Curtis. Why Mr. Sheldon was not called to tell on the witness stand of his member ship In one of the Morse Ice pools, char acterized by Judge Hough as "an asso ciation of adventurers," and placed on the same IpvcI with John F. Ca'rroll, Isaac Guggenheim, John W. Gates and Charles M. Schwab, has not been explained. 00 0 0 0 SENATOR CULBERSON ON STEEL Senator Culberson of Texas has written the following letter: To the Editor of the New York Times: Dally papers today publish another letter from Attorney General Bonaparte to Mr. Josephus Daniels, tho talented North Carolina editor, on the relation of the administration to the steel trust. Before alluding further to that particular controversy, some general observations aro pertinent. The products of the steel trust, which enter the daily life of every citizen, are highly pro tected by the tariff schedules, ranging from 27.08 per cent on some articles to 95.5C per cent ad valorem on others. This duty, together with the substantial destruction of competition which the formation of the steel trust and Its allies havo accomplished, enables the combination to sell steel rails, which, according to Mr. Schwab, can be made for $12 a ton, at $28 in the United States, while they are sold abroad for from $20 to $23 a ton. The tariff profits of the steel trust, that is, the profits arising entirely from the operation of the tariff, it has been estimated, exceed $80,000,000 annually, about $1 on every man, woman and child in the United States. In Sr S- .h03?rb,!f nt tUty lhIfl. unconscionable thn Vm 1 1. IV tA ,nlp,c ncopl": notwithstanding the fact that the steel trust was already a prnctl- SivDi;n.0po,.yi: aUd WftB ,n combination w th lt aJ JitinTfhi t0)r8 th '',r?mo"1 na expressly admitted that ho approved the absorption by It of Its principal rival, the TonnoHsoe Coal and I ft? n(Jinpn"y;, II ,B naturally to bo presumed that tho president consulted Attornoy Oenoral Bonaparte before giving hla approval of on Im portant a matter affecting the future action of tho department of juotico. But whether he did " hlffl(p remains that tho administration, yea, tho pros dent hlmsolf, has approved the tak- thnt0rny ithc flPU.8.t f hla Ultor, and to JiZLn nt nns furtnor rlvotted tho chains of a glgant c monopoly upon tho public. This Is not all. The stool trust and other manufacturers of steel long ago combined In vio lation of law to maintain theso oppresslvo prlcou and havo operated openly and publicly. Tho ex istence of such a combination Is a rnnttor common knowledge The trust, In fact, has bee bold enough, or has thought It safo enough wltk Ujo present administration, to act officially, and mako proclamation of Its lawless purposos. Th oo "Tl8 aIneared In tho Now York Sun of Mar 2525, 1908' STEEL PRICES TO STAY UP And No More Conferences on the Subject Until Summer Passes At tho meeting of stool manufneturora yesterday It was again decided to matntal prices at tho present level. This Is the same determination arrived at at each of three previous meetings, except that In thni caso It is announced that tho policy will probnbly bo continued at least during the summer months. Tho ofilcal atatomoat was as follows: "At tho mooting today of representa tives of tho principal manufacturers of stool fn this country tho opinion was expressed by each ono present that tho prices of steel are reasonable, and should not bo reduced; that reduced prices would not Increase pur chases, and that most of their customers do not expect or deslro any changes. Tho opinion was unanimous that tho meetings should bo discontinued for the summor months unless tho chairman should doom It advisable to meet af any time for reasons which do not now appear." Previous to tho big meeting, which took place at 2 o'clock in tho office or E. II. Gary, chairman of tho United States steel corporation, there were Informal meetings during the morning of representatives of companies from all parts of tho country. Tt has been soml-authorltatlvely announced that ofilclnls and beneficiaries of tho stool trust have contributed enormous sums of monoy thin year to the notional republican campaign fund. In view of that statement, and the facts here recited. It seems to mo tho people aro ontitled to know: 1. Whether. Judge Taft, If elected presi dent, will recommend to congress a reduction of the Iron and steel tariff schedules, and If so, to what extent. 2. Whether Attorney General Bonaparte Vlll at once proceed to dissolve this combination of steel manufacturers, and punish the offend ers, and whether Judge Taft, should ho bo elect ed, will favor such legal proceedings. C. A. CULBERSON. New York, October 14, 1908. CLEVELAND ARTICLE A FORGERY Broughton Brandonberg, tho man who soli to tho New York Times an article alleged t havo been written by the late Grover Cleveland, declaring In favor of Taft as against Bryati, has been arrested In Ohio. He will bo returned to New York to answer to tho charge of forging Mr. Cleveland's name to tbo Times article. The republican national committee circulated tke Cleveland article throughout tho country but ha not apologized for It or wb drawn It now that it has been shown to bo spurious. 000 0 0 0 At Mingo Junction, Ohio, Judge Taft made a prosperity speech. Later fie dis covered that fie wiui speaking from the steps of a great mill wliich had been closed for nearly a year,, throwing two tfionsand men out of employment. No wonder the dispatches soy that Judge Taft was "nettled." 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "i M 1 ! m ,- If J At