!5w5SSrmiw35Si . -.J- i. ,. -i jr-Tr "" f - - 'Mrr.'jrvy, ."W The Commoner. 8 VOLpMB-8; NUMBER 4 m "' b 1 M ,.. 1.VIBC iif ' Iff IW- Fixed up for Years to Come , Chicago, October 10. Republican leaders liavo been thrown Into 'consternation over the 'break" which Representative Longworth, the, president's son-in-law made In his speeqh ,at 'Rock Island, 111., in which ho outlined the ' Roosovojt dynasty. Thd'' democratic national committeo has procured affidavits from persons., who attended tho ropubliqan meeting at Rock iBland, and which prove conclusively that Mr. J Longworth made tho declaration attributed to him. m , Tho following are tho affidavits;; "Stato of Illinois, County of Rock Island. . . '.. "I, Roy A. Sears, city editor, of thoRoclc Island Argus, on oafb. dp stateMt,hat I was pres.-, "ont'at the republican day exoi-cisesoX the, R,ppk Island exposition, .October , lDQS,. a?id reported ' "tho" addresses of Congressman JameMcIflnney, chairman of the. afternoon; Congressman Frank , O. Lowden and Congressman Nicjidlas Long worth and others. , .f. - ' ' ""I further state, that X heard the remarks. of congressman LjO.ngwortn, s, roiayYto 11133115- it take chances of forty years of Roosevelt, or stop the whole scheme right where it is? Tho secret' is out, and . the remedy lie's with the voters Chicago Daily Journal. - " A LONG REIGN V Oi The Hon, Nicholas Longworth proposed to 10,000 American citizens in Rock Island oh Frk day that Mr, Taft should be made president of 'tbV United States for the next eight years and vMiv -Roosevelt for the eight years following Mr. . Taf t!s ; second term. ' As Mr. Longworth is President Roosevelt's sonjn-jnw his, words are accepted, usually as . isomjrromcial for the White House. ThistJs the .unfortunate feature of tiis;utterance in the pres-. ., opt. instance. , -' ."' The American people are not looking-for a lord protector. Even the "most ardent admirers ,of Mr. Roosevelt would not care tb make him another Diaz. , ' . w ... "With some eight years of the presidency be- Vhlnd- him next March and with eight yearsOf jTaft;before him, Mr. Roosevelt, according to .son-ln-jaw's Ideas, would be able to cele- .-.' remarks were substantially as follows: , , ; ,ra,teVlon( March 4, 1925, nearly a quarter- of a I must thank the ( chairman for iauncn-,,, century, of personal rule over thi3 republic Such a prdgrani is' not one to be announced TRUSTS NOT RESTRAINED '; . Last Saturday, at Paris, Mo., Mr. Bryan read the following letter, which was handed him the day before at Joliet, 111.' It reads as follows "Department of Justice, "Washington, D 0' February 11, 1903 J. A. Heath, Esq., pS dent Joliet Bale Tie Company. Joliet, ill. Sir' -I am in receipt of your letter of the 6th Inst in which you complain of the American Steel & Wiro company. In reply, .1 -beg to say that the specific act to which . you refer, tho selling ot their finished product for less thaii they charge for wlro in the coil, which has resulted so in juriousjy to your business, is not restralnahle under the federal .anti-trust law. That fact may or unay not be evidence of an attempt to inonop oiize' or. restrain interstate or foreign trado or commerce, to- which tha law applies, and the latter fact must be established before the former will be declared illegal. The circumstances al luded to wouhl not of itself justify any action by. this department, nor , does the federal law '; afford .you any. remedy for the loss you Have sustained. Respectfully, ';. - "J. K. RICHARDS, ' . .' "Acting Attorney General." Mr.y.Bryan then commented .on it as follows: "This -letter is read to show that the pres ent antitrust law, as interpreted by the admin istration, does not protect tho small competi tors from the most common of all tho methods employed by the trusts for destroying competi tion. It is customary, for the trust to undersell a, small rival in the ' rival's' territory, and then, taoou collects from a helnless People the money spent such -"in exterminating competition.' ' . ,.., "This: letter 'slibwV that a -competitor com- tfe'mhtthat 'the' American ' i:M. s 'X inc mv candidacy for an 'office to which I have' not expired I should say aspired. My chances just now, incredible and impossible as it seems. after 'driving the rival into a 'sale to the trustor for that office have expired.' -AP had thought Especially it is not one to.be announced from into bankruptcy,' tlie trusit raWe's the price and rt HfJkUlU i' r '' T K M Av..V- : - ' J . Jra .-. i l' . '" . j j...1. ior mo-'tne uosom or 'Mr. uooseveits tamiiy. ,poJtics an'd sgbbdu taste are' ;i both against utterance, jv ri ' x- -f .Aside f;rom.iMri Longworth's plain assump-1 v ' nininbtl to th6 d6nhr .t.hnt? ATr ..fnff 'a wn ifiiwtri'd 1X701411 tint 'pAti1- ' oi o 1W1..V. (.Xi.A l? , " ;'J V Af,(l,rt't.(Ml frnct S. Sherman, also of New Ydrkrx After that-, . .stitute 'even a substantial interregnum with lwAw 'Hoin th.fliitai,W A'rtVi' f-AV loss than but .modesty prevetttsv -me f rdm making any, : ;which no real -friend -of Mr.. Taft-can agree--' ' jt sbldth'e raw mUter'ialV ' he:' United States further suggestion;.n(Signed.--' , rVuch .remarks, regarding the institution- of a . fttooi mnnnv fR rirlf n" 'lifa'fiHlrint mstitution: ')Lti tU R03 A.NRTlStlS ." . 'XtnnaaimW lirnnaf 1r nvn, Yif nnlv oliinMnrr' V.if- ' -n .V " A t.n. t.iL ?' --i.'j:1 .'i .' .v,rn- . p 'J H a t T' ' V", ' " W'ffMfvi' v u,ruugij 'iitv iiu.ii yixii j ouuoiviiib) uiu . Duusuriueuv-anui swornra uetore mpB,. rtabpoju.telyi damhglh&'to the oui uay 01 uoiooer,' ai u,vauut r, '.viaL'PlWl'WJ r.eptlbjican partyv' :l wwl " . Jm.i rt&uux, The propositionU6dayirisi to elect Mr.'-Taft ' Action of fti-o'-tlriilM SMea 'Steel con Cbeakl- , 'T'"MVn I yr, ,IC' for one term not t0 continue Mr. Roosevelt In ' not restrainable, a&'d'JtWrthe" faef'-might not ,miT RL?inart,U upon .the; throne, for sixteen- e evidence even Vf&x'-dfatfpt to-'monopolizo publican newspaper 6t this city in. its issue of years,more. . . r -it rade The official did not &e,ni't:fo show any Saturday morning following'the republicanmeet- . Mr. Longworth is injuring the cause of-Mr. Concern-about tM6l act of tli'e'eel' trust; he ing, thus quoted.,Longworth in a general, way.: , ,Taft, The' dem;ahd of the hour is hn unhamp- maZZ nit W nJhr AvtaSnftPnrnftmato that J, qonsid.erutna lt iflrqpd for th .n.exj v0re.d, hnttiverted and energetic cathp'aign in Mr.'u': rfsv&frri mWh n.n inveatitration. Ho left the WH. W --- ,. . .,,, 1.- .. stfbnVitWvtfie irijustlce without sympathy or a word of hope. T lioads fiirff. vfinv nf snt,v Hm ' nffor "whinftll- yt-v-w f. ,;.., "m repuoijcau ieaaeTS'(ao not pro pobo a ., but modesty forbids my mentioning the matter " ' ' ' ' r "-8 further." The speeches were heard by five thou- EMULATING - CROMWELL 'vVr I. ui.8ht years as pr g. ouu. that we really - Roosevelt; follor iniiAnr n trnw ntfittnii 1 AMrriM im ij l fc . uS 4Ti.w u.aR 'atffifinwft i:?;: -.-.w ... c-omplainantb wfjfci".s KV.,if""'.,'v-,'fjMV Jttfo. .... ,-f. MrMLionewortn snouia nave more sense. o wi nri'tnty.T wiUa..wui. u;.ji..v" i..r . . .-w-. . yvjj.u. ui nillK Lllin. J. UU1ICVU I.III-! (-.IIIIIlllV v IWiinnnrn l-tifnt. llhnnVi '(.,) . . . Taft specifl- sand people, apd all, irrespective i of .jpolitics, who ,. . , jr , .Mr.. Roqseveloncd'wota a"KIst"bry v ;v., .".: 4 . "".;yiYVAw..Lt v ne mt ,V. .. .--7,"'' -; .7 -j - ,-7'V.yr'--T'"5: j-.ji.iiavu.LtwiuiJi. tu uuuji uu.,UYy.u RRHHJiTirTi '- 7s $ . ti.i-tt .ur'"' - , f - r .y.'.i.i.. r-. w'sii.i. -.VWI AAV'41. , . -Anew law to cure thisyil and Mr. Taft specm- , ,J:" .cajlyiop'poses a. remedy prj)pfose4 in the demo- . .,i-:!'V cratic platform f6F this Very eyil. The demo- Pf;9.liveiV; ' cratic' platform proposes tjiat corporations, after fatal blunder--successor. Salt I' .7 v :, The denial has created a greater, sensation. & -r-Omaha World-Herald. v.;V; , yft--- rf.1. THE ROOSEVELT DYNASTY (V At last the cat is, out of the haer. YRtr- :: day at Sterling, 111., Congressman Longworth de-' ".-. clarod that Taft should be kept in the White .-House for eight yearj anvtheh Theodore Roose- ... velt should be elected' .agaln. president of tho United Statas. ' -: For eight years, under direction of Mr. Taffc ! . vwe are to have a continuation of the big 'sticky exorbitantly protective tariff, and ferocious .uiuiva uu uorporai.ion,s ot, air .-cinas, just accord ing to tne mi . of Roosevelt- . , once more ;j The admission 'that Taft means 'KboHfivftU hothipg less, nothing more, vlV drive i thou- . . , -sands of anti-RooBevelt repu.bliddhs. tQ Vot'q for ;. . Bryan. If Taft is defeated He. ca'h ; tikm ' MrJ '.'RooSftVfiH.'s Rnn-ln-ln.w fnv Tinvlnw.. loriVAi i. .--- r- - . . .. -,w - .Tvr MUI111H ' 1UL LI1M.1 I")l I. . " ' . I w r . 1 ..- "7 t 1 twenty-fiye per cent of the total .product shall come under the supervision "of the federal gov trnment and that after that they shall not bo 'allowed to sell in one' part of the country at 'one price and in another part of the country at another price. Thjs fs a remedy for the very thing that the Jolietni'dnufa'dturer complained ''of, and yet the republican "party not only pro poses no remedy, bt' Mr. Taft denounces the ''onlv rernedv nronosed. The letter is proof or is to .seek out the cause of a.tniRf. nnrl a the inefficiency of the nres'ehtvl'aw, and pj'oq1 - .nn'r'r i-lo inuca rpi,J J ,, ' iC: -.1 J.T. .. 1111-. L J 4'i.' . UVin 1 1" 0. ' -. , "THEM'S AS AIN'T IDIOTS TURNS OFF THE TAP" ' , m ;s -.y ..ist' "-..; . ! ,ner true r.emeay. agamst ou,r trusts Dod of.Mr. RQosevolb. Eight years -Taft and then, RooWevolt himsolf .' Will the, country stand, for this? .-) J. T ! Z..l. t i.l. UUU Ul VUU UUK. T. i X" They micht staritl forThhrtrTnra"Xnv u.U Whorft i tll'a orkff fV ilttnys'.,nlu'V i .A V, ,w. -: 1 b whore is this sort of thing" gOing-to stop if 'it gets' a gopd start? .' s ''i.L There's Theodore, Jr., and there's Kermit and there's Archie and there's Qiientln, and per haps by that time the crown might be passed over to the Longworth branch of the royal fam ily, .The incautious statement of. Congressman Longworth will carry more weight with, the in dependent voter than, the . "Little Willie!' and "Sunny Jim'l inanities pf Sherman.' h7 It will no longer bo necessary to ddWd "my administration," but. Mr.-' Roosevelt--'mtfst Pqw defend the Taft administratlop tindtho TRoosevelt administration of 10i6-19'20.' The", public Is more vitally interested in the future Ropsevelt administration than in the past. "Will, to remove, ijn at causae, this is a perfectly simple and. natural remedy, and lies close .() at nanu. x uijiiuei..io4jjuoiic matters the ' same rule of. wisdom, which men annlv ,in their own affairs, as to health, busi- ,. ,;nepsK and eyesyy. private transactio.n in the . . wqrld. . It 'typlid, fever o? some other f . epidemic IsHasv-eeping over-your commii- $) nity and you .find that it results from sewerage of some, other physical cause, you. will rembye tho cause and' pot rely ' j. solely, upon the skill and, remedies of I. medical practitioners. Some visitors who : .were being shown over a Ipauper lunatic Vasylum inquired of their guide wha method was employed to 'discover when .:' the inmates were sufficiently recovered to leave. ' ' "Well" replied he, "you see, It's this, way. .We have a big trough of wa- ter and we turns on the tan. Wo lfi.iv it running, and tells 'em to hailmif ta . water with pails until they've emptied ffl tho trouch " ' X. . n asked one How does that nrove it?' of the visitors. . ,'!W,?K' said the euIde "em as ain't Idiots turns off the tap,"i From "Th6 Tariff and tho Trnnta "hw Toi,n O Pierqe, ptiblished by MacMillan Companyi '0 '. . . , 3 k x. S) . also of, , the unwillingness of the republican lfaa- r. Aont lo-irra nnhAecnii frtl.'llQ nrnffPti0n 01 the public." 'f' v ': . ' ' , . ' CHEERS ' POR BRYAlT'AT A , REPUBLICAN MEETING Following is an Associated Press dispatcu Salt Lake City, October 12.-"Is this a re publican or democratic meeting?" asked Sena tor Beveridger of .Indiana of Senator Sutherland of 'Utah. They were on the. stage of tho &aij Lake theater in the presence of the largest political gathering" of the' campaign at wmc-j .Senator- Beveridge was the star orator. question was the culmination. of three interruii ..tipns, each . of, which marred the effect of uw , rally as a republican propaganda, meeting. -J Interruption came when the senator meutiontu the name of Bryan., There followed V0. acclaim of the democratic candidate wlucn w but eclipsed the applause, accorded to Mr. j-a At the mention of free silver" men latei w audience again gave vent to a great outuuisi enthusiasm. More ian two dollars of every flvo J by tlie federal goveinment goes for tlie sun of tho arniy an.d nyy. Representative i in a spee in Pongi4s, sola:. "H .?"" has the increase in military cicperises dcch iaifvrifed. as in oiir.yn.-i' .The man who m jfojots tlio bill! ,"..-.," , -" -y ''? i V t a. v , V , It f rf.- . r" ? V?r- J '