mk twniPMJww 'w 8 September 25, 190s The Commoner. 15 "ttJP""' Pianos On Credit BHHKMMMa mam i 30 Day' Free Trial No Money Down This concern, with a combined capital of $7,000,000. -wants to Gcnd you Its wonderful Piano Book. Wo sell pianos from S144.50up, andcuar nntco a savlnir of at least S100. Wc ask no money down. Wo ship the piano, and let you uso It a month, before you decido to buy. Compare it with others compare our prices with others. It you find It tho best bargain you ever saw, take two years to pay for It a little each month. Other wise send It back. .... Don't buy a piano without acclnjr this book, for this Is the largest concern of Its kind In the world. We iavo 450,000 customers. Write us a postal today and simply say "Send your Piano Book." Spiegel, May, Stem 2o., 'tat 35th Street, Ckicago Lincoln t Washington Beautiful hand-painted souvenir Bryan Badge. 'Designed by a Bryan Girl from Bryan's home town. Postpaid 25c. Wo have only limited number. Funko & Mason, Browncll Block, Lincoln) Neb. Subscribers' Advertising Dept. This department Is for the exclusive use of Commoner subscribers, and special rate of six cents a word per In sertion the lowest rate has beeu made for. them, Address all communi cations to The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb REAL CAUSE .OF , .INDUSTRIAL Panics. Tolstoy, Post. Kropotkln," Darrovy., Gompers, Dobs, Lloyd, Garri son', and seventeen Others. World's best thinkers. Send twenty cents. QuinnM.J644 Unity Bids;., Chicago. ! f ' ' nl 1 1 " ij I ' .i.i.i i , i 1 1 i i , Wichita, country, "best is vv Texas for tho homeseeker" or in vestor: for information write .Land Co'.,. Wichita Falls, Texas. Jones CEND TEN CENTS FOR THREE SETS - ISfo-TiprKnot Shop Lacers. No more bother with shoo strings. Look neat: -Big money for agents. No-Tie-Knbt Co., Lebanon, Pa. ' (TNE QE ;TBE BEST. FRUIT FAR&tS ,ln ,.Bent;on County,, Arkansas; 128 acres',' ' $80 per acre. W. W. Pearco, 519 "W. Elmlra, San Antonio, Tex, nEGON FAHMS IN'THE VALLEYS, -V mild cjlmateno snow,. 'grass- year round, dairy, Xruits, hpps, .walnuts, etc., plenty godd water. Stock and grain farms eastern Oregon. "We havo largo and small farms, $15 to $100 per acre, according to products and improve ments. Call on us or write. T. B. Ackers-& CO., 270 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. . tTyE'LL ALL TURN OUT. ON ELEC vv tion Day." Best Bryan and Kern Sorig" of the campaign.' Sample for 2 cents. Leo V. Shea, Tottenville, N. Y. .() ACRES ILLINOIS, $1G00 IM uu proved farm near town. Big bargain: Address: W. B. Williams, Mt. Vernon 111. A GENTg,' .HERE'S, A CORKER"; pNLY " pancake griddle in world that bakes squaro cakes; turns them; bakes six .each, .time;,., LP 0 per cent profit. Canton, Griddle Co., Canton. O. 1Y53 ARE MAKING THE HANDSOM YV t est "Btfjion (campaign watch fob. an.. the .majrst, , Send z&c tor sample and circulars giving "wholesale prices to 'clubs1, "land dealers; money returned if not as represented. Reese & Co., 44 Vesey St., New, York. T INE " UPf'FOR BRYAN." THE !-, great- ipanlpaigni. march song. "Words and., music,.. 25c. All dealers, or Gale, Mnllatie JVTusTc Co., 5th and" Syca mdre, ClnclrtnatlO. '' ' 07, MEEK. . KISSIMMEE, FliA. , has bargains In orange, timber, ranch, truck, 'alia -phosphate lands. il ..vOfif.O'f j . R: FOR -SAlJlUHliN 1.0NEL OF THE BEST alfalfaydajivy, and fruit countries In San Joaduin Valley, small and largo 'tracts'bf land;-'1-" hotel, barber Fhop, hardwalre-.tstora') Address Kincaid & Fasetor.fhrs,,j-pqs Palos, Cal. FINE' 1100 ''ACRE FARM ON YORK 1 River;- ihpjlf iprico. Address Box 28 Q, Williamsburg, Va. AN 'TO VlGTJORY," THE CAMPAIGN v-. gong of( .th; century which will win for. the,, victor, "equal rights for all arid special privileges for none." 25e--pe'ri ic'opy. 'Address Mrs-; Helen .Chambbrlln, iBo.r 71G, Storm Lake, Iowa;. ....-,. dustry than I do tho statement that Mr. Taft Is the creature of tho trusts, and as for Mr. Kern's possible elec tion being a menace to business it is positively absurd. Tho Tariff As for tho tariff I think the coun try is to bo congratulated In that both parties promlso its readjust ment. I am free to say that tho Parry Manufacturing company is willing to see any duties imposed for the protection of tho buggy busi ness go on tho trading list in nego tiating with foreign countries for reciprocity treaties, and there are other manufacturers in a similarly generous mood. In a recent poll of the National Association of Manu facturers a majority of its members declared in favor of revision, ahd since manufacturers will not bo dis posed to buy heavily of raw material when there is a possibility of cheaper prices for such material through a relaxation of the tariff, I believe that a speedy revision will materially as sist in restoring business to normal conditions. Of course this revision can not bo accomplished the ilrst day after the election, no matter who is elected, and to my knowledge the "prosperity placards" proposition has not received tho official endorsement of tho Manufacturers' Association. uI do not believe that "business 'scares" gotten up to influence elec tions are calculated to help legiti mate business, and therefore, should not bo vencouraged by business me'n. Sincerely yours, ' D. M. PARRY. THE IRISH IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Mr. Jamqs Haltigan has issued, 'through tho publishing house of '.Patrick J. Haltfgan, G14 Louisiana Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C., a book of .geat .Historical value', en titled' '.''The' frish' in tho American Revolution and Their Early Influ ence in the Colonies." Tho book is dedicated ,to ,he Ancient Order of jHibernlAns, in America, and is illus- irajeu Dy pictures or me mpre prom inent of the Irish-Americans. Price, according to binding, $2 and $3. Mr. Haltigan has rendered a dis tinct service in going through the records of the revolutionary periods and setting forth the patriotic ser vices rendered by men born in Ire land or immediately descended from Irish parentage. No one at all ac quainted with American history can be Ignorant of the prominent part taken in the formation of our gov ernment by Ireland's contribution to our population, but few, perhaps, would be able to present anything like a connected story of Irish valor and statesmanship. Mr. Haltigan's work will be a book of reference from this time forth, and it will be come a necessary part of :every com plete library. - jj - - NOT TO BE PUT OFF An eminent lord chief justice, who was trying a right of "way case, Tjad before him a witnessan 614 farmer who was proceedlpg' .to . tell Ihe jury' that he "had' "know the path for 'sixty yeer, and "nly, feytljer tdUId I as he heered my , grandfather say -" " ,i f "Stop!" said the Judge,, "wo .can't have any heresay evidence h.ex3?", ' ' "Not!" exclaim'ed .Farmer Qfls'. "then how dost i.toow,., wlio thy feyther was ''ceptyv heresy?" j After, he laughter .fhad., subsided .the judge, said;. "In courts,. -of JaV we can only,, be guided,, by what, you have seen your eyes,, and noth-, ing more or Jess'.' ' ' . (1 "Oh. that Te btqwed for a. tale,'" repiieu . l" 1rl-"r '... Hft- . ' ONE MILLION IN USE 0E LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS First Always Best Cheapest The World's Standard Ten years ahead of all others in every feature of separator practicability BEAUTIFUL IN DESIGN PERFECT IN CONSTRUCTION EVERLASTING IN DAILY USE Send for handflomtIrfGW 'catalopruo lUiiKtrntlnj? and dcwcrlb iner the new -and. Ilnbrovcd much In en In detail, to be hud . ,-i..for the asking. - ' . ;. ' ? The De Laval Separator Co. 42 E. Machon Stbeet CHICAGO 1213 & 1215FiLBcnr8T. PHILADELPHIA DRUMM A SACnAjuCKTO 8to. SAN FRANCISCO General Offices: 165-167 Broadway, NEW YORK 173-177 William 6thet MONTREAL 14 &. 16 PitiNccfts Street WINNIPEG 107 First Street PORTLAND, OREO. K? The Great Majestic "The Rande. With A J Reputation WUk mtUr (ronts II wasted for preassre ef etkr bolltr. IHHHEw:MKHi!MRP," SMifffli pSMfnKiWgTvii ZavtuiiM TwKAvMEjm WBEsa&smm s HH lii" - H ikkEkkuCViH&iWkBllfl ynczzim1 tm iiiwi PERFECT BAKER JFXSEll SAVER Body made of Charcoal adding 2 300 to life of e Range K bile on the Dacic 0.1 my i?ep.K, aia- neWr ' seecl , 'un, but,. I be Pei)'crGcl to swear that ho's'fiierfy hapg.unt" '' Tiis 'second triiimpli" o"q the, part JM m itxxta u4 traaM m& ol rinfnl'-' Cam't bmk or trtlu You don't buy a ranee every year. ThoroXoro when yoa buy one, buy tho btfft. At first the, Great Majestlo may cost yoa a. very little more than an drdlnary range, but in the ond It is muck cheaper It haa durability and will out-last throe ordinary ranees. It is scientifically bnllt--o heat can escape or cold air enter "mil aoa half on your fuel bill. A per lect baker not one day good nejtf day poor but always anlfer-n, "Will save yon from disappointment and poorly cooked meals, xour iJest Guarantee: lstf Tho reputation of tho plant behind the ranee. Sdr-Hna-dreds of thousands in use every one giving satisfaction, wo want you to see The Great Maieslc. If no dealer near yon has it, write us wo will send ou free our booklot " Itanjfo Ooinparsona,M and tell you where you caa gee a Majestic - tbe rango tiiat elves satisfaction and out-lasts oil others, TtlE MAJESTTC MFG. CO St. Louis, Mo. The Great Majestic Ta for Sale In Nearly Beery County In Ferty State nmmvHt$KX$rM ''M '-h .uuv '..g. of tbp. witness let (n a torrent of hearsay pvidence about tho footpath which obtained weight with the jury, albeit the judge told them, it wag not testimony qt anyt value, and the farm er's jparty.won.-rrSketch,, . , . ' " : W.ATJTEJ): Tcalcni and wldo awako young mm to tet our Hit' Freo UooJc of tauiplea and styles of Mens nd Ladltsj I'lno Tailored Clotfiinjr. Evpry jrarnifent luintl Lillored, cut to rneasuroand dftllvarcd (xharn'i all paid) lower tlurn comfctl lore. Write fur Ouldt and make lan;e pmtlt for youwolf wh'l you pleasoyour customent with Blir VxUuojr. W UHlilnifton Tallurine Co., 140 W St., Cliicaeo, 1U, I'eiit. 14X9. M M m ki II i 1 !J 1 'ft'' lwJrWAU-ai