" v -"5-n 'V '"yMyy, ., SEPTEMBER 18, 1903 . The Commoner. if 7 f I - 4 iFT Campaign Funds from the People Democratic National Committee Auditorium Ahbox, Chicago , ii " , JvWU .Mii'J1 ? .Let th ft People mle." O. N. HASKELL, TrcaxHrcr lu; Bryan and Kern Campaign Fund Pledge Democratic National Committee Headquarters, Auditorium Annex Chicago, Sept. 7, ,1908. i ' ;ri .. . t Dat -'08 THE "COMMONER" . T In the interest of the principles enunciated in the Denver plat- ' - J inmln ApAr form and for-the purpose of assisting in the election of Bryan and Cpnflpmpn M-uicuui, I VLVl. Kern I promise to pay to 0. N. Haskell, Treasurer Democratic Na- WIIUUIIUI . liPTyDOLis.on r bore ten days, after date' m sum f We are gratified to note your liberal ofter n&S'fcSiSK Name.. ....!.... ..,..:'.; ....; to contribute to the campaign fund the net it .will not bo, forced, and when ro- . f . r .7 - i . . So'SSVSSSio?? Address ....U. ;....; proms of the Commoner during the bending w M should be marked "Paid" on its face. , i ; i (From The Comraoscr) Democratic ' National Committee Auditorium Annex, Chicago C. N. HASKELL, Trcaniircr campaign. We would like to keep a separate account of this contribution, designate it, "The Commoner Fund", and ask the sub scribers and readers of your great Journal to aid you in swelling to a very substantial total. Thz Commoner family is an army. No equal number of men in the United States have such a firm belief in the principles that jvern promise, xo pay to kj. jn. xiasKeii, Treasurer democratic ia- n r , J r j j ,i r tional Committee: on or before ten days' after date, the sum of IVlT. JtSWan Stands tor including the hnancing SSSSS Name.unvi...:Iv:J: fa he masses f the 'IV 1b' lnot' negotiable, , Cdllectipn of "'"' . i j TIjr ,1 . 1&S3i SiS'Ss&fft Ar"" ..:.,.'".-:.'.' people., Was there ever a more opportune .Should .fkod-W on Itefaco. Address,. ,...,,,,... ,.....,.,.... ,.....,, f ,1 , J .1. f..1 1 .1 . (Fjrow The Commoner) . ' ';. ) s.: . ., . .. Hilly J JI .Llltlg lj oiixjw Li isii j kj.il i uu LI l9 Work" than now, when their friend wd tzJ icdl mentor needs their help? Kindly extend to this great family an ur- "Let the People rule." Bryan and Kern Campaign Fund Pledge '.$. Date '08. 'In Ijtie Jntferest of the, principles 'enunciated in the Denver' plat-' 'f omj.and for. the purpose of assisting in the election of Bryan and ern a promise1, to pay to j. in. juasKeu, Treasurer democratic ia ) n pi ' .it?!. ! ' Vt ' it ' tDenVdcratfc National Committee Auditorium Aanex Chicago C. N. HASKBLL, TrcaMurcr i i- "Let the People rule." Bryan and Kern Campaign Fund Pledge Date ...., '08 gent invitation to send contributions to "The Commoner Fund. ' Every contribution will be acknowledged by a receipt which will be a souvenir as well. Let the People Rule. Yours Sincerely, $ Address .'.... . J' . :. ' Norman E. Mack Moses C. Wetmore lliVt -,----.-,- ... . . . mi v In the interest of the principles enunciated in the Denver plat fdrm and for the purpose' of assisting in the election of Bryan and Kern I promise to pay to C. N. Haskell, Treasurer Democratic Na tipnal Committee, on or "before ten days after date, the' sum of TEN DOLLARS. This pledge docs not bear interest, Name .- . ...... - : , It is not nogouaDie. v-oneutiuu ui. it will not bo rorcea, ana wnen tnlttnnna n rnnmnatlle8 this DleaPTC should bo marked "Paid" on its face, ' (Frost The Commoner) Chair. Dcm. Nat. Com. Chair. Dcm. Nat. Finance Com. C N. Haskell Trcas. Dcm. Nat. Com. Democratic National , Committee Auditorium Annex, Chicago O. N. HASKELL, .Treasurer "Let the People rule." Bryan and Kern Campaign Fund Pledge Date In the interest of the principles' enunciated in the Denver plat form and for. the, purpose of assisting in the election of Bryan and Kern I promise to pay to 0. N. Haskell, Treasurer Democratic NaT -tional Committee, on or before ten' days ifter date, the sum of FIVE DOLLARS. . Thi3llcdge does not bear interest. Name It is not nogrotlable. Collection of it will not lie 'f oread, and when re mittance accompanies this pledge. It ArpBo should be marked "Paid' on its face, .muireaa. . . . (Fre Tk Commoner). Date and sign the certificate representing as large' an amount as you are willing to undertake to raise, including your own sub scription. Clip it out and send it to Governor Haskell Treasurer of the Committee. Your pledge should be forwarded at once, and a bank draft or money-order for the amount of your pledge should foLow not later than ten days after receipt of this letter. i u . '-"fHfrmfiaiA 4