(1 SEPTEMBER 18, 1908 The Commoner. 15 Warning to Democrats s Tho Hotel IfarragrniiKott, 03rd Street and Broadway, Now York, is no pJaco to waste money on hotel bills. It Is tho hotel whero you pet com fort, excellent cutslne. porfect scrvlco and quiet ro ll nomont at rcasonaulo rates. It la convenient to business, political and amuse ment centers, but It is out of tho hurly burly at night. It Is n-plnco whero test Is possible. It la near tho parks rind museums, Tour family will like its absolute protection. Rooms and bath Kingly or in suites from $3-00 up. Meals a in corto or 810.00 per week. Write to us and wo will tell you how to mako your stay in In Now York pleasant. iSSfM!!f,l1'r)f"t. Tier broad ODBurUUlltit In UioO.H. Civil Scrvlco for Anierl. can men and umm iH orrr 18. Ato-lonti toJ. ram tlon rn ernntAil in lining. and ovcrr year. We enable roa to nnJilIfy in vonr own homo at mail coit lo tuiMany Civil Hervlro Kx animation. Get fe Civil Henrico Hook. IaUrtlUal Ivrrt. IKkMl, tfei IB Iters!, F Interest paid on guaranteed deposits. "THE OKLAHOMA WAY." Write us for booklet, "Somo Facts About tho Oklahoma Banking Law." CITIZENS STATE BANK, KINGFISHER, OK LA. BANK DEPOSITS GUARANTEED by STATE of OKLAHOMA. Your money ab solutely safe. Wo pay 4 per cent on deposits. Draw your money any time. Largest Stato Bank In Oklahoma. Capital $200,000. Write for booklet P. Wo sell 0 por .cent School, County and City Bonds. OKLAHOMA TRUST CO., Slnskojroe, Okla. on All stool a UEtt All Btool and iron. 3 strokes to round; 2 men can ran it. Record,? tons in 1 hoar. A food each stroke Smooth bales; oaay draft. Frco trial. Satisfaction guaran' teod. Ask lor uataiog Auio-Fedan May Press Co., 162 1 W.I 2th St. Kansas City, Mo. jJJJJP 3n?sMJLvp&ZiM tzr&iwtrwiFtt zmmrtS'TZL 'k"a a JL yaQAk A 2SS1SS55SJ8 deaaoJUssSTCSSSSSE! FREE TEST TREATMENT llavo you lost faith In doctors and medlclnoV Uso, lot too CONVINCE you that my sjstom of 3'roatinent will euro. Send mo a snnploof mornlne ui lno for examination and I will send you a diagnosis of your caso and ono wbek'a tfreatmorit Free. Mailing caso for urlno sent on receipt of four cents for postage Book on Urlnopathy Frco. J. F. SHAFER, M. DUriaepMhirt, 214 Pen Ave.. PJttsbur. Pa. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-case, a powder. Jt cures painful. smarting1, nervous feet, and Instantly takes tho Hting out of corns and bunions. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain euro for sweating, callous, swollen, tired, aching feet. Try it to day. Sold by all druggists and Shoo Stores. By mall for 26c. in stamps. Don't accept any aub Btitutc. For l It K E trlnlnackago, also Frco Samplo of tho FOOa-EASE Sanitary CORN PAD, a now invention, address Allen S. Olm sted, Lo JRoy, N. y. ORNAMENTAL FENCE 5 DESIGN 8, ALL RTEEL. Handsome cheaper than wood more durablo. Special prices to churches and ceme teries. Don't buy a fence until you get our free catalogue. Cabman. "FVnnn MacklQe Co.. 5 409 North St., Kokwao, lad. tl!fI?I: AGENTS i Sell Magnetic Combs and get rich: agents vffY with ft. tfAftfl Thnv wmAVA itflnilmiff i atin Fftllfne. afv. T7PU LI EVE HEADACHE, never b'reak. Bend2oBtamnfor e&mplc PROP; LONO.754 Adk St., PBK1N. I LL. JOVEBNMENT POSITIONS In tho United Suites, Panama and Philippine Islands. Examin ations soon In Lincoln. Circular 274 giving full particulars as to positions, salaries, eta. sent free by tho Natl. Cor. Institute, Washington, D. C. , CUBE sent by express to "you on Free Trial. If It cures send l; Jf National Chemical Co., 764 Ohio Ave, Sidney, O. " ' i CHEAP LAND "to improve or hold for ,tMr fcfinu rjeo, b'akgaIN inmln oral lands In SouUi Missoarl. Write C E. Pack ard, Cmoron,JMo.f for particulars. HEALTHY KIDNEYS Just Your Address Brings $l's Worth f you are in earnest about Retting- cured of your Sidney, Bladder or Uric Add Diwaae. send your Address to Th l)r. I. A. TViUJHma Co., 1 O. Hlock, East UmnpteH, Cobb. By re turn maii.they wJll aood yaw prepaJWafull dollar1 rj).Tth.orTh8 Williams Treatment. VaaJtalL If tWrrty witwied send 1JWi l. Jt not a4Jfled, 55 nwey. Yea deekls. They-take year . -ONmMed-liarmft& PfpjffM ASTHMA Tittboi' Day vs. Election Day We marched away in proud array on labor's glorious holiday, Our banners bright reflecting light while floating high in air. And side by side we marched with pride along tho city pavements wide, In perfect time to music's chime a whole day free from care. Tho great parade our strength dis 1 played along the course the marshals laid; Two millions strong wo marched along to union music's thrilling notes. But no bands play election day and unionism then givs way, And ev'ry man's a, partisan and springing at his' brothers' throats. We split our throats with cheering notes and pointed, to our hand some floats Of gorgeous hue, red, white and blue, that advertised each trade. 'Twas "Brother Hank" and "Brother Frank' along the cheering, marching rank, And we were proud to point the crowd to union Jabels well dis played. But when at last that day U past, " and comes the day our votes to cast, We then divide on ev'ry side and nullify our union boasts By voting straight for the candidate who has no int'rest in' our fate, But throws the hooks with sneer "''irig looks into the union work ing hosts. is elected. That is called good busi ness judgment. Another organization advises its membership to vote a certain way. That is called an effort to deliver tho labor vote. Ono corporation forces another corporation out of business by threats, bribory and intimidation. That Is called compettlon. An organization of another kind seeks by argument to prevent unfair competition. That is called labor union tyranny. Will somebody please explain why there should be this distinction with out a difference in the matter of defi nitions and always in favor of tho corporation, tho "400" and the vest ed rights? Why is It? A lot of men organize" to control the output of a product? and .jthereby increase" its pricer V- That is called business. Other men organize to protect their labor. That is called restraint of trade. A lot of men secure tho enact ment of a law that will give them a premium on what they mako and sell at a profit. That is called protection of Industry. Other men organize and demand that they bo not discriminated against. That is called an attack upon the judiciary. The "400" holds a function and spends $30,000 for dainties, $50,000 for flowers and display $2,000,000 worth of diamonds. That is called an evidence of prosperity. The "4,000" ask for an opportu nity to work for a living wage. That is called an eyidence of shiftlessness. A body of men scheme until they get a franchise. That is called a vested right. Another body of men ask for an equal chance before the law, That Is called interference with vested rights. One body of men organize a big manufacturing company and exploit the labor of children. That is called business enterprise. Another body of men insist upon; nhnifRhimr child labor. They ara charged with Interfering witn tne rights of employers. Ono body of men limit production. This is called business enterprise. Another body of men force strict apprenticeship rules. They are charged Ith preventing American youth from learning useful trades. A corporation threatens to closd down unless' its preferred candidate It May Happen "They aro selling some mighty fine goods at Dopem's today. Bottor drop in and buy some." "Not mo; I don't trade with Do pem. Tho place is unfair to me." "Look here," exclaimed a man standing by. "You aro under arrest for contempt of court. Dopem se cured an order from Judge Graft re straining anybody from refusing to trade with Dopem. That's a viola tion of the law and you know it. It's a restraint of trade." Brain licnlcs The Lord loveth a cheerful liveri A cracked mirror often affords a much wanted excuse. j ijt is easy to join in tho snouting after the victory Is won. ' Even the smallest trouble is easily found if one looks for it. Charity means love love of hu manity, not love of display. You can not make a schoolboy be lieve that history repeats Itself. People who prefer dodging trouble to meeting it squarely are always on tho jump. How can an assessor go about fix ing tho value of the dog that the baby loves? Tho older we get tho more wo won der why a child likes to ride on a merry-go-round. Ever notice how easy it is to per suade yourself to do something you really want to do.' Civilization has its drawbacks. There are not nearly so many hazle nut patches as there used to be. What has become of tho motherly old lady who always had a few pep permint lozenges in her pocket? Ever hear of any particular trouble among the children of a home where the cookies were always on tho lower shelf? After all, it is a good thing that it takes time to accomplish a re form. If they came too easy we'd have chaos tomorrow. A woman can elevato her eye brows and condemn a sister more em phatically than a man can condemn a brother In aa hour's- oration. Perhaps pies like'mother used to mako would be easier found if we had "tasters" like wo had before we ruined them by over-indulgence. The genuine dptlmlst la the man who cheerfully gets along without an automobile and gladly waits the timd when airships will be within reach of hjs purse. It Is very easy for a man to b good natured around tho house when everything goes smoothly, but com mend us to the man who can keep stfeet and herp "keep the children In terested while the mother Is' taking an. afternoon off. "BANKING BY MAIL MADE SAFE" Why leave your aurplun money whero a Iohh of Hiimo Ih poflHlblo? Why not tnlco advantage of tho Depo- tors Guaranty Law of tho Stato of Oklahoma? Wo pay four nor cent on Tlmo and Sav- IngH Deponftn. Wo want your bunlncflu and offor ovory facility for tho handling of tho same. Will send booklet containing law and other Information on application. GUARANTY STATE BANK MUHICOGUIC OKLAHOMA J. D. IIRNICIHCT, H. G. IIASKICLI I'rcMlricMt CHftkler. OUK DEPOSITS GUAUANTEEI) )GaMMMBSrlRQ3lK 553JisrTc32sy V BPQBskl Button Ho le Campaign Badges with Bt van's Picture COO In a box. 12.00 2 boxci, f.'l.OO 10 boxes, $10.00. Special prico Inruo fiiinn ilt's nnrl nUirr candidates' pictures. FKDBKAL KQUJI'-MIJNT CO., 000 Monadnock Did if. Chicago 7 pfcr cent First Mortpaoc Loam ON NORTH DAKOTA PAItM LANDS nrqwifona Government nondB. Wo loan for Cor pofatlontf, Uanks, KBtatca and Privato Individual. Seven ' per cent net; collect and remit interest, without charge. Jtufcronco furiibriicd. Correspon dence Follcltcd. FHII2D-III3AIMI ABSTRACT COMPANY, JamcMiowfl, N. D. 32: GUARANTEED 20. years f.ii fmfrrj.w.M WO.B. &l r ....- lluifMMU4lir,ln I Lti .!. i.m MMll..fl...toJl4f..OmU. (I. E. CHALMERS CO., rbrai.. CHICAGO. Fine home, farm or ranch Cheap. 1700 acren, nearly level, fronta on nav. river. Good water, cood soil for all crops. J'ortune in pota toes 60 to 100 barrclx to acre and (2.00 to 12.60 at station, then 60 bus. com aero same year. 3 miles to town. Several buildings. Vlrt cheap at (20.00 acre, easy terms. W. R. Breaddu s, Wast Point, Va. RAY DETECTIVE AGENCY (INCOUI'ORATKD.) 100 BOYISTON Street, IJoxton, trained experts suitable for any case; investigation mado any whero in any stato tor business housca or indivi dunls; strictest accrccy, reliable, clientage endorse ment; send for references. PATENTS that PROTECT ir3bif (riT(irf M4kleBrelBleI ecu. U er3tWkf frIT(irf MJi4eBrelpiel eu, iliiu 1 B.8.tA.I.UCEY,Wihtngten,D.C. EtHUMJ. Patents-Trade Marks-Copvrichte For ad vice and pamphlet addremE.G.!GGJRif, Box A, 918 V. fit, Washington, P. O. MrriTt SJKCDKKD or Fee 1 E. H 1 KKTUKNKD Free report as to Patentability. Illustrated QakU Keek. a4 IMA of lBvetl WHtd, seat frae. KV ANH, WlXiKJBNM & CO., Washington, P. O TEXAS STATE LAND MIIIIom efaerea sclMi kad to fee scM fey tMttafe. $L09 to I6.W per aere; only e-fertlth cash 4 40 years tlase en balace;tfere per ceat latere; ely $M9 eaati fcr lei acre at flM t acre. 0raMrt Mrtasity; eplasdM bmAr ae4 W et ferxWfefc of Instructions ami Vim State Jaw. 3. J. Snysfer, School Land Locator. 148 9tfc at, AuaUa, TM Reference, amun JNatfeMl Saak. li' itJiijlfriMig