The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 11, 1908, Page 16, Image 18

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    ;-ui u iii i ruff
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The Commoner
i i. iiniu-mf iw mil i -
William Jennings Bryan
Wants to Talk to
You Personally
Listen to Mr. Bryan Right in Your Own Home
a in i i mini ii i mini in. ..n,.
III I IMIIMa"l'"MMM',M"Bl'i"IM'"PaM"Ml"MM .
The Great Commoner has had his voice recorded on the Edison Kecords. Sitting
in his own library in Lincoln, Neb., this great American personally spoke into the horn
of an Edison Phonograph, making sdme of the plainest and most natural records ever
turned out.
Every modulation of his magnificent voice is heard. Every syllable, every tone,
every word is as plain as if coming direct from the lips of Mr.' Bryan. No one ivho has
over heard Mr. Bryan speak will fail to recognize all the wonderful charm of voioe and
manner for which Tie is famous.
Hear Mr. Bryan's Voice
rigKt in your
own Home!
This is the opportunity, YOTJE opportunity RIGHT NOW to get ac
quainted with our next president, to bring to your own home for the en
tertainment and instruction of your family, your friends, and all your
townspeople the speeches of the Great Commoner. .
Our Wonderful Free Offer!
Let your neigh
bors hear the
Edison and Mr.
Bryan's Voice
right in your
own home.
"We will send this latest gtyta genuine 'Edison Phonograph and a liberal
supplyof all. kin oJEdison records including the latest Bryan records,,
nil vierht. Rtvn.icrht. t.h vmi "witiinrrh n. wnh rJnwn nn n -nnni.iVolv "T7"R,"FTO .T.TCTATi.
! Toil do not Tav TlR oth nrvnt-. . Vmi nnst. "hfnr flip, rnnnvrlc Via -mriHifml vnifinrvq
H ivrirvnna C"4-ii-i-ri rv mnwnlinn -- t-.4i..-1 -.V, ... !.,,.,. !. . 4.1. i " ,.n4- ..n;3
climax of the night's entertainment you put on the Bryan speeches fand
you near ivir. Aryan's voice right m your own parlor. For this free
loan we charge you not one cent and when you are through with the outfit
you can return it at our expense. .If you want to keep it, however, if you
want all this grand entertainmentincluding the speeches of our next presi
dent, you may keep the outfit by paying only $2.00 a month at the lowest
net cash price j $2.00 a month for the finest, latest style Edison outfit, in
cluding all kinds of musical records and the Bryan records besides.
Free - Sign the Coupon - Free
SlGTn vrmr nnmn ntirf nrlrlvncia 1,4. i ii j . :n .1
&. 4. xi "-" " vi0o nmt ia uu uuu yuu wni. promptly
get the full list of Bryan records with descriptions of same, also
the tree lymstmi nnnlnn ovl I;,,. v. innn .;i 4. i
a vaude7llle .etc- all this will be sent free, prepaid, with fuli
'ill II III M liiiiT'JPfr 1
?? a owomoor wo offer a FREE LOAN you pay
' V&JV a.US n00 cent unless you choose to keep the phono
4. A ePh.0Utfrt- So write today for the free catalogs.
V V, x x Sond postal or letter or simply your
ux:a a.
9 "V W
- jr r ? v. jiiiu.v; uiiu
uuurcss on tne coupon.
'k :
rj v-
.X rx. -
i. ': v mii.wnie today!
. 'VVi
t vfc
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You may never get an oppor
tunity to hear Mr. Bryan on the
Platform. Certainly you
should not neglect such an ex
ceptional chance to hear this
great orator under the most fav
orable circumstances right
in your own parlor. It is the
opportunity of a lifetime. So at
least write fori he free catalog and
free list of Bryan , records now.
Flf RallGAn Edi" Phonograph Distributors tUiiat I
Rm DaUSOIlpi Suite 4106, Edison Block UlllGagOj 1
If M
P 'ii, 1i 'kmr.MMBHI
ift.a,J ..xM. . -.- '"j ,-raJTi
Jj V K. "J i
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