The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 11, 1908, Page 15, Image 17

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The Commoner.
' f -m -
cally for Bryan and -will so declare
itself in the electoral college."
Judge Alton B. Parker who has
been traveling through the western
states since the democratic conven
tion said on his return east that in
his opinion, "William Jennings Bry
an will be the next president of the
United States." The democratic
presidential candidate of four years
ago made something like a dozen
speeches in Pacific coast states and
everywhere ho spoke he was greeted
by tremendous audiences. The
speeches of Judge Parker for Bryan
and Kern have been one of the feat
ures of the campaign.
"I have been traveling through the
western states since the Denver con
vention," was Judge Parker's obser
vation, "and I find the democrats
well united, while nearly everywhere
there are republican fights, which
will mean democratic success. In
formation that I have received makes
the situation very hopeful in New
York. Tammany is a unit for Bryan
and I feel confident that he will
carry the state. It seems to me that
conditions are ripe for an old time
democratic victory this year. The
republican full dinner pail is empty,
union labor is with the democrats,
and the conservative element will
support it.
"There will be a hard fight in Cal
ifornia, but Bryan will surely have
Oregon and Washington. The Inde
pendence league founded by Hearst,
is not making much headway out on
the coast or elsewhere. The social
ist ticket will get more votes in San
Francisco than the Independence
league. In New York the democrats
elected Hughes two years ago tie
cause they did not want Hearst. This
year it will be different."
The news that comes from New
York is very encouraging to those
on- duty at democratic headquarters.
A letter received from Chairman
Mack, who has been surveying the
situation in the metropolis, gives
great; .hope of a . democratic victory
You'll Know
wheu you get the grfp, but you won't
know how it happened no orio does.
You won't care. You -will be too mis
erable. But you will bo intensely in
terested in how to get rid of it.
How to stop those cold chills from
chasing up and down the spino, the
incessant, pains in-. th,o limbs and back,
nausea, coughing fits, sneezing, dis
charge from the eyes and nose, muscu
lar pains, and that brain-wracking
The best treatment known for this
dreadful affliction is
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Dr. Miles' Nervine cures by building
up the nervous system, atad destroying
the germB which poison the blood. If
taken when first symptoms appear is
almost a sure preventive.
'I suffered several weeks with Grip
and nothing J took -seemed to "benefit
me. I suffered almost death, until I
tried Dr. Miles Restorative. Nervine.
Prom the- first day I felt better. It
relieved my misery and pain, and gave
mo an appetite, and in a few days I
had fully recovered. MRS. GEO. B.
HALL, 149 Lee St., .Jackson,. Tenn.
The first bottle will benefit, if not,
the druggist will return your money.
all along the lino in New York state.
Mr. Bryan's growing strength in
New York was indicated in a letter
from Walter Wellman to the Chicago
Record-Herald, a staunch republican
paper. Mr. "Wellman said in his cor
respondence from New York:
"The truth is that the democratic
national ticket Is showing unexpect
ed strength in this state, and while
the probabilities are that Taft will
get the state by a fairly small mar
gin, Bryan's chances are good
enough to warrant every effort to
put the best foot forward and run
the ra'-e out to the end. Chairman
Connors is no fool as a politician.
His declaration that Bryan will carry
,New York state by one hundred
thousand majority over Taft, and
that he will risk all his prestige as
a politician upon that prophecy, wor
ries the republicans not a little. The
fact is, thero aro elements In this
state which do promise to give Bryan
a fighting chance; and the best thing
the republicans can do is to accept
the advice of their astute leader at
Oyster Bay and stop deluding them
selves with their present over confidence."
10 Days Free Trial
Send No Money Freight Prepaid
,A?J style of this croatest tatidnsr machine In the
7nd will bo sent to you oa trial, freight prepaid.
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llA .mo.nlJ T1,la concern, with Its combined
P,tnl PJ 7'00.000. Is the largest of Its kind Iq
uo world. Wo have 450.000 customers. See what
trSoCa? a. on a Graphophone. Write a postal
today for Catalog No. 30.
SEJgggl.. May, Stern Co., nss 3SUt Street. Chka
In a special dispatch from New
York to the Chicago Becord-Herald
of Tuesday its correspondent discus
sing the market report sends the fol
lowing: "The most interesting feature of
the day was a report which circulat
ed in the best circles to the effect
that a government attorney was. au
thority for the statement that the
suit of the government against the
Union Pacific and Southern Pacific
companies for -violation of the Sher
man act had been definitely dropped
and the prosecution having after
many conferences 1and thorough con
sideration arrived at the conclusion
that it would be unable to make out
a case against those roads. Formal
announcement of this termination of
the litigation would, it was said, be
withheld until after the election."
Hon. J. -E. Lamb of Indiana, a
member of the advisory committee
of the national committee, comment
ing upon this statement hdd this to
say: f4In view of the fact that this
statement Is published in the Chicago
Record-Herald, which is supporting
Taft and Sherman, however jnuch It
may astound the general public may
be considered as authentic. Those
suits against Mr. Harrinian's pet
railroads were ordered brought by
the administration something over a
year ago, with a great flourish of
trumpets and it was generally be
lieved that the administration was
in earnest and that the department
of justice would obey orders. Now
that Mr. Harriman hsis promised to
be good and his special attorney,
William Nelson Cromwell, has been
appointed a member of the r.epnbli
can national advisory committee and
has contributed $6Q,0p0 to the fund
of that committee, It seems that the
prosecution has 'after many confer
ences and thorough consideration ar
rived at the conclusion that it would
be unable to make out a case against
those roads.' Is tho conclusion ar
rived at an honest one; or rather la
not the conclusion the result of ths
changed attitude of the HarrJman
Tallroads towards the republin na
tional ticket? Ts the fact that, for
mal announcement of. "the termina-j
tion of this Jitteatlort would, It was
said, be withheld until after the elec-j
tion corronorauve pruui mm u new
deal has been made between 'ray
dear Harriman' and somebody rep-
resentine the United States jrovem
ment? These are questions that will
be thoroughly discussed and consid
ered by the voters until the Novem
ber election."
The British bark Amazon was)
wrecked off Port Talbot and -twenty-seven
of the crew drowned.
The wonderful improvements made In the 1908 DB
YEARS record of ONE MILLION prosperous users
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ority, as well as actual cheapness, and they are being
bought In even greater proportion this fall than in tho
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A catalogue to bo had for tho asking shows tho rea
sons WHY.
The De Laval Separator Co.
42 E. Macison Street
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General Offices:
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14 & 16 PniNCtss STRUT
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A wonderful opportunity ! offered yon to
our limber ana building aappliea of erery
kind at Vrlcaa that will mava you mlz
mamay. Hvch a chance aeldosi ocean.
Lumber wyotfrhotwe. church. bars. Beet.
Mmm Mtyuam, uiu, WfB, jsetur-r, MB8 IB JMCE,
oBiiHinai oz. every jcjbs. rre
absolutely are rytblag- mAo&
nateriaJ. Jiare
0n -ftntaltela
In nnwjtt ruff-
year carpenter er
ouutHir aww a oowpiwhe jhk c evaryiaiaft
tot wfltiire, iBcladliHt jAtmber, &aati Joo,
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u i;nmmw vt ut? uim.
Send is yr Lumber Bill for Oir . Estimate.
We bought at Manufacturer Sale over S9.9Q0.0H Feet of all kind of Lumbar amM
Finishing Material Wa aresaaVlnjt special conceMioaa, Urthow who bay At once. Ktoh It yon have
no nso for tbia limber at once, it will par jroa to bny now. -Oar price will wue -job NtsM per ee.
We cheerfully Invite lAspectfen f ow Lumber atock. cad will be glad te bare yo come to ear
warehouse and yard at Use 1 amber we mta offer! mr. and yoawjll reeetmisethet it le all what
we say of It: soaks yoarow aetectiea and eee it loaded. It la not necessary to cose to GBlcago; we can
cosily toll yon by aaail. We can qaickly ooaviaoe yoaof tlte wl4om of iIaciagaBordr witk Be. J mat
nenrl n your lumber bill, and wo will easily Bhavf Yau" On application, we will eeadweleot
letters from cuatoEocrawko fatTetouM. JXhey aared mtrnt-y whycaa'tyowT WrKewate-def. iVJO'tir
WOMUt' VMm. mama tw aptr rraa Mm m catatag Ha. mM. It quote
lew tmouoB If ormtnre, neaaeaoia eoeea, UhIMIb Material, af acalaery and Bappliea.
Anti Trust and Anti Short Weight
GRfiCKER FACTORY, Lid., New Orleans, La.
Full Weight and Quality goes with all Cakes and Crackers
' Belter Carton Goods were never made than the Klotz Kind
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a,A,t. fMai