mmmmmmmwmmmmmtrnKm - The Commoner. 14 VOLUME 8, NUMBER 34 PMJWIMPIII0HIVPPI r INSURE YOUR M M DEPOSITS I Send your money to Oklahoma, whore you will receive ABSOMTJ U, PROTECTION, by the DEPOSITORS GUARANTY FUND, of the STATE OF , OKLAHOMA. We pay per cent Interest on Time Deposits. Your dejioHltH I. with iir tiro iim mfc iin United Stntvs Honilnt and you can draw your nijii;y j .. ,i,,i wi.itn mi fur Ci-nn nnnv nf niir namnhlot. "BANK DEPOSIIb 5 5 j 91 GUARANTEED." It will give, you full Information regarding our Bank, and our method of handling hnnklng by iiwiil. OKLAHOMA STATE BANK :-: CHICKASHA, OKLAHOMA IPUriTyXR FREE STOVE m RANGE BMK"S&rftE2r? Thlr book will rvo you from 112 to 8S0 whon you purchano a nt wo nr rnneo. It oxolln bow the heft and llncst atovott and rauuo.i In tbo vorld aro tnado, and tolls you how to "know tho host." HOOSIER STOVES and RANSES FROM FACTORY !o GSER Aro licarllymado of hlchcstcnulopolcctod material, beautifully flnlnhcd.W" tH all now Improvements and features "Cuorantsed for Yoara," barked byu million dollars. "HooslonT'aro rum, oxvKna Aim easv iUKnna. A child can nnnrato thorn. Sold on 30 days frea trial No freight to pay. fljr WRITE FOR FREE STOVE BOOK and Otr Special FREE TRIAL OFFER HOOSIKR STOVE FACTORY, ioi State St., Marion, Indiana Hi JftBt 11 SSic(SM uutsssn tneaanBmaBrvjMK unuurj Anti Trust and Anti Short Weight KLOT K3E3 icasEOTi CRACKER FACTORY, Ltd., Hew Orleans, La. Full Weight and Quality goes with all Cakes and Crackers WE DO NOT CHARGE FOR CARD BOARD Better Carton Goods were never made than the Klotz Kind BERNARD KLOTZ, Sr., fvlanager Alse Rum Sewing Machines Baby Carriage Pianos Crocker? Curiam aad Carpets Talking Machines Refrigerators Organs Stoves Etc., etc Pay a Little Each Month Free Catalog 3,000 Bargains People are honest with ua When WO deal Our 210-prtKO cntnlog shows 3,000 household bar squarely with them. Wo sell to them lower Rlp-ni'jny in nctunl colors. It la llko aiolnRtho than anyone else, and thov alw ys Day In ?rtIol.0J themsnlvcu. LarGwt, finest book of itH kind & $1$$$ $St&& Soft- SS&fg S2SdSrttVWi "1" Ey to Psy-the People's Wy Enjoy It as you pay. No security required no l'nyutruio intcrest;-no publicity. Wo'lltrustyoutobefalr. Snlnnco" In Ten Million Dollars We nro America's lamest housefurnlshers. Our factories representing $10,000,000 capital, aro In Michigan, tho greatest furniture stnte in tho world. Thus wo can deal direct to you at factory prlcos, and no other concern can com pete with us. Tako your tlrao to pny. No hurry we don't need cash. We Ship On Approval Uso the goods n month before you decide. IE not satisfactory, return at our expense. Wo will return your deposit and pay both freights. If you keep thorn, pay a little each month. A $5,000 Gold Certificate with each article as a perpetual gunrnntco. Could wo offer such terms If our prices wero not lowest and our weans to you. goods the most satisfactory? PEOPLES OUTFITTING C0..373 SixthSt.. Detroit.M!ca. nn cony way. In ouho of death, wo cnnrul doht. You ipvor dealt with n hpusosofnlr, po liberal, to unxloiiH to koop jour trndo. Hcor nan pond f urnlturo nold ho low. Ho nl oaao aond poatui for this big frcecataloK. Wrlto now boo what it 95. Luxurious $i! Rocker Mnoilve Oak Frame, richly carved. Ucnntlfnllv upliol stored In'Rcnuina Hoston LeaUv er. (lost comfort- nbio Hooker nmdo. Dealers ask $12 for this rocker, l'ajr only 7&o down wo tmityoufor thohalanco. Satisfaction iruarantecil. Order tilT iSl 75c1 CASH 50c a Month Commoner Condensed Volume t SJ,itlimlIcats.' Jn!,B boo1c .? a condensed copy of The Commoner for one year. It Is published annually and the different Issues are deslg- nmnnumwV1 " IIT' IV' V'J,1 and VII. corresponding to the vol-rVnA"mSi2f,.T,he,ClTimoner- TJ.10 la3t Issue ,s Volume VII. and con taina oaitorlala wliloli discuss questions of a permanent nature. pnmmnnJ, S'h1 subject in the world's politics Is discussed in The S,? e Umo tlmt abJect Is attracting general attention. Bo nn.! i,it,ilifTh0 Com,mner Condensed Is valuable as a reference book nVittSSxSoSt'oi S&affii d8lC f Very laWyr' Cditr' bUSlne33 TO NEW OR RENEWING SUBSCRIBERS One Year's Subscription to Tho Commoner. . D . 1 cfr 1 d n The Commoner Condensed, Cloth Bound OOlTl $ I . J U fiTrMaii!)aclb5r? mve alrady paid tho current year's subscrip tion Cloth Bound, 75c; by mall, pontage pnld. These prices are for either volume. If more than one volume Is wanted, add to above prices 75 cents for each additional one in cloth blndlncr Volume I la out n? print; Volumes II, III, IV, V. VI and VII are ready fo? pESnpt defivery REMITTANCES MUST DE SENT WITH ORDERS. Address, THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska. MR. BRYAN'S SPEECH OP AC CEPTANCE Washington Post: The speech Is well shaped, comprehensive in its generalizations, and serves well as a mere opening gun But if it was meant to be an aggressive and forceful reply to tho points in the speech of Mr. Taft it falls short of its purpose. Washington Herald: It is his greatest speech of acceptance be cause it is the simplest and in keep ing with facts as to existing condi tions. Providence Journal: His speech must be taken only as a fragmentary presentation of the democratic case good as far as it goes, but not go ing far enough to satisfy the judg ment of the intelligent American voter. Cleveland Plain Dealer: Mr. Bryan in his address says nothing to arouse antagonism, voices no new demands, and in no way alters the popular conception of him that, while still a reformer, a propagandist at heart, he is a less rampant one than the public became familiar with tight-and twelve years ago. Indianapolis Star: Mr. Bryan may well be congratulated upon his sneech of accentance. for it is cer tainly a well-considered and effective production. Springfield Republican: The speech is shrewdly conceived and skilfully constructed, not alone in its brevity, but in its-placing of em phasis. Mr. Bryan, it is easy to see, constantly has his eyes upon the re publican radicals of the middle west. Boston Herald: After all, this issue will suffice: Taft or Bryan? The country does not want Mr. Bryan at the White House. It will now discover no new reason for intrust ing him with the great responsibili ties of the presidency. Chicago Evening Post: Although Mr. Bryan has a word or two to say about safeguarding legitimate busi ness interests in the day of assault on malefactor corporations, there is little in his' speech to show that Mr. Taft's judgment of the case between tire platforms and the policies of the two parties was not based on sound reasoning. "Richmond Times-Disnatch: Down goes the free silver bogey; down goes the government ownership bogey; down goes the initiative and referendum bogey. "A platform is binding as to what it omits." All the stock scare heads with which re publican spellbinders had meant to conjure terrors to the name of Bryan vanish into thin air at that straight forward pledge. St. Louis Republic: He undertook bv exposing the cant and flubdub of the republican pronouncements and the hypocrisy and fraud of the re publican record, to emphasize the necessity for the exposition of anti thetical qualities by the democrats if they are to regain and retain the respect and support of the p ople. Charleston Post: Mr. Bryan stands squarely upon his party's platform, and pledges himself to press for the enactment into law of every principle defined in it. There is nothing equiv ocal or uncertain in his utterances, and there need be no uncertainty about his determination. Albany Argus: Mr. Bryan's ac ceptance speech is a clear, vigorous, terse yet ample enunciation of the democratic position in this campaign. Boston Post: It rings tru. The speech Is a vigorous, manly, plain and unequivocal statement of the is sues upon which the people are to pass in November. Lexington (Ky.) Herald: The speeches by the two candidates em phisized the fact that the democratic party, of the two great parties, is SMlwcribm' Advertising Dpt- Thin department Is for tho excluslvb use of Commonor subscribers, and a special rate of six cents a word per in sertlon tho lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communi cations to Tho Commoner. Lincoln, Neb DRYAN FOB, POST PAID, FOR TEN "cents. No Bryan man should bo without one. Agents and dealers send ten cents for sample and prices Th Bliah Adv. Co., Ertlngham, III ' rhe QN TO VICTORY," THE CAMPAIGN Y song of the century which win win votes for the victor, "equal right for all and special privileges for none. " arjc per copy. Address Mrs. Helen Chambcrhn, Box 716, Storm Lake Iowa. "hvl, POR SALE 610 ACRES CHOICE J central California vineyard lan-j 19 miles from Sacramento at $10 nor acre. Finely locatod to divide Into small farms. E. B. Owen, Brucevllle Sacramento Co., Calif. --viue, J7INE 1100 ACRE FARM ON YORK l00, ttiver half prIco Address Box 286, Williamsburg, Va. J70R SALE IN ONE OF THE BEST 7 &1Ctt,Ifa, dairy, and fruit countries In San Joaquin Valley, small and larso tracts of land, hotel, barber shop hardware store. Address Klncald &. Fase for folders, Dos Palos, Cal. QET THE WILLIAM JENNINGS Bryan acrostic portrait postal. f11!? ,copy' 5c- Campaign Card Co.. 1064 Dolores St., San Francisco., Calif. I AKE COUNTY, FLORIDA. FOR - young, bearing orange, grapo fruit groves, truck and timbered lands, write J. H. Bracey, Umatilla, Fla. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL WIN- (low platforms for high buildings. Address A. J. Walser, 946 E. George St., Chicago, 111. T HE PEERLESS LEADER," FROM 1896 to 1908 a poetic history of Mr. Bryan's 12 years before the public, 25c. Agents wanted. J. P. Certia, So. Bend, Ind. I INE UP FOR BRYAN." THE - great campaign march song. Words and music, 25c. All dealers or Gale, Mullane Music Co., 5th and Syca more, Cincinnati, O. f OOD OPENING! WANTED, A DEM-v- ocrat editor or printer to buy half Interest in best paying progressive democratic paper In Kansas;' $2,500 cash, balance time; will swing deal If man is competent. Address, F. C. J., Commoner. TRADE IF YOU WANT TO TRADE merchandise for land, address L. N. Searcy, Birch Tree, Mo. REST BRYAN POSTCARDS THREE - samples mailed for one dime. Press photos a specialty. J. F. Lewis, Lincoln, Nebr., care Hebard Studio, 1411 O St. A GREAT VOTE MAKER A BEAU- tiful, exquisitely designed Bryan campaign post-card in national colors. Samples, 3 for 10 cents, 10 for 30 cents. To committees and dealers, $2.50 per 100, $20.00 per M. postpaid. Bryan Post Card Co., Draper, So. Dak. 17 OR SALE AN INTEREST IN A democratic weekly with splondld opening for live democratic daily. Write W. J. Bobb, Wichita, Kans. TOR SALE $6,000 STOCK OF NICE clean general merchandise in southeast Kansas. Write Frank Hess, Stark, Kans. TVRITE THE HOME SHOW PRINT " ing House, Atchison, Kans., for prices and samples of beautiful Bryan portraits, color window hangers with Bryan portrait, one, three and eight sheet posters In colors for advertising democratic rallies. Enclose 6 cents for postage. POR SALE 225 ACRE FARM TOUCH r Ing C. R. I. & P. Ry. right of way just south of depot at Magazine, Ark. Price $17,000. For particulars write W. W. Westmoreland, Magazine, Ark ET OR SALE MY ONE-HALF INTER 1 est in tho Ladysmlth Abstract Co. Sickness reason for selling. Valued ac $7,000 but will tako $5,000 spot cash. If sold at once. Fine opening for right party. Offlce has been paying 60 per cent per year on this amount. R. win take 20 per cent to bind bargain. N'J trifling. W. T. Rooney, Ladysmlth. Wisconsin. " -fishflJte v. 4Ij ,3 i, j' -. friS5wB5Jwa3 ' '4.U. -M i !AkMtMfc,i m itiTwri ntfin naiiMgjsiMMBbrinMnr IHiiili iurT nhafa j