The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 28, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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HWI "THj&lW&ft
The Commoner.
LUGUST 28, 19 OS
64nn HERE ARE jroine to bo some surprises
I in Now York state and tho New Eng-
fland states when tho fall elections come around,"
Li'fl!r1 O "R Ttlni1rhnrn. ji Bonn nnrl Irnff. nnrior-
iwear manufacturer of New York and Provi
dence. Mr. Blackburn made this statement to
'iJmin Washincton corresnondent for tho Louis.-
Iwrillo Courier-Journal. Then ho added: "I think
jrou will find that after tho votes are counted
that Mr. Bryan will be tho man who will occupy
.the "White House, and not your friend Taft.
There is a change of sentiment throughout the
northeast that will not down, and it is all for
! Bryan. The people there do not look upon
Bryan as they did twelve years ago. If you
notice, several of the papers that were antago
nistic to Bryan are slowly but certainly turning
to him. I am a democrat, but voted for Roose
velt, and would do so again; but I will not vote
for his substitute, and that is the way many
persons in that section of tho country are talk
ing. Many republicans, business men two of
my partners, for instance are going to vote
for Bryan. One of them said a day or so ago
that he thought Taft would, in a way, carry out
Roosevelt's ideas, but they were sure Bryan
would carry all of them out. They want certain
revisions in the tariff, and will get it if Bryan
is elected. Another thing, they are tired of the
Cannon rule and feel that if Bryan is elected
it will in a measure mark the downfall of 'Undo
Joe' as king in the house of representatives.
In the central part of New York state, which
the republicans have always considered strongly
theirs, an undercurrent is hioving that broods
ill for the candidate who does not work for tho
farmers' and small manufacturers' interests. In
going through that section of the state bankers,
farmers and business men are discussing the
issues and platform Mr. Bryan stands on, and ,
all that t could hear was favorable. As I have
said, they do not dislike Mr. Taft personally,
but they do not like the idea of his standing on
Mr. Roosevelt's 'pins.' "
THE WASHINGTON correspondent for the
Louisville Courier-Journal sends to his pa
per tho following: ."Samuel Gompers, president
of the American Federation of Labor, is a busy
man these days at the headquarters of tho or
ganization. Many important conferences are
being held this week upon matters affecting the
welfare of the vast army of members. As is
generally known the Federation people have a
few scores to settle politically this year with
candidates who they claim are foes of organized
labor, and it is a noteworthy fact that with
scarcely an exception these foes are republicans.
Mr. Gompers is beginning to receive letters
from all industrial centers regarding his recent
editorial in which he advised laboring men to
oppose Judge Taft and to support Mr. Bryan on
tho ground that the democrats have shown that
they are more friendly to laboring men than
republicans in the demands they have been mak
ing before congress and the courts of the coun
try. As soon as the purport of that editorial
was sent out, tho head of tho Federation re
ceived telegrams of approval from most of tho
largest cities, but now letters are rolling in.
The Federationist, organ of the organization,
has been read and the position of Mr. Gompers
has been thoroughly discussed in the local
unions all over the country. Some of the
strongest indorsements that have been given
him are in Chicago. His advice from that big
city are to the effect that in the meetings of the
largest unions there is hardly a dissenting voice.
This information quite naturally causes Mr.
Gompers to feel elated and he evidently does
not appear to be the least disturbed over re
ports which have appeared in numerous repub
lican papers to the effect that organized labor
will condemn him for the stand he has taken
in the great contest."
SAMUEL GOMPERS, president; Frank Mor
rison, secretary, and John Mitchell, mem- "
ber of the executive committee of tho American
Federation of Labor, haveVbeen cited to appear'
before Judge Gould of the District of Columbia
on September 8, and answer to the charge of
contempt. They are charged with having vio
lated the court's order not to put a certain stove
company's namo In tho "Wo 'don't patronizo"
list of tho American Federationist, which is tho
official organ of tho American Federation of
Labor. Tho manager of tho stove company,
after claiming for many years that tho "boy
cott" wa3 really helping his business, brought
suit boforo Judge Gould of tho District of Co
lumbia, asking an injunction to prevent further
publication of tho company's namo in tho Fed
erationist. Judgo Gould Issued tho restraining
order. Tho company's manager now avers that
tho order has been disobeyed, and acting on this
information Judge Gould has cited tho officials
to answer to contempt charges. Following tho
original order tho Federationist dropped its
"We don't patronizo" list, but Mr, Gompers, tho
editor, commented on tho order In every issue
of tho official organ. It is claimed that these
comments were "sarcastic," "contemptuous"
and "ingenious evasions" of tho order. Mr.
Gompers refuses to make any statement regard
ing the matter at this time except to say that
as between obeying such an order and yielding
his rights as an American citizen ho will cling
to his rights. Owing to the prominence in tho
labor movement of tho men involved, and tho
public interest in the qudstions of injunctions
and indirect contempt, the outcome of tho case
will bo watched for with considerable eagerness.
A WASHINGTON dispatch to tho New York
World says "Attorney General Bonaparte
smashed Oklahoma's Bryanite guarantee of
bank deposits. In an opinion sent to tho treas
ury department he held that it is beyond tho
power of a national bank to become a party to
any deposit guaranteeing scheme. Therefore
every national bank in Oklahoma will have to
withdraw .from the mutual deposit Insurance
scheme organized under the laws of Oklahoma
in accordance . with the suggestion of William
J. Bryan. Practically every national bank in
the new .state is a party to tho guarantee plan.
Many of them went into it believing it to bo
meritorious. The others were forced in through
loss of business. Tho comptroller of the cur
rency has been fighting against tho new depart
ure since March. Some of tho banks asked him
for permission to join. IIo refused all requests,
but refusals did not keep them out. Many na
tional banks in Oklahoma have Intimated to
tho comptroller of tho currency that in the
event they aro forbiddon to participate in tho
doposit guaranteo they will give up their fcdornl
charters and reorganize under the banking laws
of Oklahoma. All tho participators In tho plan
advertise tho fact that their deposits aro guar
anteed by tho state and they aro gotting bus!- -ness
away from national banks by reason o'f
tho guarantee, as well as from Kansas and
Texas institutions. Mr. Bonaparte, lif his opln-'
ion, lays down tho broad proposition that a na--,
tlonal bank is an Instrument of the fcdoral gov?
crnment, with no powers othor than those con
ferred by the national banking laws. Nowhero
can he find any authority permitting a bank to
pledge any part of its resources to guaranteo tho
debts of any other bank. That is what ho thinks
tho Oklahoma guaranteo scheme amounts to.
By participating in tho scheme he holds a na
tional bank enters into an insurance schemo
guaranteeing third parties against Iohbos that
may arise In transactions not a part of tho busi
ness of tho particular participating bank.
While no admits tho assessment Is only
one per cent of tho averago deposits, ho points
out the fact that there is a provision in tho
Oklahoma statute which amounts to a pledge of
all tho resoucres of tho participators; that, ho
says, no .national bank is authorized to do."
The Commoner will
be sent from now until
Election Day for Twenty-five
.i I
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, . yt .,... .: it yrop.'t come off, Mr. Taft