The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 21, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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The Commoner.
I wmmUuniu ntufvawutw miwin'
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The ,6ommoner.
PuMtalier. Editor.
. 324-330 South Twelfth Street
Fntrrrd nt Djo ronton' co at Lincoln, Neb., tin Fccond-clnw mnttor
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THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
It is difficult for the tariff organs to under
stand why anybody hut a tariff baron should
be interested in elections to the extent of con
tributing to the campaign fund.
dignified for Mr, Bryantg. ask the people for
campaign contributions, the Star idea of dig
nity seems to be to make Unprotected interests
cough up.
The Philadelphia Public Ledger grows hu
morous over Mr. Bryan's question, "Shall tho
people rule? " Perhaps the Public Ledger will
go to the length of declaring that tho people
of, Philadelphia rule that city.
Take notice, please, that it was not a labor
organizatlbn that insisted that justice be made
'easier and cheaper for the poor. It was Mr
T,aft,.tho candidate of the party that isv tho
s.elfrappointed guardian of the judiciary from at
tack and ipnuendo.
In his Virginia speech Mr. Taft said that
fT5w U0eVvai8 t0 so !mrve the courts as
wiq icl5en and clleanen stice in order that
both rich man and poor man may be put upon
an equality. Is it possible that Mr. Taft 'is at-
sUtited? C6lU'tS aS thGy ai'eat present cn-
,rn'I,nteV!s?nt lGSislation, not subsidies, is tho
great need of our. ocean carrying trade " savs
James. J. Hill. But as Mr. Hill has made k stud?
of the subject his word will have no weight
against the words of the eminent gentlemen
who want to get in on the subsidy grab a d are
running the party that is responsible for them!
"Won't somebody give thirty cents to the
Bryan campaign?" sneers the New York
?nrU?f ' i SeVral lmV0 alrGady " ao. U
to date, however, no one has been asked to
S V lnV'7 "p" und of $240,000 ?rom the
Wall Street interests, and Mr. Harrima has
Sackbdoor:'e(1UeSte(1 t0Cme ,n by "S "f thl
Brakeman Watts of the Great -.,
railroad was fined $800 by VfederJl iS ie,rn
violation of the anti-pass "law VI wllftakS
Watts longer to accumulate that $800 torn hta
wages than it would take Rocked leVt?,
.up $29,000,000 from his ol buSneV Bn?
S F W w
' 1 .
Chairman Norman B. Mack introduced John
W. Iern, who was given an enthusiastic decep
tion. Mr. Kern spoke as follows:
"While my friend, the chairman of the na-
tional committee, has been kind enough to an
nounce me as the democratic candidate for the
office of vice president, I as yet have no certain'
official announcement of that fact, and there
fore I can not make a political speech on this
occasion. I came here today to greet these
western people and to join with them, without
regard to political affiliation, in paying tribute
to the citizen of Lincoln, whom you all love, to
the foremost citizen of America, William J.
Bryan. I have been deeply impressed with what
I have seen in Lincoln. It was worth the trip
from Indiana across the Mississippi and across
the Missouri to witness that splendid neighborly
spirit which has prompted this magnificent non
partisan demonstration in honor of the man
who without regard to political affiliation, wo all
love, and that leads me to say that after all the
great masses of the American people are not so
far apnrt. Partisan spirit no longer runs so
high that we can not now and then get out of
the miasma of - political partisanship, take a
step up higher, and breathe the fresh, pure air
of American patriotism and be a witness bv our
neighborly conduct that we recognize in spite of
political differences, not only the fatherhood of
God, but the brotherhood of man. Tt reminds
me, although we may differ and differ widely,
on auestions of political economy, of finance, as
to the best means of carrying on the complex
affairs of this, the greatest government beneath
the sun. while we may differ on all these things,
and differ earnestly, yet when it comes to de
votion to a common countrv and, love for the
grand old stnrrv banner which is its emblem,
we are as indivisible as the-sea. For your kindly
greetings to myself, I thank you."
Congressman Henry D. Clavton of Alabama,
chairman of the democratic national convention,
formally notified Mr. Brvan of the convention's
action, speaking as follows:
Mr. Bryan: The national democratic con
vention that assembled at Denver on Julv'7 was
r'ru a l",caucve ooay or the people rdTThe
united States. Harmony characterized its de
liberations and all of its conclusions were
reached with unanimity. It stood for the con
serya ism of government under a written con-
SHnil0in B?d fthe ""Nation of democratic
principles in public affairs to meet, the require
ments of progressive American Civilization.
Without the intervention of a completed
ballot you were nominated for the office of
president of the United States. A committee
composed of the permanent chairman and ono
dee jute from each state and territorv was ap
pointed to inform you of your selection as the
standard bearer of your party in the nending
campaign Therefore, in pursuance of the con?
yention this committee here present now bHngs
to you this message from a united and aecreq
sive democracy. Our great party is confident
of the righteousness of its cause, and re vine
upon the support of the people, is determined to
rescue the government of the republic from the
hands of the despoilers who have exnln ted i?
fo.r the benefit of favorites and to the injury of
tho masses of plain people. '"jury or
in ,Woxknow. tlltlfc our Party, platform and Can
dida to 'stand for the best interests of all the
people. We know that success is deserved w2
believe that our party and candidate 7n?m JT?
by the wisest-and most patriotic
achieve victory in November. On io
JBue is the platform a straddle or evasion and
its every declaration squares with the nr?nHi2
of old-fashioned democracy. It s es,?nHonPJeS
democratic instrument, preserving nnf SSS1? a
the faith of the fathers to ua 1st ill al,iaKPlying
It is hardly worth wh He toav lVrn
in tho judgment of your party aMnolSL ' ,that
countrymen generally, yoi f81? teJ ? ndup
fit our platform. And it is enuallv SSh6'
that there is nothing in the platform iifttlfylns
apology. There is nothing that vSwSV
or run away from. There is noth w a,T?I(
that you need supply by giving vc 51 frflmito,J
views. In these respects vou v f individual
advantage of your hnh
ministration. Ypu have-alwjoys refused to com
promise with thoe who prostitute the functions
of government for the lust of greed, 'it
your lofty statesmanship, your unwavering
fidelity, yT.v Jefferson standard of democrirv
that Judaced the representatives of millions of
American freemen, unanimously, to choose you
vfo V ?airdldate for the. highest office in the
... "" w0"1? be inappropriate for me to detain
this splendid audience that has met hereto"
day to Hsten to your patriotic and eloquent
words. Therefore, I now hand you an authen
cated copy of the platform adopted by the dem
ocratic convention at Denver, and request the
secretary to read the formal letter of notifica
tion signed by the committee. "uca
The letter from the notification committee
was read by Humphrey O'Sullivan of Massachu
setts, who- was the committee secretary The
letter is as follows:
Hon. William J. Bryan Sir: You were
unanimously nominated for president of the
United States by the national democratic con
vention, which assembled at Denver on July 7
The convention directed us to convey to you
this formal notice of your nomination.
The duties of the delegates to this conven
tion were made plain and easy by the fact that
the people who sent them there desired that
the banner of democracy be entrusted to your
hands. No federal officeholders conspired to
bring about your nomination. Nor dh preda
tory wealth and its allied interests contribute
to that end. Your selection came spontaneously,
from the hearts of your fellow citizens. The
proceedings of the convention show that with
zeal and enthusiasm the plain duty of the dele
gates was accomplished.
The plr.tform adopted is a bold and frank
declaration of the time-honored principles of
the democratic party, in their application to
conditions confronting the country. It was
unanimously reported by the committee and
adopted by the convention without a dissenting
vote. A. copy of this platform has been handed
to you. This declaration expressed the faith
that animates- the united democracy. Of these
principles it is known of all men that for the
?2w nQr yeas ,you have been the bravest,
ablest and most eloquent advocate. Although
nreJn?111118 yU haV'e faiIed to in the
hnV, ??' 7U enj0y the uniciue distinction of
al?g HYed see yur ideals accepted by a
great majority of the American people, and
hTmnfy0,;r POlIcis adopted th Party that
hSJ f strenuously opposed them, and that
nas most bitterly assailedyou.
leotp7rtnetlef?lilta privileee to have been se-
laJ ti,nP,articipaein tne remonies of this
SSiwS lY6 informed that you have been
;emldnQ r -the foremost place in the world.
her novf l " th(J PePle wI11' In Novem-
frw S '1 eC?rf.yi)ut0 be their clloice fr Pres
nrfneinlL V6 Und, StateS' The triumPh of the
M f,f?r Wllich you stand wI11 redound to
welforJ ?'n ntf,r ts ?f the public and to the
welfare of all the American people.
, Signed:
5SS5LAYTON' Chairman.
t?U-SPi?REY O'SULLIVAN, Secretary.
,,,15 nw aik er, Alabama: Gustave Jones,
Arkansas Charles Edelman, California; Elmer
SkfS tW 5.' Colorado; H. C. Ney, Connecticut;
ZtL .' nFrd' Delaware; W. S. Jennings,
Florida; Crawford Wheatley, Georgia; Harvey
rw I? ; ?; F' Dunne' "iinois; Percy Mc
Cart Indiana; John P. O'Malley, Iowa; Charles
wW KaB W. B. Haldeman, Ken
MnlS r0l!n PuJeston. Louisiana; Frank W.
Morse, Maine; S. S. Field, Maryland; A.. C.
Drlnkwater, Massachusetts; John T. Winship,
ean; J. W. Pauley, Minnesota; J H Wynii
Mississippi; J. W. Farris, Missouri; W. D.
nitnif6' ontana; John H. Morehead, Nebraska;
Charles R. Evans, Nevada; John S, Hutchins,
K Hampshire; Robert Davis, New Jersey;
Lou a Nixon, New York; E. J. Hale, North Caro-
rte. anLTish' NortI Dakota; T. S. Arnold,
OhiofjD. M. Hailey, Oklahoma; L. M. Travis,
n?g??;Howard Mutchley,. Pennsylvania; Pat
ii?; a S"111' Rhode Island,- Thomas T. Brant
w i yrtlL Carolina; F. M. Zeibach, .South Da
kota, K. D. McKellar, Tennessee; William Mas
terson, Texas; T. H. Fitzgerald, Utah; James
n'a Burk' Vermont; J. Hoge Tyler, Virginia;
George F. Christenson, Washington; C. W.
,nt0r est VIreinia; Byron Barwlg, Wis
cons in; W. H. Holllday, Wyoming; H. W. Mellin,
Alaska; A. W Forbes, Arizona; Sam DeNedry,
District-. of Columbia; Allen Herbert, Hawaii;
John Morrow,- New Mexico; D.-Collazo; Porto
Rico. -r.. -.. r. ,. . . . , .,..-
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