'- a -4 ay wjufwnymTSV? The . Commoner. 7 AUGUST 21, 1908 STRAWS-AN INTERESTING SYMPOSIUM FROM ROOSEVELT TO BRYAN To the Editor of the New York World: I voted for Roosevelt and his policies, but nover again can I support the republican party. Bryan is good enough for mo to vote for if I live until riext fall. H. SARTORIS". New York, August 3. LLOYD'S INSURANCE Editor Philadelphia North American: Your editorial in today's North American, "Insurance Against Bryan," tries bard to throw dust in the eyes of the public. Lloyd's insurance against Bryan's election is simply a wager, and the fact that the man who takes the Bryan end must have an insurance Interest, makes it none the less so. Now, if Lloyd's rate has been "more than doubled within a week," it simply shows that Bryan's chances of election are Improving and Lloyd's "odds" are decreasing. E. M. HUNT. Radnor, Pa., July 28. WILL RETURN TO THE FOLD To the Editor of the New York World: As a gold democrat I voted against Mr. Bryan in 1896 and againin 1900, but this year I shall return to the fold and give him my support, for the following reasons: First Because the democratic party is pledged to true tariff reform. Second The guarantee of bank deposits, which I regard as the most popular and one of the best planks in the entire platform. Third Because of Mr. Bryan's attitude on the Philippine question. Fourth Because Mr Bryan Is a man of the people splendid in his moral and religious ideals. o. a. taubui. New Haven, Conn., August 5. . INDEPENDENCE PARTY WILL NOT HURT BRYAN To the Editor of the New York' World: Your editorial of Thursday morning as to the possible effect of the Hearst party on the presi dential election must be of interest .to every one. But I do not share your opinion that this movement will be Mr. Bryan's undoing. On the. contrary, I believe it will mako him all the more solid with the average voter, for what greater handicap could a candidate have than to bo in any way identified with this one-man concern? And this too from a former admirer of Mr. Hearst. Four years ago I wished him success in his race for the presidential nomin ation, but I now see the danger to which I was exposed. W. S. Asbury Park, N. J., July 31. VIRGINIA MAJORITY WILL INCREASE ' The following is from a Washington dis-; patch to the Louisville Courier-Journal;. - I "I look for Bryan to carry Virginia by a larger majority than that by which the state usually goes democratic," said Representative James Hay, who was here today. "I believe Bryan, will bo elected. It looks to me that the stars in their courses are fighting against Tart. I can not see how he can win unless conditions change. It may be. that we shall see a demo cratic landslide this fall, although I am not counting on that. -1 think there will be a hard, fight, but I believe- Bryan will be elected.. Mr. Hay took occasion to express his opin ion of stories sent out, from Richmond and the White Sulphur regarding so-called democrats who are going to vote for Taft. "In every Bingle Instance," he said, and I believe there is no exception to this, these men have never; voted for Bryan. The state will go democratic overwhelmingly. HE WILL VOTE FOR BRYAN To the Editor of the New York World: My earliest vote was cast for the second ter.m of Abraham Lincoln; since then I have voted for General Grant, for Peter Cooper (b.ich was a sympathetic vote, as the Cooper Institute gave me my first start in life), for Rutherford B. Hayes, for James G. Blaine, for Benjamin Har rison, twice for W. J. Bryan and at the last election for Theodore Roosevelt. I mention these former votes to show that party ties have no attraction and sit very lightly on me, I snail vote for W. J. Bryan against Taft. First, be cause of the way the two candidates were nom inated. Taft was nominated by the office-holders blg-stlcked by the president of tho United States. If the rank and fll of the republicans had had their voice in the matter Governor Hughes would havo been their candidate today. Bryan was nominated by the people, despite tho bosses of his party and the whispered cajolery of tho monetary interests. Second Because of the platforms tho re publican, shifty and evasive, saying one thing and meaning another, ignoring tho cry of the plain people and walking arm in arm with tho same influences that produced the panic with its consequent pinched times; the democratic, outspoken and demanding the things nine-tenths of the people of this country are striving for, and meaning every word it says. Third The stand taken by tho two candi dates on the publicity of campaign contributions. The electors have a right to know in advance of the election, not afterward, what influences are at work electing the head of tho country. Fourth Because I like a man who is sure of himself. Mr. Taft goes to Oyster Bay to havo his speech of acceptance revised. Can any one imagine Mr. Bryan asking any one to revlso either his acceptance or inaugural speech? Fifth I want to see the people rule. RYERSON W. JENNINGS. Philadelphia, July 23. olection, and Is suro to win, I am twonty-ono years old and will cast my first voto this fall. I am a republican by birth, but I bellovo this fall people will voto for tho best man, who is surely Mr. Bryan. God called Abraham Lincoln for a great crisis. Ho is calling Mr. Bryan for tho high ofllco of president In tho present great crisis. I havo been impressed with tho number of now votors who will cast tholr first voto for tho sturdy commoner. I am glad that Hearst Is not supporting Bryan, as his support would ouly weakon Mr. Bryan's chances. E. G. R. Hornoll, N. Y July 30. GREEK BANISTER ON BRYAN'S OPINIONS Tho report that Mr. Coromilas, tho Greek minister to the United States, said that "the opinions of Mr. William Jennings Bryan carry great weight in Greece," created a sensation in Washington. Some of the hot-headed and illib eral republicans declared that the Greek min ister had paralleled tho Lord Sackville-West incident of 1888 and suggested that he should be given his passports. There is a wide difference between the two incidents. In the Cleveland-Harrison campaign of 1888 Lord Sackville-West, then British min ister, wrote a letter advising a man named Murcheson, living in California to vote tho dem ocratic tlcjtet. -President Cleveland at once sent thd indiscreet minister ms passports; -nm. v romilas merely mentioned the fact that Mr. Bryan's opinions carried great weight in Greece, which can not be regarded as an at tempt to interfere in our election. ,.,,,, It is well known that tho opinions of Mr. Bryan carry great weight in most countries. Our own president, though a republican; has re garded some of them so favorably as to adopt them as his own. They aro the' ,'stolen political clothes" of which so much has beena'd. Sure ly, the president can not. be. offended, by the remark of the Greek minister. Buffalo (N. XJ Times. "A REPUBLICAN TARIFF REFORMER FOR BRYAN To the Editor of the New York World: He (Taft) remained in the hall until after the ad dress of President Wyndham R. -Meredith. Then he hurried to the golf links, where Senator Bourne of Oregon, was waiting for him with a club and a look of stern determination on his face. Evening Sun, August 4. Senator Bourne is not the only republican who will bo waiting for Mr. Taft with a club, in the shape of a Bryan ballot, which will be administered with a look of stern determination next election day. I have been a republican voter and have voted for every republican presi dent from Grant to Roosevelt inclusive, out if I live my vote for president next November will be cast for Mr. Bryan. 'The principal Issue befbre the country today, in my opinion, Is tariff re form, and as my party is side-stepping this vital Issue by indefinite promises of reform some time in the future by its friends, by which I sup pose is meant those eminent tariff reformers Uncle Joe Cannon, Sherman, Payne and others of the same" belief, I have determined to take mv chances with the democratic platform this time. t B w- W T' Brooklyn, August 5. - A FIRST VOTER FOR BRYAN To the Editor of the New York World: What chance has W. J. Bryan of being our next ' ,.i to civ nr avpii two months ago I thought he had no chance at all. but I believe he will grow stronger every day from now until BRYAN -ROOSEVELT THE COURTS To tho Editor of tho Now York World: In 189C Bryan was damnod by all tho Llttlo Broth ers of tho Rich for saying, In roforrlng to tho "switch" of one of tho justices of tho United States supreme court in tho Income tax case, that "wo could not bo expected to know when a man would change his mind." Compare with tho mild tone of this state ment tho direct charge by the president In this morning's papers that tho powor of tho Stand ard Oil influenced a nulllflcat'on of a verdict of a lower court; also the statement of Justice Goff from tho bench that "tho practice of rush ing Into court and obtaining an injunction re straining the police authorities from tho per formance of what thoy bollovc to bo their duties bofore thoy can bo heard Is fraught with gravo abuse in tho administration of tho law." More powor to Roosovolt! More powor to Goff! And by tho samo token moro powor to thfb man from Nebraska. G. F. BLAISDJCLL. ' Brooklyn, July 24. NOT A FORCED CANDIDATE To the Editor of tho Now York World: This Is a democratic year. Bryan Is tho choice of all tho people of independent opinions. Ho was not selected recommended or forced on the convention by the big stick and "my poli cies." Ho was nominated by tho sentiment of the people. Mr- Taft Is not tho "man whom the majority of tho people want or admire; oyon not very enthusiastically for him. Ho Is tho man of "Teddy ani my policies," and wo are tired of tire ruling of the "Big Stick" and the republican elephant ontiroly. Since tho independent party was organized I voted tholr straight ticket, t was with tho Independence league when Mr. Hearst made fusion with Murphy, and next year also with Parsons, but since he is against Mr. Bryan I ignore him. I am loyal to Mr, Bryan and his principles, and will do my best to make ray follow friends and fellow trade union men cast their votes for Mr. Bryan. ,vVTT4TTm, AARON LINDENBAUM, -, .Secretary of tho Amalgamated Wood Turn ers' Union, Local 65. ..,,, New York, July 27. FRIENDLY ADVICE" To tho Editor of the Philadelphia North American: Permit me to give you a bit of friendly advice: Do not attempt to defond or excuse the republican platform, for so herculean a task as the defense of that document chal lenges and defies tho combined abilities of re publican editors and campaign orators. The wisest thing the republican party could do would be to drop it altogether and go through the campaign without a platform. The hearts of the people of the city and state are with you in your fight against gang misrule, and you are to be commended for your stand with President Roosevelt In his battles to obtain a "square deal for every man; but, If you condone or attempt to defend and excuse the doings of the Chicago convention, you are not true to the principles you profess to be- I liave been an independent voter, with re publican inclinations; but next November I In tend to vote for Bryaandern. Rohrerstown, Pa., July 15. To the Editor of the Philadelphia North American: Through the columns of 'Friday's newspapers an anxious public notes that Judge Taft Waltzes." To further relieve a distress of mind will you kindly inform us whether ho ?urS handsprings? STRENUOUS. Sunbury, Pa., July 17. 4 4 n 5 1 j Vt -.