Tw'riwtji'V''" "'T' 'f 'jiSS; mwpwWfwwp Pf The Commoner. VOLUME 8, NUMBER 32 ," mrvi "frtFr- (O ft" it The Place to Rest When spurred by tasks unceasing or undone, You would seek rest afar, And can not, though repose bo right ly won, Rest where you aro. Neglect tho needless; sanctify the day; Move without stress .or jar; With quiet of a spirit self-possessed, Rest where you aro. Not In event, restriction or release Not in scenes near or far But in ourselves aro restlessness or peace Rost where you are. Tho Congregationalism chilly mornings and evenings, and occasional whole days when heavier clothing in the shape of light, re movable wraps are called for. A cold child is an uncomfortable child, and this discomfort will not only interfere with its studies, but with Its health. There is a crispness and freshness about little tub dresses and aprons that makes them very at tractive while tho weather is warm, but with tho first real cool days, tho thoughts turn to tho woolens and warmth. There Is nothing prettier than tho dark woolens that may be brlehtened un by little white and small things can be sharpened by a few turns of the treadle, and given a new lease of life. For tho Laundry ' Have castors on everything pos sible. Let the wash bench be no exception. For stiffening sheer .larns or muslins when not to be starched, use gum Arabic water. Get one ounce of the best gum Arabic and pour over it half a pint of boiling water, stirring occasion ally until It Is dissolved, Strain this Into a bottle. When wanted, Renewing tho Bedding Among other things which claim the attention of tho housewife at tho. approach of autumn weather, the. renewal or renovating of the bedding. Is Important. If ono has a machine, all quilts and comforts and blankets can be washed, and should be du)d in the hot sun, shak ing and: beating often while drying, to render them soft and fluffy. In. tho case of old, worn, or badly soiled comforts, tho coverings should be ripped pff, and replaced with new. TVTr.-ir rP lonf Tirlr f Ov'd PHTOlOllla will be found, useless from various Ing will not like to wear untidy oOQa nr,rt tiio hant TUvrtn nf thnan things. In some cases, the training UUlOUM WAV V WMW J - w- -T I 4n1A mia iAnnnnAnftil rP 4-V f rn yi Trro gulmpe, with or without sleeves, or . . one-half Dint of cold water fh Iff Ho lnwn rnllnr nnrl cuff SOtS. l?J l .?ne- - - pmt ?.L . U ..V-.' stir wen, ana dampen tne lawn ngnt ly; do not make it wet; have the Irons hot and bright and smooth, and press carefully. Linen o heavy lawns will require more of the gum water. the little lawn collar and cuff sets, the little turned-over cuffs of linen or lawn to be worn with tho dark sleeves. And right hero may bo impressed a lesson of neatness upon the little maids. These collar and cuff sets are easily made, and laundered, and the little lassie will lake pride in making them, if the mother will en courage her, while the washing and ironing . of 'them will be a deilgnttui "kindergarten" exercise in the laundry work which will add not only to the pleasure, of the lassie, ,but to her skill in "doing up" more elaborate affairs later on. . Even tne very small child can be made re sponsible in a degree for the con dition of its garments, and the child that is trained to caring for its cloth- empty the cislernY wash down tho walls and clean all accumulated dirt from the lJ'otton, repairing any broken places in the cement, and placing a filter of charcoal where all water must pass through it to enter tho cistern. The water might bo "sweetened" by putting a half-bushel of charcoal in a clean, coarse bag, with a clean rock to weight It, and sink in tho water; but at this season of the year it would be best to clean it thoroughly. C. L. See answer to L. M. Rain water does not often become foul, or "sour," but if the cistern is filled with living waterspring or well it Is apt to get foul. L. B. For removing ink stains, if fresh, dip the parts in hot sweet milk, gently rubbing, and repeat un til the color disappears. Or, dis solve a little oxalic acid in water and wet the staina with this, and if not too, old, the stains will disap pear; but the fabric must be washed in clear water at once, as the acid will injure it. Or, wet the spot in sweet milk arid cover with common salt, laying in the sunshine. This should be done before it is washed. If logwood enters into the composi tion of tho ink, there will often ap pear a reddish, stain after the use of the oxalic acid; in this case, pro cure a little solution of chloride of lime and apply in the same manner as the oxalic acid. The fresher the s.tain,-the more easy it is to remove. Dipping the stain in hot tallow, al lowing It to stand for a few minutes, then washing as usual, is sometimes eurective. may be put together in long strips, use'd for coerrffariyolfneri aTe fond of "piecing quilts," and thus using up many remnants and scraps of cloth, and if the housewife has. time for such work, it is very fascin-. ating, as well as economical. It is a good idea to use on, every bed a spread, white, or fast colors, which may be washed the same as the sheet,, serving to keep the heavy white grounds relieved with small may be a matter of countless repeti tions, but it. will rnt u insr . For making over garments, solid or dull colors, if it is not practical to dye the material, may be bright ened by piping tho edges 'of tucks or folds with some cheerful color. An apron, neatly fitted, Is a great help to the unattractive dress, and these aprons may be made of prints. with clothing clean and fresh. A simple cotton spread; is better than none, and wlUPgLve tne toed a neat, fresh appeara'rice every time it is laun dered. "r It is always tho part of wisdom to get double-fold muslin for sheetB. Taking into consideration its width eight to ten quarters wide, it is no dearer than the single fold, and has only to be hemmed across the ends. When buying, Insist on hav ing your purchase torn off the bolt, instead of cut, as otherwise, there will bo waste In "snuarinc" the ends. Clerks do not cut by the thread. Let tho sheet be long enough to admit of a goneroi s tuck ing in at the ends, elso tho sheet is apt to get misplaced and "in a wad" In the middle of the bed, if tho occupant is at all restless. If your sheet gives out in the middle, it is poor economy to "split it down the middle and sew the outer edges to gether, leaving tho thin edges out side," as wo are so often recommend ed to do. Tho part of wisdom is to put a generous-sized patch over tho thin middle, taking tho patch from the strong part of some other sheet. A thin edge soon gets to be a ragged edge. designs. They can bo made, very. I..-. 2.i in 1tiJ uurucuvo wiui very ntue Trimming, by ruffles and tucking. , Tho School Clothing The opening of the schools in early September starts tho little ones out In practically summer weather, and for a time, the summer clothing is all that Is needed; but there should bo provisions for sudden For tho Sewing Room Keep the sewing machine free from lint and well oiled. Allow no careless hands to meddle with it. Insist upon having well sharpened scissors of good steel. Poor grade scissors aro always a waste and an extravagance. Do not buy "bargain counter" needles. Every good thing has its price, and can only be bought of reliable dealers. To remedy the wr.'nkles in waists across the shoulders Just below the collar band, rip the shoulder seams, put on tho waist wrong side out, pin tho bottom of the back securely to the belt at the waist line, and have a second person pin tho shoulders of the back and front together, smooth es, uuc not stretcning the material upward toward the neck band, ad justing it evenly and correctly. There may have to be some trim ming off done. This is a very com mon trouble. Many times, tho fine point of tho sewing machine needle gets bent or blunted, and to continue sewing with it means either spoilt stitches or a broken needle, in a very short time. Ono can get from tho sowing ma chine agencies a small omery wheel that will fit onto the cylinder that holds the bobbin while it is being filled, and which revolves just as the-bobbin does. Bv tho ima nf n.ta 1 little wheel, needles, pins, penknives Storing Canned or Preserved Fruits When putting away the fruit jars, arrange them from front to back on the shelves, all the first rows being one kind of fruits or vegetables, the next rows another kind, and so on, so that each kind will be readily got at when wanted, without moving other kinds. Begin at one end' of the shelf, storing toward the other end, instead of putting one kind along the back of the shelf, another in front of that, and so on. Brown paper, such as the grocer uses, or even the paper sacks groceries are delivered in, will be suitable to '?WTiSW,,t 3f5- Itftus, excluding the- light. See that the jellies and jams ana preserves are put in a part or tne storage room where they will keep dry. A small compartment of the cellar, used only for a fruit room, is the best, but any place the fruit is kept. in sliould be cool, dry and dark. As, fast as the jars are emptied, during tho winter, they should be" washed clean and set away where they will not get broken. Good Beds The old fashioned "straw tick," which could be emptied and refilled as often as liked, was far superior to the cheap, shaving or excelsior mattresses of today. The emptied b?CtiCik can be cashed, and filled with clean, now oat straw, and then tied like the "store" mattress, and they aro much cooler and more hygienic than any other. Of all nuisances and insomnia-breeders, nothing is more uncomfortable than one of the cheap, lumpy affairs filled with Mayings or poor excelsior. Cot ton, felt, wool, or hair mattresses are usually very heating during the hot months, and should be aired as often as possible. A protector, or pad, made like a comfort, of cotton batting between covers of sheeting or cotton cloth and tied as a com rort, should be used over all mat tresses as this is much easier iS? and can bQ washed either with, or without ripping apart, thus insuring clean, wholesome beds. Query Box Several queries are answered un der heading "Requested Recipes." J. S. H. See recipe for salt-rising broad in another column. 0. K. I know of nothing that will remove tatoo marks from the flesh. I doubt if the electric needle would be of any avail. L. M. If the clatfirn wnfoi. io foul, tho beqt to rn nmii,i ,, 4 cures wind colic nnd is tho Ijost re uu,p uuo uesc zo ao WOUld bo to j rhoea. Twonty-Ove cents a bottla. Crystalizing Melons Watermelon rinds and pieces of the garden citroii melon may be crystalized and will take the place in cookery of the more "expensive citron of commerce. .Prepare tho melon rind or citron melon as for preserves, cutting into"- 'convenient pieceo; boll in, slightly salted water until tender enough' to be' pierced with a clean broom straw, then drain and weigh. To each pound of sugar allow two ounces of ginger root (white) cut into thiri slices; the grated rind of one and the juice of two lemons; put the sugar in a porcelain-lined .kettle, add half a cupful of water- for each pound of sugar, and set over-the fire; when it conies to the boiling point, add the lemon juice 'xihd rind and the ginger, and put1 into this syrup enough melon to be covered by it. Simmer gently until transparent; drain each piece' by lifting with a perforated ladles land lay it on a platter that has been dusted with granulated sugar;- cover with a sheet of glass (a window pane will do) and set in tho sun to dry. When thoroughly dried, .place between sheets of waxed paper (which can be bought ready J prepared of the grocer), dust with fine granulated sugar and pack in a tin box. Keep dry. To Remove Tomato Stains Answering L. B. T.o remove to mato stains from cotton or linen fabrics, wet the spots in clear coll water and lay in tho sunshine; have ready equal parts of cream tartar and table salt, well mixed, and sprinkle this mixture on the wet spot until tho dampness has ab sorbed all it will; then cover the spot until hidden, with the. mixture and leave in the sunshine, wetting it every half hour for a few hours. If the stain still appears, repeat the process, being sure td keep the art icle in the sunshine all the time. If AN OT.Ti Atjt TOWT.T. rnnTwn Tfn'r'rc'nY ins. WiNarxw'a Soothing Syhup forclilldrc" uipuuiif; BUQiuu fmvnya uouseu lor cniiurcn w" toothing. It softens tho minis, nllnys the il imedy lor dlr ;$& ,jftlWl'l AV