WsBn r4 W ' -"SP W1 AUGUST-14, 1908 The ommorier. 9 tection of the nation's natural resources, In tim ber, "coal, iron and oil, against monopolistic con trol, the development of our waterways for navi gation and every other useful purpose, Including the Irrigation of arid lauds, the reclamation of swamp lands, the clarification of streams, tho development of water power, and the preserva tion of electric power generated by this natural force from the control of monopoly, and to such end we urge tho exercise of all powers, national, state and municipal, both separately and in co operation. We insist upon a policy of administration of our forest reserves which shall relieve it of the abuses which have arisen thereunder and which shall, as far as practicable, conform to tho police regulations of tho several states wherein tho reserves are located, which shall enable homesteaders as of right to occupy and acquire title to all portions thereof, which are especially adapted to agriculture and which shall furnish a system of timber sales available as well to the private citizen as to the large manu facturer and consumer. GRAZING LANDS The establishment of rules and regulations, if any such are necessary in relation to free grazing upon tho public lands outside of forest or other reservations until the same shall event ually be. disposed of should bo left to the people of tho states respectively in which such lands may be situated. PAN-AMERICAN RELATIONS The democratic party recognizes the impor tance and advantage of developing closer ties of Pan-American friendship and commerce between the United States and her sister nations of Latin America and favors the taking of such steps, consistent with democratic policies for better acquaintance, greater mutual confidence and larger exchange of trade as will bring lasting benefit not only to the United States but to this group of American republics having constitu tions, forms of government, ambitions and- in terests akin to our own. PANAMA CANAL We believe that the Pnnama canal wiH prove of great value to our county and favor its Bpeedy completion. )- ASIATIC IMMIGRATION We favor full protection by both national and state governments within their respective spheres, of all foreigners residing in the United States -under treaty, but we are opposed to the admission of Asiatic immigrants who can not be amalgamated with our population or whose presence among us would raise a race issue and involve us in diplomatic controversies with oriental powers. CONCLUSION The democratic party stands for democracy; the republican party has drawn to itself all that is aristocratic and plutocratic. The democratic party is the champion of equal rights and opportunities to all; tho re publican party is the party of privilege and pri vate monopoly. The democratic party listens to the voice of the whole people and guages progress by the prosperity and advancement of the average man; the republican party is sub servient to the comparatively few who are the, beneficiaries of governmental favoritism. We invite the co-operation of all', regardless of pre-, vious political affiliation or past differences, who desire to preserve a government of the people, by the people and for the people and who favor such an administration of the government, as will insure as far as human wisdom can, that each citizen shall draw from society a reward commensurate with his contribution to the wel fare of society. the latter explaining tho action of tho railroads by referring to tho fact that no reduced rates had been put into offect for any events in Ne braska since tho paBsago of tho two-cont faro law in that state. Ho also emphasized tho fact that the reduced rates to Cincinnati were offered by tho Central Passenger Association. "Tho action of tho roads is simply a dis crimination against the democratic party," said Mr. Mack. "They state there Is a two-cent rate In Nebraska which will not permit them to give a reduced rate to Lincoln. But I desire to call attention to tho fact that thero is a two-cent rato In Ohio, which did not prevent a grant of reduced rates to the Taft meeting. As I under stand it, most of the railroads which compose tho Central Passenger Association are also mem bers of the Western Passenger Association." Mr. Mack's letter to Mr. McLeod follows: "Directing your attention especially to tho occasion of tho notification of tho democratic candidate, William J. Bryan, which will tako place at Lincoln, Nebr., August 12, my attention has been called to the fact that the local com mittee at Lincoln has made application to your committee for special rates over lines In that' territory for that occasion and that they have received notice that it will bo impracticable to accord anything other than tho ordinary rate of two cents a mile. I have received an urgent demand from tho chairman in charge at Lincoln that I tako this up with your committee and mako a strenuous effort to secure a substantial reduction. I must seriously insist that our party Is entitled to the same consideration and favor on the occasion of our notification meeting that was accorded to the republican party on tho occasion of their notification meeting. The date of our notification meeting is so near at hand that there is little time for consultation or con ference with regard to this matter, and I trust that you will seo your way clear to at once tako such action as will remedy this apparent dis crimination and give us a special rato within your territory for this meeting on August 12, at Lincoln,. Neb., which will at least bo equal to the rate accorded to the republicans for their recent meeting at Cincinnati. Kindly notify mo at your earliest convenience of your final action in the premises. Sincerely yours. "NORMAN E. MACK." NO SPECIAL RATE TO DEMOCRATS The following dispatch carried by the Asso ciated Press explains itself: Chicago, August 7. Norman E. Mack, chairman of tho democratic national committee, was notified tonight that no reduced railway rates will -be put into effect for the. Bryan noti fication meeting at Lincoln, Neb., August 12. The communication came from Eben McLeod, chairman of the Western Passenger Association, in reply to a letter sent to that official by Mr. Mack earlier In the day and calling attention to tho fact that reduced fares had been granted on tho occasion to the Taft notification in Cin cinnati, whereas no concessions had been made for tho democratic gathering. The correspond ence was interspersed by several telephonic con versations between Messrs. Mack and McLeod, DEMOCRATIC PRESS COMMITTEE ' Henry Watterson, editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, who is chairman of tho news paper committee of the democratic campaign, made public the names of the democratic press committee of advisement as' follows: Alabama Birmingham Age-Herald, 1?? W. Barrett; Montgomery Advertiser, W. W. Screws, P. P; Glass. Arkansas Little Rock Democrat, Clio Harper. Colorado Denver Rocky Mountain News, T. M. Patterson. Connecticut Hartford Times, W. O. Burr; New Haven Union, Alexander Troup. Georgia Atlanta Constitution, Clark Howell. Kentucky Lexington Herald, Dosha Breck enridge. Louisiana New Orleans Picayune, Thomas E. Davis; New Orleans Times-Democrat, Pago M. Baker. Maine Portland Argus, Thomas E. Calvert. Massachusetts-r-Boston Globe, Charles H. Taylor; Lowell Sun,. John H. Harrington; Wor cester Post, E. M. Moriarty. Michigan Grand Rapids News, J. W. Hunter. Mississippi Jackson Clarion-Ledger, R. IT. Henry. Missouri Kansas City Post, B. L. Sheri dan; St. Louis Republic, Charles W. Knapp. Montana Helena Independent, J. S. Neill. Nebraska Omaha World-Herald, Gilbert M. Hitchcock. North Carolina Charlotte Observer, J. B. Caldwell. Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oklahoman, Roy E. Stafford. Pennsylvania Philadelphia Record, Theo. Wright; Pittsburg Post, Albert J. Barr. South Carolina Columbia State, A. E. Gon zales; Charleston News and ' Courier, J. C. Hemphill. Tennessee Chattanooga News, J. C. Rice; Knoxvillo Sentinel, G. F. Milton; Nashville American, Charles H. Slack. Texas Galveston News, John R. Hedges. Virginia Richmond Times-Dispatch, Jo seph Bryan. West VIrginiaT-Wheeling Register, J. A. . Miller. .Washington-r-A. J. Blethen, Seattle. REVISION UPWARD In his speech of acceptance Mr. Taft, sneak ing of tho tariff, said: I'On tho other hand, THERE ARE SOME FEW SCHEDULES IN WHICH THE TARIFF IS NOT SUFFICIENTLY HIGH to give tho measuro of protection which they should rccelvo upon republican principles." Tills is sufficient to prove that "rovlsion of the tariff ' as understood by tho republican load ers does not moan revision in tho interests of the people, but does mean that the protected interests will recoivo flrnt consideration. It also demonstrates that the Indianapolis Nows, a republican newspaper, knew what it was talk ing about when, in its issue of July 2, It said: "All that was noeded to prove that tho re publican tariff plank is a delusion and a snore, as far as the tariff reformers are concerned was the commendation of tho Amorlcan Economist, the high tariff organ. This it now has. Tho Economist Is fairly jubilant over tho victory won in behalf of extreme protection. 'Tho re publican party,' It says, 'In national conven tion assembled, has declared anew for tho policy of protection protection that shall bo adequnto and has rejected tho demands of tho tariff agitators for a revision of tho tariff downwards.' Which, of course, moans that the party has de clared, either in favor of leaving tho tariff as it is, or of revising it upward. Wo quoto from the Economist, which, bo it remembered, is tho uncompromising champion of Dlngloylsm: " 'The free traders and advocates of tariff revision downward will not find a word or syllable In this tariff plank that tends to furnish them tho slightest crumb of comfort. There Is no promise in tho platform of tariff rovlsion downward. After full consideration of tho wholo subject, tho republican party In convention assembled did not dcclaro for revision of the tariff downward, nor did It glvo tho slightest Intimation that tho belief is en tertained by the great body of republicans throughout the land that the tariff rates of tho Dlngley law are too high." "Even tho maximum and minimum tariff plan which is advocated contemplates, according to tho Economist, making tho present rates or other 'adequately protective rates' tho mini mum, and the imposition of still highor rates to force fair treatment from other rations. Wo do not often find 'ourselves In agreoment with tho Economist. But It seems to us that what It says about 'the amazing plank adopted at Chi cago is true. Every one knows that there are hundreds of thousands of republicans all over the country demanding tariff rovlsion in tho di rection of lower rates. Manufacturers who aro held up by the trusts feel very deeply on this subject. When tho convention met it knew Just what this demand was, Just what it meant. It knew that it could not bo silent on the tariff question, knew that It could not refuse to pro tend to promise a real revision. "And yet this convention put itself on rec ord as favoring sufficient protection to put our manufacturers absolutely on a level with those of other lands, and then to give them 'a reason able profit' besides. This can mean nothing else than what the Economist says it means. It is no promise of revision downward. The proposi tion Is not to equalize condition? hero and abroad, not to make up to our manufacturers the excess of the wages they arc supposed to pay over those abroad, not to help them out in the matter of raw material, but after having done all these things, after having removed every obstacle, and taken off every handicap, wo aro to tax ourselves to give the manufacturers such as the steel trust 'a reasonable profit.' So it Is a great victory for the standpatters. Thfi Economist Is quite right. For once It is abso lutely right. The party has thrown itself into the arms of the standpatters. Taking this plank in connection with the refusal of tho convention to demand publicity for campaign contributions, and also In connection with the great activity of the agents of the steel trust at Chicago, it is hard to seo how any tariff reformer can get much hope from the tariff plank of tho repub lican platform. There is less comfort than ever to bo got from it now that tho American Econo mist; a besotted high tariff organ, has commend ed Jt with such touching enthusiasm" Ifr 1r t W' Mr, Taft says workmen "have a right to accumulate funds to support those engaged In a strike." But another Ohio judge, following the Taft injunction precedent, restrained the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union from paying strike benefits. 1 V Pi