The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 14, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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The Commoner.
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The Commoner.
OlIAHWiU W. JJllVAN, lllOHAllll Im MlWCAM'K,
Publisher. Kdllon
321-330 South Twelfth Street.
Fiilcrcd nt tlio 1'oMomco nt I.liiroln, Nrl., df Frcoml-cliuf innttor
Ouo Year 181.00
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roiL'lKii TostiiKO 62 Cents Extra.
SUIISCKII'TIONS can bo sent direct to The Com
moner. They can also bo sent through ncwpapcifl
which havo advertised a clubbing rate, or through
Jocal agents, whero eub-agcnts have boon appoint
ed. All remittances should bo sent by postomco
money order, express order, or by bank arat "
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checks, stamps or money.
DISCONTINUANCES It Is found that a largp
majority of our subscribers prefer not to nave
their subscriptions interrupted and their tiles
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It is therefore assumed that continuanco Is acsirca
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Presentation Copies: Many persons subscrluo ror
friends, Intending that tho paper shall stop at tno
end of tho yuar. If Instructions arc given to tnat
effect thoy will recolvo attention, at tho proper
RENEWALS Tho dato on your wrapper shown
tho time to which your subscription Is paid, inus
January 31, 08. means that payment has neon re
ceived to and including tho laBt Issue of January,
1908. Two weeks are required after oncy "&"
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CHANGE OIP ADDRESS Subscribers requesting
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ADVERTISING Rates furnished upon applica
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.Address all. communications to
THE COMMONER, L'ncoln, Neb.'
Tho New' York Post says: "The St. Louis
Times, which represents the opinion of tho best
German element in St. Louis, does not follow
the load of the Now York Staats-Zoitung in sup
porting Bryan."
But perhaps the St. Louis Times does not
follow tho lead of tho "German element." Cer
tain it is that American citizens of German ex
traction aro not to be led to the support of
special interests by an editor who either does
not understand, or does not care to understand,
tho dangers of plutocracy.
w 5 v t
Tho Columbia (S. C.) State puts it in a
nutshell when it says: "Publicity before the
election; that is the whole mutter. The people
are tired of learning, after they have been
duped for tho hundredth time, that such and
such a trust contributed a corruption fund to
aid in tho election of a 'practical man' like
Roosevelt or a Roosevelt man like Taft."
"As Mr, Roosevelt .has said." , u-,
Tho tilt of Mr. Joseph G. Cannon's cigar
1b steadily downward.'
a' .- ' J ' '
.,'. Mr. Roosevelt may not, after all, need to.
gb to Africa in order to Lave a difficult search
fo'r an elephant.
And Br'or Rabbit and Br'er Wolf are talk
ing in mournful tones while thoy recite the
many virtues of Uncle Remus.
Following precedent the republican manag--ers
announce they will make public the source
of campaign .contributions "after the election," '
, If the republican vote falls off as great a
. . bor cent as the cost of living shows an Increase.
f&n?' mi Taft will have to hustle to carry Penn
"The business of the country is largely de
pendent upon a protective system of, tariffs,"
says Mr. Taft. "The victim of" would have
come much nearer to the facts.
Senator Bouroo of Oregon, who offered a
flrize of $1000 for the bes essay urging the
renomination of Roosevelt, is now wondering
whom he will hold responsible for the gold brick
ho acquired.
Mr. Taft has already discovered some tariff
schedules that are not high enough. Interested
parties will take due notice of tho "publicity
after election" policy and come across imme
diately. Mr. Sheldon is In a roceptive mood.
The war department, so long presided over
6y Mr. Taft, believes in buying army uniforms
where they can be bought tho cheapest. The
party backing Mr. .Taft, however, insists on the
plain people buying in the highest market in
order that republican campaign contributors can
Some of the administration organs are vis
ibly offended at tho prominence of Oklahoma at
th6 Denver convention. . They should bear in
mind that tho democratic aggressivonoss of
Oklahoma at Denver is a sample of tho aggres
siveness that made Oklahoma a great state de
spite republican handicaps.
Democratic Campaign
It is desired that in every city and town
and village in the United States democratic
campaign funds be collected. Hereafter all con
tributions to this fund should be sent to
Treasurer Democratic National Committee,
Guthrie, Oklahoma.
, Every newspaper that is supporting Bryan
and Kern is uyged to take up a democratic cam
paign fund,, forwarding the same to Governor
Henry Watterson, the great Kentucky edi
tor who Is doing valiant service in the demo
cratic cause, has repeatedly declared that every
thing indicates a democratic victory, but that
he did not know where the party would obtain
a sufficient amount of money for campaign pur
poses. The only source to which the democratic
party may, In this year of 1908, look for money
to bd used in tho election of men who are thor
oughly committed to popular government, is
to the masses and to the masses the democratic
managers havo appealed.
Do not longer delay the beginning of this,
important work. START A DEMOCRATIC CAM
Following are extracts , from letters re
ceived at The Commoner office:
Memphis, Tenn. We enclose our check for
$420.75 for the democratic campaign fund.
This amount was subscribed by various parties
through tho southern states, the result of an
appeal in the columns of the Commercial Ap
peal; we have acknowledged each subscription.
This makes $526.75 wo have sent to date. The
work has just begun. Oxford, Miss., alone sub
scribed $150, being $1 subscriptions from 150'
St. Johns, Mich. Herewith $8.75 for the
national campaign.
Jackson, Tenn. Please accept my contri
bution of $1.75 for campaign fund.
Olmsted, 111. Please accept $1.50 for cam
paign purposes.
Galena, Mo. Enclosed find $2.70 for tho
campaign fund.
New York City, N. Y. Enclosed find $8
contributed as shown by the list attached .
this money for the democratic campaign.
Houma, La. Please accopt our contribu
tions in the sum of $2 to be used for campaign
Gunnison, Miss. Herewith please find $1
which kindly turn over to the democratic com
mittee. Duraud, Wis. Please accept the enclosed
$4 to be used for campaign expenses.
Cylinder, la. Enclosed you will find $4
which pleaso send to tho national committee
. for campaign expenses.
JBrock, Neb, Enclosed find draft for $8.50
to be turned over to the campcign fund, this
money contributed by tho parties whose names
appear on the enclosed list.
St. Paul, Minn. Tho Myrmindons of. tho
"aristocratic republic" heard something drop at
Denver. I enclose my check for $25 for cam
paign fund.
Duluth, Minn. Please accept my contribu
tion of $10 for tho campaign fund. Your nom
ination was a glorious victory won by tho peo
ple. Manly, Iowa. Enclosed find $5 to be used
in any honorable way during the campaign.
Ava, 111. Find enclosed $2 for tho fann
ers' campaign fund.
Mangum, Okla. Please find $10 enclosed
as a substance congratulation and indicative of
my good will; am sorry that I am not able to
make it more.
Columbus, Ohio.-I encloso my little 'mite
for campaign fund $5.
Rochester, N. Y. Find enclosed money
order for $2.00 for the democratic campaign
Phoenix, Ariz. Maricopa county demo
crats, proud of the opportunity, send you $48
the first fruits of the Bryan-Kern fund, contri
butions to which are made.through the 'Arizona
Democrat In the sum of$l. No democrat is
asked to subscribe more than $1, but every
democrat is being urged to give that much.
Wirt, Ind. The enclosed Is a small con
tribution to tho farmers' campaign fund $5.
Hornick, la. I wish to bo the first lady
contributor to the national campaign fund.
Please accept the enclosed $1.
Jicarilla, N. M. Enclosed find money order
for $5 which is for tho democratic campaign
fund. The ticket and the platform suit me.
Philadelphia, Pa. I enclose this subscrip
tion of $10 for the campaign fund of tho na
tional democratic committee.
Good Springs, Nev. Please accept my con
tribution of $1.25 for the campaign fund.
Verdigre, Neb. I take the liberty to send
herewith $5 which I ask you to hand to the
committee which will pay expenses. I shall
bo glad to do everything personally in my
power to bring about satisfactory results.
Wabash, Ind.1 I saw in the last Commoner
you aro asking farmers to contribute to tho
campaign fund. Please accept my contribution
of $5.
Oskaloosa, la. I send you $5' to help in
the campaign fund and wish you success.
Deep River, la. Find enclosed money
order for $10, a subscription to the campaign
Nroadland, S. D. Enclosed find $5 for the
campaign fund, which I trust will bo of service
to your committee. Wish I could give $5,000.
Bolivar, Texas Enclosed find New York
exchange for $88.50, which I have collected
from my neighbors for the campaign fund. I
am glad you endorse the plan of raising this
fund by small contributions that makes it pos
sible for tho great masses to do more for the
success of our party and the principles you
stand for than merely to vote. I enclose list
of the parties who have contributed this money.
Cynthiana, Ky. Herewith my mite, 50
cents, for campaign expenses.
Monrova, Cal. Please forward the en
closed $2.50 to the treasurer of the national
Atlantic, la. I hand you herewith check
for $10 to help pay campaign expenses.
Richland Center, Wis. I enclose my check
for $100 as my contribution to the campaign
fund. While Wisconsin is a pretty hard prop
osition from the democratic view point we cer
tainly shall do our best to carry the state this
time and trust the electoral vote wH be cast
for you.
Anita, Ta. Please accept. my contribution
of $5 for campaign fund.
London, Ohio. Please find $1 enclosed for
campaign fund.
Reading, Pa. I want to give one night a
week to speaking in your behalf. What wo
need is a bright search-light revealing things
as they are, and then let the people decide just
what they want. Business is very slack just
now and I enclose $2 to help along the good
Lincoln, Neb. Please accept my $1 for the
campaign fund.
Greenville, N. C. My wife desires that our
son, less than one day oil, shall start right in
this journey through life, and directs me to
forward to you $1 as his contribution to the
democratic campaign fund.
Pittsburg, Pa.-TT-Kindly accept the enclosed
$1 contribution to the. . campaign fund. The
sender is a life long democrat. ...
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