The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 14, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner.
In tho City
dear, happy,
Good night,
streets !
Tho clanging bolls and hurrying foot,
When I am safely tuckod in bed,
And all tho day-time thoughts aro
Aro just like music to my ears,
And drive away tho night-time fears.
Good night, dear strcot; your lights
so bright
Shino through my window all
And company they aro to mo;
But oh, how lonely it must bo
Beyond tho city and the park,
Where everything is strange
In the Country
self to recognize, even in thought,
tho possibility of not having every
moment full of joy and pleasant
ornotions. Make others happy, for
getting yourself, and diffuse the sun
shine of good will. from your every
act. .Don't grumble; don't find
fault; "keep smilin'," and see how
rested you will be when your "noon
hour" is ended, and you aro back in
tho harness.
So still you
Some Health Notes
Do not stuff the children with
cakes, pies, candy, or other sweet
stuffs, during the hot days. When
you go "picnicing," leave the cloy
ing sweets at home, and take healthy
wholesome foods with you. Do not
drink, ice water, or ovor-eat of ices.
Nice as they are for the moment,
they aro particularly unsatisfying,
Good night, dear hills.
Against the bosom of the sky,
I know you must be fast asleep;
And all nteht long, tho stars
Their tender watches over you;
So must I soon be sleeping, too.
Good night, dear hills; for now I go
To slumber, fruitfully and slow.
But bed-time must be cheerless,
To those who can't look out and say
(For them, my heart with pity fills!)
One good night to dear, friendly
Eleanor C. Hull, in
Home Companion.
nearest the stove almost roast be
cause of the heat given out, those
further away shiver with cold. Add
ed to this, the ventilation is either
entirely inadequate to the demands,
or entirely lacking. Tho windows
and doors are perforce closed, In
order to conserve the heat, and the
little children must breathe the vit
iated air over and over, until they
are dull and drowsy because of the
poisoning. No matter how pleasant
the day, the playgrounds are far
from being suitable, if tho ground
is at all wet, and the little feet be
come dangerously damp if they at
tempt to play outside when the
weather is bad. The toilet arrange
ments and outbuildings are a dis
grace to the district, and should not
be tolerated; would, not be, ior the
farm animals; but no one seems to
care for the little children.
It is time the mothers recognized
and aro thirst-breeders. A cup of
hot tea or coffee, or other hot drinks their responsibility In the matter.
They should visit the buildings now,
The Middle Milestone of the Summer
This month is tho central mile
stone of tho summer, and whore ohe
has had a strenuous pull to got to
the top of the hill, there is a strong
inclination to stop and breathe while
we look about the broadened hori
zon before beginning the downward
journey with the receding sun. There
is a feeling that our taskB are, In a
measure finished, and a sonse of
waiting for something that Is to
come, we want to loiu our nanus
and lounge in the cool shadows
away from tho flerco heat of the
mid-summer sunshine. It is well to
take a vacation now, if but for a
day; but a month would bo better.
However, while w are about it, let
us make up our minds to get the very
best possible results from tho holi
day, whether it is spent at homo or
elsewhere. Let us learn to rest. A
spell of idling Is a good medicine
for the brain as well as for the body.
It is best not to "follow the crowd,"
rushing hither and thither in the
mistaken idea that we aro "resting"
by tho change Such hysterical ex
citement will send us homo more
worn than when we left. Do not
scramble; do not spend the time
packing and unpacking one's grip,
rushing about, over hill and dale,
trying to see everything in tho few
days which is all wo can spare for
our recreation. Do not push and
jam and crowd, lest some one get a
few steps ahead of you. Let thorn.
There will bo lovely things left that
they can never se. Do not make
it the business of tho hour to eat
to be always eating, and thus ruin
ing our digestion. Drink water all
"tho pure, fresh water you can get.
Got out into tho open and get all
pure, iresu air you can inhale.
Batho of ton; eat moderately of nour
, ishing foods, determine that you will
sqo nothing but good In your asso
ciates, and will return nothing but
good to thorn. Do not allow your-
such as thin soup, or bouillon, or
nourishing broths, will prove far
more satisfying, even though for the
moment they may start the perspira
tion and add to the apparent heat.
The drinks need not be so hot as to
render one uncomfortable, but hot
enough to bo appetizing. Nothing
cures the "picnic headache" like a
cup of some hot drink.
Dress to suit the day in comfort
ably fitting clothes; if you must be
out in the hot sunshine, be careful
I that the clothing is not too thin,
Woman's else there will be tenderness from
sunburn. The girl or woman who
goes about in the hot sunshine,
whether at home or on the picnic
grounds, will surely pay the penalty
in blistered or sunburned cuticle,
and however gratifying the "vaca
tion color" may be at the time,
there Is sure to be an aftermath! of
regrets and frantic efforts to get rid
of freckles and tan. The Skin that
Is subjected to repeated coatings of
tan will never regain the lost satin
smoothness and rose-leaf delicacy.
The wearing of gloves and long
sleeves, and the shielding of the face
by some suitable head-covering is
the only way to escape the yellowing
skin and detested freckles.
Take time to rest; the work will
bo right where you left it never
goes away of its own accord, and
there are sure to be other days. Do
not count tho time wasted that is
spent in an hour's sleep after din
ner; And as cool a place as possible
for the nap; but take tho nap. Get
all tho snatches of sleep possible.
Live tho Blmple , life, and save
strength and fuel, as well as your
family, by feeding simple, nourish
ing food much of it served with
out any cooking at all. Take things
easy, don't over-work or worry; but
by all means, enjoy your vacation
before the schools open, and look
into the matter of comfort, cleanli
ness and sanitation. If you, dear
mother, have not time, just take it;
make it your business to see how
your little child is to be housed for
the winter. Call meetings, and in
sist on something being done. Much
can be done without any money, but
it is worth all the money it will
cost to render the school buildings a
safe place for your children. Let
tho men donate their strength and
time, and what money they can
give, to improving conditions with
out and within, while the mothers
will find enough to keep them busy.
Do not delay the matter. It is of
vital importance. Attend to it now.
Tho Mothers' Responsibility
In many of tho states women have
some form of school suffrage, and
hence are to bo held responsible for
tho unsanitary conditions and com
fortless surroundings that charac
terize the very great majority of tho
country school buildings. In these
school buildings, our little children
have to spend the greater portion of
their time for months, every year,
and at a time when, being confined
closely within doors on account of
weather conditions, their health must
surely suffer because of tho neglect.
In nearly all country school houses,
the heating facilities are very imper
fect, and while the children seated
Fighting Foes to Comfort
Do not relax your vigilance
against tho household insects. Ke.ep
the flies and mosquitoes out by care
fully screening of doors and win
dows, and see that no night pest tor
ments your sleepers. Wage inces
sant warfare against every marauder.
Go over everything in the bed room
this month, and "let no enemy es
cape." Sun the mattresses, wash
the bed clothing, go over the bed
furniture with insecticides. Nobody
need keep bed vermin if constant
care Is taken for one or two seasons.
The worst infested rooms can be
cleared of them by fumigating with
hydrocyanlc-acld gas, as the, gas pen
etrates every crevice of the house or
room. The gas treatment for. houses
is fully described in Circular 46, De
partment of Agriculture, Washing
ton, D. C. Where wooden bedsteads
aro used, the most practical way to
effect the routing is to fill every
crack, crevice or hole full of benzine,
gasoline, or coal oil; a small oil can
can be used for this purpose, and as
doors and windows are now wide
open, and no fire in tho house, the
application should be liberal. Cor
rosive sublimate, and many other
remedies are advised, and hot water,
hot salt or alum solution .are both
cheap and Inexpensive as well as
effectual; but these should not be
used, where they will damage the
finish of furniture. Tho very best
and most effective means is a daily
inspection, as thorough as possible,
of every part of the room and furni
ture, and the constant sunning and
Inspecting of all clothing of any kind
kept in the room. Wash everything
washable as often as possible, in as
hot water as may be used which,
if the washing is done by maohine,
may-be boiling hot. For destroying
them when lodged in tho walls, burn
ing sulphur is recommended; sul
phur candles may bo used, or two
pounds of sulphur for every thou
sand cubic feet of space, closing tho
building for twenty-four hours for
treatment, sleeping and living out
doors, meanwhile, if need be. Do
not put off the work this month
brings the "second installment" of
the pests, and now is the season for
the most effective warfare. There
is no excuse for harboring them.
"Advico to Women"
Many writers are very fond of giv
ing advice to women, and sometimes
it sounds well, but, on application,
does not work out in kind. One
writer says: "Many women avoid
the sunlight as thouch it worn .i
plague. They wear veils, carry par
asols, seek the shady side, and do
everything to keep off the light of
the sun. If they would but seek
the sunshine, and live in it, indoors
and out, pale sickly women would
become strong and healthy in no
time." The sunshine is a .good thing,
and it is doubtless true that women
would be better for more of It; but
there are many things which force
women to "seek the shady side,"
and it is not always to their own
liking that they wear veils and carry
parasols, nor is it, as the writer
states further on in his article, be
cause of their fear of injury to their
clothes or complexion that this Is
done. It is shown by the census
that the very great majority of
women "do their own work," that
Is, the housekeeping, sewing, laund
ering, caring for tho children and
looking after tho ways and comfort
of their households. This forces
women to keep in the shade, and in
many instances, gives rhnni little
time or leisure to live in the sun's
rays, or to enloy the fresh air. When
they do have the leisure, it is with
tired eyes, exhausted bodies, and
jaded spirits, and they can not al
ways bear the strong, life-giving
rays of the sun. Many a woman sits
in darkened rooms because tho light
gives them pain, who would yet glad
ly rush out into the full glare and
joy in the sense of freedom, bodily
and mental, which only the outdoor
life can give them. Some strong,
brave spirits can make their own
sunshine, while others demand it as
a right, and, letting the minor duties
go, keep bright and well by their
outings; but the "pale, sickly wom
en" are usually those who are so
burdened, or so conscientious that
they feel they must live "in the
shade," that others may have the
shine. It is "good medicine," but
we can not all take it.
A "Snccessful" Woman
We all like to hear of successful
women, and here is one who has
opened the way into a calling not
overcrowded with women workers,
and, although not the first to enter
It, Is one of less than a dozen of a
like calling. Mrs. Hulett, the wifo
of a steamboat engineer, and who
has been pn a steamboat as .clerk,
stewardess, steersman and assistant
at the engine ever since her marriage
four years ago, was given a first
class pilot's license for piloting small
boats on tho Illinois river, ner hus
band had applied for such a license,
but because of color blindness, had
failed to pass the examination, and
the wife came to his relief with a
like application for herself. Captain
Gordon, government inspector of
steamboats, said that Mrs. Hulett
gave the most satisfactory answers
Miuj. Winsmw's Sootiiino Syhoi for children
toeUUnsr should always bo used for children wlu
teething. It softens tho Riims, allays tho pai
cur3 wind colle and la tho host remedy lor aiv
rhoea. Twenty-flvo couts a bottlo.
J4 14J,
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