yw niyMm.WP? 'mmwy'ny .;". , -v ., 4 The Commoner JULY 24, 1908 9 0 two yearswas graduated from Farmer's colleger' near Cincinnati. He joined the staff of the Com mercial in,:183, bought 'ariMtfterest in it thejnextj year anil 'became chief owner in 1865, retaining his interest until long after the Commercial's' consolidation with the Gazette, nearly twenty years later. Later he was editor of the Brook lyn Stan dardrUn ion. He was the author of nu riferous books and sketches. He made his rep utation as one of America's foremost editors and editorial writers while associated with the Commercial-Gazette. He was well known as a writer in 1856, when he reported both the re publican and democratic conventions for the Commercial. In 1859 he attended and wrote a description of the hanging of John Brown near Harper's Ferry. He reported all the various conventions of 1860, and gained further fame as correspondent in the civil war. He acted as war correspondent in the Franco-Prussian war in 1870-71, and often visited Europe on special trips. One of his most interesting journalistic experiences was his trip to Iceland on the occa sion of the millennial celebration of 1874, in company with Cyrus W. Field, Bayard Taylor and other distinguished men. He was also the author of books on the Boer-British war, the Russo-Japanese war and the Spanish-American war. His rejection by congress after President Harrison had appointed him minister to Germany was the occasion of intense political feeling throughout the country. His articles about the purchase of senatorial seats were believed' to have aroused the enmity of the legislators." O EFERRING TO the Philippine assembly, XX, the New York Evening Post says: "Burke once said that the way to And out what a people wanted and was fitted for was to ask its chosen representatives. Well, the Filipino assembly adjourned yesterday after an admirably conducted first session, with a declaration, passed by fifty-seven votes to fifteen, that in dependence was the aspiration of the Filipino people, and that they were ready for inde pendence now. Certainly their excellent legis lative record warrants them in maintaining that their body would compare favorably with any American legislature. They have engaged in no fist-fights, have bowed down to no vested interests, and have cbnducted their debates on a proper plane. Their one act offensive to the ruling Americans, aside from their parting shot, was to propose to cut down the salaries of the foreigners who occupy the choicest positions in the Filipino civil service. This desire for economy, this move for a Filipino treasury for the Filipinos, was properly rebuked by the Phil ippine commission, which saved the salaries of the Americans to the Americans. Curiously enough, this ringing declaration of the Filipino assembly was coincident with the nomination of Taft for the, presidency. This is the same Taft who insists that the Filipinas will not be ready for self-government for generations. Mr. Taft'a elevation, friendly as he is to them, does not mean that their wishes will be granted within a reasonable time. For this he is too 'much of an imperialist. At any rate, here is Mr. Bryan's chance to get the solid Filipino vote." TTNDER DATE of Burlington, la., June 29, LI a reader of the Louisville (Ky.) Courier Journal, wrote to that newspaper as follows: "There seems to be some question of the ability of the democratic party to raise a sufficient cam paign fund, although it seems to be conceded that the republicans will have no difficulty in that regard. This is a situation which should be taken advantage of by the rank and file of the democracy. The democratic managers should not ask or permit the men of great wealth and the special interests to contribute the means to carry on, the campaign. With them it is an investment an investment in governmen tal favors, special privileges and graft. Let the rank and file; the common people, make an In vestment also an Investment in good govern mentand secure the return of equal r ghts and equal opportunity. The common people of the country, from the day laborer to the highest salaried wage-earner, with their dimes and their dollars, can and I belieye will, if given the op portunity contribute every penny needed to carry on a vigorous campaign without asking anything of those people and those interests who only contribute with the expectation of a large return. ' I speak as a workingman when I say that the number of men who appreciate the fun significance of the rebuff given the waga-earner by the Taft managers in Chicago runs into the millions, and they are determined men, who will 'gladly contributoio. .a. popular campaign fund to( securci4Jiis-'defeat. In the past the rank and 4 file of tho democraCuV party havje Beeniislow' 03? toffer;theIr contributions because: they,Tmve npi been called upon. Lefc'tho democratic managcrt give them a chance and see with what zeal they come forward and note, too, a newly awakencu interest in democratic success." REFERRING TO the gentleman who placed Mr. Bryan in nomination at Denver, tho Omaha World-Herald says: "Igiintius J. Dunn is a son of Nebraska. He was born February 6, 1868, on a farm in Sarpy county, and re ceived his education in the public schools of that county. He read law In Omaha, and was here admitted to the bar in 1890. Taking an early liking to politics, Mr. Dunn has been an active member of his party organization Bincc he at tained his majority, and for fifteen years has been an ardent supporter of William J. Bryan. He was identified with the preliminary fight that was undertaken to wrest the control of the party in Nebraska from the gold element. The only office that Mr. Dunn has held has been that of assistant county attorney and his present posi tion of assistant city attorney of Omaha. lie is a forceful speaker, whether on the political stump or' in the court room. He is a man of pronounced views, Inclined to be radical in his tendencies, and has always been fearless and un tiring in the advocacy of them." AT THE LUNCHEON given June 22, to the alumni of tho Yale law school, Former Senator Spooner delivered an address in which he said: "I want to impress upon you that while you may differ on political questions, there is something which rises above politics, and something which lawyers can not afford to differ on. The lawyer, under his oath, owes it to his country and to himself to stand firm to the basic principle of popular government. He must be lieve that the essentials in government ara three co-ordinate branches, the executive, the legisla tive and the judicial. Each must keep within its bounds, or representative government can not exist. And when you find a government in which the three branches have become sub ordinated to the will of the executive, popular government has ceased to exist. I speak of this in an unpersonal way. The last hope of liberty in this government is an upright, fearless, in corruptible judiciary. If, in the lapse of time, you find a political body advocating any measure which seeks to impair the foundation of govern ment as laid down by tho founders, as you value your oath of office, fight it. The principle of the three co-ordinate branches of government ought not to be forgotten for a moment. I am glad the next president of the United States Is to be a lawyer, a lawyer who knows the consti tutional limitations of the executive and the other branches of government. Mind you, I do not say who that lawyer will be." FORMER Congressman Littlefield of Maine addressed a gathering of lawyers at Chi cago recently. In the course of his remarks he said: "Senator Lodge, in the republican na tional convention, said that President Roosevelt had enforced the laws as he found them on the statute book. The republican party platform congratulates itself on tho enforcement of all the laws. In the light of cases I have cited to you it would seem that a proclamation to ex pend, not performance, constitutes enforcement of the law. The distinguished publicists, like business .men, are very much disturbed for fear they are facing a prison cell for doing business under modern methods. I do not think that this apprehension has any reasonable founda tion." Tho speaker pointed out that but seven convictions had been secured under the Sher man law since September 14, 1901, and con tinued: "It may be that the predatory rich are lurking in every corner, and that malefactors of great wealth abound. If this be true and they have been going about 'seeking. whom they may devour' the extent to which the wicked have thus far gone unwhipped of justice borders upon the grotesque." rWlE BINGHAMPTON (N. Y.) Press tells this X story: "Last winter, when William Jen nings Bryan was here, ho attended an informal reception, for men only. He had told a number of clean, witty stories, when suddenly a man, a stranger, edged through the crowd and began to joke" with Mr. Bryan. Nothing1 was thought of this, as it was. a game of conversational give -andtake. 'Suddenly from tho lips of; tho stranger there, fell a single conrse remark. yTho commoner's Jaw sot like a steel trap, and his 'eyes snapped. Tho stranger was quickly hustled out'of tho room. 'Ho was a stranger, Mr. Bryan,' said ono present, 'and had no business here. Wo bog your pardon for this occurence 'Never mind mc,' said. Mr. Bryan, his eyes softening. 'The man's Ill-judged remark did mo no harm, and I know he had no business hero, but ' pointing to a lad of fifteen years, Who was watching the scene and waiting for a handshake 'It was not just the sort of speoch for the lad die to hoar.' " Mr. Bryan to Laboring Men (Continued from Page 5) legitimate use of "the writ of injunction whoro. there is real occ.slon for it, but the platform says that this writ shall not be iscued in labor disputes under circumstances that would not justify its use were there no labor dispute; in other words, that It shall hot be Issued merely for the purpose of giving to one paYty to a labor dispute an advantage over the other, but there must bo conditions that would justify Its issu ance if there were no labor dispute, and I think that the labor leaders, in stating it in that way have acted wisely, for they have not asked for special privileges for tho laboring man. "I have simply briefly referred to these as- some of the planks in tho platform. I be lieve it can be said that no great party has over adopted a platform that embodies so much as our platform does that is of vital in terest to tho great tolling masses of the coun try, and I am glad the platform has been broad enough to embody remedial legislation needed by all elements of our population, and the unani mity with which you gentlemen speak for those who are known as wago workers, those who be long to the labor organizations, this unanimity among you ought to be imitated by Uiobo who toil in other departments of industry, for that platform is just as true to those who toil upon the farm as to those who toil in the factory; it is as true to those who toil in the exchange of products as to those who toil in the original production. In a word, that platform, it seemn to mo, speaks forth in the Interest of the average man of the common people. And It is because I believe, as stated in the platform, that tho progress of our country must bo measured by the advancement of tho average man, that I appreciate the confidence you have expressed and the pledge of support that you have given. I thank you." 00000000000. STRAWS R. H. Knapp, Brock, Neb. Enclosed find draft for $9.00 for The Commoner to be sent to the following enclosed named persons. Last year it was hard work to get a list of five, or six subscrib ers for Tho Commoner and then only democrats could -be listed. This week I spent about thirty minutes to obtain this list of fifteen. There are names of men on this list who, in 1896 and 1900, thought that Mr. Bryan jvas the most dangerous man in the 'world. There was nothing too mean for them to say about him. Today they have confidence in him. They want to see what he has t to say on the great economic question, of the coming campaign. Does not this show which way the wind Is blowing? Does not this look good to Mr. Bryan? Does it not look good to the rank and file of the democratic party? It looks good to me. . The Commoner will be sent from now until Election Day for Twen ilIfee:. Cents. m;l i i i i i 1 i 1 .4 t ' a j ilt J, ,.i6.-.fcy---"'i f-' ; I' ",- , l.r laftrfttjfrytej i' v ,- .V --"- E.-w, msMH