The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 24, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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The Commoner.
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THE NEW YORK World presents the results
of an Interesting poll. It finds that only
ono of eighty-two delegates who attended the
meeting of the Central Federated union In tho
University Settlement recently was in favor o
Taft, and ho Is a life-long republican. Fifty
throe said definitely that they would support
Bryan, and among the sixteen who wore non
commital two thirds showed a strong leaning
toward him. A number who previously be
longed to the independence league will join
either flic democratic or the -socialist party this
year. Tho result of tho poll follows: Taft 1,
Bryan 03, Debs 11, independence league 1, non-
commltal 1G, total S2. - -
famous over the pen name of "Uncle
Remus," died at Atlanta, Ga July 2. Mr.
Harris was in his sixtieth year. He first achieved
recognition as a writer when he started a series
of animal stories in the Constitution, in which
"Brer Rabbit" was always the hero. At that
time he was twenty-eight years of age. Many
years ago tho royalties of his books made him
financially Independent, but for a long time tho
lovo of newspaper work kept him busy as an
editorial writer. Finally, however, he retired
from newspaper work and devoted his whole
timo to his books. Recently he became con
nected with a magazine bearing his name, as
suming editorial control of it.
THE NORFOLK (Va.) Pilot says: "Tho
Philadelphia Record is a sterling demo
cratic journal. It was opposed to Bryan's nom
ination and argued earnestly that some other
candidate he chosen. Therefore the Record is
a reliable witness as to the merits of tho Guffoy
case, and we find it editorially emphatic in de
claring that the 'delegates unseated were prop
orly thrown out; that they were not elected as
tho result of an honest democratic primary and
had no moral rights to tho seats they claimed.'
This is very gratifying as the testimony of a
party whose motives can not be questioned to
tho justice of the course adopted by the Den
ver convention. Our first impression was to
the contrary and we are glad to be corrected."
THIS WASHINGTON dispatch to the St. Louis
Republic will be interesting to Commoner
readers:. "ThomaB E. Watson's charges that
William J. Bryan has no love for the soldier
of the confederacy, and that he even went so
far' as to vote against Charles F. Crisp, of
Georg a, for speaker of the house in tlie Fifty
second congress becausa the latter was a dis
tinguished ex-confederate, are disproved by no
?SifaUtii0irltymtl!.a? the cgressional Record
Itself. This official publication shows that Mr
.Bryan voted for the confederate veteran on three
occasions. It also shows that Mr. Watson, who
W?iLtmem.ber of thG same Fifty-second congress
with Mr. Bryan, and who was the farmers' alli
ance candidate for speaker in opposition to Mr.
Crisp, voted, for himself for speaker. Colonel
It. J, Bright, son of former Senator Bright, of
Indiana, and who was Colonel Ransdell's pre
decessor as sergeant-at-arms of the senate, said
today that the charge made by Mr. Watson and
circulated by others in thS south for the pur
pose of injuring Mr. Bryan's candidacy was
absurd and entirely without foundation. Colonel
Bright is thoroughly familiar with tho inside
details of the speakership fight. So far as can
be ascertained there is no basis for the rumor
Whatever its inception, there is no doubt that
the report has been assiduously circulated
throughout the south, and there are men in
Washington who are inclined to believe that Mi
WatSon himself should follow up Ws charge
with whatever information ho may have warrant
ing so serious an allegation. The facts of the
case are that in tho first of the Crisp speaker
ship contests, in December, 1891, Mr Brvan
.voted for William M. Springer, o Illinois as
( democratic candidate for speaker, in the part?
caucus, but when the actual 'balloting for speako? r Hm Imnon i . . l'u".jvu
i following day. Mr. Brvnn m n. et "",
, ...n, AfA, jnutjtji- una
all of the latter's supporters, openly voted for
Mr. Crisp and was so recorded in the Congres
sional Record. Two years later, when Mr. Crisp
was chosen speaker, practically without opposi
tion, Mr. Bryan voted for Mr. Crisp, both in
the party caucus and then at the actual election
of speaker in the house of representatives. In
other words, Mr. Bryan voted three times for
an ex-confederate soldier for speaker."
THE ASSOCIATED Press says that Samuel
Gompers sent to William R. Hearst at Paris
a message stating that in view of the democrats'
stand for labor "It would be an act of greatest
patriotism for the independence party to endorse
the democratic platform," and urging him not
to run a third ticket, as it would elect Mr. Taft.
Mr. Hearst's cablegram follows: "Paris, July
13. Tell Mr. Gompers that I am not authorized
to speak for tho membership cf the independence
league, but according to my personal standards,
a purer patriotism consists in laboring to estab
lish a new party which will be consistently de
voted to tho interests of citizenship and particu
larly to the advantage and advancement of the
producing classes. I do not think the patli of
patriotism lies in supporting a discredited and
decadent old party, which has neither conscien
tious conviction nor honest intention, nor en
dorsing chameleon candidates who change the
color of their political opinion with every vary
ing hue of opportunism. I do not think the
best benefit of laboring men lies in supporting
that old party because of a sop of false promises
when the performance of that party while in
power did more to injure labor than all the
injunctions ever issued bofore or since. I have
lost faith in the emphatic protestations of an un
regenerate democracy'. I have lost confidence in
tho ability, in the sincerity and even the integ
rity of its leaders. I do not call it patriotism
to pretend to support that which as a citizen
I distrust, and I earnestly hope the independence
league will give mo an opportunity to vote for
candidates that are both able and honest, and
for a declaration of principles both sound and
sincere. William Randolph Hearst."
IN CONNECTION with Mr. Hearst's statement,
an Associated Press dispatch, dated Erie,
Pa., July 17, will bo of interest. The dispatch
follows: "President Samuel Gompers of the
American Federation of Labor, saia to a repre
sentative of the Associated Press tonight that
there is absolutely no truth in the published re
ports that ho had cabled William R. Hearst, a
leader in the independence league, urging the
editor to use his influence to prevent the league
froiri nominating its own candidate for president
and to urge the league to give its support to
William ( J. Bryan, because the Denver conven
tion incorporated in its platform planks urged
by organized labor. Mr. Gompers said: 'I read
in the newspapers that I am credited with ask
ing Mr. Hearst to. support Mr. Bryan and that
Mr. Hearst has made reply to me. Now I did
nothing of the kind. I do not know where the
message Mr. Hearst claims to have received
came from. I did not send it or any other mes
ago to Mr. Hearst.' "
AN UNUSUALLY interesting dispatch was
sent to the Chicago Record-Herald under
date of New York, July 16. It follows: "Lloyd's
which will insure .you against most anything
from a rainy day to a grease spot on your new
Sunday trousers, has accepted a new risk Dur
ing the last few days it has been writing poli
cies on the election of William J. Bryan. The
agents have placed already over half a million
dollars' worth in the Wall Street district since
Tuesday. They insure at ten per cent. The
policies have been taken out mainly by brokers
and financiers who are long on tho market and
who are anxious to hedge against a smash in
stocks in tho events of Bryan's election, In other
words, at the ten per cent rate a policyholder
has bet say, $10,000 against $100,000 that
Bryan will be elected. The only difference is
that in eltlver event Lloydte keeps the $10;00Q
this making the odds against Bryari J to 1
Bertschmann & Maloy Insurance brokers, of 16
Exchange place, are handling the business, a
member of tho firm said today that a prominent
manufacturer, whose business wuld be affected
by the outcome of the election, had asked hint
"if it would not be possible to get Lloyd's tocover
a risk on the election. The firm cabled and the
Lloyd's official replied that they would accept
a risk at twenty per cent. This proved too high
for the firm's client, and Lloyd's finally came
down to ten per cent, with offers to take more
business. There was no trouble in getting it
Bertschmann & Maloy did $445,000 worth of
business in one day, and have applications for
$1,000,000 more for which they are awaiting
Lloyd's confirmation. It was tho opinion on the
stock exchange that the Lloyd's people would
find themselves swamped -with applications from
would-be policyholders if they continued o offer
policies at the present rate. Farmer Scott, the
worker in puts and calls, said that he could go
up to Tammany Hall and get enough money at
that rate to 'bet Lloyd's to a standstill.' "
TTI? MILWAUKEE Sentinel (rep.) says:
There is fresh evidence daily of Mr. Taft's
remarkably strong strategical position in mak
ing this campaign. Such Is his personality, that
both sections of party opinion find themselves
in agreement on his candidacy. Republicans
who disagree pretty sharply sometimes on party
questions find themselves able to unite heartily
on Mr. Taft as (to quote Mr. Spooner) 'an ideal
man for the presidency.' Mr. Taft was tho
Roosevelt candidate.' No dpubt about that.
But that label does not at all deter men not
Roosevelt republicans' from being Taft repub
licans There is J. Ogden Armour, for instance,
who dislikes Roosevelt and makes no bones of
saying so. But this 'Roosevelt candidate never
theless suits him to a dot. 'The ticket is strong
and sure to win,' says Mr. Armour, 'and with the
election of such candidates the prospects for
prosperity in the United States are excellent.'
Why is it that such republicans who dislike
Kooseyelt most, warmly support Roosevelt's
closest friend and candidate? As to 'policies.'
the two men are in general accord. In point
of honest sincerity and backbone it is an even
thing. Then there must be a world of difference
tZlGre' We 511?8 lt ls one of temperament,
training and methods. President Taft will bo
able to do a ot of housecleaning without smash
ing the crockery and setting fire to the build-
MURAT HALSTEAD, a well known journalist,
a n, d-ied at is home at Cincinnati, July 2.
A Cincinnati dispatch to the Chicago Record-
?? hiSTin T,he dlstinSuined writer's health
has been failing for a year, and a cerebral hem
orrhage yesterday only hastened a gradual, weak-
n!Jing &r0C?f; . H( was seventy-elght years of
age. Mr. Halstead's once, robust constitution
was apparently broken for months before tho
end came. The members of his family have
been prepared in a measure because of his ex
treme frailty, especially since the death of his
?nn2XhalI.,a f?T. mont"sago left him shaken
in health and spirits. His wife, his son Robert
S2L5aUSf SJ' MrS Arthur Stem' were a is
bedside at the end. Mr. Halstead was one of
-the great figures in American journalism and
obtained signal recognition in political life. Con
nected successively with the Cincinnati Commer
cial, the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette upon the
consolidation of the two papers, and the Brook
lyn Standard-Union, and more lately as an in
dependent writer, his influence was always great
m his field. He won special honors as war cor
respondent in two conflicts and in 1889 was op
pointed American minister to Germany by Presi
dent Harrison, his nomination being rejected by
congress because of his fiery attacks on that
body. He was born in Ross Township, Butler
county, Ohio, September 2, 1829. Paddy'o Run,
the nearest postofflqe, was made famous by Mr.
Halstead in later years through a series of news
paper sketches called 'Paddy's Run Papers.' He
K was .brought un.on his fhthor'a fnvm nHanin