- !, rff "V a. V I. I if The Cofflfflonei 2 VOLUME 8, lSTUMBER -JOHN:;- WQMH &ERN v, .& h ; '. mi.. 11 1 .... ..... !. T.lm TCf.f1i 1Fnrt, tho democratic nominco for vico president, Is 'tnlcon from tho Lincoln (Nob.) Evening News: John Worth Korn, who is to bo William Jonnings Bryan's running mato in the Nobras kan's third contest for tho presidency, is a dem ocrat of tho old typo that has dominated tho party in tho IIooHior state sinco tho days of "Old Hickory." Ills democracy is an inheritance that camo through a Virginia ancestry, his forefath-' ors having been friends and neighbors of Thomas .Tofforson, tho founder of tho party. And in Indiana, tho stato of his birth, ho was- schooled in politics under such rockribbed democratio warriors as William II. English, tho vico presi dential candidate when Goneral Winfleld Scott Hancock ran for president against Garfield in 1880, Thomas A. Hondrlcks who, in 1884, sharod tho victory that came to his party with tho first election of Grovor Cleveland, and Daniel W. Voorhees, the "tall sycamore of the Wa bash," as senator from Indiana. With tho passing of theso men, a little more than two decades ago, Mr. Kern rose to tho lead ership of his party in the state. His powers as a speaker, his knowledgo of public affairs, and his fidelity to his party's interests, made him tho most popular domocrat in tho state. Ho has fought in every campaign since then, and after each battle he lost oftener than ho won lie emerged from tho fight with unruffled spirit and, like Mr. Bryan, was ready to be "up and at them again." Tho Miami Indian reservation in the east central part of Indiana was opened for settle ment in 184G. By tho time, tho last of the In dians had departed for new hunting grounds farther west tho settlers began pouring in. Among the firsts to come was Dr. Jacob W. Kern, a native of Virginia, and his wife, wjho was Nancy Liggett before sho married the doctor in Warren county, Ohio. The Kerns were pioneers. In a little while there was a clearing and a garden patch surrounding the little log cabin ln..H.oward, county about four, miles southwest ol the sito of the, city of Kokomo. v It was iii this cabin', and 'amid' 'these sur roundings, that John Worth Kern was bot'n 'De cember 20, 1849," and it was there the'now vice presidential candidate spout the first sfive years of his life. " ' ' Prospects, however, were not bright to the pioneers of that wooded country. Many fam ilies, among them the Kerns, packed up their belongings and moved to Iowa, forming a set- tlomenti Known as thosVHaoster tflow,!' in Warren county, abqut fifteen miles frtfm Des Moines. There Dr. Kern practiced medicine as a country physician while .the son, growing up, worked on tho Xarm most of the year and went to school in tho winter. After ten years of residence in Iowa Mrs. Kern died. Dr. Korn took his little family in the fall of 1864 back to the old home in How ard county, Indiana. The boy had made remark able progress in school in Iowa,, for the limited opportunities afforded. His father sent him to the Indiana Normal Institute, a private school, in Kokomo, two winters. Then he was sent to Ann Arbor, Mich. There he took three years in the English and law departments of the uni versity of Michigan. At the age of nineteen he was graduated from the law department. In tho summer of 1869, before he had reached the age of twenty, John Worth Kern hung out a shingle and began practicing law in Kokomo. He was considered something of a prodigy. The lawyers at first were inclined to make sport of him. But they soon changed their minds. In spite of his youth he showed marked ability as a lawyer, and he soon became popular. His entrance into politics, for which he had a liking, came soon after. He was nominated for the state legislature by the democrats. The district was hopelessly republican and Mr. Kern was defeated, though he had the satisfaction of carrying the city of Kokomo and cutting the republican majority in the district down to a few votes. Mr. Kern's first public office was that of city attorney of Kokomo, which he held by elec tion of tho city council for six terms. -In 1884 Mr. Kern took a hand in the poli tics of .the state. His pa.ty nominated him for reporter of the Indiana supreme court. It was the year of the victory of Grover Cleveland dver Jdmes G. Blaine. The democratic ticket in In diana was swept into power. Mr. Kern served fqur .yeajs is. reporter o J.he .supreme court.. .hid uin. yviia nuuo wim u. uiorougpness sucn as has been characteristic tff'the inanin everything he has undertaken. v Mr. Kern in Indianapolis has been active, in every political campaign. He was nominated for stato senator in the Indianapolis district in 1892', without solicitation on his part and was elected. He served four years. He also served as city attorney of Indianapolis. His popularity throughout the state made him the candidate 1904. But rw t 1 , for governor in1 1900 and' agam in he was defeated at both elections. When Charles Warren Fairbanks returned to Indianapolis in 1904, after he had received the nomination for the vice presidency in the republican convention in Chicago, the people of his home city turned dut to greet him. One of the first men to grasp his hand was John W. Kern. In politics Mr. Kern and MrvrFairbanks had been leaders of rival' parties--political ene mies they were and in every campaign It was a fight to the "last ditch." But when Mr. Kern stood before that crowd and spoke' a welcome to Mr. Fairbanks it was the heart expression of an old friend and neighbor. "John was always that way," was the com ment of a rampant democrat of the "Old Hick ory1' type, who couldn't understand how any democrat could say so many good things about a republican. Mr. Kern may properly be called an idol of his party in Indiana. In Indianapolis, however, he is best loved as a citizen. Tn the twenty-four years of his residence there he has' shown an interest in the well being of the city and has stood for a high standard of citizenship. He has been a member of the Indianapolis Commer cial club and has served as its president, a posi tion without emoluments, but 'one of honor in which he had opportunities to do work for his community.' The Commercial club' is non-partisan republicans. - " Mrs. Kern is a leader1 in social circles and is widely known in literary and culture club work. Mr. and Mrs. Kern have three children Miss Julia Kern, the eldest, is a leader in tho younger set of Indianapolis society. The other children are John W. Kern, Jr., nipe years old, and-William H.. Kern, five years. old.,v ,r, . John W, Kern is a supporter, of .the policies which have been advocated "by William ' 3'. Bryan." He' is- a speaker of more" than 'usual attractiveness. . .t , ... y, u; -,'!,; 4u. .r -IU. imii ifum.-i O'H? jiKiti rhe Commoner will be sent '" - '. v "i ,. f ii from now until Election Day for Twenty-five Cents.-.'-TZ, MR. KERN WITH HIS HOME FOLKS t Johti Yfc Korri, democratic nominee for vice presiuenx, visueu mr. juryan at Fairview Mon day, July 13, returning to his home at Indianap olis, July 15. People at Indianapolis gave Mr. Kern a monqter non-partisan reception. The Associated Press tells the story in this way: Indianapolis, Ind., July 15. Tho reception .given John W. Kern, the newly selected demo cratic candidate for vice president of the United States, held in the court house yard at 8:30 o'clock was as hearty and spontaneous as tho cit izens of Indianapolis, regardless of politics, could make it. Fully 5,000 people gathered in Dela ware street, and in tho court house yard gave Mr. Kern a hearty welcome and cheered him enthu siastically tonight. Tho newly made candidate addressed the big crowd for about twenty min utes after being presented by Charles W. Fair banks, vice prosldent of the United States. Four years ago Mr. Korn presented Mr. Fairbanks to a big non-partisan gathering under similar conditions. The crowd which received Mr. Kern was in a cheering mood, it cheered Mrs. Kern and Wil liam Kern and John W. Kern, Jr., when they came on the stand. Republicans applauded as loudly as tho democrats. Mr. Kern arrived in the city - little after C o'clock tonight and was escorted to his home by a large procession. Two hours later he went to the court house with Vice President Fair banks. Tho crowd gathered early and while waiting for the exorcises to begin the Indianapo lis military band gave a concert of popular airs wiien uio carriage in wmcii Mr. Kern and was the signal for a tumult of applause and when th'e two distinguished mdn alighted they were greeted by round after round of cheers. Mayor Bookwalter extended a greeting as Mr. Fairbanks and Mr. Kern asce -Zed the platform. Mr. Bookwalter with a few brief remarks presented Vice President Fairbanks. "We have met," thermayor said, "to do honor to a fellow citizen who has brought honor to all of us." Tribute by Fairbanks Vice President Fairbanks spoke for about ten minutes, paying a fine tribute to his frienl and neighbor,. John W. Kern. Mr! Fairbanks spoke as follows: "Mayor Bookwalter and Fellow Citizens The duty which you have assigned to me Is a very unusual and a very agreeable one. 'The occasion does not impose upon me the necessity of indulging in any extender! ntt0i.f.nAA ;, oi ' .an . . iao5 ,m "Mr. Kern, I shall always remjeniber with sincere appreciation the generduspd- hearty welcome extended, to me four years .ago. It is particularly gratifying now to me at this as semblage to perform a similar office, for you. "The 'honor which the Denver1 convention bestowed upon you seems of the, greatest which can be conferred upon an American citizen by his political associates. Honor came to you in a manner to enhance ;it. It earned through the unanimous judgment of a great convention. "While we owe allegiance to two great po litical parties our difference of opinion has never disturbed our friendships nor marred our per gonal relations, X admire you as a friend, nelgh hor and fellow citizen and rejoice' with you in the great distinction which your party has been pieasea 10 confer upon you in nominating you function ia to nroqlrio nnrt w . J w.oc w wura ujjuu you m nominating you sembled. Wo have gathered here without regard to party alignment to welcome and congratulate a fellow citizen who has been greatly honored. We appreciate fully the fact that an honor which comes to one of our fellow citizens Is an honor iwUrni ntIro ltizenship. it i8 a gratifying fact and SJh?55iUP,cl,y haS growa In Population SS1?8?11!1 and commercial strength, we ;': rrVrr ".U1. uE"ony spirit. We still campaigns are usually waged with ardor upon both side3, but -e never' fail to applaud our neighbor though he 'differ with us, If he wins distinguished honors. We never withhold from hiip an expression of our neighborly. Apprecia tion. S!5 ?? te"rest ln Ga othor's welfare and I yice President Fairbanks arrived tho band start- grow wo ZiiSOW ?. .ur city may L"When Johnny Comes Marching Home,7 This, S'olw$&?ntlmi reJIC . Your neighbors know that no .matter how much men may disagree with your political views they respect your ability as a lawyer, your emi nence as an oratotf, your integrity as a raan, your uprightness as a neighbor and ypUr admirable life within the sabred circle of home. "I can notw!sli you successMnyour cause. I can, however, exnress tho nnrfnin nnvlntion imJib8&W? .w,1lr AfiimAlft &te0lased t ru