The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 24, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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    "."twianw jiMt!t'Tr,vi?wyiT'y.jf--wvwimiJ7::i. y"Qmniwtmtvjtr "
JULY 2'4,-190S
The Commoner.
S " """ ana .-
0, but it's, dull and lonesome, and
the house is strangely still,
.When the day is done and the set
ting sun hangs low o'er the west
ern hill;
Silent and dull and lonely, for now
at the close of day,
No shouts of glee are awaiting me
the kiddies have gone away.
Left me, their dear hands waving,
and faces alight with joy
Rena so tall, Margaret small, Dor'thy
and wee Dickey Boy.
'And so, when the twilight gathers,
and daylight fades to gloom,
Silent and sad and lonely I wander
from room to room.
There in the corner lying a tattered
and well-worn shoe,
'And I think I see in my fancy free a
pink toe peeping through.
A small suubonnet hanging just there
on the bedroom wall,
And out of the gloom of the quiet
room ghost voices seem to call
Voices of happy children who left
. me but yesterday
For the woods and streams and the
sunlight gleams of the quiet coun
try way.
And the ghostly echoes answer the
call of my lonely heart,
And, I seem to see hands beckon me
.oyer. the. miles that part.,
Silent and sad and lonely but out
in the country way,
The kiddies run in the wind and sun,
happy and free and gay,
EjLctyngjthe.How.ers that blossom, and
weaving their daisy, chains,
Joining in as they play along
,in the shade of the country lanes.
And the echoes of joy come to me
as sitting alone out here,
I dream day dreams of the woods
and streams that confront my
kiddies dear.
Silent and dull and lonely, and the
home sounds strangely stilled
But "my children play in the country
Way and my heart with joy is
The world is full of fools, I trow,
But I would have you note
The-biggest fool that we may know
"Is the fool that rocks the boat.
take at
"What course did you
"Rowing, football, high jump,
quar4ter-mile dash, baseball, hammer
throw and discus throw."
"Did your son acquit himself with
credit at college?"
"I should say bo," replied Farmer
Corntossel. "I don't expect to get
his bills-paid for a year."
applicant. For the last twenty
years I've been writing editorials for
a standpat paper advocating revision
of the tariff after the next election."
A Sign of Dyspepsia
Then and Now
Referring to your early married
days remember with what pride
you handed your wife that first ten
dollar bill?
Also, remember how hard it was
to cough up that two-dollar bill yesterday?
Emergency Currency
It's the five-dollar bill the friend
lets you have just when you have
come to the conclusion that every
friend you have is broke as flat as
you are.
That's one kind of emergency cur
rency that we want to see inflated.
"My goodness, man; what did you
mean by attacking the fame of that
old hero? The people worship his
"O, that's all right," said the can
didate. "I was just merely giving
them a chance to learn how much
bigger he is than they thought he
was." "
"I have ordered my chaffeur to
be very careful and not speed up
too high," said Otto Mabeel.
"That is good," I said. "I am
glad to see you are so considerate
of the rights of pedestrians."
"I ain't worrying about them, but
every time I hit one it either costs
me the price of a new lamp or I've
got to pay for having the machine
cleaned off."
"I see,. that the republican organs
are referring to the tail of the ticket
as 'Sunny Jim' o.f Utica."
"Yes, and the sunnier it is the
better he.Jikes it. He's president
of an ico, company."
. ., . Competent"
"This;'?-said the man with a great
scheme who was looking f5r some
one to put it through for him, "is
something- that must be handled cautiously-and.
with conservatism. Do
you thlnk-you are fitted for the job?"
"Welty!I guess yes," 'replied the
The trust managers were in ses
sion, discussing the political situa
tion. "Guess that Chicago platform is
all right, isn't it?" queried one.
"Safe!" ejaculated another.
"Didn't we see to it that it was
properly vestibuled?"
There being no further business
before the meeting the date for the
"frying" not having been set, ad
journment was taken.
Parenthetically it might be stated
that adjournment is about all that is
left for the trusts to tafce.
Not Guilty
to spell divers and sundry words that
come to her mind. A somewhat frag
rant old pipe, the companion of many
a long work day, must appear some
where in the picture if it is at all
But as for looking like either of
the gentlemen appearing above not
After the Marriage
Remember the first time you for
got to kiss her until after you got
on the car, then jumped off at the
next crossing and went back, to find
her in tears. Glad then you had for
gotten, eh'!
And of course you remember the
first bread she baked. What a liar
you were when she asked you about
Say, remember the first time her
father and mother visited you after
you had the littlo cottage all fitted
up and the duplicates scattered in
different rooms. Busted all the but
tons off your vest when you swelled
up, eh?
But remember the dav vou cot
home a little earlier than usual and
before she could hide em' you saw
some little white huh! What's the
use. There hasn't been a day like
it since, eh?
"No, sir!" exclaimed the high
browed judge, "I will not modify
the Injunction which I have prepared
at the request of the Consolidated
Rigamajig company. They are al
ready paying the best wages they
can a wage that is eminently fair
and I insist that you shall not in
terfere with their business by strik
ing for higher wage. Property must
bo protected."
"But, your honor," said the legal
representative of the workingmen,
"wo want an Injunction restraining
Ua.Q Consolidated Rigamajig company
from lowering our wages."
"Impossible!" thundered the
judge. "Under present industrial
conditions it Is Impossible to main
tain the high standard heretofore
Whereupon labor withdrew, hav
ing found both' ends of the injunc
tion poker properly heated for its
A good friend unknown and un
seen, but yet a friend writes from
Georgia, to ask if one of the two
faces seen in the heading of this de
partment is not meant for that of the
architect who fills the space below it.
Not guilty!
When the portrait of the architect
at work Is presented it will show a
rather fat man seated in front of a
typewriter machine, beads of pers
piration dropping from his fevered
brow, a small girl on one side reach
ing for his lead pencil, a small boy
on the other side insisting on manip
ulating the keys of the machine, and
a somewhat larger girl seated near
by and insisting on being told how
Ever go back to the old home of
your boyhood, swelled up with the
idea that you were some pumpkins
and that the villagers were just
tickled to death to have such a dis
tinguished visitor among them?
And did you over stand around
talking to the admiring throng and
impressing them with your wisdom,
and have some fellow butt in and
"Ha, ha-, Bill! Remember th'
time you went out after watermelons
an' got hold o' that one that was
chuck full er tartar emetic?" -
There's always somebody ready to
step forward and take the wind out
of a fellow's sails.
Brain Leaks
Idleness is never a vacation.
Satiety Is not always satisfaction.
Also, thejo is governmedt by con
junction. Discontent with work Is the worst
kind of servitude.
Inspiration that comes in bottles
is tinctured with regrets.
The love of work is tfie joy of
living if it is well requited.
The harder you lift for your fel
lows the less danger of their pulling
you down.
We've noticed that a whole lot of
people who arc so much in favor of
"teaching the children to work" are
ihn .Tfnnl who are much more irtr
terested in the profits theycan mtffte
- . ;. vki.'. lit,
from child labor than they are la '
tho welfare of tho children.
The worst thing about tho "ond
seat hog" is that ho won't shovo
over and give you his choice place.
Wo'd walk soveral blocks out o'f
our way for a sight of a swoet-fatc1l
old woman knitting a pair of woolen
Ever notice what a "big lone
somo" accumulates In a small cot
tage when the wlfo and babies arc
Chicago is known as tho "Windy
City," which may explain tho adop
tion of a pneumatic platform a few
days ago.
When the average man makes up
his mind to take a vacation ho be
gins making preparations to go out
and kill something.
Tho man who courts tomptation
for tho purposo of displaying hlii
strength usually ends up by adver
tising his weakness.
This Is the time of year when a
city man dreams of tho agricultural
llfo and has a nightmare evory time
ho thinks of having to mow tho lawn.
"Pa," said littlo Tommy, getting
a bright Idea, "I can do somothlng
you can't."
' "What?" -domandod his father.
"Grow!" replied the youngster.
Philadelphia Press.
fltf Kot" ,,n ,l0,u,''t noinocnitc pnjirr In U.S.
WWVj quo year. Tho Hornet, itlxhy. N, a.
n?JE!FiS MW'Y, I,. Oklahoma ami
T. exa? farm lands. Aronts wanted. WrJtu C. W.
Demliijf Investment Co., Tulsa, Qkln.
j R.S.AA.D.LACEY.WashlnTton.O.C Eatab.18gj
Asthma l'crcfl athomc. Tiial treatment
and lull information absolutely freo
of any rlifir. Wrlto Front lur AnUimu Coin"
imny, Koom HOJ, Ituffalo, N. Y.
PH T E N T S BKcimico on vkk
rn t. n 1 O KJ5TUKNI3D
Free report u to Patentability. Jllustratod Ou(d
IS$ ,12ot, UfUH!XPUom Wanted, scntfroo.
ICVAN8, WJLICJCNS & CO., WnshhurUm. D. 0
Good pay, steady work mid promotion. Kxporlonce
nllmy t? wu wi." Kfc0 CW Instructions.
Danville Tobacco Co., Bex A 86, Danville, Va.
All About Texas
Oklahoma. Arkama. Louisiana. New Mexico
Homes for tho homeless, prosperity for the Indus
trious. Tho homo builders' guide. Send stamp for
cample copy.
FARM AND RANCH, Dallas, Texas.
Millions of acros school Jand to bo sold by thcStatc.
11.00 to KM per aero; only ono-fortlcth cali and
i?y?re l!"l " wa'nncc; 3 per cent Interest; only
J1Z0O cash for KO acres nt $3.00 per acre. Orcatcnt
opportunity; wplcndld land; send CO cents for Hook
of InistrurtloiiH and New state Law. J. J. Hnyder.
Bchool Land Locator. 140 flth t, Austin. Texas.
Reference, Austin National Jiank, also UjI paper.
one islzo smaller after uslnar Allen's Foot-Kasc, a
powder to bo shaken Into tho shoes. It makes tight
or now rhocs feel easy; gives iulanl relief to corns
and bunions. Jt' tho greatest comfort discovery of
tho age. Allen's Foot-Easo Is n certain euro for
tired, sweating, hot, aching feet. At all druggists
and shoe stores. 25c Don't accept any subttltuto.
For FHKIS trial package, also Free Bamplooftho '
FOOT-KA8I5 Sanitary CO KN-PAD, a new inven
tion, address Allen 8. Olmsted. Ie Itoy, N. Y.
"Banking by mail made safe."
Why leave your surplus money whoro
a loss of eamo Is possible? ,
Why not take advantage of the Depo
sitors Guaranty Law of the State of
We pay four per cent on Tlmo and Sav
ings Deposits.
We want your business and offer every
facility for the handling of tho same.
Will send booklet containing law and
other Information on application.
Guaranty State Bank, Muskogee, ,
J. D, Benedict, President M. G. Haskell, Cashier
'i . Our Deposits Guaranteed.
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