The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 24, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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    i,y,- - t, wi tw ynwiWi,,ggy?y'i!i''r'"ii,y wff''jwr'
The Commoner.
How tho Baby Grows
Nobody soos the baby grow,
Baby doar, with tho laughing oyes,
Who camo to our houao a year ago,
Looking over so wrinkled and wino,
But ovory day of tho happy yoar
Ho has taken upon him some
beauty now,
A.nd as for growing, why, this ,is
clear i
He's never had anything else to do!
Grandmamma says, "When he's
Then it is that tho baby grows;"
Close to tho crib wo often creep
To watch; but wo don't think
Grandma knows.
Never a fringe of the golden hair,
Clustering softly around his brow,
Lengthens the leaBt while wo are
And yet it is growing the wonder,
Teacher talks of chemical things
Which into a secret lifo combine,
And mothor, listening, softly sings,
"O, God bo good to this boy of
And into the sunny, summer days,
Or into IC2 winter's evenings cold,
She weaves tlu notes of her joyful
While closely about him her arms
Nobody sees tho baby grow
Butjoyer Mb rosy little face
The prettiest ripples of laughter flow,
Tho dancing dimples merrily
The tiny feet aro learning to walk,
Tho rounding limbs aro growing
Tho lisping tongue is learning to talk,
As cheerily pass the days along.
Margaret Sangster.
Ions about, seeing only parts of it at
a timo. A smaller magnifier will
reveal tho whole of the insect. A
drop of water will show you marvels
of life of which you have never
dreamed. Tho activity of tho living
animalcule contained in this crystal
world will interest you more than
you have any idea of, by merely
reading of it. You can never know
what a beautiful world we live in if
you aro only acquainted with tho
coarser form of life, and you will
never regrot tho purchase of even a
small magnifier. Try it this summer.
Tho Lesson of tho Microscope
Tho value of the microscope can
scarcely be urged upon you too often
or too strongly. Several of our read
ers, wlio aro interested In our boys
and girls, write me to keep the sub
ject tooforo tho parents, as nothing
enlarges tho power of the oyes more
than the use of the microscope. No
printed page is moro instructive, and
fow aro more full of delight not
only to tho cbildren, but to thoir eld
ers, as well. The instrument need
not be large, or cos'tly indeed, it
should not be, as the complications
of the large instrument -would prob
ably confuso and discourage. A very
high magnifying power is not desir
able, but the lens should bo steadily
mounted, and the magnifying pow
ers may run from ten diameters to
ft hundred for tho beginner, and for
the intelligent observation of mnnv
minute objects, one may need a lit
tle instruction and help at first, and
it is well to read some good work
for guidance. There are luany such
books on tho market, at various
It Is astonishing how few persons
have ever used even a Bmall pocket
magnifier, or have any idea of tho
wonaers the use of one will unfold.
A little lens, costing perhaps half a
ouar, win open before your eyes
uw worm, wiui a race, or races
of living tilings that will astonish
and interest even the dullest. A fly's
wing, when seen through a magnifier
of ono hundred diameters will ap
pear ton thousand tirae3 as largo as
It really is, because the instrument
magnifies it one hundred times each
way, and you will have to movo the
A Proper Carriage
Correct carriage of the body and
oaso of movement aro almost synony
mous, When one stands, tho heels
should be always drawn together, and
tho abdomen drawn in; if this is done
the lower limbs are straight, no.
slouching at tho knees, and the shoul
ders will be well placed. If the spine
is erect, the arms fall straight and
parallel with the logs, and should
always bo carried by the shoulder
blades. This broadens and expands
the chest and throws the weight of
tho arms upon the backbone. When
the vertebra is erect, the head will
naturally ha held properly. When
tho position is correct, the body is
easily balanced on the ball of the
foot, the chest is held high, and a
general ease of movement is notice
able in all the limbs. If the body is
harmoniously -poised, all occupations
sitting, walking or working will be.
done with a minimum of fatigue. A
healthy expansion of tho muscles is
rarely really tiring, and to be whole
somely tired is the best promoter of
wholesome sleep. When the proper
position becomes a habit, the daily
growth of muscles in, strength and
flexibility is assured, Nothing is
moro tiresome than to walk or work
with tho shoulders thrown forward,
and tho body in a position "topple
or in cold weather. A sponge Is far
better than a wash-rag for tho bath,
but only tho finest sponges should
be used, and "both sponge and wash
rag must be well washed, aired and
dried in the sun, or at least in fresh
air, every time they are used. The
finest imported brand of castile soap
should bo used nothing is too good,
and these soaps should qontain a very
large percentage of olive oil. Wet
the head and face before the rest
of the body. A bath should bo given
every day, if not found to be debili
tating. Brief immersions and brisk
but gentle rubbings with the hand
should be beneficial. It. is not the
time, but the regularity of the bath
that is essential. The same hour
should be used every day, but the
bath must not be given until at least
an hour after the child has taken
food. The child should be allowed
to rest for a little while after the
bath, laying it down when dressed,
and leaving it alone. For drying, the
towels should be of the softest and
most absorbent material, and a brisk
rubbing with the palm after its use
will establish a good circulation. For
dolicate children, the hand may be
dipped in olive oil before the rub
bing. A good talcum powder should
be used in the folds of the skin,
about the neck, ears, arm pits, under
tho joints, and wherever there are
folds of the skin, i 1 inelv nowdered
starch, or talc, or lycopodium powder
may be used. Do not use a cheap,
hignly scented powder, as much per
fume is not desirable for the tiny
child. A perfectly clean child is a
sweet-smelling child, and there is no
odor more agreeable than that of a
healthy, clean little child. A good
borated talcum poWder will prevent
chafing, prickly heat, and many skin
troubles common among young children.
Wghtr tho soap will flow from tho
stirring stick like thick molasses; but
if:,iti remains thin freraovoitho fire,
let cool over night, autt. inrthe morn
ing drain it carefully into" another
vessel, taking care" that no sediment
or settling is allowed to pass out with
it. Wash the kettle and', return the
mixture, and bring to a brisk boil; if
the dirt was the trouble, it will now
be thick and good; if it is still thin,
tho lye was- probably too .strong, and
rainwater should be gradually added,
a small quantity at a time, until it
thickens A little common sense
and experience will help out in tho
education of the soap maker.
over" at tho least movement.
Deep Breathing
Thore are three distinct, breathings
of the body tho chesft or Upper
breath; the middle, which fills the
lower lungs, and thp lower, or
abdominal breath,; ndne of these
should be used alone. The majority
of women breathe , in tho chest or
upper part' of the lungs Anly, while
it is absolutely necessary' f or nealth
to cleanse tho lungs of impure air
by filling them with a dpep intake
breath of pure air as regularly as
possible. The majority of women do
not use their spine, or the muscles of
the back properly, but throw all the
work upon the muscles of the chest,
the abdomen and the fore part of tho
arm. ir. tliey would broathe deeply
while walking or working, assuming
the proper position of the body at
each exorcise, they would in a very
great measure rid themselves of tho
tendency to sickness especially ner
vous disorders. Medical Magazine.
For Baby's Bath
Unless the weather is very warm,
we are told that a young child should
always be bathed before a fire; all
doors and windows must be closed
and a folding screen is a good thing
to place around the bath tub to shut
out all drafts of air. The washing
and drying should bo done thor
oughly, and at tho same timo rapid
ly. It Is always well to have a soft
warm blanket at band In case the
,baby should' become suddenly chilled,
Something About Soaps
Home made soaps can be put to so
many good uses on the farm that it
Is well to save all the fatty scraps
that would otherwise be thrown away
or wasted. An economical method
for saving these scraps is to have a
keg, barrel, or old kettle in some
sunny, out-of-the-way place, and
have it half full of good, strong lye.
Into this drop all scraps or pieces of
fatty substance of whatever 1 ind as
you have them, Btirring every 'few
days; keep covered of nights and
rainy days, but let have as much sun
al p?fs!ble- A11 raw meats or fat
sbould bo baked or fried brown be
fore adding to the lye, in order that
it may bo acted upon at once, and
?u0t i,Vr or create a ba smell. In
the fall, put this in a large soap ket
tle and boil for several hours, adding
more grease or lye, or water as in
dicated. If the bones have not been
consumed, skim them out, rinso off
and throw them away, turning the
rinse water back into the kettle.
Lye will consume just enough
grease, and no moro, and if there
should be too much grease, it 'will
raise to the top, and must be
skimmed off for another time. In
making soap, when you think the
mixture has boiled long enough, take
a spoonful from the kettle and stir
into it a spoonful of soft water; if It
stirs up quite thick, the soap Is good
and will keep. If it "thins," it is
not good, and this is caused gener
ally by ono of three things: It is
either too weak, or there Is dirt In
it, pr the lye is too Btrong. Boil it
a fow hours longer, and then, if It is
Homc-mado Soap
"Sun Soap To twenty pounds of
clear grease, take seenteeri pounds
of pure white potash; the potash
should be in as fine lumps as can be
had. Place the potash in the bot
tom of tho soan barrel, which must
bo water-tight and strongly hooped.
Boil the grease and pour it, boiling
hot, over the potash; then add two
wooden nallfuls of boiline hot rain
water; dissolve one pound of borax
in two quarts of boiling hot water,
add to the grease and lye and stir all
together thoroughly. Let stand over
night, and next morning add two
pailfuls of cold soft water and stir
for half an hour; continue this until
a barrel holding thirty-six gallons is
filled. In a week's .should bo
fit for use. The borax can be added
to the grease while boiling, and a
pound of resin added with it. Soap
made in this manner always "comes,"
and is of excellent quality. Tho
grease must be tried out, free from
scraps, rinds, bones, or "any dirt of
any kind, Good soap can not bo
made of,4Jrty grease.
Another-r-nMake of good, hardwood
ashes, or potash, a lye strong enough
to float an egg, showing a bit of. tho
shell, abqut as t large vas, a;:)tfincent
piece out of tle lye. Set( the vessel
(usually an iron kettle), containing
the lye in a. sunny place, and to each
gallon of lye add one pound of clear,
clean grease tallow, rancid, lard,
strong butter, or the like and stir
thoroughly, repeating .the stirring
daily until a good soap results; cover
the vessel at night and during rainy
weather, but let have all the; suu pos
sible. The soap will be of. a golden
color, and will serve excellently for
all laundry pr. farm purposes.
To clear the grease, have a kettle
containing a lye o good strength
over the fire; drop into it any ma
terial whatever on .hand soup
bones, meat rinds, cracklings, drip
pings, ,skimming&, or any refuse of
a fatty nature, r.nd boil until all tho
fat Is extracted. Leave to get cold,
skim off all grease, and use as abpve.
Soaps should not be used for sev
eral months after making, or. until
the lye , is. thoroughly blended with
the other' igredienta by a,ge.
Query Box
F. M. I can not give the rules for
bridge whist. (2) Ask yonr book
dealer. ,
S. S. For moist hands; wash in
clear hot water, rinse in cold, dry,
and dust with -rice powderj
M. K. Larding needles can bo
purchased at any house furnishing
store, or a penknife ran be used.
J. G. As a nile, flesh-eating ani
mals aro not regarded as wholesome
foods. JMdst ilesh foods are from
herbivorous' .animals.
"Perplexed" It is said that tho
human body slves off about three
pints of moisture every twenty-four
hours, which is principallyabsorbed
by the clothing.
Mr., H. . D. Gather the- herbs
. f r. Wnrewnv's Soothwjci Sxjmm; forchlldrca
teothlnj- should always be used ftir children whll
teouung. it Boflans tho gums, WlaySUio palH.
wind, ,cpHc and Js Uie feost WHiwly,. fcc dl
rhdea. Twority-nvo cente abottle.' ' fy
w- u